Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fashion Jewelry sedative affects women

Buy new earrings or rings can help women reduce stress and improves mood. A matching jewelry is a kind of trance, and makes it possible to extract from the daily thoughts. This leap from reality positively on the nervous system than eight hours of sleep, say psychologists. Scientists conducted a study that the jewelry on women's health has taken a big impact. They believe that in order to calm down in the evening or before an important meeting, enough to scatter on the table and a few minutes to sort your favorite ornaments, admiring them. Glitter colored glass pieces will help you relax. In addition, jewelry heal physically. Especially if it made from natural materials. The tree contains aromatic resins and oils that gradually evaporates, leading us invisible aromatherapy. Shells containing substances that have a numbing effect. It is noted that the fans of pearl jewelry Analgin rarely drink and go to the doctor. Another positive effect of the provision of jewelry when they deal, for example when buying wholesale jewelry. Actually due to its multi-color, it can be part of the color treatment. According to experts, pure color effect on the energy balance in humans. Therefore, with the bright costume jewelry can simulated mood. For example, yellow evokes work, strength adds red, blue curbs appetite, soothing brown, orange reduces anxiety. We can only wear a bracelet or ring the right color - and a good day is guaranteed.

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