The number of people who use illegal drugs in Ukraine official data is about 100,000. However, the actual number is estimated to MIA 10-12 times longer and can 600-800000 to reach UNIAN reports. Narkozavimymi increasingly targeted at minors and young children under the age of 30. In Ukraine, according to Interpol, is about 70,000 drug dealers. To get for teenagers, illegal drugs is no longer a problem. Studies have shown that the average age of drug users - 9-13 years - 13-15 years, and in some cities even younger. According to statistics: Kirovograd, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa regions and the city of Kiev is a danger zone. Number of drug addicts in the country in recent years, growing at a very fast pace. For 10,000 people is 24 addicts. And this is only the official statistics, which also virtually ignored those who use non-injection drugs (marijuana, barbiturates, hallucinogens). Drugs covered in nightclubs, parties, educational institutions (rating places where young people buy drugs: Dance -, 20% - 49%, in the streets - 34%, at parties - 34% in the markets - 26%, in the pharmacies Education - 14%, on the beaches and in parks - 9%). Experts believe that marijuana. After approximately 60% of adolescents It is believed that the pass "marijuana" addiction, but without missing a beat drugs, experts say. There is also the view that marijuana - no drugs. However, light and heavy drugs is not going to happen. Cannabis use appears longer than, for example, heroin use with no fuss, but it somehow always goes according to doctors.
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