Saturday, October 19, 2013

Can eat the rapid obesity

Can eat the rapid increased risk of obesity roughly doubled, according to Japanese scientists. Experts from Osaka University studied the eating habits of 3 thousand people. According to experts, the problem in the signaling system that tells the body when they stop eating, may be partly responsible for the development of obesity. If it deliberately slow, it could have an impact on the weight loss, the scientists believe. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. Chew with careful, it will not only the process of digestion, but also helps to prevent obesity, experts say. Scientists in their work focused on the relationship between the rate of food intake, satiety and weight loss. Of the three thousand participants in the experiment at least a third person reported that they often consume food at a fast pace. The researchers found that when people fast, food, the risk weight of more than two times normal, or 84%, compared to those who ate slowly. Experts believe that the rapid consumption of food can cause interference in the signal system and thus cause for obesity. The slow rate of eating can make you feel more saturated with eating less, the study's authors.

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