Friday, March 22, 2013

Smoking for intimacy takes the birthday boy

Scientists have found that in the last ten years, more girls are born than boys. Danish and Japanese sexologists suggest that the reason is smoking. According to them, after smoking intimacy drastically reduced imagine the possibility of parents, one son. Scientists conducted an experiment, a survey of nearly 12 thousand parents of newborn children. Then divided them into three groups. The first group includes completely Non smoking mothers and fathers. The second - from smoking 20 cigarettes a day. And the third - those who smoked more than 20 cigarettes daily. Particular attention was paid to the habit of smoking before or after intercourse. The analysis of the responses, researchers have found that smoking affects sperm. After they do the cells that are the Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of boys more vulnerable to changes in the body caused by smoking. Sperm with X chromosomes do not have as high sensitivity. So it turns out that men who want to have a male heir, you should reduce the dose of nicotine before and after intercourse or not to smoke. Specialists also proved that mothers. Before and during pregnancy, smoking, the baby boy one third less likely than non-smoking women Given the parameters of the health and age of the mother, it seems that, when the smoke is the father, is the chance to have a boy almost halved. Furthermore, the gender of a child affect and passive smoking.

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