Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Soft music - a drug for depression in pregnant women

Pleasant and relaxing music will help women to get rid of anxiety and depression during pregnancy, according to Taiwanese scientists. Scientists conducted an experiment, in which participated by two groups of pregnant women aged 30 and over who are at 18-34 weeks of pregnancy. A group of women were asked to listen to 30 minutes of discs with classical music, nature sounds, lullabies and Chinese children songs and rhythms. The study participants continue to listen to this kind of music for two weeks and took notes of what she heard songs than with it. The second group of women listened to the music, the researchers reported. At the beginning of the experiment, the experts speak on a special scale for all women of stress and anxiety. The experiment showed that decreased significantly after listening to stress, and the same thing happened with anxiety and depression. The women who listened to music, the best they feel when listening to lullabies and nature sounds. Most of them were to music, relaxing before bedtime or during cleaning. Experts believe that the pregnancy - it is stressful for the female body, because it is important to do everything possible to reduce this stress, including making it easier (automatic optional) routine cases. For example, today released a special program to vkontakte music, which is much easier to download your favorite tracks to find on the network, thus preventing the development of stress responses. After all, in the stress of maternal anxiety and depression seems like this state longer than a day. Experts recommend the use of this method in hospitals, where the mothers are on the conservation. Music for 30 minutes a day - it is simple, inexpensive and very effective, they said.

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