Regular aerobic exercise helps prevent not only reduce the function of the brain, which often occur with age, but can turn back the clock in terms of the aging brain to specialists. Age-related decrease in gray and white matter of the brain is responsible for reducing the effectiveness of the many functions of the higher nervous activity, such as planning, working memory tasks, as well as multi-functional management. Scientists at the University of Illinois found that the processes in the brain are exposed to the most sensitive to physical shock. People with symptoms of Alzheimer's regular moderate physical activity not only improves the speed and accuracy of thinking, but actually increases the volume of the brain, which improves the functions of his job. In the 6-month study, researchers looked at people aged 60 to 75 years. It was found that the participants in the study, which went for 45 minutes three times a week at a brisk pace, not only to get fit, but also indicators of mental activity, as in the control group who did not exercise compared. The results of the studies show, can change that regular and moderate exercise in any form (in the gym or just active trekking) is able to weaken the age-cognitive functions of the brain in a positive way, said the study authors.
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