In the first half of 2008, the birth rate in Russia rose by 7.8 percent, while the death rate - by 0.8 percent, according to RIA Novosti. These data announced today, Head of the Analysis and Forecast of the Health Ministry Vitaly Kolbanov. After Kolbanova in January-June 2008 in Russia 811 500 children were born - what 7.8 percent more than the same period last year. At the same time, the country has increased and mortality - in the first half of this year, the number of deaths increased by 0.8 percent or 8,900 persons. The circulatory system, neoplasms, respiratory system and digestive system - According to the Ministry, the deterioration of mortality was observed in all the most common diseases. Natural population decline in the first half amounted to 257,600 people, 16.1 percent lower than a year ago.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Fruit juices injured absorption of drugs
Canadian scientists have discovered a new mechanism of interaction with fruit juices what. The inadmissibility of their joint reception It is the malabsorption of some drugs under the influence of the components of the juices. Until now it was known only to the grapefruit juice effect on the metabolism of certain drugs. It lies in the fact that bergamottin contained in grapefruit, the activity of the enzyme CYP3A4 which breaks inhibits 50 existing drugs. Thus increasing the concentration of these drugs in plasma and slow dissipation. Scientists at the University of Western Ontario, studied the interaction of grapefruit juice with antihistamine fexofenadine, which is metabolized by CYP3A4. These three groups of healthy volunteers were invited, fexofenadine with grapefruit juice, naringin solution (substances that give grapefruit bitter taste), and clean water. It was found that, during the taking of the drug with juice absorbed only half of the amount that can be absorbed when taken with water. The scientists also found that this effect is due to the fact that naringin OATP1A2 protein inhibits the transport of drugs from the intestine into the blood. Similar properties have been found in orange and apple juice. To date, a violation of sucking the juices under the following medications: beta-blockers atenolol, celiprolol and talinolola; cytostatic cyclosporin and etoposide, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and itraconazole.
Pesticides are not harmful
Organic fruit and vegetables are grown without the use of pesticides does not distinguish itself from those of agricultural crops grown with the help of chemistry, said Danish scientists. The researchers conducted a study in Denmark, where there were over two seasons animals fed three types of agricultural products. The first type of fruit and vegetables were grown exceptionally clean methods, ie protected cultivation of food, not to resort to chemical fertilizers and feeding, and the plants are not pests with the help of modern pesticides. The second type of products produced using a limited number of chemicals, and a third group of fruits and vegetables in unlimited use of common agricultural chemicals grown. In addition, experts say, the three groups of plants were grown in the same soil and under the same weather conditions. After the use of animals of various kinds of products, the researchers measured the amount of chemicals in their feces. It was found that the difference in the food causes no changes in the health of the experimental and chemical in the composition of the precipitates. The study was published in the American Journal of Society of Chemical Industry.
Drugs used to treat impotence enlarged prostate symptoms
Drugs used to treat impotence can help the symptoms associated with enlarged prostate, U.S. researchers reported. Men who take daily medications such manifest symptoms of frequent urination, incontinence, stress, incomplete bladder emptying or a weak urinary less. According to experts, about 50% of men experienced at least one half of the problem. For this reason, the pharmaceutical industry, a variety of drugs in order to stabilize the prostate dysfunction. Scientists conducted a study in which more than a thousand men with an enlarged prostate. Some of the participants received the drug for the treatment of male impotence, the other group received a placebo. As a result, researchers found that were also taking low doses of participants symptoms disappear. However, the preparations for stimulating potency can have side effects, and its daily use can lead to various health problems. For this reason, experts do not consider this method of treatment for widespread use.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Marijuana and ecstasy less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco are dangerous to society than marijuana and ecstasy. Came up with this view British scientists have developed a new method to assess the adverse effects of illegal substances. The study authors suggest making changes to the standard classification of drugs. People working with the University of Bristol, led by Professor David Nutt used three main indicators to assess the harmfulness of drug use: harm the health of consumers, the risk of dependence and social dangers of drugs. The results are published in the current issue of the journal Lancet. Scientists conducted a survey of dozens of drug treatment, mental health professionals, lawyers and police officers was visited. Experts analyzed and conclusions of participants rated the 20 most dangerous drugs. The first took place on the severity, as expected, heroin and cocaine were after them barbiturates and methadone. Perfectly legal in most countries, alcohol and tobacco, which have given one the fifth and ninth place, ahead of marijuana, ecstasy and the eleventh place, which was generally the last in the list. Scientists believe that the absence of alcohol and tobacco in the UK Misuse of Drugs Act is not justified, the statistics show that smoking directly to 40% of the illnesses connected to hospitalization and alcohol abuse is the cause of half for requests for emergency medical help.
Acne can be brought to a nervous breakdown
Many young people can not rest until I have regular pimples that express on their face, and then calm down. Doctors believe that this behavior. Be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome, which results in disruption of the nervous system Experts say that, although to identify cause-and-effect relationship between mental state and teen acne is difficult acne significantly reduce the quality of life of the young generation. And when you consider that, according to various estimates, from regular acne 60 to 85% of young people aged 12 to 25 years, and 11% of them continue to have the "charm" of acne after overcoming this age limit, the scope of concerns problems seem to be at all major. According to psychologists, 80% of the young as the most unattractive in a man's skin rash, tried all the tips on how you try to clean your face of acne. Against the background of the last figure seems hardly surprising that the acne can ruin plans for the weekend, cause psychological damage and even nervous breakdowns. Dermatologists on the fact that the situation with acne should not be brought to a critical point, especially now that it concentrate certain ways in which a can effectively fight acne. Various cosmetic cream can help you to quickly deal with the problem and stay in a good mood. Most importantly - do not allow acne to life turn into a nightmare, experts say.
B vitamins do not protect against heart disease
The use of vitamins is not able to reduce the level of homocysteine, an amino acid, and to protect against cardiovascular disease, according to Norwegian researchers. So far, scientists have argued that B vitamins reduce homocysteine levels and are beneficial for the heart, to warn him of the disease. Another study showed a strong association between high homocysteine levels and heart attacks. Homocysteine - sulfur containing amino acid that is a product of processing in the so-called body of the essential amino acid methionine. It was essential because the body had not been made and should only contact with food. Tsistotionin - homocysteine under the influence of folate and vitamin B-12 back to methionine, or under the influence of vitamin B-6 is converted to the following products exchange. The interaction of B-vitamins and homocysteine is an important process in the body. Norwegian experts conducted the study, which was attended by 3096 people with coronary heart disease from 1999 to 2006. The researchers divided the participants into four groups. Examining the effects of various combinations of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid As a result, researchers have concluded that homocysteine is a marker of heart disease as the cause more. In return, the B vitamins has no effect on the prevention of coronary heart disease and other heart disease, said Dr. Marta Ebbing, who led the study.
Arsenic in water leads to Type II diabetes
Arsenic - a carcinogen and poison the natural origin found in the groundwater, which is closely associated with the occurrence of type II diabetes in adults, according to U.S. scientists. In natural waters, arsenic from springs, surface arsenic mineralization, as well as zones of oxidation species polymetallic copper-cobalt and tungsten grades. A certain amount of arsenic derived from the soil and from the decomposition of plants and animals. Arsenic has no taste, odor and easily soluble in water. Dr. Ana Navas-Acien and colleagues from the University of Baltimore claim that between the normal level of arsenic in urine and the incidence of type II diabetes are closely linked. Scientists say there is no safe amount of arsenic in the human body. The problem of arsenic is widespread throughout the world, as well as due to lack of drinking water, there is a need for additional resources, which often act groundwater with arsenic. This substance increases the risk of cancers of the bladder, lung, kidney, skin, prostate, and possibly, Ana Navas-Acien. The study involved 800 people, of whom 20% the level of arsenic in urine was 16.5 mg per liter, which is increasing the risk of type II diabetes, 3.6 times for specialists. 26% was higher than the arsenic content in those people who suffer from type II diabetes, compared with those who did not suffer from this disease. According scientists blocked arsenic penetration of insulin in the cells that ultimately the cause of diabetes.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Soaked in Alushta meat kebabs in formalin
Prevent Alushta underground workshop where shawarma meat soaked in formaldehyde decomposition UNIAN reports prepared. Then the meat is exported to dozens of shops shawarma Alushta on the manufacture and sale. This was announced by the Secretary-General to improve inspection Alushta Sergei Danilin. After Danilin this criminal case, in violation of the sanitary-epidemiological norms. However, continue to operate the plant, and the meat comes to shopping in the city. By S. Danilin in Alushta three official bodies with the necessary registration, all others are illegal. However, the efforts to close the points in vain, because these companies are monitored by certain structures. In return, formalin - a dangerous substance for the human body, because the human body, it causes inflammation of the mucous membranes, killing flora (and harmful and beneficial), causes the death of nerve cells, and later - irreversible changes in the liver, kidney , spleen, and is carcinogenic. Secretary of the inspection to improve Alushta Sergei Danilin said that the city had shawarma cases of poisoning and shrimp. A platform of human trafficking - in his view, Alushta a bazaar and the city's waterfront has become.
In China, the pig was taken with dietary fish quality
China has the world's second transgenic pig fat, the omega-3 fatty acids started. The first animal with these properties, came to light in the United States. The body of a transgenic pig acquired the ability unsaturated fatty acids by synthesizing in the DNA, the corresponding genes from fish. The content of the human diet in omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases. The main source of these substances are fatty fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel and others. The official said the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Pan Think of an experiment for the removal of pigs began last year. Animal weighing 1.15 kg was born several transgenic pigs are born healthy in the coming days. If it can cost mass production of these animals, it is an important step in order to reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Chewing gum helps to recover after surgery in the abdominal cavity
According to a recent study of chewing gum helps to restore the gastrointestinal tract after the operation. Scientists conducted a study with 158 patients who have recently undergone surgery in the abdominal cavity. According to experts from chewing gum to restore normal bowel function faster by stimulating the cells digestive system. Participants ate sugarless gum three times a day after surgery for 45 minutes. Chew As a result, participants, chewing gum, produce more gas, and more likely to have a chair, than in those who did not chew gum and bowel function was restored faster. Each operation in the abdomen may suspend the functioning of the intestine and cause obstruction, leading to serious complications, leading experts. Ileus - disruption of normal progress through the guts of the content. Downstream are acute and chronic intestinal obstruction in the form of - made of the mechanical and dynamic, each of which may partially or completely. According to experts, the participants of the experiment length of stay decreased in the hospital compared with those who did not use chewing gum, but the results need to be checked again, and to prove that it was not an accident. The scientists plan to further research in this area.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Scientists have found gender differences in the prevalence of asthma in children
In childhood, boys are more prone to asthma than girls, but in adolescence, everything changes, and the girls can experience prolonged illness, while the boys will reduce the risk, and if it. An illness whose symptoms subside The reasons for this difference between the sexes found out by U.S. researchers. Immunologists at Harvard University observed the symptoms of asthma among thousands of children aged 5 to 12 years for nine years. Experts see gender differences in the onset and development of asthma. Scientists have found that boys and 16 years less in response to allergens, and they quickly got rid of the problems with breathing, while the girls develop through adolescence in the most severe forms of asthma. Doctors intrigued by the difference in the mechanism and the severity of asthma in children that occurs during puberty. Experts suggest that such changes due to the different development of the immune system as well as boys in childhood immune system vulnerable. To external stimuli, but by adolescence allergens less effect on the body In girls, the opposite is the case. In the near future doctors to find out whether this relationship depends on diet, lifestyle or genetic factors.
Lack of sleep during adolescence is full of health problems in the future
Insufficient sleep adolescents not only leads to sleepiness at school, but also to high blood pressure, say U.S. experts. Scientists conducted a study that teens who slept less than 6.5 hours, the risk of high blood pressure doubled found. The study was published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. Specialists have found that grew up after the teenager began sex life to live, to monitor weight and assume a certain social status, hypertension persisted. This shows that the lack of sleep during adolescence led to health problems for a long time in the future. Also causes high blood pressure damage to the arteries and kidneys, causing heart attacks, kidney disease, stroke and other diseases. A team of scientists led by Dr. Susan Redline studied the effects of lack of sleep with the participation of 238 adolescents aged 13 to 16 years. It was found that 14% of young people suffer from high blood pressure. On average young people slept about 7.7 hours if you need 9 hours in this age. According to experts, it is very important information for health reasons do not give much importance to lack of sleep as a teenager, and now try to further investigate the problem, scientists hope.
Austria has had the world's first tongue transplant
In a hospital in Vienna, introduced the world's first successful transplantation of human language. Operation was 42-year-old man and took 14 hours, the doctors said. The patient, whose name has not been named, was suffering from a malignant tumor in the oral cavity. A group of doctors from out of Christian and Franz Kermera Vottsingera tumor and transplanted to a new language. According to doctors, the patient is good after the operation. Earlier transplantation was only the language of the animals. The essential problem was that ever in my mouth get foreign substances that may cause an infection. However, the mouth is mastering the task, self-cleaning. Doctors often patients back or abdomen in an attempt to restore amputated language transplanted, but in her words, this method is far from ideal. According to Dr. Peter Rouia the ethics committee of the British Union of transplantation, the main task - to move the language after the transplant. In order to avoid rejection, the patient must take a number of drugs that suppress the immune system, according to the doctor. Must weigh the risk of such an event, since the suppression of the immune system making the body susceptible to various infections and in the long run lead to a new cervical cancer, the expert said.
Depression makes dangerous drivers
People who take antidepressants, worse start to drive traffic, U.S. researchers reported. Scientists conducted a study that involved 60 people. Specialists with motion simulation, the level of concentration, reaction time and driving skills of the participants checked. The study found that those participants who took antidepressants, deteriorated driving. But it was not exactly what causes disable it. Perhaps has a direct impact drugs, and possibly also on their driving skills so affected the morale of the patient. According to Dr. Holly Dannewitz, communication is secure, but it is necessary to conduct a more detailed investigation in order to clarify the main cause of the deterioration of driving skills. Depression reduces concentration and makes people distributed, for this reason, experts recommend to be very careful, and if possible to avoid driving a car in this state, because you are risking not only their health but also endanger the people around you.
Video games were useful for surgeons
Several studies at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association found that video games can be a valuable tool for training surgeons. Were identified, and other virtues of this type of entertainment. The purpose of the two works at the University of Iowa was carried out, was to study the effects of video games on the skills of the surgeon. The first included 33 doctors, found that players complex surgical procedures such as laparoscopy perform 27% faster, while 37% fewer errors. The second study involved 303 surgeons who have tested the speed of sewing. It was found that those who played the game, the development of spatial thinking and dexterity to cope with the work much faster. Video includes researchers from the University Vikonsina analyzed the participants chat forums online game World of Warcraft. It turned out that 86% of players. Their information share for the task, and 56% showed a systematization and analysis of information on the scientific development This allowed the scientists to conclude that generate online games to scientific style of thinking by the participants. Scientists from Fordham University studied the effects of video games on the perception and learning of five-, six-and seventh-graders. To do this, 122 students spent asked to voice their thoughts for 20 minutes for the game that they do not play.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Nearly 200 Americans have lost their hair and nails after taking supplements
Nearly 200 Americans have suffered from the use of dietary supplements (dietary supplements). The main symptoms are loss of hair and nails, nausea, diarrhea and pain in the joints. Poisoning vitamin supplements "Total Body Formula" and "Total Body Mega Formula" forbade the sale of the management of the Food and Drug Administration last year. Several batches of dietary supplements contain higher doses of selenium and chromium - the elements necessary for a person in very small amounts. Long-term acceptance of such doses of these substances can cause these symptoms, as well as anemia and liver and kidney damage. Consumers of dietary supplements presents a number of the manufacturer.
Ukraine is ready to take the children from the affected areas of Georgia
Ukraine is ready. The children from the affected areas of Georgia for rehabilitation, UNIAN reports This is stated in a letter to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, the press service of the President of Ukraine. The letter refers to the fact that in accordance with the agreements between the State of Ukraine is ready. A group of children from the affected areas of Georgia for the recovery of the Ukrainian children institutions Yushchenko believes that the standard step in overcoming the consequences of the emergency situation in Georgia to promote the convergence of Ukrainian and Georgian peoples. According to the President of Ukraine among children from Georgia in Ukraine, the Ukrainian government is focused on the fact that they are willing to support and promote the friendly Georgian people are.
Found genes that affect the development of bipolar disorder
Two genes that influence the activity of nerve cells in the brain play an important role in the development of bipolar disorder, the play manifests through severe depression to insanity say scientists. The figures do not refer to a genetic test result to identify the risk of the disease, experts say, but they can help to find the reason why it is to find a bipolar disorder, and effective treatments. The study appears in the journal Nature Genetics. Bipolar disorder (formerly - manic-depressive illness) - a mental disorder manifested affective states - manic (hypomanic) and depressive and mixed states in which the patient (symptoms of depression and mania at the same time, for example, depression with agitation, anxiety , with inhibition or euphoria -. called unproductive mania) or rapid change in symptoms (hypo) mania and (sub) depression A team of international scientists to explore gene 10,596 people from the UK and the USA, 4387, one of whom had bipolar disorder. The researchers found that people were seen with bipolar disorder and the presence of genes ANK3 CACNA1C. Proteins that control with the participation of these two genes, which are generated by the flow of sodium and calcium in the nerve cells of the brain, which. To the activity of nerve cells According to Nick Craddock of the British University, is the crucial point that the results of the study make it clear what substances involved and mechanisms in the development of bipolar disorder.
Drugs were stopped, times
Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the listing of the country's new drug, with daily use of which completely stops menstruating. FDA decided that the new drug is safe for daily use. With regular daily intake of hormonal drugs, the majority of women completely get rid of menstruation for six months, but to cause receive the medication should be continued. Previously, the U.S. had already drugs that reduce the length of the menstrual cycle or longer cycle, so that the menstrual solved only happen once per quarter. Most women use the new drug as a contraceptive, but by 20% - to relieve unpleasant symptoms of menstruation. Apotheker was the first combination and dosage that you find a safe to take medicine every day, so completely get rid of cycles to allow for any term, the expert said.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Insomnia Help retina
Sleepiness can be a number of nerve cells eyes. During the tests were performed only in mice, but the researchers plan to continue to use this method to create new medicines for insomnia, according to Reuters. It has long been known that the dark areas can cause sleepiness in humans, but the biological mechanism of this process remains unclear. Scientists from Oxford University found in a study that the ganglion cells, retinal, an important role in this process of falling asleep. They investigated the effects of light on sleep in mice. Experts have found a new mechanism for modeling sleep and waking. According to them, if I have the effect of pharmacological sensations of light through to new, it will be possible to overcome insomnia, a new and effective drug. Already used a lot of drugs to the sleep cycle, the income pharmaceutical companies make billions change annually. But the effect of these drugs is very and has side effects. Use of a specific mechanism related to ganglion cells of the retina are planning experts to create the most effective treatment. Scientists have found that the two causes sleep center were directly activated by cells in the retina. However, according to the study in the early stages of learning, so no conclusions too early, experts say.
Egyptian woman gave birth to twins, only seven
Apartment in Egypt 27-year old Ghazala Ibrahim twins gave birth to seven - four boys and three girls, according to the Ministry of Health in Egypt. There were babies born by Caesarean section. According to doctors at the moment children are well. They are located in the Department of premature babies. Doctors reported that the woman was pregnant with nine children, but two of them died at birth. Experts believe that the reason for the birth of so many children could be used as drugs they probably tried to serve the body's ability to produce offspring improvement. The woman already has three daughters, and she wanted her son. Director of the hospital, gave birth to Ibrahim, said that in the 33 years of practice he had never seen a similar case.
Bug spray harmful
However, doctors warn that these drugs are not repellents are safe for humans. The most common of them - aromatic spiral. Spiral compressed sawdust and contain insecticides allethrin, write more. In 2006, South Korean authorities have banned the use of repellents carcinogenic "malachite green". But experts in the field, after last year found spiralek tests that. Burning in a closed room a spiral of carcinogenic substances in the amount of formaldehyde that gives 22 released cigarettes smoked The number in the smoke emitted from the combustion of solid equivalent cigarettes 56th Doctors do not know for a long time, around the spiral in enclosed spaces, the childhood asthma recommend use. As for today's popular aerosols, is the main component of their piratrid (pyrathroid), paralyzing the nervous system of mosquitoes. The problem is that people with these sprays too hard and in large quantities, they get inside the body through the skin. Food, household goods and toys All these things must be washed thoroughly with soap and water. Electric heaters that are placed soaked in small pads in the same piratridom less toxic than the spiral, but can also cause many side effects, including allergies, rhinitis, asthma, colds, headaches, tinnitus, vomiting and even urgency, in severe cases coma. Heating pads should be placed within two meters.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Brave students rarely lied to teachers
The researchers found that students who cheat do not have possessed such qualities as courage and compassion. The study involved 400 students at the University of Ohio. These studies were presented at the American Psychological Association. In the study, researchers surveyed the students how they cheated in the classroom in the last 30 days, last year, and there's a chance that she cheated in the future. Experts also conducted tests that determines the level of courage, honesty and compassion in students. The results showed that children who had more courage, less fraud in the 30 days before and to a lesser extent is reported in the future. They also reported that they felt a greater sense of guilt if they had to cheat, compared to the other participants. According to experts, the brave men who in turn are much less likely to cheat, a strong personality, as they rarely give into temptation. You have to see almost every day, as their classmates lying teachers, and they do not receive severe punishment.
Guests Beijing Olympics distributed 400,000 free condoms
About 400,000 free condoms distributed authorities in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games. According to a city health department, the measure is designed to prevent the spread of HIV, according to Xinhua. The funds were provided for free contraception guests 90,000 rooms in 424 hotels City 3-5 star category, including 119 hotels, an agreement with the Organising Committee of the Games, the head of the city health department Jin Dapeng (Jin Dapeng). According to him, in addition to condoms 250,000 hotel guests get free brochures on HIV prevention. Another 100,000 high-quality condoms and leaflets with information about HIV infection in English, French and Chinese are available for free at the clinic in the Olympic Village, said Jin Dapeng. The official noted that formed as part of the fight against HIV / AIDS, the city thousands of volunteers to promote safer sex and HIV prevention during the Olympics. Also 40 health centers in Beijing, where guests will be able to the Olympic Games is a free test for HIV, and advice about the disease opened, he said. Dissemination of knowledge about HIV / AIDS Games is organized in close collaboration with UNAIDS and the International Olympic Committee, said Jin Dapeng.
Nigeria has discovered a new strain of bird flu
Nigeria has discovered a new strain of avian influenza, H9N2, U.S. researchers reported on the University of Maryland. In Nigeria, an outbreak of avian flu. Animal health workers warn of new pathogenic strains of avian influenza virus. According to press reports, this strain is quite new, and it increases the risk of spreading to other parts of West Africa. UN experts say the virus is spreading genetically different from the strains in Nigeria in 2006 and 2007. At the same time, there is evidence that a strain similar to the virus that is seen in Italy, Afghanistan and Iran in the past year. Scientists doubt that the cause of the virus by migratory birds, such as the summer does not start the migration of birds. Likely seen international trade or smuggling of poultry products company. The Nigerian government has the necessary measures to prevent the further spread of the new strain, and virologists and veterinarians in the country do not doubt the rapid elimination of the disease because of the strain in the structure similar to the previous bird flu virus.
Bone density determines the risk of breast cancer
On bone mineral density, experts suggest that the risk of breast cancer in women. A new study has shown that high bone density in women is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, regardless of the level of risk as determined by a commonly used model Gale. Scientists believe that the risk of breast cancer better evaluated simultaneously by two methods. Gail model takes into account family history of breast cancer, age and other risk factors, the odds of women are diagnosed within 5 years and assessed throughout life. However, this model does not take into account bone density. Scientists conducted a study and found that zoledronic acid is used to treat osteoporosis, the risk of breast cancer among women decreased in the period before menopause. Other studies have shown that when vitamin D in the body (which also affects the health of the bones) in breast cancer more likely to relapse. Women with high bone mineral density often suffer from obesity, which further increases the risk of breast cancer. But even with all these findings is not yet clear relationship between blood levels of female sex hormones estrogen, bone density and breast cancer.
Person is able to reduce the risk of heart attacks independently by 80%
Physical activity, avoidance of alcohol and cigarettes reduces the risk of heart attacks by 79%, and the risk of ischemic attacks by 81%, the researchers reported. Coronary heart disease is the most common therapeutic problems, according to statistics of the World Health Organization, heart disease achieved a bad reputation, garnering almost epidemic spread in modern society. Harvard cardiologist emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the heart, and say that if you follow the simple tips for keeping good health, to extend human life. Two-year study included more than 71 thousand women and almost 44 thousand people. Smoking cessation, and at least 30 minutes vigorous physical activity for a few days, a moderate drinking - no more than one serving daily, as well as indicators of body mass index below 25 points allowed people to stay, to be completely healthy and healthy for a long time. Additional protection against cardiac function can eat us. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables and whole grains daily limiting the consumption of meat, as well as regular multivitamin will improve health. Each of these factors have a positive effect on the heart. For example, if a person stopped smoking, the risk of heart attack was reduced by 50%, and when the reduced alcohol intake to one drink per day, the risk of attack is reduced by 10%.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Ear infections can lead to obesity
Some cases of ear infections or problems with almonds can increase the risk of obesity in the future, scientists say. About a third of people suffer in childhood otitis. The infection can damage the nerves that are responsible for taste, experts say. The scientists conducted five independent studies of ear infections or injuries almonds and obesity. It was found that under the 6000 respondents ear infections, had undergone 62% such diseases are overweight. According to Dr. Linda Bartoshuk at the University of Florida College, this discovery was of great interest in health. As a result of other research, scientists found that women who have suffered in childhood infections, which can cause nerve damage, were responsible for the taste too sweet and high calorie diet and prefer more likely to be overweight. According to experts of nerve damage with severe infections can lead to obesity and even obesity.
Women who smoke, even at a young age is a high risk of stroke
Young girls who reported more than two-fold increased risk of stroke compared to non-smokers, U.S. researchers. Scientists at the University of Maryland has assessed the risk of stroke in smokers aged 15 to 49 years. It was found that women who smoke an average of 2.6-times greater risk of stroke compared with nonsmokers. The more a woman smoked cigarettes per day, the greater the risk. For example, women who smoked 21 to 39 cigarettes per day, the risk increased by 4.3 times compared to non-smokers. And those who have more than two packs a day smoking (40 cigarettes), increases the risk of stroke by 9.1 times. It has long been known that smoking is the occurrence of lung disease and various types are affected by cancer and heart disease, the researchers said. But for the first time experts failed to see the connection between the number of cigarettes smoked and the risk of stroke. According to scientists, it is assumed that the risk of stroke - the prerogative of the older women, but experts have found that women who are smoking at a young age is also a risk for the disease is found very high. The more you smoke, the more likely that they have a stroke, said Dr. Cole, who led the study. In the near future, he plans to conduct a similar study in men.
Why men pulled on sex after a dream?
Scientists have an explanation of why men do not sleep found, you have to stop with just one woman. Women are not even worth trying to spell with their partner after sex. He's easy to talk to no force. "Most women are frustrated when after sex man turns his back on them and sleeps now it is quite natural, -. Says Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey in southern England -. People - those same animals in which sleep and sex are closely linked. "As shown recent studies, 80% of men feel completely exhausted after sex and immediately after orgasm can sleep without problems. In contrast, women are much more resistant strong men tired after a hectic sex scenes, only 46% of women. All were interviewed 10 thousand British adults. I must say that not all people are equal. There is a correlation between endurance and Location. The largest proportion of men who sleep after sex, was recorded in Birmingham. Of boys from this city were by only 3-5 minutes. after orgasm. In Glasgow and Liverpool men were povynoslivee. They could not sleep after the "it" almost 20 minutes. The reason for this strange (at first glance) laws that greatly reduced after orgasm in the blood supply of glycogen - animal starch, which feeds the muscles. When glycogen is not enough, the person feels overwhelmed.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
CPS excluded from school menus cake and mare
Gennady Onishchenko, head of Rospotrebnadzor approved new hygiene standards for school meals and students of universities and vocational schools, according to Interfax. Rules, which came into force on 1 September to prohibit the implementation of the educational institutions in a number of foods and beverages. As noted in the online Rospotrebnadzor annex to the document, in school canteens will be prohibited from selling cakes cream base and smoked chips, chewing gum and sweets, soft drinks, brew coffee, meat and sausages, mushrooms, hot sauce, ketchup and mayonnaise. Students from the menu are excluded nautical like pasta with minced meat, scrambled eggs, hash and cold soups, apricot kernel oil, peanuts, ice cream, made from vegetable oils, as well as mare and other dairy products with high ethanol (more than 0.5%). The organs are forbidden remnants of earlier techniques and dishes before implementation. Implementation of the approved Rospotrebnadzor rules are mandatory for all educational institutions, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership, as well as for all organizations involved in the provision of school meals.
Lung disease in preterm infants may develop into a serious problem in the future respiratory system
Lung disease in preterm infants increases the risk of emphysema later in life, according to Australian researchers. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic lung disease affects almost exclusively on life, high prematurity. Advances in perinatal care and intensive medicine neonatalogicheskoy, major influence on the pattern of the disease in the last 20 years. Even today, however, still, this pathology is associated with a high morbidity and mortality, especially in the group of the youngest children, believe with a birth weight of less than 1000 grams, Dr. Daniel C. Chambers, that the disease in a third of premature infants who are diagnosed promoted lung pathology, which is maintained throughout the duration of childhood. However, the long term effects of the disease in adults is not known. To further the study of this discipline in the study 21 subjects born prematurely in Western Australia in the 1980s. These children are born supplemental oxygen therapy on the BAP was performed. If the study participants 19 years, 15 of them had a share of 71%, there were problems with the respiratory tract, including the loud breathing, coughing and shortness of breath. Only three participants in the lungs to function properly according to standard tests. Lung disease was diagnosed in 19 participants after the computed tomography, including emphysema was found in 16 children.
Birth control pills help women choose the wrong men
The pill can change the preferences of men and women in favor of those who are genetically less compatible with it. In the study, researchers found that in the perception of women who take the contraceptive pill, you can, the kind of attractive men, which change in turn affects the fertility (ability to produce viable offspring) and can lead to breakdown in relations . lead The researchers suggest that the pill destroys the mechanism of instincts that connects people with compatible genes and immune system. According to experts, in couples with different groups of genes of the immune system a better chance of having a baby. Couples with different genes also experience fewer problems with fertility or miscarriage. Scientists believe that women are naturally people with immune system genes different tightened their genes. And the wives of these men are by smell, and oral contraceptives only worsen the ability of women.
Scientists are developing a pill to extend life to 100 years
After 10-15 years, be in pharmacies is a tablet, would be welcome from those people to live at least 100 years or more while. Maintaining good health and a clear mind, according to U.S. scientists permit With such a forecast was made by Dr. Tom Perls. He leads a group of scientists. Implementing the State of New Hampshire research titled "Sentenarian flock" to the factors that guarantee a person to recognize a long and healthy life Scientists in this program learn life centenarians. Among the participants of the 113-year-old Mary Jo Ray, the 12th Line in the list of the world's oldest people in the world. Experts have found that to an exclusive group of people who support the "special gene", which in the absence of bad habits people have heard almost guaranteed healthy life to 110 years or more there. This gene is inherited and occurs once for 7 million people, the scientists said. According to experts, a person can live easily, aged around 80 years, but a high degree of cardiovascular disease, dementia and other diseases, reduces the length of life in our time. Possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it is unlikely to live a 100 years. A "special gene" slows the aging process and protect it from disease, their owners can live much longer. While the miracle pill developed, the doctor advised not to smoke, abuse alcohol and stress.
Monday, July 22, 2013
An abortion is not to psychological problems in women
Women who had an abortion once the risk of mental health problems such as depression, not higher, than those who had a baby, they say. In adult women, an abortion, no emotional problems, the researchers say. Psychologists have analyzed hundreds of studies that were based on a survey of women connected to their mental state after the first abortion. As a result, the experts have found that emotional problems after an abortion could plan for women that hides the fact of pregnancy and worried about the reputation and occur in women with low self-esteem. In other cases, depression not to abortion because it is a free choice of a woman, they say. The most common causes of abortion: insolvency, lack of readiness for the birth of a child from a young age, fear of responsibility, to avoid the desire to own a child. Fewer abortions occur as a result of rape or incest, and only less than 1% of abortions are due to the pressure exerted on the woman.
Vitamins Cause Cancer
Use of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, which is we used to be very useful, is an important risk factor for cancer, say French biochemist. Earlier biochemists thought that, on the contrary, vitamins to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Group of antioxidants - Vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, significantly affect the health of the skin, good protectors against the harmful effects of the environment and in particular the sunlight. It turned out just the opposite. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 13 thousand women, half of whom take daily antioxidants (vitamins and minerals), the other half a placebo. As a result of the experimental group on skin cancer was 68% more! Found Most malignant skin cancer - melanoma, all 400% more often fulfilled. The experiment lasted for eight years. The study was published in the Journal of Nutrition. Often there are results that show the futility and harmfulness of taking vitamins. This trend biochemist to a halt. Almost absolutely inexplicable to explain results. For this reason, experts say, it is advisable to the fashion of taking vitamins to stop in order to clarify the results of new research.
Offer to treat melanoma drug from worms
Specialists of the Institute of Oncology at New York University, suggested the use of anthelmintic drugs mebendazole for the treatment of melanoma, resistant to chemotherapy. Preclinical studies have shown that apoptosis promote mebendazole of tumor cells without affecting healthy melanocytes according to the journal Molecular Cancer Research. In the first phase of the research group led by Seth Orlov (Seth J. Orlow) led analyzed the antitumor activity of about two thousand known drugs. They found that the drugs belong to the group of benzimidazoles, the growth of melanoma cells to block programmed by stimulating cell death - apoptosis. Drug mebendazole (Vermoks) - For more tests scientists one of the representatives of the benzimidazoles have selected. This drug is well tolerated and is often used to treat worm infections, particularly enterobiosis, trichuriasis and ascariasis. Experiments have shown that mebendazole protein Bcl-2, which at high doses melanoma cells were prepared and used to protect the apoptosis of cancer cells inhibits. Blocking this protein stimulates apoptosis and destruction of tumor cells, the researchers reported. Sun mebendazole may be a promising and safe treatment of melanoma, the researchers reported. Led their preclinical animal models of melanoma have confirmed the efficacy of the product. The researchers now plan to conduct Phase I clinical trials, which could begin as early as next year.
The horror! Cigarettes lower IQ
But it turns out that the list of possible consequences of the addiction to cigarettes is not limited to, small writes. As shown, the most recent studies, smoking also affects the brain and reduces the intellectual abilities. Examine the effect of smoking on Intelligence at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) instead. To find out if they are related, the researchers studied 465 subjects aged 64 years, of which about 50% were smokers. Each of them has a number of psychological tests to assess intellectual ability and memory. The researchers then participants with similar results in the archives of the tests in 1947, when he was only 11 years old, performed compared. The comparison showed that smokers are "lagging" on their smoking peers on all types of tests offered to them. For several decades, since the first survey, they are much stronger, and decreased ability to think logically and the ability to store and reproduce information. And interestingly, when researchers, the effect of various "third" factors (social status, level of education, type of work, alcohol, etc.) are excluded, the difference is still significant, albeit reduced by a multiple. Scientists can not yet say why smoking interferes with the brain. After the most plausible of the hypotheses put forward by them, under the influence of nicotine and cigarette tar nerve cells are more sensitive to the effects of free radicals - toxic compounds formed in the cells during the oxidation-reduction processes.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Hearing problems are more common than we think
According to the study, hearing loss among Americans is far more common than previously thought, scientists say. Experts analyzed data from a study of 1999 to 2004, which was attended by 5742 people aged 20 to 69 years. During the study, hearing impairment in 16.1% of participants. Decreased hearing in the spectrum of conversation in one or both ears. Hearing loss, especially at high frequencies, was found in 8.5% of people aged 20 to 29 and 17% of people aged 30 to 39 years. Men 5.5 times as often as women are victims of disease. Male Caucasians and Hispanics have the highest risk of developing the disease. On the contrary, the risk of hearing loss among African-American men was 70% lower. Dr. Yuri Agrawal of the Baltimore hospital found that hearing loss was mainly among participants who were exposed to noise and have smoked the observed risk for cardiovascular events. The study was published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. According to scientists, the results of the study, that screening at an early age performed - developed one of the most important ways to prevent hearing loss by taking preventive measures to avoid negative effects on the organ of hearing in the future.
In the near future there will be tablets and injections
Substitute drugs in the form of pills and injections unpleasant gel soon, said scientists. While news of pharmacology in Russia and in the world of new developments in the traditional forms of medicine, the future, the scientists believe, a fundamentally different forms of drugs. The exhibition-conference "Polymer International" has a unique composition, the chemist presented by the Government Science College, Jabalpur developed. It is not toxic, does not deteriorate, the enzymes in the intestines, and unaltered output from the body. The drug, according to its creator, does not break in the digestive tract, which means that it can be used, even those substances which are now administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. According to experts, would be the most comfortable as a gel for people with chronic diseases of the digestive system, which forced the patient to be taken daily on different types of medications. And also for people with diabetes, it will eliminate the need to do daily insulin injections. Scientists are not yet ready to say that it really is the solution to all problems of modern pharmacology and pharmacotherapy - but they believe that the probability of success is very high.
Office keyboard can be dangerous for the health
Office keyboard are a source of harmful levels of bacteria that cause food poisoning, British scientists reported. London specialists in microbiology research conducted in the offices of the presence of bacteria that cause food poisoning. The results were very surprising even the researchers themselves, as part of the computer keyboards were present accumulation of harmful bacteria that pose a threat to health. Scientists discovered in the audit keyboard germs, which was five times more than the office toilet seat toilet. This value is 150 times more than the maximum number of bacteria. Such devices in the office can be a source of the spread of various diseases among employees, says Peter Wilson, a specialist in microbiology at the University College Hospital in London. The main reason for such a state of neglect of the keyboard non-compliance by simple rules of hygiene is not just office workers eat lunch, without leaving your computer, but also elementary forget to wash your hands after using the bathroom. A similar study was conducted in the U.S. last year. American workers were still messier than the British: their computer tables contain 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat office. It is noteworthy that the jobs women 3-4 times dirtier than men.
Daily cup of coffee protects against Alzheimer's
Drink a cup of coffee a day is not only a stimulating effect, but also protects the brain from the harmful effects of cholesterol, say scientists from the University of North Dakota. According to scientists, the excess cholesterol affect the blood-brain barrier, which is more permeable, so. The risk of dementia The blood-brain barrier - a filter between the blood and the central nervous system, the brain from toxins and microbes in the blood vessels protects caught. Scientists led by Jonathan Geiger led an experiment conducted. They fed rabbit food high in cholesterol. In addition, some of the animals received water containing 3 mg of caffeine (equivalent to a cup of coffee). As a result, after 12 weeks in rabbits treated with caffeine, the blood-brain barrier much faster than their counterparts who had consumed pure water, said Geiger. The researchers performed a histological examination of the brain of rabbits, the increased activity of astrocytes showed - brain microglial cells and decreased permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Scientists believe that it will help in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, for which there is an increase in blood cholesterol levels and thus the destruction of the blood-brain barrier, the scientists believe.
Clumsy children are more likely to suffer from obesity in the future
Children with poor coordination of movements increased risk of obesity in later life, scientists say. Even in obese people, the researchers say these people at high risk for diabetes of the second type. Scientists conducted a study in which. More than 11 thousand children with impaired coordination Found that children aged between seven and eleven years with poor coordination most likely suffer from obesity in the future. According to Dr. Scott Montgomery, the function of the movement has been compromised as a result of maternal smoking during pregnancy or lack of physical activity in childhood. The latter is important for the healthy development of motor skills. Scientists find that the connection between neurological problems and obesity is quite unexpected, and can find still not an accurate statement. The study was published in the British Medical Journal.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The eyes can be said about the problems of the cardiovascular system
In the eyes can see the status of the cardiovascular system and capillaries look good to the beginning to show symptoms of the disease, researchers say. Scientists conducted a study and found that people with damage in the eyes, known as retinopathy, the risk of death from heart disease is very high. In the next 12 years Retinopathy - inflammatory retinal lesions. The main cause is vascular diseases that lead to loss of blood supply to the retina. Retinopathy often seen as a complication of hypertension, diabetes and other systemic diseases. Experts examined images of the retina 3,000 people, most of whom had diabetes. Such images are often made in diabetes in order to verify the presence or absence of damage to the eyes. Then analyzed the records of deaths among the participants. It was found that after 12 years of 353 participants died of thrombosis of the heart. Most of them suffered from retinopathy. According to experts, the risk of death from heart disease is twice as high in people with retinopathy. The risk of dying from the disease, such as diabetes, scientists say. People who have similar problems with the eyes, the researchers advised the care of the prevention of cardiovascular disease take.
Psychologists: Why Billions of people watch the Olympics?
Experience for the team, for their athletes - a phenomenon quite natural. It is - a manifestation of patriotism. On the other hand, sports victories not only boost the country's prestige, but also increase the self-esteem of the citizens. But sometimes the experience turns into something really painful, causes aggressive, antisocial behavior. Excessive stimulation harms health: can increase the pressure, a heart attack occur, are even cases of death only fans in the stadium. Why do some people become in their daily lives far away from the sport, fanatical fans? According to psychologists, many more important is the possibility of a community, a community feel and connect cohesion. Furthermore, active experience - a great way to relieve psychological tension. And for people with a controversial type of person who does not engage not in sport, it is also a way to satisfy his desire to fight in such a substituted form. In general, the most ardent supporters are the ones missing in life to do, strong emotions, sensations. It's how to make it as boredom and monotony of their lives. Physical education and sport participants, only 13% of Ukrainians Unfortunately athleticism of many Ukrainians limited only by the experience of the TV with a beer. Yes, according to the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, Fitness and Sports employs only 13% of Ukrainians. Even though the official figure corresponds to reality, it is still a little sparse, especially compared with the West, where the sport is focused almost every second.
Seriously wounded in South Ossetia was brought to Moscow
Seven people were seriously injured during the armed conflict in South Ossetia, will now be taken to Moscow. Told Itar-Tass Director of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency Valentin Uiba, coordinates the Department of Health to help the victims. Affected by Uyby airport Ramenskoye MOE plan transferred. Vishnevsky hospital - three patients sent to the clinic FMBA, four. Be made for the transportation of two wounded on board resuscitation, other victims will be escorted to fly by a doctor. "This is an extremely serious cases, which is urgently needed to transport to Moscow", - stressed Uiba. He added that three other victims are delivered in Moscow on Wednesday.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Overweight - not a sign of poor health
People often mistakenly diagnosed with obesity. Slim people often suffer from diseases that are caused by obesity, U.S. researchers reported. According to medical statistics, about half of people who suffer from obesity, cholesterol and blood pressure are normal. Scientists claim that they are overweight and stay healthy. It turns out that one third of U.S. citizens are obese, are the most important indicators in the area of healthy people. While a quarter of the people, the body weight of less than normal, the risk of certain heart diseases. According to experts, is a common way to determine body mass index absolutely wrong because it only takes into account the ratio of height, weight taken to individual. The exact figures are obtained by measuring the patient's waist, scientists say.
Scientists have created an electronic nurse
In the South Bronx, a unique nurse who is not sleeping, not eating, and never makes a mistake in their work, thus replacing several conventional nurses, scientists reported. It is developing a robot to carry out joint actions for the nurse. "Electronic Nurse" by engineer Mike Brady and Michael Treat surgeons developed leads, works normal sisters - hands and takes the surgeon tools. Nurse-robot is controlled by voice commands, coordinates its movements provided a special digital camera. While the "nurse" can distinguish only 12 instruments, but theoretically it can be increased to at least 20. Moreover, the robot is able to speak a few words. Provided his voice module allows you to respond to the words of men. I can say even nurse, "please" in response to "thank you" - thanks for the filed instrument. Now a robot is the latest revision. The first real test during the operation to start in mid-March. It should be noted that the problem of the shortage of qualified nurses in some countries, including the United States, is really to be quite sharp. Sometimes on their impact on the operation of hospitals lack even more than the lack of qualified medical specialists. Therefore, physicians and pay as much attention to the possible replacement of the "live" on the electronic nurses.
Scientists have found the cause of depression and suicide
One possible cause of suicide and depression, according to Canadian scientists, is the excess of a certain protein that. With a gene that is responsible for the associated alarm Experts compared the brain of a man who committed suicide, the human brain, died of a heart attack committed. In the brain of a man who committed suicide, the researchers found a protein that is associated with a gene that regulates stress. With an excess of protein, according to experts, the gene "off", and as a result people do not. Able to effectively manage stress and anxiety For the first time, the scientists were able to show that the excess protein associated with depression and suicidality. According to the professor of physiology and pharmacology at the University of Western Ontario Michael Poulter, is a completely new direction in research, few researchers are working around the world on these issues. The study was published in the current issue of the journal "Biological Psychiatry". Scientists have not yet figured out why some people have the level of this protein in the brain is higher than thought in others. According to Professor Poulter, this may be due to the exposure to a person before, and how different people experienced to overcome stress. The exam can be a new option for the treatment of depression, for example, with drugs that suppress the activity of a protein associated with "fear gene."
Vitamin D can cope with chronic pain in women
Low levels of vitamin D contribute to chronic pain among women, say scientists. For men, this relationship was not found. Scientists suspect that hormones play an important role in this process. The study was published in the journal Annals of Rheumatic Diseases. Scientists at the Institute of Child Health in London, decided to find out if you use the use of vitamin D to control chronic pain in women. Until now, doctors believed that one of the causes of chronic pain is the emotional factor. Dr Elina Hypponen and her colleagues believe that vitamin D plays an important role in some cases of chronic pain. Scientists have the seven thousand men and women aged 45 years, the incidence of chronic pain was reported, investigated. It was found that low levels of vitamin D in women was an important factor in the cases of chronic pain. These differences are not explained by gender differences in lifestyle and social factors, and according to experts, the cause lies in hormones. Researchers have warned that excessive intake of vitamin D in the fight against chronic pain is harmful and lead to an increased level of calcium in the body and other side effects. The need for dosage, experts recommend consulting a doctor.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Run - an effective way to deal with age
Regular running can slow the aging process, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 500 people in old age, a runner. The study lasted for 20 years. Experts compared the participants with a similar group of people who are of age, not a runner. For 19 years of research died 34% of people who did not run, and 15% of participants engaged in regular jogging, the researchers reported. The two groups with the age of a large number of people with disabilities, but the group of runners on average occurred in disability 16 years later. Important was the fact that the investigation was clothes, but they were good shoes. As you know, can know cause bad jogging shoes to serious problems with the joints of the feet, so it was important to take note of this in the classroom. Experts recommend not to save on shoes, buying products licensed manufacturer, for example, buy converse or adidas. The right approach to training - half the battle, all of which contributed to the number of disability with age. Thus, the gap in health status began between the two groups among the participants at the age of 80 years to increase. According to experts, jogging, about 4 hours per week, not just the number of cardiovascular disease and death, but also the risk of death from cancer, neurological disease, infections and other diseases.
In the mouth, find a new species of bacteria
British scientists have described a new species of bacteria that live in the tissues of the oral cavity of man. It is believed that the microorganisms, called Prevotella histicola, play a role in the development of caries and gum diseases. According to experts from King's College London, in the course of research they have discovered three previously unknown strain of bacteria of the genus Prevotella. Anaerobic gram-negative bacilli lived in healthy tissues of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and in the tissues of the cancer. New bacteria called Prevotella histicola (histicola - permanent inhabitant of tissue). "The oral health of people living a variety of microorganisms, including viruses, fungi, protozoa and bacteria," - said the head of research, William Wade (William Wade). - "Bacteria are the most numerous: in every milliliter of saliva contains about 100 million bacteria, which have not been described for more than 600 different species are more than half of them.." According to scientists, the new species play a role in the development play of tooth decay and gum disease. Understand further identification of microorganisms that live in the mouth, better, the mechanisms of these diseases, and will help scientists to develop new methods of prevention and treatment, said Wade. The study was published in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology.
Propensity smoking can be identified by their first cigarette
For most people, the first train nicotine causes malaise, cough, nausea, and even, as some feel with pleasant feelings. The scientists decided to find out why so many different feelings. Scientists conducted a study and found that the first experiences with smoking affects human genome. People who experience a pleasant feeling at the first puff, were carriers of the gene, which is not only affected the rapid emergence of dependence, but also the development of lung cancer, the researchers reported. The researchers said that the carriers of the abnormal gene increases the risk of lung cancer than other smokers. The researchers found that when the substance dopamine receptors in the rat, the experts in the position, an impact, positive or negative response of rats to yield the first hit of nicotine have been in the body. The researchers conducted a study in humans, which was attended by 435 people. Some of the participants have tried smoking, but not to keep looking, and some were smoking at least five cigarettes per day for the last 5 years. The results showed that smokers frequent changes in gene CHRNA5, than those who did not come on are smoking. Experts say this discovery could to smoke for the diagnosis of addiction and the development of new therapies are used by affecting gene CHRNA5.
Energy for the formation of bad habits contribute
The use of energy drinks in large quantities leads to bad habits, unprotected sex and antisocial behavior, the scientists said. Scientists conducted a study and found that people who abused energy drinks, ie, six or more doses drink per month, three times more likely to smoke tobacco, drug addicted and involved in fights. These drinks contain sugar and caffeine that. An invigorating effect on the body by stimulating the nervous system But many energy drinks, which can cause besides caffeine, an addictive, the high levels of vitamin B, the heart palpitations and trembling of the hands and feet. In addition, the researchers found that energy drinks urge people to engage in unprotected sex. On average, according to the experts, such as soft drinks Adrenalin Rush, Burn and Red Bull, which are positioned so stimulating to the nervous system and increase the efficiency included, three, sometimes even 10 times more caffeine than regular soda. This is a very dangerous dose, especially for the younger body, the expert said.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Scientists have derived mice with liver ageless
Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York were able to slow down the aging process of the liver tissue in laboratory mice. Bred rodents they do an excellent job with the processing of foreign chemicals, even in old age. It is known that with the aging of the organism in the cells of various organs and tissues accumulate proteins that have lost its function due to various injuries of the structure. To reduce unwanted substances to specific cell organelles - lysosomes. However, with age lysosomes stop cope with the increased workload. The role of clusters of damaged proteins in the cells of various tissues and organs are not currently understood. According to one version, these clusters are a simple consequence of aging changes at the cellular level, on the other - they are one of the main reasons for these changes. To clarify the role of clusters of non-functional proteins, researchers decided artificially stimulate the process of refining. To do so, they added an extra copy of the gene in mice, the gene for one of the receptors in the identification and expansion of lysosomes damaged protein molecules involved. From previous studies it was known that with increasing age, the number of these receptors is reduced in mammalian cells. As it turned out, this manipulation is really slow the aging process of the liver of rodents. So, to deal with older mice genetically modified with the installation of large doses of muscle relaxant no worse than the young animals, and significantly better than the mice of the same age with normal genetic load.
Chewing gum does not help in the fight against tooth decay
Dentists in advertising gum tell us after every meal, and even chew more on this promotional items, to prevent tooth decay. This leads to the fact that many people consume a pack of gum per day. And if this is useful to protect against tooth decay? Experts argue that chewing gum only cleans the teeth, and the most dangerous areas in decay between the teeth, it can not be cleaned, it is necessary to floss or brush. Chewing gum also helps in the first half hour after meals produce digestive juices to help digest the food, but for people with a high acid content is a negative effect, because they have so acid is produced in excess. And chew on an empty stomach and do dangerous, because there is nothing to be digested, and can cause the suffering of the stomach wall, the gastritis and other stomach problems, doctors said. Experts recommend the use of dental floss. But there are some limitations to its use, as people with widely spaced teeth and toothbrush with a handle, and the teeth grow close - do not fit floss. Moreover, it may cause damage to the gums. The best way to fight tooth decay, according to experts, is a toothbrush.
Cold waves are dangerous for lung disease
Program warns people with lung disease on the effects of the weather, had a positive effect and reduces the frequency of hospital stay by one-fifth reported British researchers. The program was attended by 8,000 patients treated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with different methods. According to experts, the cold weather is very harmful for this group of patients, and cold can cause aggravation. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - a disease amenable prevention and treatment, by restricted air flow through the respiratory tract, which is not fully reversible. Injury of the airways, usually progressive and. With abnormal inflammatory reaction in the lung effects harmful particles or gases, especially smoking, and a cold air stream In the UK alone, the disease affects more than 900 thousand people. Even cold air aggravates symptoms of infectious respiratory diseases, narrowing them, which in turn makes it difficult to breath by scientists. Respiratory infections are usually in winter.
Poor performance in school can be an early sign of schizophrenia
People who get bad grades in school, increased risk of schizophrenia, say British scientists. British researchers conducted a study in which 900 thousand children participated in the time born from 1973 to 1983. The age was 15-16 years. Scientists have been trying to find young people with a predisposition to the development of schizophrenia in the future. It turned out that the low performance at school one of the signs of the disease in later years. Schizophrenia - a mental disorder characterized by the deterioration in the perception of reality and significant social dysfunction. Often in recent times the disease in adolescents. According to experts, lower intelligence is not essential for us, as can also suffer from this level of intelligence by the early signs of symptoms of schizophrenia, problems with concentration and perception. Scientists believe that the results of the study to determine the risk for a few years before diagnosis. Can help prevent early prevention of disease, the expert said.
HIV replication was stopped by RNA interference
American scientists have developed a new method for the control of HIV infection, based on the mechanism of RNAi interferiruschih-selective disconnection of individual genes by RNA. The new methodology is successfully tested in a mouse model of HIV infection. RNA interference - a universal method of regulation of gene activity in living organisms. In 2006, for the first time to describe this process, researchers Andrew Fire and Craig Mellow awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. Pathogen of viral infections of the apparatus for the reproduction of DNA replication of the host cells used. The principles of the RNAi theoretically possible to stop the virus from replicating by turning it off a selective genes. But in order to avoid serious side effects, it is necessary to find ways for selective delivery of interfering RNA in infected cells. Researchers from Harvard Medical School, led by Priti Kumar (Priti Kumar) solved this problem by using a synthetic antibody with selective affinity for T lymphocytes. These cells are the main target of the human immunodeficiency virus. Thus, the scientists were able to ensure the supply of T lymphocytes interfering RNA that can block the activity of three genes. One of these genes encodes a protein that is used by the virus to penetrate the cell can, and the other two with the integrated virus in the human genome and encode the viral proteins. The new method in a mouse model of HIV infection tested.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Together with donors recipients transferred some habits donor
People who are implanted organs, however, some features of donors, U.S. researchers reported. Experts call this phenomenon -. "The phenomenon of cellular memory" In the latter case, which confirmed the existence of this phenomenon, it has a 37-year old Cheryl Johnson, a resident of the English city of Preston. A woman reported that a kidney transplant a year ago, they had their habits died inherent owner kidney at age 59 from an aneurysm. Changed, according to women, not only the type of communication and behavior, as well as literary taste. Previously she loved the tabloid press and romance novels to read any high intellectual level. Now she has moved the works of Dostoevsky and other classics. Scientists believe that the changes that are taking place, with the owners of donor organs in fact possible, and many such examples. Professionals are cases in which a resident after surgery Massachusetts, who was afraid of heights, a mountaineer, an attorney from Milwaukee, the sweet love being hated chocolate bars, and commissioned seven-year-old girl after a heart transplant from a murdered child, began in of the night, nightmares, to see where. the victim of the murderer
Born Rotten
British scientists have figured out why we found under slogger and lazy. As usual, the culprit turned to our genes. The researchers carried out an experiment on rodents and found that the treated mice. 20 regions of the genome that have for laziness When normal mice ran a day at the wheel of 5 to 10 km, the lazy - just half a kilometer. As scientists, not to run, one of the lazy wheel folded reported in sawdust and turning it into a bed. Now that we know where the genes lazy mice, the researchers hope to find them in man. And perhaps even be able to do to be lazy workaholic. But this is a long-term future of genetics. Specialists also found that stay-at-home - also hereditary. In the experiment, the same researchers found in the genome of rodents six variants of the gene responsible for physical activity. It turned out, found a gene involved in the regulation of muscle, with a couch potatoes metabolism occur in the muscles, much slower than their active counterparts. Scientists believe that similar regulates muscle activity in humans. For this reason, do not be angry couch potatoes, they are not to blame - it's the genes joke, scientists.
Chocolate is not addictive and relieves ice
Children and many adults love ice cream. It turns out, the secret is the fact that milk and cream is included tryptophan - an effective natural sedative that calms the nervous system, reduces stress and improves mood, scientists say. Often decorated with chocolate ice cream, but for a long time it was thought that. The sweet treats on the brain like a drug This conclusion once Pianelli California pharmacologist and his colleagues found in the cocoa bean substance similar to some components of marijuana. However, recently, a study by American scientists from the Institute of Biochemistry, the concentration of the substance in Pianelli said, very low, and most of it is broken down in the stomach and does not reach the brain. Another group of researchers has a substance in chocolate that discovered a similar characteristics to the hormone adrenaline. It increases blood pressure, heart rate often does, it is a natural stimulant, like caffeine. In fact, the ice cream and chocolate have the opposite effect on the human body, the expert said.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Wine is much more dangerous than vodka
German researchers found that drinking wine affects the brain and increases the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's. According to the study, the volume of the hippocampus in non-drinking adults, 3.85 ml, for those who love the beer - 3.4 milliliters. Prefer spirits possess hippocampus in 2.9 ml, while wine lovers, this part of the brain - just 2.8 milliliters. Hippocampus suffering the first, when the onset of Alzheimer's disease. This disease manifests itself in a gradual decline in intelligence and is one of the most common forms of dementia (dementia). Only in the U.S. Alzheimer's disease affects about half a million people. In addition, reduction of cholesterol, which contributes to the wine, and the increase in pressure increases the risk of cancer by 10%. Researchers have shown that wine often prefer the middle class so that they are in danger. Will also be used by women, 36% of them do not mind swallowing a glass of drink. And they are more vulnerable than men, but only 21% are indifferent to the wine. Sun, the researchers found that is not the myth of utility use of wine true. German scientists also find out why the beer leads to found such damage. The fact that the fans of this drink intoxicating beverages, as those who wine, contrary to lower homocysteine in the body. Enrichment in tissues leads to the disease called homocystinuria.
In the big cities, people live longer
Contrary to popular belief about the low life expectancy of the inhabitants of the cities, scientists noticed the opposite trend. The life expectancy of people in the big cities on the rise in recent years, although the ecological situation is no better. For example, in Portugal, the people in large industrial cities, they live an average of 10 years longer than people in the mountainous regions. The same trend was seen in the Russian capital. Moscow - one of the loudest and most polluted cities in the world, but life in the city has an average of 9 years of strong growth in recent years. It turns out that not only the case in the environment. According to experts, the environment, of course, depends on many things. Those who live in the vicinity of large industrial companies, often suffer from asthma, they have increased the risk of cancer and allergies. But for most people, according to WHO, the biggest threat - cardiovascular disease. Hardly a major role in their development, the city is the air. It turns out that life is strongly influenced by many other factors. First of all - the quality of care, higher salaries and comfortable living conditions. Here, of course, the advantages of a big city can be seen with the naked eye. The level of education plays an important role, as educated people, research shows, live longer illiterate. But the majority of graduates are often located in large cities. The fact that educated people know the factors to reduce a man's life: smoking, alcohol, lack of physical exercise, poor nutrition.
Screening for breast cancer at a young age is not required
As a result of the new study, the researchers say that not having a family history of breast cancer should take place. At an early age for breast cancer screening, according to Reuters Experts believe that there are factors that decide where a doctor if you do or do not require screening. Breast cancer - a common disease. 25-30% of cases occur in families where someone has already had breast cancer, but in many cases, you can pretend to be ill. Scientists believe that if you have close relatives: mother, sister or daughter diagnosed with breast cancer, the disease can often occur between the ages of 40-50 years. For a more complete picture of experts conducted a study of 1987 women, the sisters were diagnosed with breast cancer. Some of the participants also had breast cancer in the study. Experts identified four family factors associated with breast cancer at a young age: at least two cases of first degree relatives, at least two cases among the relatives of the first and second degree under 50 and at least one case of the disease in relatives of first or second degree under 40, but every case of cancer in relatives of the two breasts were women who had at least two risk factors in risk of 11% under the age of 30 than those who. do not have these factors And aged 40 to 50 years increased the presence of two or more of the risk factors of the disease by five times.
The stress in childhood can lead to schizophrenia in adult life
Children who suffer from stress, more likely to suffer mental health problems later in life, according to German scientists. An overwhelming number of studies have shown that affect injuries in childhood psychopathology in adulthood, said Dr. Brigitte Rockstroh University of Konstanz (Germany). The study was published in the journal BMC Psychiatry. Scientists conducted a study that involved 96 adults with mental health problems, such as severe form of depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse and personality disorder and 31 adults without mental health problems. The researchers used a screening level of stress, which showed the presence of stress and trauma among the participants in early childhood, about six years, and in the beginning of puberty and adulthood. Scientists have found that. Childhood a critical period that is associated with the development of mental health in the future The most critical periods, fall, according to scientists, the early childhood and early adolescence. Stress in adulthood had no significant effect. Experts say parents need to take care of the morale of the children because it can be a severe mental illness in the future.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Scientists have discovered a new type of sinestezii
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology, described a new species sinestezii. Accidentally discovered their owners sinesteticheskih skills hear noises at the sight of moving objects and images. Synesthesia - a property of perception, is the fact that the stimulation of a sensory organ automatically causes sensations such other purposes. The most striking example of synesthesia - the so-called "colored hearing" when certain sounds are perceived as having different colors. Connected with other known varieties of synesthesia colors, sounds, tastes and tactile sensations with graphic signs, geometric figures and words. A new type of synesthesia was accidentally found a specialist in neuro-computer science Caltech Sents Melissa (Melissa Saenz). One of her students saw rapidly changing size of dots on a computer screen saver and asked the others if. The same thing that he heard As it turned out, accompanied by the movement of the dots on the screen of a young man for a distinctive sound. In another interview, he admitted that he sees moving objects by listening for their whole lives and do not see anything strange. After studying the history of the problem, could Sents and her colleagues do not find a description of such forms of synesthesia in the scientific literature. However, tests with the same screen saver several hundred volunteers, they found three other people with similar synesthetic abilities.
Now vitamins can be rubbed directly into the skin
Scientists have developed a new method of delivering vitamins in the body by rubbing it into the skin develops. Vitamins are contained in microcapsules special coating. This coating has unique features: Capsule (in appearance they resemble a special, soft powder) can fumble, rub with your fingers, but they remain intact. But as soon as such a tiny capsule in a cream, a gel or a similar substance, in order it is, the protective coating is directly flexible and soft. If taken after the capsule in his hand, and the person begins to rub it into the skin, they burst and nutrients directly penetrate the skin. Experts found that there is no interaction between the torn cream and the environment, and between the substances in the microcapsules, as long as the capsule is included. In microcapsules can everything you want: any natural or artificial vitamins for the skin, substances used for skin care, and the like. They are all fully retain their medicinal properties, no matter how much they do not have to stay inside the microcapsules.
Crystal shows the severity of the wounded soldiers
Crystal changes, the color, to the uniforms of the soldiers who served in hot spots, will be installed to measure the extent of brain damage, experts say. Crystal is so that changes color depending on the intensity of the bombing. The value of the crystal is that doctors more accurately determine the degree of injury and prescribe the correct treatment because of brain damage can so tiny that the devices are not able to identify them. The study was published in the magazine New Scientist. According to experts, the blast wave causes the brain to damage at the cellular level. This type of injury can cause. Long-term problems such as headaches, memory loss and changes in behavior Therefore created Professor Shu Yang of the University of Pennsylvania (USA), a device made of transparent material, the color varies according to the strength of the shock wave. Now the object of the research is to determine exactly what the impact force equal to a specified color, and it completely correlated with the degree of neurological damage. Doctors hope that they can find out by the intensity of the explosion and the severity of injuries with a crystal, making accurate diagnose and effectively treat their patients.
The long dementia is not threatened
Long-legged and long-armed people are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. This is the result of American Scientists study with 2798 people. Tina Huang and colleagues at Tufts University were the length of the legs and arms swing volunteers measured. All participants in the study were the Americans, mostly white, middle-aged of 72 years. In the five years of observation in 480 people diagnosed with dementia. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that women with the lowest ill swing arms of Alzheimer's disease by 72%, those who had more frequent, have the most power. The risk of other forms of dementia in these women by 42%. Tibial length also affects the frequency of the disease: an increase in the index for every 2.5 cm with a reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease, followed by 22%, and other forms of dementia - reported by 16%, the researchers said. In men, this association was less pronounced, and by only one indicator - the circumference of the hand. Increase in the range of 2.5 cm was packed with hands to reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, which is connected by 6-7%. Scientists noted that the length of the arms and legs of a person depends not only on genetic factors but also by environmental factors. Indicators such as the length of the leg and arm length can be an indicator of compromised nutritional status in early childhood. These factors may influence the development of the brain and in the age to determine the susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Gum disease can cause cancer
Severe gum disease can qualify for tongue cancer, a study at the University of Buffalo. Started periodontitis destroys connective tissue and bone, which form the base of the teeth. This process leads to the development of cancer in the mouth and the neck and head, ie oncologists. Chronic gum disease can be treated in the early stages, but they are in the advanced stages, the patient may be dangerous for your health, warn U.S. doctors. They proved that oral infections, tumors of the maxillofacial region lead. It is important to have a thorough oral hygiene, to prevent the risk of getting not only losing teeth, but also for a diagnosis of cancer, doctors concluded.
Vietnamese are allowed to change sex
The Vietnamese government has approved a law regulating the conduct of sex operations and the status of the patient, such an operation. Under the new rules sex change operations must be performed for people with gender identity disorders, and hermaphrodites. A decision on the need for surgery takes special medical commission. The law guarantees the confidentiality of patient data and prohibits all forms of discrimination against transsexuals. After surgery, they have the right to change the name and a new passport. New passport urgently receive Vietnamese citizens abroad sex changed. People with severe mental and physiological abnormalities sex change is still prohibited. Observers say the new law was a revolutionary step for the Vietnamese community, which traditionally characterized by a conservative approach to sexuality.
In Moscow, ornithologists have declared war on the pigeons and crows
In Moscow, divorced a huge number of gray crows. Ornithologists of the capital have decided to deal with it and intend to breed in large numbers owls and kestrels, hawks and other birds of prey. The head of the sector protect and restore biodiversity and habitat for wildlife in the capital Alexei Akhundov this measure will help to restore the biological balance in Moscow to the number of gray pigeons and crows, which are reduced increasing. According to experts, the high population of pigeons - a problem for many cities. For example, in Venice, is the one who decides feeding pigeons obliged to pay a fine of € 50. In other cities, such measures are not taken, and ornithologists are trying to deal with the gray pigeons and crows in other ways.
First cigarette can lead to addiction
Someone a dependence after smoking the first cigarette, and someone - No. The reason for this phenomenon, scientists have tried to find out, from the University of Ontario, according to Reuters. Scientists conducted a study and found that the brain processes and stores the taste of nicotine and its effect on the body. It turns out that nicotine triggers a series of neurochemical reactions ("path") in the brain, which can lead to a person quickly addicted to the substance. Experts have found brain "way", in the use of the hormone dopamine, which signals to the nerve cells of the pleasant and invigorating effects of nicotine occurs. This "way" is the mesolimbic - he is responsible for the vulnerability of people to drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Under Canadian neurologist, is the mesolimbic pathway that. The first perception of nicotine, such as making a particular receptor subtype, the brain is sensitive to the taste of cigarettes When the brain remembers the pleasant sensation for themselves, the relationship appears immediately. According to the researchers this discovery in the development of pharmacological therapies for nicotine addiction is important.
After 40 years, every American adults are facing the problem of excess weight
If the trend of the past three decades continue, all American adults 40 years will suffer from obesity, according to scientists. The figures are very disturbing and even seemingly unrealistic, but the number of people in the U.S. suffer from obesity is growing every year more and more. Two thirds of the population is now overweight, according to experts. According to Dr. Lan Liang, it seems impossible, both genetically and physiologically, but by examining the trend of the past 30 years, to the surprise of experts, they came to the conclusion that about 86% of U.S. adults being obese 2030th The most acute problem of obesity among African-Americans and Mexicans. Scientists predict that by 2034 all black women and 90% of Mexicans in the United States suffer from obesity. According to experts, it is necessary to delay measures to combat obesity in the country. They estimated health care costs are directly linked to being overweight, would double every ten years and $ 957 billion in 2030.
Friday, July 12, 2013
WHO published a handbook on AIDS
What is the best way to diagnose HIV? What medications are used to treat, and live like the people with the human immunodeficiency virus? WHO gave a universal reference of AIDS for the people in countries with low economic level, reports Reuters. This guide contains information about the use of condoms and recommendations for the use of tests for HIV and drugs. Experts hope that the awareness in this area will reduce the number of cases in countries with low economic and social level. Every day more than 6,800 people come to the ranks of the. Living with HIV and more than 5,700 die from the disease The main reason for going. According to experts, the low level of knowledge about how to prevent infection, and methods of diagnosis and treatment Despite advances in the prevention of HIV in the last ten years, the disease remains the most dangerous pandemic, which claimed the lives of 2 million people and causes the infection of 33 million people every year, according to WHO. Reference is also available in the online version. Regular updates will allow anyone to have the latest information on the prevention and treatment of HIV infection.
Spices be protected against damage and tissue inflammation
Spices can the body from injury and tissue inflammation, such as to protect such as diabetes, say scientists at the University of Georgia in the United States. The researchers examined 24 kinds of spices bought in stores and found that in addition to promoting high levels of antioxidants, they also prevent the formation of substances that cause tissue damage in diabetes. In diabetes, elevated blood sugar begins, which in the body. The process of accession to the sugar molecules to the protein The resulting substances activate the immune response, leading to inflammation and tissue damage which. They found the relationship between the phenol content in the spices and their ability to prevent inflammation. According to experts, is the most successful example of the biological activity of the components of cinnamon. Cinnamon extract may reduce blood sugar levels after a meal in rodents and humans. Are available as part of spices like cloves and cinnamon, with 30% and 18% of phenol from its dry weight. Experts concluded that the different types of spices phenols which are affected differently by the body, so can the maximum benefit for the health to bring a variety of spices in foods contain. Also, as we reported earlier, the consumption of broccoli may have been damaged by diabetes, blood vessels and tissues.
Sentencing in the case of mass infection of HIV in Kyrgyzstan
In Kyrgyzstan, the three doctors to infect patients with HIV were sentenced to prison, six other medical personnel accused given suspended sentences. This decision was made by the city of Osh Court, reports with reference to Interfax. The highest sentence was pronounced against three medical workers from Osh inter-regional children's hospital and a rural Nookat hospital. For negligence in the performance of their duties, which led to the infection of HIV infection, one of the health workers were sentenced to five years in prison. The other two doctors were sentenced to four years in prison in Osh Oblast Prosecutor reported. Locked after serving sentences of all prisoners from practicing medicine for three years, the statement said. Court to four other defendants are accused of fraud, were fully justified, the six medical workers for "HIV" and sentenced to three years probation, a spokesman for the prosecutor. Last summer was HIV in eight mothers and 42 children under the age of Recall demonstrated two years who were treated in health facilities in Osh region. An investigation revealed that the cause of the infection was the repeated use of non-sterile medical instruments. In the criminal case of 14 health workers with the illegal sale of narcotics, fraud and false discharge of professional responsibilities have been charged.
Obesity affects health in the first months of life
The problems associated with obesity in children in combination, bring negative effects much earlier than we previously thought, scientists say. Scientists have conducted studies and found that obese children. An increased risk of delays in the development of asthma and various respiratory diseases In most cases, the parents do not know that their children have weight problems, experts say. Although it is believed that the effects of excess weight is the later, but Dr. Ron Shaoul Medical Center Bnai Israel claims that it is not, and the consequences, he said, occurs much earlier than previously thought. Statement by Dr. Ron Shaoul was on two studies. The first study included 2,139 infants under two years of age who were for various reasons in the medical center Bnai reported 2004 to 2005. The second study was conducted as a survey of parents of overweight among their children. Among the respondents were parents of 79 children with problems in weight and 144 parents of children whose weight was normal. The first study showed that children who are overweight are hospitalized more likely than their peers with normal weight. In return, the second study showed that children who are overweight are more likely to asthma and other respiratory diseases, and developmental delays and snoring. Only 32% of mothers are aware of the problem of obesity in the child. According to scientists, the parents should be alert to the problem of obesity in their children, as it can cause many serious health problems in babies.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Today is the international day of the "Physicians for Peace"
On the planet today is the International Day "Physicians for Peace", which is a decision of the Board of Directors of the International "International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War," held on the day of the bombing of Hiroshima. U.S. Air Force 6th August 1945 was a blow to the Japanese city of Hiroshima, for the first time in human history of nuclear weapons will be used. A nuclear strike killed 140,000 Japanese and 230,000 died as a result of the use of nuclear weapons. The vast majority of those killed were civilians. The bombing of Hiroshima was destroyed by 67% of the city. Nagasaki - only three days after the atomic bomb with plutonium loading capacity of 20 tons was dropped on another Japanese city. Ten years after this terrible tragedy of Hiroshima hosted the first world conference on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. And already in 1985, the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone was declared. International Day of the "Physicians for Peace" in a sense, and serves as a symbolic reminder of this human tragedy. The role of doctors in promoting peace and preventing war in general Finally, the doctors returned to the patient's life.
State of happiness prolongs life and protects against diseases
Happiness prolongs life by about the same amount as the rejection of cigarettes. Reached the conclusion Dutch sociologist Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. According to the researcher can not happiness be cured, but can be protected from the disease. Ruut Veenhoven analyzed 30 studies that relate to the state of happiness. It has long been the relationship between life expectancy and the state of happiness to see, but it was unclear whether the effect of happiness on longevity, or, on the contrary, increases the life of good health and happiness. Many scientists have tried to the cause-and-effect relationship, based on long-term studies to determine, having regard to the initial level of health, but the results were conflicting. Ruut Veenhoven, who has studied the problems of Fortune since 1960, evaluates the results of numerous studies and found that happiness does not extend the life of terminally ill persons, but also contributes to a long healthy life. Fortunately, she protects against disease. A possible explanation, a fact that depression causes stress, which reduces the level of immunity. In turn, luck has the opposite effect and strengthens the immune system, scientists say.
Recovered by strengthening the hair can lead to headaches
Hair has become commonplace. Many hairdressers provide this service, but poor quality deposits can damage the scalp and painful consequences, experts say. In the UK, more and more often to be sued in court, women who increased their hair, with the result that they are. Problems with the skin of the head with his own hair Trichologists doctors argue that always sees the painful consequences hair extensions. Experts reported that women complain of headaches and discomfort during sleep, and the fact that the hair is coming out with their own. Experts believe that such problems due to the limited knowledge of hair extensions arise. So if the hair is really necessary for a good professional and think again if you really need it, the scientists suggest.