Contact lenses increase the risk of infection by pathogenic microorganisms, leading to blindness, say Spanish scientists. Experts conducted a study in which a high percentage of contact lens was contaminated with Acanthamoeba microorganisms that can not be killed with conventional disinfectants. These microorganisms are one of the most common types of protozoa in soil and fresh water. Once in the eye, because it will carry amoebic keratitis infection, 85% of the morbidity, the people who contact lenses. Experts believe that such an infection in the long-run total blindness. Ameba commonly found in chlorinated pools and tap water, so that the people who wear contact lenses while swimming or rinsed with water containers lenses have an increased chance of infection. According to experts, has in the last twenty years amoebae increased in the world due to the fact that more and more people were selected for vision correction contact lenses. According to the Spanish microbiology at the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands Pathogenic amoeba in tap water and feed on bacteria, always on the lens, "live" between it and the eye. The main reason for always keeping an eye infection - the lack of proper hygiene and proper care of the lenses.
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