Excessive cleanliness sometimes plays a negative role and may be the cause of some diseases, scientists say. According to statistics for the last five years experienced an upswing in the first type of diabetes in children. Specialists have long tried to find the cause of what is happening, and as a result found that the cause of the excessive desire of parents to clean. Experts conducted a study in which these specific types of bacteria and viruses in the air, for the body type "quenching" are used, found. That is to develop it as a child antibodies, so he grew up is a person sick less. A species of bacteria, prevents the first type of diabetes, say scientists. And can their absence in the air and to the development of allergies, asthma and other diseases. With weakened immune systems The scientists conducted experiments on mice in the laboratory. It was found that rodents who grew up in a completely sterile environment, suffer from various diseases, often by 80% than those who were in the ordinary nature. The results of the study showed that even the desire may for good in conventional terms, enormous harm if this abuse lead, said the expert.
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