The researchers found the gene responsible for the development of hereditary form of iron deficiency, can offer to provide the impetus for a method of treating a reduced uptake of iron in the body. According to WHO, iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia, which affects one third of the world population. In developing countries, observed every second pregnant woman and more than 40% of preschool children anemia. Anemia occurs when the reduction in the number of red blood cells in the blood and / or deficiency in these cells carrying the protein hemoglobin, oxygen. Scientists conducted a study to determine why some children with iron Anime (IDA) is no answer to the adoption of an adequate dose of iron tries inside. Examines five families in which more than one member of the family. A chronic deficiency of iron in the body As a result, experts have found a series of mutations in the gene TMPRSS6. Experts have not been able to determine the exact mechanism, but it is clear that the lack of protein in the body caused TMPRSS6 hepcidin production -. The hormone that blocks the absorption of iron in the intestine Hepcidin will normally synthesized in the body in order to prevent excess iron therein. But in patients with IDA zhelezorefrakternoy, despite the lack of iron in the body in large quantities Hepcidin is synthesized completely blocks the absorption of this element by the intestine. Researchers say that the discovery of proteins that regulate the synthesis of hepcidin, opens up new possibilities in the treatment of iron deficiency.
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