Friday, October 25, 2013

Doctors often use a placebo instead of a few drugs

Many American doctors give their patients a placebo or simply "dummy" instead of certain drugs, such as a pain reliever. And doctors believe that treatment is the illusion created quite ethical, Reuters reported. The researchers found that of 679 ambulances half of patients treated with placebo, and does not want to say. The idea is to perform a "placebo effect" - improving health through psychological effects that lead to the expectation of a positive effect of the fact that people feel the change in the physical layer. More than 60% of doctors believe that a placebo in patients is quite possible, the researchers reported. However, such acts are contrary to the standards established by the American Medical Association (AMA), which means that the use of placebo in the treatment unethical States. The study experts found that in fact some of the patients on placebo had a positive impact. Nevertheless, representatives of the AMA believes that the placebo may be used only with the consent of the patient, or it may seriously undermine the confidence of the actions of health care professionals.

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