Thursday, October 10, 2013

Premature ejaculation - a genetic problem, not psychological

Scientists have found a gene that controls the speed of ejaculation in men. It turns out that the reason for the thorny issue of genetic predisposition, is not a psychological problem. Dutch researchers conducted the study, which was attended by 89 men suffer from premature ejaculation. It should be noted that the object of the investigation was the so-called primary premature ejaculation. Men with this condition have always had problems with ejaculation, starting with the first sexual intercourse and throughout life. The trial lasted a month. Partners, participants in the experiment had measured with a stopwatch time from sexual intercourse until ejaculation are. Men who occasionally appeared premature ejaculation, or those in which she appeared at a much later age, were not included in the study. They found that men with premature ejaculation, the drug less active serotonin in the brain cells that. The control of ejaculation Serotonin is used for the transmission of impulses from one nerve cell to another. People with an impaired activity of such a transmission of data is broken, which is manifested premature ejaculation. The gene responsible for the production of serotonin can have three options: very active, moderately active and inactive. The last option is the primary cause of premature ejaculation, the sexologists have long considered a psychological problem.

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