People often use poisons to kill insects. But on the human body such funds also may have a negative impact and even lead to death, experts say. Scientists conducted a study between 2001 and 2006, which found that insect repellent acute illness in 466 people, and even cause a death. Symptoms of the disease may have a cough, shortness of breath, irritation of the upper respiratory tract. New method of pest control with a total fog machine, and a pyrethroid chemical pyrethrin insecticides acute human poisoning. Also a part of such tools include an aerosol explode easily catch fire. Experts estimate that 80% of acute poisoning with insecticides were mild, 18% - moderate and 2% experienced severe form of poisoning. Thus, the conductivity has a pest control room and the "back", despite the fact that, as we are convinced manufacturers products are virtually harmless to humans and animals. "
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