Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Scientists have derived mice with liver ageless

Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York were able to slow down the aging process of the liver tissue in laboratory mice. Bred rodents they do an excellent job with the processing of foreign chemicals, even in old age. It is known that with the aging of the organism in the cells of various organs and tissues accumulate proteins that have lost its function due to various injuries of the structure. To reduce unwanted substances to specific cell organelles - lysosomes. However, with age lysosomes stop cope with the increased workload. The role of clusters of damaged proteins in the cells of various tissues and organs are not currently understood. According to one version, these clusters are a simple consequence of aging changes at the cellular level, on the other - they are one of the main reasons for these changes. To clarify the role of clusters of non-functional proteins, researchers decided artificially stimulate the process of refining. To do so, they added an extra copy of the gene in mice, the gene for one of the receptors in the identification and expansion of lysosomes damaged protein molecules involved. From previous studies it was known that with increasing age, the number of these receptors is reduced in mammalian cells. As it turned out, this manipulation is really slow the aging process of the liver of rodents. So, to deal with older mice genetically modified with the installation of large doses of muscle relaxant no worse than the young animals, and significantly better than the mice of the same age with normal genetic load. These results show that the clusters of damaged proteins is a major cause of age-related disorders of the liver, the study authors. According to study author Ana Maria Cuervo (Ana Maria Cuervo), fight the same way as the years disorders of the liver and other organs in humans is problematic for ethical reasons. However, the practical application of our scientists in medicine after the drug in any way to promote splitting clusters of deformed proteins in cells without genetic manipulation.

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