Sunday, July 7, 2013

The number of smokers in Russia is growing at 1.5 - 2 percent

The number of smokers in Russia annually. By 1.5-2 percent, including the cost of women and youth Called on it in today's video head Health Minister Tatyana Golikova, ITAR-TASS reported. According to the minister, the growth rate of smokers in Russia are among the highest in the world, and the number of cigarettes smoked by the Russians is growing at 2-5 percent. "The country is now smoke more than 40 million people: 63 percent of men, 30 percent women, 40 percent of boys and 7 percent of girls," - said Golikov. According to Tatyana Golikova to the effects of smoking on the 2009, the government planned to tackle a range of activities to health care to improve cancer patients and healthy lifestyle. Recently, the death rate from cancer in Russia is to grow. In 2007 it accounted for 202.3 per 100 thousand people, and a year earlier - 200.9. Overall mortality observed in Russia at the age of 64 from cancer are 30 percent higher than in the developed EU countries. Particularly high mortality of cancer patients in the first year after diagnosis, indicating that the late detection of the disease, she said. Unacceptably high. Golikova and after drinking up to 18 liters per capita in terms of pure alcohol This also explains the low life expectancy of Russian men compared to women. "These areas are the most difficult because of the fact that they require major changes in the organization of prevention and treatment, significant financial resources and most importantly - change the attitudes of citizens for their health.", - Prlcherknula Golikov

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