Risk of sushi lovers, according to scientists, are teenagers and pregnant women because of mercury, which is full of this court, the negative impact on the process of growth and slows the development of the embryo, reported Hong Kong media. Scientists tested 280 different species of fish, including canned food, for methyl mercury - the most toxic organic compounds of mercury that can effectively interact with the elements of the enzyme systems of the body with liquid and which can not be cooked. Excess of methylmercury in the body leads to disorders of the nervous system, vision, hearing, coordination and memory. In particular, scientists believe, should be treated with caution to the consumption of red sea bream - mercury in it exceeds the permissible 500 micrograms per kilogram. Scientists advise fans of sushi and sashimi from fish to limit themselves to 20 units per week. Also, experts say high concentrations of mercury in zheltospinnogo bream, yellowtail barracuda and tuna. Pregnant women should avoid the tuna from the menu, as well as to avoid the use of large predators - sharks and swordfish. Scientists recommend that those who are planning a pregnancy, the use of these types of fish in the six months before you to understand, plan, say the media.
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