Of all the creatures suffer from migraine just a man. The reason it is still not clear, though it is known to doctors for more than 3000 years. The name "migraine" comes from the French language -. "Half of the head disease," a corruption of the Greek word "migraine", what it means is so named this disease Roman physician Galen (II century AD). Migraine pain actually occurs primarily in one half of the head, but can then skip to the next. Of course, not everyone with migraine headache. Doctors are two types of headaches: 1. Tension headaches - bilaterally compressed. Second Migraine pain - throbbing, located on one side. Migraines are more common in people who are prone to anxiety, depression, emotional excitability, non-psychological stress resistance. Migraines often sick people, who suffered from such physiological characteristics as natural irritability and emotional instability, resentment, ambition, intolerance of other errors, the love of excellence, initiative, ambition. The disease affects people strong, stubborn, active. Migraines often coexists with hysteria, epilepsy and allergies. Patients with migraine usually stubborn, selfish, irritable, tense internally. However, they are conscientious and prone to excessive detail and thoroughness. They often unwarranted fear, frustration, disappointment. Migraine blame genes, but a predisposition to genetic inheritance. Betrayed by the maternal line. Among male patients with migraine, in four of the five cases of the disease suffering mother. Usually, the first symptoms of the disease appear during puberty. Women have 3-4 times more often than men with migraine attacks are often associated with the menstrual cycle. In most cases, migraine occurs in young - 30 With age, the disease disappears. The intensity and frequency of headache attacks are heavily dependent on the circumstances of life. Stress, physical and emotional overload migraine trigger. Migraines usually causes no complications, no threat to life and leads to permanent disability. It simply prevents live. The main suspect - serotonin mechanisms of migraine are not well studied. But we know that this is the exchange of substances, particularly serotonin breaks. Participate in the development of migraine substances with strong vasodilatory effect (peptide bradykinin, heparin). Before the attack level of serotonin in the blood, and then, during the attack, is in sharp decline. Why this happens is not clear. It is possible that the cause of migraine may be an inherited disorder of the hypothalamus - a brain region that the metabolism, regulates body temperature and communicates the nervous and endocrine systems. In these disorders serotonin levels in the brain reduces what. Symptoms like nausea and vomiting, chills, sleep after a bout of pain, depression Constant lack of serotonin "mobilized" platelets that contain large amounts of this substance. A dramatic release of serotonin from platelets leads to., A temporary constriction of blood vessels in the brain The excess blood, forced by vasospasm, flow through the external carotid artery, pressure on the vessel wall, expand the artery and cause pain attack. In the right hemisphere has more platelets, so that the right side of the head is often painful. Not surprisingly, the headaches are to relieve migraine attacks during the most effective drugs that regulate serotonin metabolism. Tyramine and phenylethylamine - the rest, the triggering effects of certain foods, particularly chocolate, with the fact that they are connected substances that affect the formation of serotonin contained. As it happens migraine occurs in three stages: 1 For several hours or even days before the attack, the pain gets worse performance and mood. Harbinger symptoms: pallor, apathy, drowsiness, yawning, nausea. In the so-called "visual" just before a migraine attack before the eyes appear flash, flashing zigzag stripes. Second It is an acute headaches. Lasts from a few up to 15-20 hours. People can not tolerate bright lights, loud noises, loses appetite, increased nausea, sometimes vomiting, red face, it is the pain in the chest, chills. Third The third stage - long sleep. There are other symptoms of migraine, such as violations of the motor activity of the limbs. And if it hurts the right half of the head, the injury occurred in the left leg and arm, and vice versa. In the first stage of migraine narrows the blood vessels of the head, and due to a reduction of blood flow. Then, in the pain phase, expanding carotid artery. What to avoid and fear can provoke migraine different circumstances: stress, emotional stress after release negative emotions, changes in weather, the onset of menstruation, lack of sleep or, conversely, excessive sleep with dreams, exercise. Cocoa, milk, cheese, nuts, eggs, soy sauce, tomatoes, anchovies, citrus fruits, red wine, rich food, as already mentioned chocolate: dangerous and can be a number of products. Risk factors include: irregular meal (high between meals), constipation, alcohol. Oral contraceptives, drugs dilate blood vessels: sometimes the cause of a migraine attack may become drugs. Bright light, flickering images on a TV or computer can be a lot of noise, a "trigger" for migraine. Migraines are bad with regard to the treatment. More often than during the attack by the usual analgesics and vasodilators. The treatment is complicated by the fact that migraine medications and impaired absorption of poorly absorbed drugs. Proven drugs like Zomig, Amigrenin, Relpaks, Imigran. The drug must be taken in good time before the second - pain - phase. Otherwise, the effect is either minimal or medicine. Vomiting and no effect at all Of course, the drugs are not cheap. But if it's a choice - be patient and wait or quickly get rid of the pain, then holds back nothing material. Scientists have found that in the first stage of a migraine - predbolevoy - patient actively growing electrical activity of the brain. If the maximum is reached, the attack and the activity of the brain is immediately starts getting back to normal. Then it starts again. The increase in the activity of the brain helps aspirin. Some patients with long-term systemic administration of low-dose aspirin for 6-7 months, regardless of whether it is a headache or not, effectively prevents the occurrence of seizures. But first, you should consult with your doctor. "Brilliant" disease? Author of "The Genius and genetics" P. Efroimson (Moscow, 1998) suggested that act gout, Marfan syndrome and other disorders as a companion creative genius. It is known that, in such diseases, the body large amounts of substances with psychoactive effects (for gout - uric acid) produced. And it is possible that due to these substances creative inclinations be implemented more effectively. Perhaps, and migraine associated with genius? In fact, the list of prominent figures are impressive: Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Pontius Pilate, Edgar Allan Poe, Peter I, Darwin, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Wagner, Marx, Freud, Chekhov, Linnaeus, H. Heine, G. Maupassant, Nietzsche, Napoleon, Dostoyevsky, Gogol, Calvin B. Pascal. Of women - Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth I Tudor, Virginia Woolf ... Dutch neurologist Michele Ferrari believes that P. Picasso may have suffered from migraine attacks, although the artist himself never complained of severe headaches. But the artist in connection with the end of the 30s, such as "Weeping Woman" and see "Portrait of a woman in a hat." The portraits of the human face is cut by vertical lines, so that the eyes and ears have distorted dimensions and proportions, and one eye higher than the other. Physicians known rare form of migraine, when all is not just limited aura and vision problems, and the phase of the headache. However, it should be noted that the percentage of the genius migraine disease is the same as in the entire human population. But among the many ambitious and motivated people with migraines. So sometimes a migraine - a payment for life activity.
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