Sunday, October 20, 2013

Disinfection reduces the body's ability to fight virus

Frequent use of various chemical disinfectants leads to the bacteria and viruses that enter the body, they become resistant to drugs, say U.S. researchers. In the detergent contains a high concentration of chemical biocides, which contribute to the survival of viruses, and ultimately, in the presence of certain infections of bacteria and viruses is difficult to beat with medication, said researchers. Researchers in the field of microbiology, conducted an experiment on bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, noting that under the influence of a large number of components of the antiseptic violated the removal of toxins from the cells. According to experts, the pathogenic bacteria are a threat to human health because they are difficult to get rid of. Increases again when bacteria living on the body has a resistance to antibiotics. Negative contribution to these processes make it unnecessary sanitary measures, which is so often in the patients of the hospital admission only getting worse. Doctors stress that disinfectant agents are useful in moderation.

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