Wednesday, March 20, 2013

British experts have called for a moratorium on dangerous for children painting

British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has today on Europe than on the use of synthetic food dyes can cause, the use of which hyperactive children. Food colors E110, E122, E102, E124, E104 and E129 come under suspicion as a result of research conducted by the staff of the University of Southampton in 2004. According to researchers, had children. Beverages with a high content of these substances, which are consumed by their peers impulsive and uncontrolled behavior, and trouble concentrating The study, which lasted six weeks, took 300 children aged three, eight and nine years old. "The data available, we have that these pigments shall not be used in products," - said the head of the FSA, Dame Deirdre Hutton. She added that a comprehensive ban on the use of these dyes to sanction the UK authorities to EU supervisors. Previously FSAprizyvaet manufacturers voluntarily refuse unsafe ingredients since 2009. Already mentioned, the European agency for food safety inspection to determine harmful dyes very low, but because these substances have no nutritional value, eliminating its use does not affect the quality of food. Currently, food additives E110, E122, E102, E124, E104 and E129 approved for use in Russia and the EU.

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