Friday, March 8, 2013

Smoking is a major cause of a second heart attack

Young people who had a heart attack, but they continue to smoke - three times more likely that heart attack one more time, compared to those who quit smoking, scientists say. People. Younger than 35 who continue to smoke more prone to recurrent heart attack and death from heart attack than those who quit smoking Smoking must be subjected to the treatment for unclogging arteries. The results of the study show that smoking not only possible cause of a first heart attack, but also contributes to relapse. According to the scientists Loukianos Rallidis can young people who have had a heart attack once significantly reduce the risk of re not smoke. Scientists examined 10 years the health of 150 patients in Greece who had suffered a heart attack at the age of 36. More than 50% of patients continued to smoke after the first heart attack, and nearly 50% of this amount was the second heart attack. And among those who quit smoking, myocardial infarction was observed in only 18% of patients. Loukianos Rallidis found that 95% of Greek patients who had a second heart attack, were smoking. According to statistics of cardiovascular disease - the leading cause of death in men and women in the U.S. and in most developed countries. And smoking is a major cause of heart disease.

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