Saturday, March 2, 2013

The incidence of diabetes in the U.S. continues to grow

The incidence of diabetes in the U.S. is growing. For 7% of the population suffer from this disease, the more than 20 million people, according to U.S. scientists from the American Diabetes Association. According to the estimates of researchers by 2050 some 48 million people are diagnosed with Type II diabetes. This serious disease that leads to complications, including blindness, deafness, kidney damage, nervous system disorders and amputation. Born for the first time in American history, generation after 2000 will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, experts predict. According to experts at the University of Michigan, the epidemic of diabetes will have significant implications for the United States: not only increase health care costs, but suffering and the economic system are unable to work as a potentially healthy people. But after doctors fight against diabetes can be won if everyone thinks about their own choice of healthy eating and the right way of life for themselves and their families. Doctors do not get tired to remember about the benefits of physical activity and fruit and vegetables: Even hour tour instead of traveling by bus or an apple instead of ice, small steps may be to reduce the risk of disease.

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