Thursday, July 18, 2013

Propensity smoking can be identified by their first cigarette

For most people, the first train nicotine causes malaise, cough, nausea, and even, as some feel with pleasant feelings. The scientists decided to find out why so many different feelings. Scientists conducted a study and found that the first experiences with smoking affects human genome. People who experience a pleasant feeling at the first puff, were carriers of the gene, which is not only affected the rapid emergence of dependence, but also the development of lung cancer, the researchers reported. The researchers said that the carriers of the abnormal gene increases the risk of lung cancer than other smokers. The researchers found that when the substance dopamine receptors in the rat, the experts in the position, an impact, positive or negative response of rats to yield the first hit of nicotine have been in the body. The researchers conducted a study in humans, which was attended by 435 people. Some of the participants have tried smoking, but not to keep looking, and some were smoking at least five cigarettes per day for the last 5 years. The results showed that smokers frequent changes in gene CHRNA5, than those who did not come on are smoking. Experts say this discovery could to smoke for the diagnosis of addiction and the development of new therapies are used by affecting gene CHRNA5.

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