The World Health Organization warns of a sharp increase in the level of drug resistance in tuberculosis in the world. Leading position in the number of cases of drug-resistant TB or the former Soviet Union is occupied. WHO report "Resistance to anti-TB drugs in the world," based on data collected from 90 thousand patients in 81 countries between 2002 and 2006. According to experts, the proportion of cases of MDR-TB in about 5% of the total number of patients (approximately 500,000 of the 9 million annually to the patient). Particularly high prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the former Soviet Union. For example, in the Azerbaijani capital Baku pathogens were infected with multi-drug resistance to 22.3% of total patients. In Moldova, the comparable figure was 19.4%, in Donetsk - 16%, in the Tomsk region, Russia 15%, in Tashkent - 14.8%. Chinese statistics also shows the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant TB in the country. According to recent data, in north-eastern China resistant forms of up to 7.5% of the total number of infections. The prevalence of drug resistant tuberculosis in Africa is still unknown: most African countries are not able to provide the relevant statistics for lack of laboratories able to conduct appropriate tests adequately.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Depression can be treated with antidepressants in adolescents not only
Teens struggle with depression will help the combined treatment, such as using only medication is not always effective, say U.S. scientists. Depression occurs in four out of ten young people. You can, by also helping to psychotherapy drugs, the researchers said. Although not the first successful treatment, the combination therapy should deliver results. In the experiment, 334 patients aged 12 to 18 years participated with severe depression that does not help drug treatment for 2 months. The study was conducted in the period from 2000 to 2008 and was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The results showed that about 55 percent of patients with different antidepressants, psychotherapy by on the road to recovery were. Compared with 41 percent of patients receiving the drug were only replaced without psychotherapy. According to experts, the results represent a step closer to the choice of treatment for adolescents with chronic and severe depression. As previously reported, the results of the researchers at the University of Oregon, the effectiveness of antidepressants exaggerated several times.
Women who smoke during pregnancy put their unborn children and himself in great danger
Smoking during pregnancy leads to the risk of pre-eclampsia in women. Preeclampsia is the cause of death of hundreds of newborns. Women who smoke during pregnancy put their unborn children at risk. Pre-eclampsia - a serious disease that occurs during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, the shape of late toxemia of pregnancy. Serious illness of a violation of all the major systems and organs. The main symptom - cramping muscles of the body, accompanied by a loss of consciousness (coma). Also increases women who smoke, the risk of premature birth and mortality. According to doctors, it is necessary to educate women for interviews and on the dangers and risks they put themselves and their child. Eclampsia usually occurs at delivery, at least during and after pregnancy. Common in women who give birth for the first time, especially the elderly and women with diseases of the liver, kidney, cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and other systems.
UN struggles to reduce the practice klitorektomii
UN calls for combating klitorektomii practice in countries where the procedure is performed for religious reasons, reports the BBC. According to the UN every year three million girls undergo the dangerous process - circumcision clitoris. The vast majority of these girls are from Africa. The practice of removing the clitoris girls during early puberty is widely used in some cultures and is very dangerous for the health of the girl. Representatives from 10 countries at the UN wants to reduce the tendency of female circumcision in 2015. In some countries this practice is maintained to ensure the preservation of virginity to a woman of marriageable age. But that leads to bleeding, caused shock, infection, and also leads to an increased mortality in the offspring of such mothers, according to UN officials. About 140 million women have undergone this procedure in 28 countries in Africa and parts of Asia and the Middle East. Klitorektomiyu also do girls and women who have left their country and in the West. UN officials say that traditions are often stronger than laws. Therefore, it is not enough court decisions in order to solve this problem. In their view, the most effective impact is a change within the community.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Omega-3 fats are much simpler joint
Scientists at the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center study the effectiveness of omega-3 fats (eykozapentanovoy and docosahexaenoic acid) in the treatment of inflammation of the joints. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to facilitate various pain to millions of people around the world. However, these drugs can cause a number of side effects such as diarrhea, bleeding, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, so the doctors are constantly in search of a less hazardous alternatives. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 250 patients diagnosed with "inoperable back pain" NSAIDs. Each of them two weeks to get 2.4 g of omega-3 fats in the day, and then another eight weeks to 1.2 g of omega-3 fats in the week. After the experiment, patients completed the questionnaire. It was found that 69% of respondents reported relief of joint pain, 50% were able to avoid taking NSAIDs, and 80% indicated their satisfaction with the changes on by omega-3 fats brought. Side effects of a patient. Although the experiment was not placebo-controlled study created, we should consider an increase in the proportion of dietary omega-3 fatty acids, which can be obtained from linseed oil, rapeseed oil, raw (not roasted nuts) and oily fish, or just a supplement fish oil.
Scientists have created an alternative to antibiotics
Scientists have created an alternative to antibiotics harmful to our bodies. The basis of the new drugs formed natural stimulants. Researchers at the University campus in Chapel Hill, North Carolina offered a new drug-free method of dealing with the bacteria. Study author Mark Shoenfish a unique nanoscale framework comprising of quartz and oxides of nitrogen. On the antimicrobial properties of nitric acid, scientists have known for a long time, but the challenge was to deliver molecules to the bacterial cells. Framework of researchers developed to solve this problem. In addition to quartz skeleton lab Mark Shoenfisha developed special anti-bacterial coating that can be used in biological implants. Other researchers have an antibiotic that kills pathogenic bacteria for 1 admission, which created the patients recovering. Single dose of medication for the entire length of treatment - a breakthrough in medicine. Many doctors are very pleased to establish such drugs. According to Professor Valery Svistushkina appearance of this drug, the possibility of errors in the treatment of refractory patients who minimize until recently, the most common cause of failure multi-day courses of antibiotic therapy. However, it remains unknown to the cost of this miracle pill.
Cats protect against heart attack
Owners of cats rarely suffer from heart attacks. This is the result of scientists from the University of Minnesota as a result of large-scale studies, which lasted for ten years reached. Study leader Adnan Qureshi (Adnan Qureshi) and his colleagues analyzed data on the health of 4,435 Americans between the ages of 30-75 years, more than half of them (2435 people) were former or current owners of cats. Participant observation was carried out in ten years. It turned out that the owners of cats risk of death from heart attack by 30% lower than that of people who do not have cats was. After Qureshi, who considers himself a cat named Nina who. Researchers expect a similar result, but do not expect it to be so important The reason why cat owners are less prone to cardiovascular complications is unknown. It is assumed that the animals to help people better experience stress. At the same time, we can not exclude that cat owners by nature more stress and worry, say the skeptics. The results were presented by scientists at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Stroke, presented in New Orleans.
American received $ 9,000,000 for canceled insurance
The arbitral tribunal of California ordered the insurance Health Net to pay $ 9 million for the former client, an insurance policy that was canceled at the moment, as it undergoes chemotherapy after removal of a malignant tumor of the breast. Breast cancer was detected in a 52-year petci Bates in 2004. The woman underwent surgery to remove the tumor, after which she was appointed as a long chemotherapy. But soon, the doctors refused, treatment can be continued, because the insurance company has ceased to pay its bills. Total Debt Bates reached $ 129,000. As it turned out, the company completed the Health Net insurance contract unilaterally due to the fact that the health information of the customer is not the case. According to the company, the Bates Treaty of incorrectly, the weight, and keep it on the cases mention medical care for cardiovascular disease. American woman offered to make a loan of money, but later she was able to support the treatment by government programs to continue to cancer patients. During the study it became clear that Health Net Staff Awards for incorrect termination of the contract. Following the announcement of the court's decision, the company declared that from now on will cancel the policy decision to the client are made only after consultation with independent experts.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The structure of the brain is responsible for dependence on cocaine
Brain scans showed that its structure can be different depending on the inclination for cocaine. Therefore, some people have addictive cocaine much faster than others. According to researchers, cocaine affects the part of the brain that are responsible for the behavior and decision-making processes. In fact, the drug can have different effects on people. With some adjustments may occur more quickly than others. Scientists conducted an experiment. She scanned the brains of people using cocaine in performing computer tasks. Scientists have found that the activity of activated coke in the front region of the cortex. Scans also revealed differences in the structure of the brain in people with cocaine. It is not clear if it. Any differences before the adoption of cocaine, or they were the result of taking the drug According to scientists, the survey showed that the differences in brain structure to make some people more susceptible to the drug than the other, the. The drug in the same amounts
In Ukraine, would be the introduction of an intermediary between doctor and patient
In Ukraine to the Ministry of Health Department to implement forms of health insurance. In an interview with the weekly magazine "ZN" said Health Minister Kniazevych. After V.Knyazevicha long overdue appearance intermediary between doctor and patient. For the first time the Ministry of Health has one of the deputy ministers are formed this problem at the moment is the department for the implementation of the insurance system to keep. Prime Minister instructs and three weeks to submit a plan for review. If Parliament works which end of the year may finally appears this law, the Minister said. "Right now, if the money from the budget is automatically transferred to the hospital, his staff actually care, are more or less the patients we propose that this practice.", - Added V.Knyazevich. V.Knyazevich noted that the doctor-patient relationship will be the referee of the patient's interests will be defended. But the introduction of either physically or legally impossible for a year. But do begin to understand, standardize on this or that government can help. The minister believes that the insurance model would create a completely different ideology to direct resources to the provision of health services, not only enumerate medical facility.
Deadly diseases spread rapidly around the world
The dramatic spread of deadly diseases around the world collected by an international team of scientists. According to scientists, the greatest threat to the people in the underdeveloped countries infections are transmitted from wild animals, and in development - flash pathogenic viruses that are resistant to antibiotics, and new diseases caused by the use of chemically processed foods. Experts note at Columbia University and the Center for International Earth Science Information, that the old disease moved rapidly into new regions and cause epidemics. Thus, the AIDS pandemic, which probably costs from human contact with chimps, which are more than 65 million infections and the recent SARS outbreak, vectors, the Chinese bats, led the health system in the world $ 100 billion. The researchers analyzed 335 diseases that have appeared in the years 1940-2004, and compared with the results of the survey population density and biodiversity of wildlife on the planet. It was found that after 50 years, was deadly disease in the world four times. About 60% of the virus transmitted to humans from animals. "Hot spots" of infectious epidemics experts believe Saharan Africa, India and China to develop less harmful diseases in Europe and South America. According to representatives of the Zoological Society of London, such developments are related primarily to the increase in population density and imperfect method of protecting the human body against disease-causing bacteria.
Monday, January 28, 2013
30 minute walk a day can help reduce the risk of stroke
Active pedestrian walk for an hour a day can reduce the risk of stroke, according to U.S. researchers. Previous research on this topic applies only to men who reported their physical activity, said Steven Hooker. In the new study were fourth women who studied the effects of exercise on health. Researchers concluded that the benefits of low physical activity in men and women is almost identical. According to researchers, you can keep yourself in good shape and protect against stroke by a total of 30 minutes of active walking, five times a week. Stroke is a leading cause of death in developed countries. Stroke - an acute stroke, caused the death of brain tissue. From the perspective of modern medicine stroke - a serious and very dangerous vessel disease of the central nervous system. According to scientists, physical activity prevents the formation of blood clots and clogged arteries, which in turn will prevent a stroke.
Died of bird flu in China woman
In China, from the avian influenza virus infected women died, probably of a bird, that they are kept in the backyard, said Hong Kong authorities. Woman died in the backyard of a few chicks who are sick, and held during the incubation period of the disease. When the woman was eating chicken, said Thomas Tsang of the Centre for Health Protection. Scientists believe that the most likely method of infection of a bird, which the woman in the household was came. Since the heat treatment sick poultry meat is considered safe. The woman showed signs of fever, cough and pneumonia on 16 February, but it was to the district hospital on 22 February after attempts to treat a local clinic taken. The patient's condition was very serious, and soon after starting treatment measures died in the hospital, reported. This is the third death from bird flu in China. A number of cases - a major concern for the country, which has the largest number of poultry in the world. China tries. In the fight against mass vaccination against influenza virus, and information about how to handle the birds, to protect themselves from the risk of infection with influenza virus
Mammography, blood sugar and sleepiness can help determine the risk of stroke
What mammography, a test for blood sugar levels and daytime sleepiness? According to a new study, it may indicate the risk of stroke. According to the scientists observed an increased risk for stroke in women with blocked arteries, which can unexpectedly found during the mammogram. Stroke also threatens people who have identified problems with the blood sugar levels. The third figure, a symbol of danger - sleepiness during the day, which is observed in the elderly. They should not be in advance in the identification of a particular symptom worries. However, if there is a clear manifestation to see a specialist. To set the researchers found that the constant sleepiness can be accompanied by sleep at night, and this is a direct indicator of the risk of stroke. According to Philip Gorelick, when we checked, we are focused on a specific disease, and do not consider that the same tests can be different diseases that we do not suspect that in turn can help to pass the disease to detect in its early stages and to protect it from heavy impact.
Chinese scientists are looking for the genes responsible for diabetes and certain cancers
Chinese scientists try to influence more about the genes of diabetes and some forms of cancer experience, according to Reuters. Foods that are high in calories and a sedentary lifestyle to an alarming increase in diabetes in the past ten years out in China, while cancers of the esophagus, lung, breast, colon and stomach torture people much longer. Scientists from the Beijing Genomics Institute are trying to figure out which genes are responsible for these diseases. The researchers examined the DNA samples taken from sick people in hospitals. They found that for an effective treatment not only drugs that are commonly used in Europe, at the genetic level which medication would be better understood, and should be investigated in what doses. Scientists believe that we need an individual approach, as any body may react differently to the same drug. Medicine in Asia a little behind Europe. A large number of the poor is not to be subjected to in a position to examination and treatment. For this reason, the researchers say, it is necessary to develop cheaper methods of diagnosis and treatment.
The number of men in Ukraine has declined sharply
In the past 10 years in Ukraine rapidly shrinking population and evolving demographic crisis, according to "Observer". Statistical data on the occasion of World Population Day, said the deputy chairman of the State Committee for Statistics of Ukraine Natalia Vlasenko that the country rapidly falling birth rate and decreasing life expectancy of its citizens. So when in 1989 the birth rate was a little over the death, in 2004, the situation in the country of a thousand babies born has changed 427.3, and died - 761 300 people. According to Natalia Vlasenko, people are dying in Ukraine often and earlier than women. You have only 46.2% of the total population, that is, an average of 1,000 women in the Ukraine has 858 men. The difference in life expectancy between men and women in Ukraine is 11.5 years, while in developed countries this figure is 5 to 6 years. Live representatives manage half of humanity, on average, 62.6 years and the weaker sex is not to 74. Among the countries of the former Soviet Union, Ukraine to 3.4 years of life expectancy ahead of Russia, Kazakhstan and 2.6 years and is almost on par with Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
16-year-old girl has given triplets for the second time
For the second time the 16-year-old Argentine girl named Pamela gave birth to triplets girls. A young mother, 17 years old on Monday, comes from a small town in Cordoba, one of the central provinces of Argentina. The first time she gave birth to three girls in 15 years, and the year before giving birth to her first child - a son. All seven children were born early. According to doctors, the girls are good and Pamela. Pamela story provoked fierce debate in the country. In newspapers, bars and coffee condemn young mother to believe she uninhibited sexually. Pamela mother forced to clean the house to help her daughter with money. After the first birth of triplets, gave local authorities the family land and built them a house. Pamela mother hopes that this time, increase the government family assistance.
Diet affects the risk of cancer
Women who consume large amounts of meat and dairy products reduces the risk of breast cancer, while those who say most of consuming fruits and vegetables and a reduced risk of ovarian cancer, scientists. The research is published in the International Journal of Cancer. Consuming alcohol in large quantities leads to the risk of breast cancer, but when Italian scientists have touched other aspects of the food, they have come to conflicting conclusions. Some studies have shown that women will increase the consumption of red meat, the risk of breast cancer, but other studies have not confirmed this. Fat, used mainly in animal products leads to a higher risk of breast cancer, said in some studies, but in other studies, the researchers could find no evidence of this effect. While many studies on the inclusion of certain nutrients have been concentrated, it was necessary to pay attention to the combination of substances, which are normally used for human consumption. Scientists conducted an experiment, the nutrition 3600 women with breast cancer and ovarian cancer and 3,413 healthy women of the same age. The results showed that women who are foods rich in vitamins food, the risk of ovarian cancer decreased by 23% compared with those who consumed a diet low in vitamins and nutrients. Since the use of animal products associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.
The couple from Canada conceived a child by sperm 22-year-old
Canadian couple had a baby with frozen sperm has been stored for 22 years. Such cases are extremely rare, reported the Canadian TV channel CTV. The 18-year-old father of the baby, commissioned Mike Kuzminski (Mike Kuzminski) Hodgkin - cancer of the lymph tissue. The doctor gently told him to freeze sperm, administered as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are when the disease often lead to infertility. Passed on the advice of a doctor Kuzminski sperm deposited in a hospital in Calgary. In 2003, Mike married his girlfriend Christine. The couple had no hope of having a child - the tests showed that the man suffering from infertility. However, Mike thought, sister of frozen semen advise spouses, the clinic, where it is stored. "I thought that 15 or 20 years, going to the hospital to have my sperm," - said Kuzminski. However, hospital officials said that the sperm is not stored, and the fact that a man has to pay for this service is $ 2,000. The introduction of the thawed sperm into the uterus - Christine could get pregnant, doctors have used the method of insemination. The second attempt was successful, and 1 November 2007 lit a small Dzhasek Kuzminski (Jacek Kuzminski). Now all of his wife's attention to his son. They are very happy and the future children they have not thought of. However, it turned Christina that seed stocks Mike conception enough for another 19 trials.
People who work with asbestos, unaware of the danger of his influence
People sell asbestos, do not know what is in danger of losing their health, scientists say. Scientists conducted a study that only 12% of the 400 respondents to the inhalation of asbestos fibers can know cause incurable mesothelioma lung, and ¾ not started training and did not find their information on the use of asbestos, and only 25 % thought that it carries a certain risk. The effects of asbestos on the human body are asbestosis (slowly developing pulmonary fibrosis), lung cancer (lung cancer) and mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura or peritoneum). These effects develop as a result of chronic exposure and asbestosis is exclusively an occupational disease. Asbestos was used as insulation in the construction and construction materials to the mid-80s. According to the researcher, could any building built or refurbished before 2000 may contain asbestos. It may also include temporary offices, cabins. This is now the primary source of health problems. For the construction of modern buildings, temporary buildings, more tend to use other materials. Thus, the manufacturer huts and block vessels in Moscow mostly used in wood and metal for these types of structures. Asbestos is dangerous because of its fibers that can settle in the lungs during breathing. The highest risk of mesothelioma from asbestos sellers deaths occur every week, and this number is constantly growing.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Drowsiness leads to the risk of stroke
Regular daytime naps may be a sign of a stroke in the future, be elderly, according to U.S. researchers. The study found that those who suffered from the habit of taking a nap in the afternoon had a penchant for stroke is 2-4 times higher than those who did not fall asleep during the day. At the International Conference team doctors advised the special attention to elderly people to pay asleep while watching TV. In the study, researchers surveyed 2,000 people about how often they dozed off in different situations. When they are on TV, and talk to someone, sitting quietly after breakfast and not to drink alcohol, for example. The researchers found that questioned the risk of stroke in people, to 2.6-fold among those who reported a nap, compared with those who did not fall asleep. Among those who reported frequent cases of dormancy, the risk increased by 4.5 times. Also, the researchers found the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease by 1.6% in moderate amounts nap and by 2.6% for those who often slept. According to Dr. Bernadette ground-Albala, who led the study, a clear relationship nap and caress very surprised. The number of cases, confirming the relationship, it was high enough.
To prevent irritability healing
Inability to control negative emotions increase the healing of wounds - such conclusions employees of the State University of Ohio as a result of an experiment with 98 subjects. The researchers applied the topics on the left of the same size standard wound. Observing the cure was carried out for 8 days. Participants ability to control their emotions, using test sheets that they ended before the start of the experiment. In addition, subjects received a measure levels of "stress hormone" cortisol. As it turned out, grumpy people wounds heal more slowly than those who had a peaceful character. In most irascible members likely that healing takes more than four days was increased by 4.2-fold. The study took into account factors such as the accuracy of sleep, physical activity and alcohol consumption. The form, manifest in the negative emotions - hiding or, alternatively, open aggression towards others - does not affect the speed of recovery. According to the authors can be delayed wound healing with increased levels of the hormone cortisol are associated. Scientists also point out that their findings confirmed the results of earlier studies. Particularly some time ago, it was found that the rate of recovery of damaged tissue due to injury by factors such as family disputes or care of a relative with dementia can be affected.
A few more weeks in the Ukraine is holding a flu epidemic
In Ukraine flu epidemic will last for several weeks, depending on the region, the director of the Ukrainian Center for Influenza Arkady Frolov. This year, for the doctor, the highlight of the flu epidemic was delayed compared to the expected time due to a very warm winter. In addition, this year the predominant influenza virus type B, which is characterized by the appearance of slow and less aggressive statements against the type of virus Frolov also said added that this year a large number of flu complications such as pneumonia , especially in children and the elderly. Currently the focus is increasingly finds flu viruses, while at the beginning of the epidemic by adenovirus and parainfluenza virus, and respiratory infections was dominated. According to him, the vaccine to these viruses, the calculated prevail at present, although they are fighting to not be able to adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory infections, of which there are to protect about 250 species, and with them to other drugs and means of emergency prevention. Center Director added that the vaccine provides protection against influenza viruses by 90-95%. Currently closed in Ukraine due to a flu epidemic quarantine for more than two thousand schools. More than a million students temporarily forced to miss classes.
6 minutes sleep is insufficient to improve memory
Even a short sleep improves memory, according to German scientists from the University of Dusseldorf. Scientists conducted an experiment in which several public. It was found that even 6 minutes of sleep enough memory in order to work better. The study was published in the magazine New Scientist. Many studies have been conducted by various scientists about the relationship between sleep and memory. But a group of scientists at the University of Dusseldorf is only interested in the effects of short sleep on memory. The researchers used a group of students who had a certain number of words by heart, and an hour to tell you what they think. Significantly better results were the students who slept for 6 minutes per hour than those who stayed awake the whole time. But according to Professor Zhdima Horn of the University of Loughborough, for the brain processes memories requires a deep stage of sleep, which is not absent in less than 20 minutes. after the man fell asleep. He believes that there is still little evidence that the memory for 6 minutes of sleep can process information better.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Vitamins are harmful to health
The intake of antioxidants and vitamins contributes to the weakening of the body and leads to the destruction of the cells showed a group of German researchers. Scientists conducted an experiment with worms, which means that not improve vitamins and antioxidants, but rather may contribute to a weakening of the body. Experts do not ask to be people completely multivitamin complexes, while the results are not fully confirmed. In addition, the scientists, no less detrimental to human sweet. Based on their results, the scientists created an original formula for a long life. They identified the substances that inhibit the cleavage of glucose and extend human life by 20%. According to scientists at the German Institute, if the person indulge in a sweet and do not want to take vitamins, could take his life for 15 years.
Scientists are taken to detect the point "G" in women
Italian scientists claim to be able to find the point of the "G", which is the most sensitive erogenous zone in women. It is assumed that stimulation of certain parts of the vagina causes rapid orgasm, but from a medical perspective, this location is set up now was not possible. According to the researchers, who runs the New Scientist magazine, they found women who had orgasms, an area of thickening. However, experts warned that the seal may have been caused by other factors. The existence of the point of "gee" is controversial since the 1980s, when the term as an explanation for the fact that some women were able to achieve an orgasm through vaginal stimulation, was introduced, while others do not. Some experts believe that. Due to the new term for women and their partners in the search for a race of this point Ultrasound love latest research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine was published, performed by Emmanuel Giannini University Aquila and attended a total of 20 women. To the shape and thickness of the muscle "front" wall of the vagina to measure, where, as expected, and the point is "gee", used ultrasound equipment. Nine women who had achieved vaginal orgasm muscle tissue between the vagina and urethra on average thicker than the 11 women who could not reach orgasm this way. Dr. Giannini believes that "for the first time with a simple, fast and inexpensive method, it is possible to find out was, there is a woman out of the" gee "or not."
Increase with an embryo in vitro fertilization, the chance of pregnancy safer
The use of artificial insemination can reduce the risk of a failed pregnancy in order to use only the introduction of an embryo, scientists say. Scientists conducted a study with several hundred women who have used the method of artificial insemination. It was found that when only one of mature embryos varied sure increase in pregnancy. The study was published in the journal BJOG. According to doctors, it increases the choice of one of the mature embryos, the probability of its insertion into the uterus. Currently, in vitro fertilization in the uterus is placed of multiple embryos, at least one of them survived. This often leads to the birth of twins or triplets, endanger the lives of the mother and children. According to scientists, in vitro fertilization is expensive, so many couples can afford it only once. Therefore, couples are willing to take risks in order to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.
In Luxembourg legalized euthanasia
According to an UNIAN correspondent, the Luxembourg Parliament a bill that the country will be legalized euthanasia. For the bill to legalize the right to death 36 MPs voted, while 20 - voted against. It is expected that the new law comes into force, come as early as this summer. In this case, the doctors are required to do additional consultations on the severity of the patient. Created a committee to examine each case. According to the wording of the law, will voluntarily withdraw from the life can be difficult. You need the results of the panel doctors and patients must recognize unbearable physical pain, and his incurable disease. For the final entry into force of the law must be approved by Parliament at second reading. Luxembourg was the third country to legalize euthanasia. The first European country to withdraw the right doctors to help patients out of life, was the Netherlands who took the law in 2002, in 2003, followed the example of neighboring Belgium.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Enriched low-salt diet leads to obesity
Enriched low-salt diet may be a cause of childhood obesity have said British researchers. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 1,600 children. The results showed that children who eat salty foods to. Large amounts of fluids, including sugary sodas, which in turn tend to eat to gain weight As the researchers reported the magazine hypertension when halving consumption rate of the salt per day - about 6 grams, it will reduce to 250 calories per week consumed by the child. Specialists require food manufacturers to reduce the salt content of processed foods. In Britain, one in five children suffers from obesity. Scientists are concerned that the increasing trend of obesity in adulthood and lead to cardiovascular disease later in life. Why salt is as "white death", how useful it is, the effect on human health, as required salt during pregnancy - ". Salt and Health," all of this can be found in
Television influences the physical health of children
TV Unlearning child, the parents will be able to play against the occurrence of overweight and obesity in the future to protect, according to researchers from the Australian National Heart Foundation of Australia. Researchers launch a new program designed to combat the problem of childhood obesity. The program is called "drag-and-play", its main purpose is to attract parents to forbid their children to watch TV. Instead, parents should teach the children to a variety of games and other forms of physical activity. Under the new program, spend the time, the kids in front of TV, should be restricted. Instead, most of the day, active games that require constant movement to be dedicated. According to the association, 61% of parents in Australia do not know how much physical activity is for their children for a normal full development. It is assumed that television has a negative impact not only on vision but also on the general physical health of the child. According to Dr. Trevor Shilton (Trevor Shilton), children spend an average of two to four hours per day watching television. According to the results of the study, this leads to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood cholesterol and other problems, including social. So say experts that more than two hours per day that children spend watching TV or playing computer games are harmful to their physical health.
Alcohol makes men sex giant only in his fantasies
The effect of alcohol on the power, there are many myths and speculations. Until now, some believe that alcohol seems almost miraculous, and every man can have sex giant. And if you disappoint, shares this confusion, let us - all of this is nothing more than speculation. In relation to alcohol is very important not to move the fine line and not abused, because part of the drinking water, even the best, can lead to serious disturbances in the body, including sexual dysfunction. Noticeable at once, the changes are very slow, but over time to reduce the desire, then - vanish ability to maintain an erection. The adverse effects of alcohol on the reproductive performance and speak inappropriately. Small amounts of alcohol may actually improve a stimulating effect on the potency, increasing blood flow and erection. A glass of red wine or other beverage quality - a big part of a romantic date. Combined with soft music, comfortable atmosphere is relaxing wine and feel good, and who knows, maybe a great start to the evening will end at night, full of great sex ... However, men who have erection problems often experience while indulging in alcohol under a romantic date, even if the case has a setting, and the hand is the drug that improves potency. The fact that not all of these drugs may be combined with alcohol, - the type, the same applies to fatty foods.
Friends - the best medicine
If you are true friends that you can leave safely, then do not be afraid even myocardial infarction. These results were recently Swedish scientists arrived. A group of scientists studied for 15 years groups of male subjects of 740 people who were at the age of 50 years. It was in the course of the study, those who had a strong friendship, twice as likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than single people clear. This function stops if a person smokes or not, obesity and high blood pressure. According to scientists, this trend extends women - single women who suffer from a lack of communication, often suffer from cardiovascular disease and thrombosis. As you know, cardiovascular disease - the leading cause of premature death in developed countries. Scientists for decades talking about the mechanism of occurrence. In the past, more attention to such conditions as the excess of cholesterol, smoking, obesity, but now the focus is more on psychological factors. And who knows, maybe in a few years, doctors to their patients eat what advice you want, but only in the company of friends.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Irritability promotes rapid aging
Irritable people age faster and suffer many diseases, scientists say. U.S. researchers conducted a survey of 700 people aged. It was that communication with family, friends and neighbors at the age of 65-90 years found for the health and physical activity for the year. Negative social interactions to isolation and inhospitable, which in turn promotes a direct effect on the immune system, cause inflammation in the body, scientists say. According to doctors, between social life and health in old age, there is a close relationship. Even excessive emotional distress in old age affect the nervous system and affect the heart. As we have previously reported, the elderly can also life through active physical activity extend.
Stem cells may help restore brain damage after stroke
Transplantation of brain cells from embryonic stem cells derived recovery of damaged areas of the brain after a stroke. These data were obtained in studies on rats. For the next five years, the researchers plan to study this technique in humans. Scientists have for ways to repair damaged areas of the brain after a stroke, in which a person may completely lose the ability to work looking for. The study, experts say, can introduce a solution of human embryonic stem cells in the brain. The Stanford team reported that they were able to recover the lost limbs in rats was associated with damage to parts of the brain after a stroke. Experts managed to human embryonic stem cells transplanted into rats develop neural stem cells, which in turn developed into brain cells. Scientists plan, this method in the next five years of use in studies of people with stroke. In a phone interview with Dr. Gary Steinberg said. Much evidence for the possibility of future use of this type of stem cells for regenerative therapy for those who have suffered a stroke However, some people oppose the use of human embryonic stem cells on ethical grounds, because these cells have scientists to create human embryos.
Nutrition during the first days of life affects the mental capacity in the future
Diet in the first week of life had a profound impact on the development of a child's brain, said British researchers. Scientists have found that children. As a result of premature birth, which showed Born fed in the first weeks of life milk, enriched with vitamins, better results on tests of mental development than premature babies who received normal diet, According to researchers, the effect probably occurs in adolescence. The results of the research scientists have published in Pediatric Research. According to the study lead by Dr. Elizabeth Isaacs is not clear whether it applies only to infants who were born as a result of premature birth, has born the development of which a particular problem, or it applies to children at the event. According to scientists, the care is received by preterm infants during the first hours and days of life. An important and critical impact on the future development and improve quality of life
Swedish doctors have learned to remove the system through the mouth
In Sweden, the first in Europe, surgery to remove the system through the mouth. According to doctors, the 30-year-old woman in good health and has now been discharged from hospital. The unusual operation was on 14 February done in a Swedish hospital Östra Sjukhuset in Gothenburg. After the surgeon Per-Ola Park (Per Ola Park), appendectomy went well, even better than expected. In the near future, the Swedish doctors are planning to spend more than 30 such operations. The so-called transgastralnaya surgery to remove the system is based on the introduction of flexible endoscopic instruments through the mouth into the stomach. From there, a small puncture instruments into the abdominal cavity, is inserted where the need to remove the inflamed appendix. Remote organ extracted the same way. Advantage of the new technology is the absence of scars on the body and shorten recovery time - such an operation, the patient suffered a more rapid return to active life. It also reduces the risk of infectious complications. According to some experts, such operations are humane and less costly than the traditional. Previously, surgery to the system through the mouth to remove made only in India and the U.S..
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The young Briton is ready to share two additional renal
18-year old resident of Leeds Laura Moon (Laura Moon) is prepared two additional need of the donor kidney transplant patient shares. Four functioning kidneys were found carried out with the girl in a poll after the car accident. Laura was in an accident last year, and a few months later, she started a lot of pain in my stomach. On examination at the clinic Leeds doctors found no dangerous patient pathologies, but found she had four kidneys - two on each side. All organs are fully formed and function, no kidney problems have been identified, was the sand in the kidneys not be detected. According to experts, people are spread with three kidneys, but in most cases, more bodies are underdeveloped. The presence of four functioning kidney is much more rare anomaly. According to Laura, the extra kidneys are not required, and it is willing to share them with people who need organ transplants. Respondents female surgeon Robin Webber confirmed that it really a donor. "This is a very rare anomaly, and if it does not cause anxiety, doctors usually try not to change anything. However, Laura is enough two kidneys, I do not see any obstacles to the other patients who need to give them, "- said Webber.
Music can help recover from a stroke
Listening to music after a stroke reduces the duration of rehabilitation, scientists say. Finnish group of scientists conducted an experiment that involved 60 patients. Scientists compared the people, the music stopped for several hours a day, with those who listen to audio books or listen to anything. The group of people who listened to music, the impact of the recovery of attention and memory were significantly better, and these people were in a good mood. The researchers concluded that listening to music can be a useful supplement to get the treatment. The study was published in the journal Brain. Teppo Sarkamo led the study at the University of Helsinki believes that music can be particularly valuable for those patients who are not yet ready for other forms of rehabilitation. According to the researcher, is the benefit of this therapy is that it is inexpensive and suitable for use.
Mobile phones help, salivary gland cancer
Frequent talking on a cell phone help cancer salivary glands. This was confirmed by a study by Israeli researchers, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Scientists at Tel Aviv University compared the frequency of mobile phone use among 500 Israelis suffer from a benign or malignant tumors of the parotid gland (the largest of the salivary glands) and 1,300 healthy individuals randomly selected. They found that people who talk on the phone every day for a few hours, the risk of salivary gland tumors (on the same side of the head) increased by 1.5 times. In addition, most tumors occurred in rural areas. Study leader Sigal Sadetski (Siegal Sadetzki) associate this dependence with a low signal from stationary antennas, due to which the mobile emitter "forced" to work for more capacity. Cancer of the salivary gland is quite rare. For example, in the UK diagnosed each year about 550 new cases of cancer of this localization.
In Indonesia, the teenager died from bird flu
Indonesia bird flu death 16-year-old boy, thus adding. In the list of deaths in the country from the disease to 104 people, according to Reuters The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced on its website that the boy in the period from 3 February there were signs of a fever and breathing problems, how to deal with five chickens belonging to him. Suddenly early this year in Indonesia, the number of cases of bird flu. According to some experts, this is due to the wet weather and the lack of sanitary facilities during the rainy season. Contact with sick poultry - the most common form of transmission of avian influenza in the villages of Indonesia. At the moment, the bird flu is an animal disease, but scientists are very concerned that H5N1 could be in a form that is easily mutate from person to person. If this happens, millions of people die because the people have no immunity to the new disease.
Monday, January 21, 2013
The scientists were able to obtain sperm from stem cells in women
Geneticists have received a scientific breakthrough by learning to sperm from female embryos. In the future by lesbian couples will be able to create their own biological children. British experts, previously in a position to turn the cells taken from the bone marrow in male sperm. Now repeated the same experiment with the stem cells of women Discovery made by the Group of Newcastle University who are trying the right to create sperm cells taken from bone marrow cells by women. If it succeeds, its method is more practical than with embryonic cells. As a result, lesbian couples are children who have to have the genes of the two women - the sperm from the bone marrow of one of them won, used to fertilize an egg can partner. Men and women differ in the so-called sex chromosomes. And those and others have one X chromosome. But only men have Y-chromosome, which contains only a few genes plays, but a crucial role in the development of male germ cells. In this context, scientists have criticized the idea that women can get stem cells from sperm. In April last year, the first column of the newspapers of the name Karim Nairn, Professor of Biology at the University of Newcastle. The scientists succeeded in primitive sperm from stem cells in adult male get. Now he was able to repeat the experiment, receiving sperm from stem cells in female embryos.
Obesity will not be solved at the level of government
The problem of obesity in many countries is the number 1 and the intervention of the government, the chairman of the International Obesity Task Force organization. According to experts, the leaders of the world to sign an agreement on healthy eating. The problem of obesity has reached such proportions that it is essential to take measures as soon as possible, said Professor Philip James. He also stressed the need for full and accurate labeling on food products and in advertising. At the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Boston, Professor James said that obesity is an epidemic of society, it is the real answer to all of the obvious economic and industrial changes in development, the strong to very decrease in physical activity and poor nutrition lead. According to scientists, it is necessary to change the existing trend. The government should help an affordable and consistent weight loss people to overcome this problem, because it has reached enormous proportions.
Cream, HIV warning - not effective
Cream designed to protect women from the AIDS virus, could not prevent infection, but found to be safe. According to scientists, may be combined with other drugs to increase the efficacy of treatment. The drug, called Carraguard, is the first drug to treat HIV, which has been on women tested and found safe. But scientists are disappointed that the drug could not be effective, but for them it creates a whole new drug against HIV. Microbicidal - Drugs such as gels or creams, vaginal or anal be applied in order to prevent transmission of the virus immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Was not received during the creation of the desired effect of these drugs. Scientists conducted a study that began in March 2004, with the participation of 6,206 women from South Africa. Half of them received Carraguard - tasteless, odorless gel from seaweed, and the other half used a placebo. All women were informed how to prevent HIV infection, and they receive condoms. As a result, three years later he was infected 134 women who Carraguard and 151 used a placebo. According to researchers, the difference was not significant. But they found that the drug does not increase the risk of infection, which was also important. Experts believe that women have such a preparation in a position to protect themselves must, because many men use condoms, and put to deny women and danger.
American scientists have cured hemophilia in mice
Doctors from the Albert Einstein College of Yeshiva University (Yeshiva University) found that. Development of haemophilia A by a defect of endothelial cells of the liver Grafting donor cells from a healthy animal, they could cure hemophilia in mice, according to the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Hemophilia - a genetic disease in which damage is caused severe and prolonged bleeding due to impaired blood clotting. The most common form of hemophilia - Hemophilia A - due to the lack or insufficiency of the so-called factor VIII (antigemofilicheskogo globulin) in blood plasma. Previously it was thought that factor VIII is produced by hepatocytes - cells that the majority of the liver, and for most of the functions. However led scientists Sanzhiva Gupta (Sanjeev Gupta) proposed that the production of Factor VIII responsible sinusoidal endothelial cells of the capillaries of the liver. To confirm their theory, they carried out experiments on animals. With the aid of a substance called monokrotalin destroys own endothelial cells in the liver of mice with hemophilia A. Then, in their core, the flow into the liver, endothelial cells obtained from healthy donor mice injected. "Three months after transplantation, the study of the liver of mice, we found that the transplanted cells take hold and increase their numbers. More importantly, mice with transplanted cells, the factor VIII in an amount sufficient to completely fix Hemophilia A began, "- said the study's author Antonia Follentsi (Antonia Follenzi).
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Separated from the parasitic twin girls started walking with a walker
Born the two-year Indian girl with eight limbs, and in November of surgery undeveloped twin parasites to separate, has its first steps. According to her mother Lakshmi started walking with a walker, reports Telegraph. TATM Lakshmi with a rare congenital anomaly in the basin was born, her body was attached to the body of the undeveloped parasitic twin, pulled his head. Removed during the 27-hour operation surgeons Indian two extra pair of hands and feet, spine and pelvic bones, a twin, and his girl transplanted kidney. According to doctors, the surgery gave the child a chance at a normal life. "The girl has always acknowledged that behave differently from other children after the operation she instinctively started as a normal kid." - Said Poonam, mother Lakshmi. She told me that when Lakshmi sitting in a walker, they repel his feet and began to laugh. Walk this way, she loved. "Every day after discharge from the hospital, it creates more and more things that were previously impossible ... It's hard to believe that three months ago, it has not helped to move or even crawl," - said Poonam.
Scientists have developed a new method for dealing with allergies
Scientists in the UK have developed unique asthma and allergies. They have discovered a molecule that will affect the management of these diseases. Specialist medical and dental school Barts London conducted their research in rodents. As a result, they found two molecules of p110-p110 delta and gamma, which are important for the immune response to allergens. Recall, the immune system is responsible for ensuring that a person has an allergy or not. If it is very actively responds to the stimulus, it is an allergic reaction. It should be noted that allergies - one of the most common diseases. Most medications do not cure the disease, but only for a time relieve the symptoms. So come itching, runny nose, rash to pass the time, and then returned with a bang. The second row of the drugs used in the treatment of allergies decreased immunity, whereby people susceptible to infectious diseases. A new drug molecule p110 delta block, stop an allergic reaction, without affecting the immune system. The scientists plan to produce new drugs in several forms: as an inhaler, capsules and injections. The scientists hope that the drugs for people in the near future to be created. This approach offers the potential for the creation of asthma and allergy medications that affect the real causes, not just symptoms.
Marijuana can be used to treat
Leading U.S. experts appealed to the government to be the prohibition of the use of marijuana in a position to use it to relax for medical purposes, according to Reuters. American College of Physicians, the second largest group of scientists in the United States, a statement on the program of the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Scientists believe that marijuana properties associated very valuable in the treatment of weight loss associated with AIDS, and in the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy in cancer patients. Researchers believe that more research is needed to determine the exact therapeutic properties of marijuana and determine standard and optimal doses. Need cautious approach to new treatments. The widespread use of marijuana for medical and research purposes by the fact that many people use is illegal complicated at the expense of their health, they say.
In England, the desire to introduce a license for smoking
Perhaps British smokers will soon have to buy a special license to smoke, reports the BBC. If the government to listen to the findings of the consultant in the Department of Health, no one can buy cigarettes without permission. It is intended that the license is about 10 pounds (about $ 20) cost. Professor Julian Le Grand said that the proposed scheme increases the number of people who want to quit smoking. The proceeds will be channeled to a professor of national health care system. Among other things said Professor Le Grand, the new rules provide that smoking not only financial inconvenience. You must fill in a questionnaire, to be photographed. Each year a decision will make me a smoker. According to Le Grand, as a result of this process, the person will be easier to quit than to continue to live with a bad habit. According to the developers of the project, 70% of smokers want to quit. "Therefore, if you make it all a bit more complicated, I think the situation has changed", - said Le Grand.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
HIV hides from drugs in the gut
Currently existing drugs are not able to completely eliminate HIV in the body. Deadly virus hides drugs in different reservoirs, the most important of which is the lymphoid tissue of the gut, U.S. researchers found. Experts from the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda (Maryland) conducted a study of eight patients with HIV infection. All participants received antiretroviral drugs to HIV for two to ten years to deal with, to feel good and have a low viral load (low levels of virus in the blood). However, taken in the study of intestinal lymphoid tissue samples from patients with a biopsy, the researchers revealed the presence of HIV. The level of CD4 + cells, which are targets for the virus, was also lower than normal. Researchers confirmed the similarity of DNA viruses found in the intestine of HIV DNA from leukocytes. This demonstrated that both infect tissue permanently each other after the replication of the virus, and that. Intestinal reservoir not from other tissues of the body, the head of research Anthony Fauci (Anthony Fauci) isolated According to scientists, it is important as early treatment of HIV, as to reduce the size of the reservoir of the virus in the patient. The study appears in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Scientists were able to defeat any HIV
In the past 20 years, scientists have failed to develop a vaccine for HIV, said the Nobel Laureate David Baltimore. Occur, according to the professor, this is a very difficult task, because the means to combat the HIV Immunology, scientists must conquer nature, with something that might not make the nature. He added that he would not give up attempts to develop such a vaccine, although according to some experts, it will never be created. HIV has found ways to outwit the immune system, and for this reason it is necessary to be one step ahead of nature. Note that the attempts of scientists to fight the virus by enhancing antibody activity or have failed to improve the human immune system. At this time, researchers are paying more attention to. New methods such as gene therapy and research in the field of stem cells, although they are in the early stages of development "In the case of the human body, we have to have only one option - to try to change genes in stem cells," - said the Nobel laureate.
Scientists have developed a new approach for the treatment of asthma and allergies
British scientists create to fill a whole new class of drugs against asthma and allergies. They found the target for the drug, the effects on the onset of symptoms will prevent. By The Journal of Immunology Scientists from the Medical and Dental School, Barts and London (Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry) conducted their research in vitro and in mice. In experiments in cell cultures, it confirms the theory that the two molecules from the family of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K)) - p110-p110 delta and gamma - in the initiation of the immune response involved, are controlling cell degranulation of mast cells. However, tests on mice showed that a central role in this process, the p110 delta, the head of research Vanhazebruk Bart (Bart Vanhaesebroeck) is. Asthma and allergies are very common. In the UK alone more than 30% of the people some kind of allergy and approximately five million people suffer from asthma. Most treatments for these diseases are on target withdrawal symptoms, particularly itchy eyes and runny nose. There are also medications that suppress the immune system, but their use increases the risk for infections. Medications that the molecule p110 delta block, the development of an allergic response to the onset of symptoms to stop, and at the same time does not suppress the immune system, said Vanhazebruk. Moreover, these means in the form of capsules or inhalers are made, and not only in injections.
Gene, which has the cold, may be guilty overweight
Genes that helped early humans to cold climate, possibly related to the metabolism of diseases such as obesity and diabetes, according to U.S. scientists. Researchers have found a strong correlation between climate and genetic adaptations that influence the risk of metabolic syndrome with such diseases as obesity, high cholesterol levels, the incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. According to Professor Anna Di Rienzo at the University of Chicago, the air over a long period formed the genetic changes that may be associated with risk of common metabolic disorders. Body weight, skin pigmentation - all signs that are closely linked to changes in the environment, the professor believes. Scientists, it was important to determine whether the genes that contributed in the past to play, people have to adapt to the cold climate, the associated role in the development of diseases associated with metabolic abnormalities.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Black pepper can be used in the treatment of skin disease vitiligo
The researchers found that piperine - a compound that gives black pepper its spicy, pungent flavor - can stimulate pigmentation in the skin. This is. In the treatment of vitiligo, a disease which is manifested by reduced help or complete loss of the pigment melanin, which areas of the skin whitening The study was published in the British Journal of Dermatology. As it turned out, vitiligo occurs in about one in a hundred. Now used treatment includes corticosteroids to the skin, phytotherapy, begin to ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation) with the melanocytes to produce pigment. However, a positive result on the effects of corticosteroids had less than a quarter of patients. In return, the UV treatment is not very effective as an inhomogeneous and increases the risk of skin cancer. A team of scientists examined the effects of piperine and its synthetic derivatives for the treatment of the skin of mice, as well as try to influence the use of combined treatment with UV. As a result of using piperine and its two derivatives of the element, the researchers stimulated pigmentation of the skin, even light brown color within six weeks. Combine treatment with piperine UFO researchers have been able to achieve much faster darkening of the skin, and the effect was maintained for a longer period than in UVR exposure only. Scientists believe that piperine stimulates melanocytes and they begin to produce skin pigment. According to scientists, the test results form the basis for the application of a new type of treatment, the increase not only the efficiency, but probable. The use of UV, which in turn reduces to reduce the risk of skin cancer
Lack of sleep can lead to obesity?
With a constant lack of sleep increases when the body does not compensate for lack of sleep, the risk of obesity, heart disease and depression, scientists say. A previous study showed the relationship between sleep deprivation and obesity. In this study, researchers tried to find out which is the primary cause, obesity or lack of sleep. To understand how could the lack of sleep for a long time to problems with weight, the researchers analyzed data from more than 10 thousand British officials involved in the study. Scientists gave the first estimate of the health of men and women in the period of 1985 - 1988 years ago, when the participants are between 35 and 55 years were. This review was carried out every 2 years thereafter. In the period 1997-1999, the researchers analyzed the duration of sleep and obesity index in 5021 participants of the experiment. In assessing the scientists came to a consensus that people who sleep less than 5 hours a night, the risk of obesity increased by 65% compared with those who slept 7 hours. But when. The weight of the body weight and waist circumference measured again from 2003 to 2004 in 3786 men and women who are obese during the previous assessment, there was no significant association between sleep duration and obesity Given all of the studies, the researchers concluded that sleep deprivation may be a risk of being overweight, but not the rule.
Vigorous physical condition will live up to 100 years
Health protection against age-related diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, can not be a major problem in the fight for a long life. Scientists believe that an important factor is supported in the prevention of aging to normal physical activity. Evaluated the records of 739 men and women who live a hundred years, the researchers found that one-third of centenarians have age-related diseases before the age of 85. For this reason, doctors have found that an increase in life expectancy should not be on the disease, one way or another will affect human health due to aging, and the problem of the reduction in physical activity. Have also reported that men over 97 years have a significantly better cognitive and physical function than women in the same age group. Scientists attribute this to the fact that older men are more likely than women move independently and lead a full and independent life. According to scientists, in order to live to 100 years old, it is not necessary to completely healthy, and above all, how to last longer in the energetic and active form.
Obesity leads to a risk of some cancers
Obesity doubles the risk of some cancers, scientists say. Analyzed 144 published studies, the participation of about 282 thousand men and women, so the scientists were able to trace the connection between obesity and certain types of cancer. Scientists have published a study in the medical journal Lancet. According to Andrew Renehan, University of Manchester, making the results, it is possible to believe that the weight of the body leads to certain types of cancer. The study found the proportion of overweight and 20 different types of cancer. These include, for example, for conditions such as adult leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma nehodzhinskaya which occurred in both men and women. Men who gained weight, increased risk of thyroid cancer by a third and a 24% risk of cancer of the kidney. And for women, the risk of gallbladder cancer increased by 59% and by 34% the risk of kidney cancer, the researchers reported. The scientists, there are significant differences between men and women in terms of types of cancer. This is probably due to the presence of various hormones in men and women. As the results of the study can be used in the study of the exact causes of cancer that can help contribute to a better prevention.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
The emergence of severe influenza is inherited
You can inherit a genetic susceptibility to the death of the flu virus, according to researchers at the University of Utah. This conclusion experts taking into account data on deaths in 100 years in 4 thousand 855 people. In their view, this fact may have a genetic predisposition for the development of severe influenza. A major study, scientists have found that the brothers and sisters who die from the flu died from the disease by 74%, more often, the parents - 38% more often, and the kids - 60% more likely than indirect relatives. At the same time, according to research nekrovnye relatives, except for spouses who are not. An increased risk of death So are blood relatives of the killed flu virus sense to pay special attention to the prevention of this infection.
Found a new spread of the disease at the speed of the epidemic
Internet addiction is a new disease called experts century that the level of mental to the physical changes. Podiatrists have long been sounding the alarm: More and more people suffer from the syndrome of a computer mouse - geek an occupational disease. Psychologists say that online addiction can ruin a person's life. So far, only Germany of Internet addiction affects about 2 million people, for their own virtual real life. Theo says Wessel, chairman of Union Berlin with addicts, many young German online almost live: they play in the network, make contacts to flirt, to buy and to operate. People are more and more difficult to distract from the monitor. According to experts are also dependent on the mobile phone. If a person does not leave the phone for a moment, then it is a disturbing symptom is, say psychologists. Experts report that draw about 10% of the fans of computer games in need of medical care and one of the consequences of a computer mouse, or carpal tunnel syndrome, often suffering and office workers will be called. The symptoms are a violation of the arms, shoulders and neck because of the monotonous work in the office. For the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome and internet addiction doctors recommend at least one hour once knead hands, learn to control themselves, and not to waste all your free time in front of a monitor. Psychological support is based on a behavior - you must learn to control themselves.
In Ukraine there is an outbreak of tuberculosis
In Ukraine, the incidence of tuberculosis is in motion since 1995. The doctors say that the distribution of all forms of the disease. According to statistics, you get 1 hour in Ukraine TB four and dies. According to official figures, there are 515 thousand registered patients. This is the second number in Europe to Russia. The main reasons for the spread of TB is the growth of migration, socio-economic problems, the increase in the number of people with AIDS, alcoholism, drug addiction and respiratory diseases. There is an outbreak of the disease by the weakening of control over the implementation of TB control activities in many countries. Tuberculosis can be transmitted by contact with a sick person who has an open form of the disease, while the consumption of contaminated food, are the objects, things, dishes that TB patients. To suffer great opportunity at lower immunity through hard work, bad food, constant stress, illness, drug and alcohol use. The main symptoms of the disease is rapid weight loss, prolonged coughing, coughing up blood, weakness, fatigue, pallor, chest pain, profuse sweating. If symptoms are more than 3 weeks, you should see a doctor immediately. The WHO estimates that each year on the planet sick with tuberculosis about 9 million people, and about 2 million die of the disease. New forms of the disease that can not be cured by any known antibiotics.
Cancer drug to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis
To treat the drug rituximab (Rituxan), for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and cancer (Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), the progression of multiple sclerosis. According to American scientists, the tool will provide a better existence today of drugs to New England Journal of Medicine. Scientists at the University of California (University of California) conducted a study with 104 patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. On 1 and 15 Day of the study, 69 patients did intravenous rituximab, other injected placebo. Monitoring of patients, which lasted 48 weeks, contain a repetition of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They found that patients treated with rituximab, thereby reducing the number and size of inflammatory lesions in the brain. Increased, for example, at 36 weeks of observation, the participants in the control group, the average size of the lesions with 418 cubic millimeters, while those that rituximab - decreased by 175.5 cubic millimeter, the scientists reported. In addition, the administration of the drug led to a decline in the number of recurrences: in the placebo group during the observation period of recurrence in 40% of patients entered in the group treated with rituximab - 20.3%. After leader Stephen Hauser (Stephen Hauser), the effect of two injections to study further for all 48 weeks of observation. Moreover, the number of adverse effects on oral medication was about the same as in the control group.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Birth of boys increases the risk of postpartum depression in mothers
Birth of a boy to increase the chance of severe postnatal depression in mothers, the researchers found. French researchers conducted a study in which 181 women participated, which recently became a mother. It was found that 9% of them from a severe form of postpartum depression, of which three quarters women who gave birth, the boys were exposed. Researchers have suggested that not serve serious relationships with men at a young age as one of the factors of depression for some. According to the British expert is a very interesting discovery, although it may statistical oddity. Postpartum depression - a common phenomenon in just given birth mothers. The latest study, researchers found from the University of Nancy, that one third of women who give birth suffer from depression. However, evidence that the birth of a boy increases the risk of depression was very unexpected. Researchers found women who. Participated in the study, information about their health, including physical, mental and emotional state The researchers, led by Professor Claude de Tychey found that of 17 women with severe postpartum depression - 13 is the boy's mother. Dr Cosmo Hallstrom nevertheless believes the Royal College of Psychiatrists, that due to the very small number of women with major depression who participated in the study, it is impossible to draw accurate conclusions. It is therefore necessary to conduct an extensive research for an accurate and comprehensive results.
Smoking kills thousands of people's lives in India
Tobacco addiction is destroying millions of lives each year among the people of India for the period up to 2010, the researchers estimate. The New England Journal of Medicine has collected statistics on the currently some 900 thousand deaths in India every year due to smoking. Researchers believe that if we will not urgent measures to influence the situation, the number of deaths will increase dramatically. This suggests that smoking in the near future. Responsible for 20% of all deaths in men and 5% of women aged 30 to 60 years The study found that men (rolled thin, sometimes flavored Indian cigarette made of tobacco in a dried leaf and teriyaki thread) smoke bidis shorten their lives by an average of 6 years. Bidi smoking among women, their lives reduced to about 8 years. Even men who smoked cigarettes normal size, the average die 10 years earlier. It is assumed that the content in bidi tobacco is low enough, but apparently it is not. Although bidis and 100% natural product, but apparently is not only not smoking bidis harmless, but even more dangerous to health than smoking cigarettes. In India, bidis are popular, they make up about 80% of the market in tobacco products. The study found that in India., Among men aged 30 to 69 years, approximately 38% die of tuberculosis, 32% of cancers and 20% of cardiovascular disease
New cure for cancer - the "mermaid hair"
Chemical compound with strong anti-cancer properties were known by U.S. scientists of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are identified as "mermaid hair." Possible cure for cancer has been found on the coast of Fiji in the Pacific Ocean. By the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Scientists at the University of California at San Diego studied the properties of cyanobacteria species Lyngbya majuscula experiments on zebra fish and cell cultures. They found that the lipopeptide called somotsistinamid A prevents the formation of blood vessels that feed tumors, and blocks the process of dividing tumor cells. According leader Dwayne Stupak (Dwayne G. Stupack), anti-tumor activity of a substance to a greater extent due to the fact that it starts to investigate the process of apoptosis - programmed cell death. Moreover, the therapeutic dose of a substance required to kill cancer cells is very low, he said. "Somotsistinamid And - this is the first, the most promising compound, which we were able to identify," - said Stupak, noting further that the scientists to study the properties of the remaining 250 unique components of cyanobacteria.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
5 myths about condoms
Valentine's Day is traditionally on 14 February celebrated as Valentine's Day, brings with it not only simple surprises like flowers, candy and paper hearts with love declarations. Of course, in the eve of this holiday, and increase sexual activity between men. American Association of Healthy Life holds an annual national week of the promotion of condom use. This year's Week of safe sex 10 to 17 February. It still seems relevant, since 62 percent of the young people of both sexes, according to the survey results, the researchers did not use condoms. This leads to the fact that every year the number of adults with HIV infection, the sexual partners of infected was increased to 40 thousand people. Of these, one. In four under the age of 15 to 29 years According to doctors, this situation with an active opposition to the use of condoms among young people is not. So much the church and religious beliefs as carelessness and a number of myths Here are some of them: 1 Condoms break condom use shows that they break at the wrong time or if you make a mistake, when equipped on the penis. At the time of copulation, or storing packaged condom breakage practically impossible. Second Condoms do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and condoms Although not absolute protection be taken against sexually transmitted infections into account reliably prevents the transmission from one partner to another, not only chlamydia or gonorrhea, but also the most dangerous HIV.
Russia is building four nuclear medicine center
Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia has developed the concept of the federal target program for the development of nuclear medicine. This was reported by RIA Novosti news agency head Valentin Uiba. According to him, the new project for the period 2010 to 2015 and includes the construction of four nuclear medicine centers in Dimitrovgrad, Tomsk, Yekaterinburg and Dubna. The program will be challenging, stressed Uiba. Thus the construction of the center in Dimitrovgrad own cost the 26 billion rubles, and the center in Tomsk - a 34 billion rubles. Currently, the best conditions for a nuclear medicine center in Dimitrovgrad formed - local companies are producing all kinds of radioisotopes, in addition, there are already functioning modern medical center, and the construction of a new building for a new medical device is almost ready. The second center is to start in Tomsk at the Tomsk Institute of Nuclear Physics. "This new center is a full range of nuclear technology, including neutron irradiation, positron emission tomography, brachytherapy, open and closed types of nuclear therapy when ionizing source embedded in the diseased tissue," - said Valentine Uiba. According to him, the creation of nuclear medical centers, the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Currently, these institutions have not in Russia, there are some nuclear medicine technology only in large oncology clinics, the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Snoring spouse can hypertension
Snoring spouse prevents not only sleep, but also has a negative impact on the health of your partner. British scientists have found that a sleeping person exposed to noise above 35 decibels, there is an increase in blood pressure after the European Heart Journal. Scientists from Imperial College London, a survey of 140 people living near Heathrow and three other European airports. During sleep, in intervals of 15 minutes, the participants were determined in blood pressure. At the same time, the noise level recorded in her bedroom. It was found that the exposure to noise above 35 decibels, an increase in blood pressure caused by the participants, both during the waking and dream. This effect occurs regardless of the source of the sound - whether noise aircraft taking off, transport or snoring spouse, head of research Dzharup Lars (Lars Jarup). Regular exposure to noise increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. According to scientists, causes the noise from passing aircraft an increase in pressure in the upper lower average of 6.2 mm Hg - 7.4 mm Hg was important the volume of the noise: each additional 5 dB causes an increase of the pressure of 0.66 mm Hg According to statistics, men produce snoring noise from 20 to 80 decibels. Record holder, according to the book "Guinness World Records" is a Swede Kare Valkert (Kare Walkert) that publishes a dream noise at 93 decibels, comparable to the roar of the lawn mower.
Noise increases the pressure even while sleeping
Noise, such as noise from aircraft or transport, increase the pressure in the people, even during sleep. The researchers followed 140 sleeping residents airports. The results showed that the pressure when the person is exposed during sleep to noise 35 decibels louder increases, regardless of the source of the noise. According to preliminary estimates by scientists are people who live at least 5 years in a high noise levels, such as the airport, are more at risk, their blood pressure is high with those who live compared to other areas. Presumably property near the airport increases the risk of high blood pressure. The researchers concluded that the effect of each additional 10 decibels increases the risk of hypertension by 14%. For this reason, experts recommend that people who are prone to the development of cardiovascular diseases, to try to live away from such a noisy environment.
Parental behavior affects their children a drinking problem
If young people take alcohol into operation, in many cases this is the example of the parents. According to U.S. researchers Scientists conducted a study in 4700, which was attended by young people. It was found that the alcohol-dependent parents affects the child in the direct and indirect sense. On the one hand, the young people were simply following the example of their parents, and also began to engage in alcohol. On the other hand led to the use of alcohol to the parents of poor parents, and a lack of control, which in turn gave the child to drink alcohol, according to specialists. Previous studies have pointed out the relationship between parental addiction to alcohol and the use of alcoholic beverages children. In this study, researchers tried to find out how this effect occurs. The study included 4731 Finnish adolescents. They had to describe the attitude of parents towards how they are cared for, control, and punish, and if they get enough warmth and attention. The results showed that the children of parents who abuse alcohol do not, a warm and caring, and often punished. These parents can not prevent that. A child addicted to alcohol because they do not lead by example and do not want, and often simply not true explain this negative bias Often, the behavior of the parents and the impetus to try alcohol. According to the scientists Shawn J. Latendresse of the University of Virginia, this study is how much influence the behavior of parents of children shows addicted to alcohol, and it is hoped that many parents will be able, and their attitude to alcohol Child care overhaul.
Monday, January 14, 2013
New test detects early stage ovarian cancer in 99% of cases
Scientists at Yale University have developed a very sensitive and specific test for the early detection of ovarian cancer. Results of the second phase of clinical trials have shown that it can be used to diagnose cancer, are up to 99% according to the journal Clinical Cancer Research. The test is based on the determination of the concentration of six protein biomarkers in a small amount of blood serum based. Among them - the proteins that are produced in the body in response to the tumor, or produced by the tumor itself, said study leader Gil Mor (Gil Mor). According to him the previous tests were based only on the determination of tumor proteins, and their accuracy is not more than 15-20%. In the second phase of the clinical trial involved 500 people, 150 of them were suffering with ovarian cancer. The test results were evaluated not only by researchers, but also by independent experts from the U.S. National Cancer Institute. A multicenter clinical trial of 2,000 patients - Currently, Moore and his colleagues have already started Phase III trials test. "We hope that this test will be prescribed one of the most common medical tests for the study of women" - Moore said. Ovarian cancer is a leading cause of death from cancer in women. The disease is called the "silent killer": The cancer has long flowing asymptomatic and often detected in later, incurable stage.
Sevastopol has bird flu found in wild birds
Sevastopol has Migratory Bird flu found in wild birds, said the head of the city administration of veterinary medicine Vadim Zarapin. According to UNIAN, 11 February this year, the veterinary service of the city of nine dead birds (they were in the Balaklava Bay, the bay and the beach Kamyshova "Omega" discovered) that have been sent up to the Crimean Republican Veterinary Laboratory for the Study sampled flu. 13th February veterinary service has received positive results for all nine samples. The presence of avian influenza in migratory birds After V.Zarapina, there is a real threat of the virus in poultry in connection with the detection of avian influenza in migratory wild birds. But today everything is under control, and all poultry is healthy. Chief Veterinary at the city's inhabitants with a call. Contact with migratory birds that flock in coils, not to avoid exposing themselves to a risk
Prostate cancer, first identified in older men, not cause death
Men 70 years and older who were diagnosed with prostate cancer may not worry too much because they are not likely to die from the disease, the researchers said. Expert study was conducted with the participation of 9,000 older men with prostate cancer. Of these, only 3 to 7 percent have died of cancer 10 years later, advances the rest of the disease or not, or developed very slowly. Since the treatment of prostate cancer is associated with significant side effects, the study will help the patient make the right decision with regard to the treatment, which usually affects on their health and without which it is possible to do if the disease does not progress said Grace Lu-Yao. Doctors were debates about when to treat patients with prostate cancer, as the disease often. In the form of slow development Scientists have found that when the men refuse treatment, they must be constantly monitored by a doctor to ensure that the disease does not noted progresses. In the case of disease required to run the course.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Scientists have finally abandoned the hypothesis of poisoning by Napoleon
A group of physicists at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy (INFN), University of Milan and Pavia, a study that definitively rejects the hypothesis of an intentional poisoning by arsenic in Napoleon Bonaparte during his exile on the island of St. Helena. Publish conclusions of scientists journal Il Nuovo Saggiatore, synopsis article in the newspaper The Telegraph. Physics comparing different periods of hair Bonaparte (cut into his childhood in Corsica, in the ripeness - during his exile on the island of Elba, on the day after his death on St. Helena Island), his son and his wife - the Empress Josephine, and ten people today. The samples were studied by neutron activation analysis, which can determine a high accuracy, the chemical composition of the hair. As it turned out, contained the hair of Napoleon and his family arsenic is a hundred times more than the hairs of our contemporaries. Cut the amount of arsenic in the strands of the emperor, when he was a child, is nothing more than what they have been found in post-mortem samples of his hair. Italian scientists study provides further indirect confirmation of the hypothesis that the cause of death was cancer of the stomach Bonaparte. Was published in an article in 2007 in the journal Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology, scientists have suggested that a predisposition for the disease, Napoleon was meager army diet consisting mainly of increased corned beef.
Curling eyelashes affects their structure
Daily eyelashes turning tweezers can weaken considerably, which causes itching and the appearance of dark stripes on the lid - it suggests that the "break" and not grow. Increasingly confronted with cases of beauticians aggressive effect on the hair, eyebrows, eyelashes. This uncontrolled use of various detergents, hair dryers, hair curlers, etc. used tweezers tonsillitis, gastritis and the like - but apart from external factors negatively affected by the general state of the organism. For this reason, when having a chronic infection foci, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. Not the best for hair and skin affected by a poor diet. For this reason it is advisable to leave the curling eyelashes just for special occasions. To strengthen the lashes should the old tried and tested method: after make-up removal, a small amount of castor oil to clean brush eyelashes, may the lining of the eye. To perform this procedure, so within three months you will be a significant improvement in the eyelashes. You can also use vitamins and minerals that increase to be determined nails, hair and eyelashes.
By respiration to diagnose serious diseases
Researchers from the University of Swansea are hoping for a quick and easy method for the diagnosis of serious diseases create. The idea for serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, to be defined by the analysis of samples of breath is not new. But researchers have questioned the reliability and accuracy of these methods for determining disease. Dr. Masood Yousef, a senior fellow at the University of Wales, the use of existing technology to analyze the concentrations of volatile organic compounds in breath. According to him, the high concentrations of certain volatile compounds in the breath is associated with a particular disease. For example, the smell of acetone breath give diabetes disease, the smell of ammonia - about hepatitis, and the odor of hydrogen sulfide Ethan cirrhosis. There are also links to specific forms of cancer, the doctor said. In his opinion, diagnosis based on the analysis of the breath at the moment is very poor compared with the analysis of blood and urine is not developed and used in clinical practice. This diagnosis was defined as incomplete, subjective and unreliable. Due to improved analytical methodology, diagnostic variability based markers provides a potentially new opportunity in the rapid identification and control of the disease. Breath-analysis provides a convenient and fast way to a serious illness, the minimal medical intervention, and diagnose the minimum investment of time and money required, the scientists said.
Exercise helps fight depression
Doctors are increasingly prescribed to combat depression exercise, reports the BBC. The poll, conducted by the UK Mental Health Foundation admitted that 22% of the 200 British that the exercise helped them cope with depression. According to employees of the Fund is important that doctors look for other ways to treat depression in patients not only prescribed antidepressants to treat. The study found that exercise can help people with mild forms of depression, increase their sense of self-esteem by improving the condition and appearance of the body, and get rid of isolation from the outside world, which expand and increase depression helps. In return, exercise helps produce hormones endorphins, also known as "happiness hormone". According to Director of the Fund Celia Richardson exercise, can help people to cope with the problems of the physical, social and biological nature. According to the survey, three years ago, 41% of people thought it was an effective tool in the fight against depression, to date, the percentage of people who agree with them, up to 61 More and more people are interested in this way in the fight against depression.
Breast cancer can be identified by the extensions
In the near future in the UK available tests that have determined the early signs of breast cancer by a few strands of hair. According to doctors, this test could save the lives of many people as possible to detect the disease at an early stage of a more effective treatment. Test responds to change the structure of the hair, in the case of cancer. In the UK alone over 44,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer each year and 1,000 women die from it each month. This country has the highest cancer mortality rates in the developed world. The test detects breast cancer, with about 20 centimeters longer hair is not long. It can be used to diagnose even very young girls.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Soon you will be a cure for fatigue
Scientists develop drug that relieve fatigue after exercise and a positive impact on people with heart disease, reports the BBC helps. Colombian researchers found that fatigue causes penetration of calcium into the muscle cells. Although it was initially assumed that fatigue sets in after a hard burden related to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. But the survey found that as a result of strenuous exercise is the penetration of calcium into the muscle cells, and produced by enzyme proteins. Again cause damage to the muscle fibers In the experiment, the researchers found that the entry of calcium was observed in mice after an intense three-week daily swimming and in athletes after three days of cycling. Researchers have identified a similar entry of calcium into the muscle cells of mice with heart failure. Scientists emphasized that the penetration was only observed in humans and mice after a strenuous exercise. Also suggest that patients with heart failure the penetration of calcium continuously, which is not possible to recover their muscles. Can carry a feeling of tiredness so negative, patients may not have the strength to brush off the bed, teeth or eating. Now scientists, plans to develop a drug reduces fatigue in patients with heart failure. The scientists hope that this drug will have a positive impact on the status and health of people with heart disease.
The presence of genital herpes increases the likelihood of HIV transmission
In the presence of virus-2 (genital herpes), the risk of transmission by 16-time is increasing, according The researchers conducted a study among gay men in the U.S., which means that the presence of genital herpes increases the risk of transmission immunodeficiency in the order again. Were researchers from the University of San Diego looking for men who are newly infected with HIV. Then a special genetic analysis were identified, of which HIV is transmitted. Were analyzed simultaneously for herpes-2, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia performed. The presence of a bacterial infection increases the risk of HIV transmission by 50%. However, the greatest risk to the presence of virus-2 has been assigned. If a person with HIV had genital herpes, increases the likelihood of transmission by 16 times. Had in one third of cases of HIV from the person 2 gerepes. Unfortunately, unlike the majority of genital herpes infections is not fully cured. Existing treatment only suppresses the virus prevents the manifestations of infection -. Specific sores on the genitals or anus For example, you can use the drug allokin alpha - one of the most effective ways. However, scientists believe that taking medication for herpes is also the risk of HIV transmission.
Promote sugar substitutes weight gain
Artificial sweeteners lead to weight gain, despite the fact that contain virtually no calories. This is indicated by a study conducted by Purdue University employees. In the experiment, the researchers divided the experimental rats in two groups, the first of which yoghurt with normal glucose and the second received - the same yoghurt sweetened with saccharin. This material is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar with virtually no calories. Pets are not limited in the diet. The latter showed that rats faster yogurt with saccharin, weight gain eat much, because a lot more of their fellowman. Artificial sweeteners are widely used in so-called diet versions of popular products for consumers who are themselves concerned with the problem of excess weight. However, the result of such a substitution is directly opposite. Normally sweet taste helps the body to assess the food calories come, starting the correct metabolism and appetite. In this case, the replacement of sugar sweetener disturb these natural control mechanism. Indirect evidence for this hypothesis is the parallel growth and high levels of obesity and the consumption of artificial sweeteners in the industrialized countries. However, numerous attempts to evaluate the effect of artificial sweeteners to the weight of the person who, until recently led to mixed results. This is partly due to the fact that, unlike humans rodents can consciously control the amount of food intake on its caloric content explained.
Passive smoking is the cause of the girl's death
Girl from Michigan died of an asthma attack as a result of passive smoking, reports the BBC. This is the first death due to passive smoking, the officially reported. According to the scientists can Rozerman tobacco smoke asthma attacks, because the level is very high smoke particles in smoke-filled rooms. According to the scientist worked the girl, a student at a bar as a waitress. She did not smoke because of asthma disease and health was good at work. One day, coming to work, about 15 minutes later, the girl began an asthma attack, and after a few minutes, she fell to the ground unconscious. An autopsy revealed that the death was due to an asthma attack. After Rozermana, she was sick with asthma two years. She visited the doctor four times a year. She was prescribed medication to prevent asthma attacks, but it is only used when they experienced difficulty in breathing. In 24 U.S. states banned smoking in public places. In many other states, including Michigan, the matter is considered. According to scientists, the smoking ban to prevent deaths in the future. Rozerman wrote about this case in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Back in 2006, the medical records, indications have emerged that passive smoking can cause heart disease and lung cancer. But direct evidence of the mortal danger of passive smoking has not happened. Now Professor Rosenman and his colleagues believe they have enough evidence.
Friday, January 11, 2013
The first death from influenza in Ukraine
In Odessa, from complications of the flu girl died UNIAN. According to the head teacher Valentina Sebovoy a girl for a week does not go to school, 8 February came, in the class, because feeling is good, but in the evening she abruptly fever and an ambulance has not been able to save her. Deaths from influenza in Odessa was not for many years, said the regional head of the epidemiological department Lyudmila Krasnetskaya ECJ. Forensic doctors say the flu is primarily dangerous to people of advanced age, which affects the internal organs, and a little less for children. Odessa City Hall and sanitation centers introduced on 11 February, quarantine all schools and kindergartens in the city. The wave of flu Ukraine covered. Not schools and kindergartens operate in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne, Chernigov, Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk and Lugansk regions, as it is in children under 14 years a sharp rise in incidence. At the time of quarantine restrictions big events for children.
Intelligent people are more likely to become alcoholics
According to the findings of British scientists, intelligent people are more likely to get to health problems caused by alcohol abuse, rather than less intelligent people. According to scientists from the Medical Research Council, intelligent, educated people tend to be more stress to their professional activities, forcing them to drink large amounts of alcohol to less than intelligent. Women who dominated the men are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of alcohol. Researchers studied 8,710 men and women who were born in one week in 1970. Your mental abilities at the age of 10 have been compared with information about the use of alcohol and problems with drinking in the age of 30. In the American Journal of Public Health published study suggests that people faced caused a high degree of mental activity a lot of problems with alcohol in adulthood. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the British, who held positions of managers and supervisors, 15.1 consume alcohol unit (1 unit. Alcohol is 2 glasses of wine) per week, compared with 11.6 units, the people of routine Activities involved consume. On average, women consume 9.0 units of alcohol a week and men - 18.7. In 2005, for every 100,000 people in the UK accounted for 12.9 deaths caused by alcohol abuse, but in 2006 this figure had risen to 13.4.