Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Passive smoking causes blindness

Many, in a smoky room, feel shortness of breath, dizziness, cough. This is perhaps the most innocuous of passive smoking. But what exactly tobacco smoke is harmful to the eyes? The worst effects of passive smoking are blindness. It is a consequence of the disease, as senile macular degeneration degradation (SDM). According to the UK, in this country suffer from this disease half a million. Scientists at Cambridge University have found that living with a smoker for five years increases the risk of disease in half (this factor is active smoking triples). Senile macular degeneration, degradation - a disease that occurs in people over 50 years old. When the disease affects the central part of the retina, which is important for reading. But not everything is as bad as it seems! With smoking quit (after 20 years of service), then the risk of the disease is almost that reduces say how much nekuryaschih.Aktivisty fight nicotine that these findings underscore the need for a total ban on smoking in enclosed public places and work to mestah.K it is known that nicotine affects the blood vessels. As you know, the blood system coordinates the work of the whole organism, and thus nicotine threatens vision. But not only nicotine is dangerous. In tobacco smoke contains about 5,000 chemicals, many of them act as sosudosuzhayuschie. The result - vascular sclerosis, and therefore increases the blood pressure. Copious blood supply to the human eye. Pollutants include tobacco smoke cause reduction of blood supply to the choroid and the retina. This factor may lead to disease of the optic nerve or to the formation of blockages of the blood vessels. As a result there may be a slepota.Esli tearing, burning in the eyes when you are in a smoke filled room, shall be the conjunctival irritation. Beyond tobacco smoke - a severe allergy, whereas in humans, passive smoking, it can be allergic conjunctivitis. And this: redness of the eyes and mucous membranes century, the feeling of sand in the eyes, burning, slezotechenie.Zabolevanie that common in the elderly - cataract (clouding of the lens of the eye pathology) - may also be a consequence of the passive (and active, of course) by components in tobacco smoke contain. Help you in this case may be, as a rule only work hirurgicheskaya.Krome of nicotine damages the thyroid. That is, the supply of iodine is difficult, then there is Graves' disease (popularly exophthalmos). Healing is possible, but with the complete failure of kureniya.Kurenie - a scourge of our time. But, of course, to all smokers quit this addiction, no one has the right. But in order to protect yourself from secondhand smoke makes sense. The bad news is that in our country is very big smoke cult. And even those who do not smoke, their dose of nicotine and other harmful substances, and thus the risk of blindness.

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