Profession in which it. Prolonged exposure to organic solvents in paints, inks, printers, dry cleaners, a common phenomenon One of the unpleasant consequences of such contact, the central nervous system (CNS) damage, experts say. This often happens when refilling cartridges for printers and copiers is at home, unsuitable premises. Cognitive disorders, including memory loss, attention, psychomotor functions, and often remain after the termination. The complex of symptoms of chronic encephalopathy means with the effect of the solvent (solvent-induced chronic encephalopathy (CSE)) is assigned. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 10 patients with CSE, with prolonged contact with solvents and impaired cognitive function from mild to severe, and 10 participants who had contact with the solvent, but no symptoms of encephalopathy and 11 in the control group, which does not contact with solvents and does not suffer from encephalopathy. Consider the length of exposure, personal protective equipment, the symptoms of acute intoxication. Also, all participants performed an MRI. Attention to assess a variety of psychophysical tests. According to a study in patients with encephalopathy of the frontal-striato-thalamic paths (FTS way into the CNS, which includes nerve impulses) is damaged, there is a similar change in participants with no clinical signs of disease.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
In Ukraine, is expected to increase the price of alcohol and tobacco
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to almost double the rate of excise duty on alcohol and cigarettes. The corresponding bill of Finance developed, UNIAN reported. Plan temporarily out of 1 July - 31 December this year a fixed excise duty on non-filter cigarettes at 10 grn/1000 PCs on filter cigarettes - .. 22.5 grn/1000 piece, the tax liability - 13.6 grn/1000 pc. pc in unfiltered cigarettes and 27.4 grn/1000. for filter cigarettes. The bill also provides for the increase of the rates of excise duty on ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcoholic beverages from the distillation of wine and pomace obtained from 21.5 UAH / l to 39 UAH / l (from 1 July 2008 to 31 December - to 30 UAH / l). Excise duties on beer is proposed of 0.31 UAH / l to 0.63 UAH / l (from 1 July to 31 December 2008 - 0.47 UAH / l) increase. The cost of a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, reduced to 250 UAH. for each trading venue. According to an unofficial source in the Ministry of Finance to keep higher taxes on alcohol and tobacco appropriate to surpass as the increase in the excise tax inflation index.
Obesity leads to liver disease in his father's children
Obesity father at a relatively early age may indicate serious liver problems, his children in the future, the scientists said. People whose fathers faced with the problem of obesity in the last 45 years, a high probability of liver problems, as scientists discovered high levels of descendants of alanine aminotransferase levels, this enzyme shows liver damage. Scientists are trying to study, which was attended by 1732 people of both sexes, to discover evidence the genetic relationship of obesity and liver disease, children. The participants were divided into three groups: the early fathers to the obesity problem, faced more adult and do not know the problem of obesity. The study showed that the presence of the Father with the problem of obesity increases the risk of early high alanine aminotransferase, independent of body weight of the child. Found the association between obesity and the level of the maternal serum alanine aminotransferase in the offspring. According to scientists, there is a close relationship of genes that contribute to obesity fathers, and increased alanine aminotransferase in their children. The results of this study provide the opportunity to require new risk group of people, the prevention of liver diseases.
The secret to a slim figure French women?
French has always been famous for their slim figures. Every day they have to drink wine, eat late, but not fat. I wonder what's their secret? But the fact is that the French are different than food, and most meals. They have a rule that they do not break - food should be enjoyed. During the meal, it is necessary to read on the process instead of television or books, advised concentrate French women. Are not taken even when French women snacking between meals, it is very detrimental effect on the organism. If French decide not to treat themselves to a chocolate, it's dark chocolate with low sugar content. Residents French drink a lot. French always in your purse is a small bottle of water. Need to drink at least two liters of water a day because the water detoxifies and nourishes the body. If today the French ate a piece of chocolate cake, then the next day it will limit yogurt. It is important to keep the rule that food to delight not only taste, but also their appearance.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Scientists have created a new drug for the treatment of psoriasis
A new experimental drug that suppresses certain immune system, has a beneficial effect in reducing the symptoms of psoriasis. Small experimental drug pharmaceutical company was created in Canada, scientists said. Researchers studied 450 patients aged 18 to 65 years, which at the time of death at least 10% of the body affected with psoriasis. Psoriasis - a chronic skin disease that affects the skin of the elbows, joints affected. The origin of the disease is caused by a wrong reaction of the immune system that leads to scaly rashes and itching. The researchers found no relationship between the dose of the drug and the response of the organism. According to experts, the doctor can determine the optimal dose for patients to reduce the risk of side effects. Study medication will hardly have any side effects even at very high doses, the scientists said. Experts have already completed the final testing phase. May soon be available in pharmacies, where the Office of the Food and Drug Administration approved the manufacture and sale of drugs, the researchers reported.
Vitamin D helps to protect the arteries
Vitamin D helps the arteries from atherosclerosis, which protect disabled with the normal circulation of the blood, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists discovered at the University of New York, that people with low vitamin D in the blood increases the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular disease. Atherosclerosis is a variable combination of changes in the intima of the vessels, consisting of associated focal accumulation of lipids, complex carbohydrates, blood and substances, fibrous tissue and calcium deposits with changes in the medium. Currently causing ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, serious harm to the health of the world population. Due to the fact that atherosclerosis is a major cause of coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major importance. Scientists examined data government review of health. Turned the focus to the 4839 adults who had lowered vitamin D levels in the blood. Expert ultrasound controls the blood flow to the extremities. Found that people who have vitamin D levels below normal, inclined by 80% to more atherosclerosis than those containing vitamin in the normal range. Scientists have taken a very high level of atherosclerosis in patients with low vitamin D, but they believe that making the recommendations for the introduction of vitamin D early, further research is needed. Experts have high hopes that vitamin D can be used for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
The benefits of pumpkin smokers
This conclusion, French scientists led by Armel Genegu based. On 8-year study of 1,194 subjects aged 20 to 44 years To assess the functionality of the lungs of the participants determined the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), an additional fixed concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin E in the blood serum. The results showed that starting with age, the lung function worse FEV1 and prices begin to decline as early as 28-29 years. On average, Non smoking FEV1 decreased by 29.8 ml per year. People who smoked daily more than 1 pack of cigarettes fell, the rate in most of the 52 ml per year. French researchers found that Non smoking in the blood which determines the highest concentration of beta carotene, suffered lung function with age at least. The same dependence in smokers was in the blood, the observed show a high concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin E, the researchers reported. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A and has antioxidant properties (prevents the formation of free radicals, which have a deleterious effect on the cell). Beta-carotene is. In carrots, peppers, pumpkin, mango and other red and orange vegetables and fruits, as well as spinach and broccoli Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant. The main sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, avocados, sunflower seeds, fatty fish, eggs.
Men than women suffer from memory disorders
Scientists from the U.S. presented results of a study of the memory frequency and pace of development in men and women. As it turns out, men are more prone to this disease. However, doctors say that, the presence of memory disorders in women dramatic effects of dementia begin earlier. Impaired memory, where a person forgets the simplest things can be a sign of serious cognitive impairment. Common in elderly patients with disorders of memory and intelligence to develop a dementia characterized by progressive dementia and the disintegration of the personality. Experts from the U.S. Mayo Clinic decided to find out whether. From the male and female risk factor for mental disorders The study, which was started in 2004 and continues to this day, have received more than two thousand patients aged 70 to 89 years with a State of the intelligence. About three-quarters of them were obtained mentally. 16 percent have mild cognitive impairment, and found 10 percent of dementia. According to the authors of the study, regardless of age, moderate mental retardation in males and a half times more likely than women met. About once a year doctors performed a dynamic assessment of the intellectual abilities of patients by four parameters: to understand the state of the memory, the ability to think logically, verbal and visual information.
Country in large quantities are dangerous for health
Risk of sushi lovers, according to scientists, are teenagers and pregnant women because of mercury, which is full of this court, the negative impact on the process of growth and slows the development of the embryo, reported Hong Kong media. Scientists tested 280 different species of fish, including canned food, for methyl mercury - the most toxic organic compounds of mercury that can effectively interact with the elements of the enzyme systems of the body with liquid and which can not be cooked. Excess of methylmercury in the body leads to disorders of the nervous system, vision, hearing, coordination and memory. In particular, scientists believe, should be treated with caution to the consumption of red sea bream - mercury in it exceeds the permissible 500 micrograms per kilogram. Scientists advise fans of sushi and sashimi from fish to limit themselves to 20 units per week. Also, experts say high concentrations of mercury in zheltospinnogo bream, yellowtail barracuda and tuna. Pregnant women should avoid the tuna from the menu, as well as to avoid the use of large predators - sharks and swordfish. Scientists recommend that those who are planning a pregnancy, the use of these types of fish in the six months before you to understand, plan, say the media.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Clothing choices, the mental health
Girls at puberty, membership of some cultures where there are restrictions on the choice of dress, and not against the traditional style of clothing, a strong mental health than those who are free to choose the style of clothing, the scientists said . Scientists at the University of London found that. Bangladeshi girl, who chose their traditional dress, not Western-style clothes, less experienced problems in behavior and emotional state Scientists suspect that a close family and the national community has a protective effect. Teens often very emotionally unstable, sensitive to criticism, different uncertainty and therefore prone to develop psychological problems for the plan. They often have the experience because of the choice of friends and clothes, they say. Researchers interviewed about 1,000 British and Bangladeshi adolescents aged 11-14 years about their culture, social life, health and psychological problems. It was found that young people in Bangladesh, the national and traditional clothing, fewer emotional problems in adolescence and adulthood than those who are satisfied with the Italian clothing wholesale free Western-style. But among British teenagers researchers found no significant differences in emotional terms, regardless of whether they wore not the traditional dress. Scientists believe that the young people in some cultures, a lot of pressure from family and society when choosing clothes for this reason that younger people to enter the traditional dress, do not feel this pressure is stable and their emotional state, and youth who from cultural prohibitions vary clothing, face more emotional challenges that affect their mental health in the future.
Cholesterol affects the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease
High cholesterol at the age of 40 increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in old age, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 9752 people from Northern California. Found that people are prone to Alzheimer's disease in the future with high cholesterol at the age of 40-45 years. The people in the study, the estimates of health from 1964 to 1973, when they were exposed at the age of 40-45 years. Particular attention is paid to the level of cholesterol in the blood of people who later developed Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease often occurs in people of advanced age. According to scientists, cholesterol - only part of the puzzle of this disease. It has long been known for the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease. It now appears that the level of cholesterol affects the brain, so it is important to follow the diet to get the physical and mental health, scientists say.
Thanks to ultrasound in the U.S. prostate cancer mortality fell by
The death rate from prostate cancer in the United States declined as always uses ultrasound, but it does not prove that such a test is necessary. On that occasion, argue American and British scientists. Ultrasound is used in the U.S. is much higher than in the UK, for this reason, U.S. researchers believe that the death rate is four times lower in their country of prostate cancer. What British scientists respond that many other factors affect the risk of prostate cancer, and not rely solely on ultrasound. Many men over 80 years, diagnosed with prostate cancer die, but it does not mean that the disease was the cause of death. Potentially other diseases contributed death, the British scientists. The use of ultrasound and blood test does not mean that these measures save lives men, say scientists from the University of Bristol. According to them, while American scientists argue that ultrasound is to reduce the number of deaths, they can only speculate and look for other risk factors, because you can not rely on these measures.
Egypt was one year old boy bird flu
A new case of human infection with bird flu was discovered in Egypt. Reported by the Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt. The H5N1 virus was detected in the two year old boy who lives in the Nile Delta province of Sharqiya. Also last week, female deaths was recorded 30 years of the virus. The first human case of bird flu in Egypt was taken in February 2006. Since then, the country was 50 cases in humans, of which 22 resulted in death discovered.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Migraine - companion of civilization
Of all the creatures suffer from migraine just a man. The reason it is still not clear, though it is known to doctors for more than 3000 years. The name "migraine" comes from the French language -. "Half of the head disease," a corruption of the Greek word "migraine", what it means is so named this disease Roman physician Galen (II century AD). Migraine pain actually occurs primarily in one half of the head, but can then skip to the next. Of course, not everyone with migraine headache. Doctors are two types of headaches: 1. Tension headaches - bilaterally compressed. Second Migraine pain - throbbing, located on one side. Migraines are more common in people who are prone to anxiety, depression, emotional excitability, non-psychological stress resistance. Migraines often sick people, who suffered from such physiological characteristics as natural irritability and emotional instability, resentment, ambition, intolerance of other errors, the love of excellence, initiative, ambition. The disease affects people strong, stubborn, active. Migraines often coexists with hysteria, epilepsy and allergies. Patients with migraine usually stubborn, selfish, irritable, tense internally. However, they are conscientious and prone to excessive detail and thoroughness. They often unwarranted fear, frustration, disappointment. Migraine blame genes, but a predisposition to genetic inheritance.
Livestock is an advantage for people with mental illness
The time spent on a farm with animals makes you feel good mentally ill. The results showed that communication with animals on farms more efficient in the treatment of mental illness as the contact with pets. Scientists from the Norwegian University found that psychological therapy with pets - cats and dogs not carefully studied. But no one previously studied this treatment in animals on the farm. To evaluate the effectiveness and advantage of this method, 90 patients (59 women and 31 men) with schizophrenia, mood disorders, aggression, and personality disorders were asked to complete the extent of the improvement in quality of life and other scales. Completed questionnaires at baseline and after 12 weeks in which the patient twice a week regularly worked with livestock. Patients with long-standing symptoms of mental illness have shown positive results in all parameters tested. However, to confirm these results and to more clearly articulate the field of mental illness in need of treatment with this method, further research is needed.
A laser beam is to help in the treatment of epilepsy
Scientists have developed a new technique to identify the lesion of the brain in patients with epilepsy. Of the invention is the ability of the laser beam to penetrate the nerve cells. New diagnostic method was tested on rats, but in the near future, the scientists plan to conduct research involving human subjects. The basis of epilepsy are nerve impulses generated in the source of pathological activity with great frequency. About 60% of patients with stabilization can be achieved with antiepileptic drugs. A third of patients, however, require surgical treatment, which is the cutting out of the abnormality of the brain. The main difficulty here is to determine the exact location of the lesion. Doctors to impose network electrodes directly on the surface of the brain. Scientists from the U.S. have shown in rats that a laser beam can be significantly faster on the location of the abnormal area. The nature of the so-called laser-induced photoacoustic tomography is that the flow of the laser beams that are transmitted through the skull to the brain. In neurons arise micro vibration, sound waves detected by a special sensor and converted. By the nature of the resulting sound can be judged by the location of the lesion. Researchers proposed technique is based on the fact that parts of the brain with an abnormal activity, the ability to flow to itself and to focus light is based on this way from the surrounding have nerve tissue.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Decreased the number of cases of breast cancer in white women
The sharp decline in cases of breast cancer only in women are seen with white skin, the researchers reported. Experts believe that the problem lies in the fact that white women tend to use hormone therapy than others. Many women stopped hormone therapy after 2002 published the results of the study, which means that the combination of estrogen and progesterone in menopausal use, given the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease increases. Scientists suspect that a lot of white women do not stop, despite the results of the study of hormone therapy. It was important to understand the reason for their nationality or race, or hormonal treatment, experts say. The researchers looked at the percentage of the relationship in the incidence of breast cancer and ethnicity. Experts say race and ethnicity did not play a role in the predisposition to cancer. Factor in reducing the incidence of cancer is hormone therapy, scientists say.
Scientists are one step closer to solving the problem of iron deficiency anemia in patients
The researchers found the gene responsible for the development of hereditary form of iron deficiency, can offer to provide the impetus for a method of treating a reduced uptake of iron in the body. According to WHO, iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia, which affects one third of the world population. In developing countries, observed every second pregnant woman and more than 40% of preschool children anemia. Anemia occurs when the reduction in the number of red blood cells in the blood and / or deficiency in these cells carrying the protein hemoglobin, oxygen. Scientists conducted a study to determine why some children with iron Anime (IDA) is no answer to the adoption of an adequate dose of iron tries inside. Examines five families in which more than one member of the family. A chronic deficiency of iron in the body As a result, experts have found a series of mutations in the gene TMPRSS6. Experts have not been able to determine the exact mechanism, but it is clear that the lack of protein in the body caused TMPRSS6 hepcidin production -. The hormone that blocks the absorption of iron in the intestine Hepcidin will normally synthesized in the body in order to prevent excess iron therein. But in patients with IDA zhelezorefrakternoy, despite the lack of iron in the body in large quantities Hepcidin is synthesized completely blocks the absorption of this element by the intestine. Researchers say that the discovery of proteins that regulate the synthesis of hepcidin, opens up new possibilities in the treatment of iron deficiency.
The European Commission has banned the import and export of pork from Slovakia
On 15 April, the European Commission banned the export and import of pork from Slovakia as the country swine flu plague, UNIAN reports. The Commission also has a ban on the import and export to the EU and in third countries, pig semen and embryos from Slovakia. Noted outbreak of swine on a farm in Slovakia Levice. The Commission will monitor the situation and 21 the issue of restrictive measures at a meeting of the Standing Committee on Animal Health and the Food Chain on Monday April check.
Get a plastic bottle?
Chemicals used in the manufacturing of some plastic bottles, food packaging and even baby bottles, in connection with early puberty and prostate and breast cancer, said the U.S. government. Based on these findings, the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Department of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked to test the substance Bisphenol A (BPA). Is it safe to use for use in products for children and adults. Participants of the National Toxicology Program study, a rat. They worked on rats BPA substance to the extent in which they. People with plastic products It was found that the rats for signs of precancerous prostate and breast cancer began to appear, and it is one of the early puberty in females. Participants in the program are in the hope that FDA review the use of this substance in the manufacture of plastic bottles, especially for toddlers. The U.S. Department of the Food and Drug Administration that the need for a comprehensive study to determine, to the effects of bisphenol A on human health and development. Bisphenol A is used in the manufacture of plastic products and packaging for the food, it can also be found in the CD-ROM and a number of medical care. Many authorities are concerned about the impact of bisphenol A on the health and development of the human body.
There are signs of Alzheimer's disease dependent on the size of the hippocampus
With more of the hippocampus (the area of the brain associated with memory) protects a person from the onset of symptoms of dementia, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists conducted a study to examine the signs of dementia in 35 people who died as a result of Alzheimer's disease. It turned out that some of them very silnovyrazhennye symptoms and memory problems were other symptoms almost never on. The researchers found that people who have almost no symptoms manifest or less, about 20% larger area of the brain that had for memory (hippocampus). Scientists warn that even a small study to be carried out, the results may not be quite right. The study was presented at a meeting of scientists in the American Academy of neuralgia. Experts have found that there are often cases in which people died with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and not have any problems with memory and the last day of life. According to experts, the problem should be investigated more deeply, possibly hidden in it an effective method of treating or preventing the disease.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
In France, on the promotion of anorexia
The lower house of the French parliament passed a law any kind of promotion of unhealthy thinness, including images of emaciated models and advertising ban strict diets. The corresponding values for the print media, TV programs and Internet sites. Supported by the ruling party bill by the National Assembly on Tuesday, 15 April passed. He is expected to be approved by the Senate in the coming weeks. The new law can promote one of the most radical attempts to limit legislative unhealthy ideals of beauty. The reason for the ban on the image overly thin models in a number of countries in the death of a Brazilian model who died of anorexia in 2006. According to the author of the bill Valerie Boyer (Valery Boyer), the anorexia in France should be a criminal offense. Boyer suggests that advertising grueling diet and excessive thinness heavy fines and jail imprisonment. According to statistics, around 40,000 people are affected by anorexia in France, three quarters of them are women. The first law is aimed to protect the health of women, although it is formally distributed to the images of models of both sexes. The initiative of the French deputies commented, say representatives of the world of haute couture, that the relationship between the publications in fashion magazines and the incidence of anorexia are not detected, and the degree of depletion of each girl can not be determined by the courts.
Can I save money on healthy food?
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) says that they can. Opinion that diabetic menu should consist of high quality products is erroneous. Good food and nedorgoe - it's not mutually exclusive concepts. In practice, a healthy diet, the cost of the products, if you reduce the amount of servings and buy less expensive high-calorie foods. ADA recommends: 1 Special diet or diabetic products are expensive and not necessary. Second Should buy meat without bones, then you will not have to pay for their weight. Third Nutritional value of white and brown eggs is the same, though the latter are more expensive. 4th Vegetables, frozen fat sauce not only cost double the price of conventional frozen vegetables, the number of calories in them even more. 5th Instead of buying several small packs yogurt buy a big bottle and divide it into sections themselves. 6th If fresh fruit is too expensive, you can buy frozen or canned. If fruits preserved in syrup, rinse with water before use. 7th Use nonfat dry milk for drinking and cooking - it's cheap and can be stored for a long time. 8th Note that dry food increases for cooking in volume three. 9th When you buy herbs in bulk, be sure to shake it before weighing, for among the leaves, water can be, and thus the extra weight.
Stability of the world economy depends on the hormonal surges
The stability of the global economy depends in part on hormonal surges dealer centers of the global financial According to experts from the University of Cambridge. Scientists conducted a study that testosterone levels in the blood directly to broker profits they make in connection found. At the same time, can affect the stress hormone cortisol, as do risky surgery at this point, that a trader (for example, the market for forex). In the study, the researchers measured the testosterone levels in the blood of a small group of traders in London, the men at 11 and at 4 clock in the afternoon, and these measurements are compared with the level of the profit and loss account, taken during the day. It was found that in those days, when the return is greater than the average testosterone level is significantly higher than brokers. According to scientists, this phenomenon can be achieved by effect of the winner, that is observed in athletes explained. Even a small success for the increase in testosterone levels in men, which in turn increases self-confidence and willingness to take risks, and it increases the likelihood that the new operation will be profitable. But experts warn, if the sequence is repeated too often, is that too much testosterone in the blood, and it gradually reduces a person's ability to make rational decisions.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Diet - the key to cardiovascular disease
As part of a large study found that. A diet that promotes the U.S. government to reduce the really high blood pressure and to protect people from a heart attack, according to U.S. scientists Scientists have the study, which was attended by 88 one thousand healthy women. The study lasted for almost 25 years. Those women who had a higher standard of living followed, often the recommended diet, the expert said. Scientists have been studying the connection between heart attacks and the choice of food intake. The diet, which are approved by the government: fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk and protein-based meat products. Women who observe this diet reduces the risk of heart attacks by 24% and the risk of stroke by 18% to those who used other typical American diet compared. Previous studies have shown that diet can have a significant impact on the cardiovascular system. Every third woman in 50 years significantly increased the risk of heart disease, if you are not. To the diet The study included only women, but the researchers suggest that diet has a similar effect on men's health. Experts advise to approach the problem of food very seriously, as it can have very serious consequences.
Air pollution resulting in an increase in mortality
Contributed to high levels of pollution, deaths from pneumonia, according to British scientists. A team of scientists from the University of Birmingham examined mortality and air pollution in 352 villages between 1996 and 2004. Scientists have found a connection between the two. The study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Issledoveniya authors exclude that social factors play an important role. Based on counting the number of deaths was carried out in the village, above the average of mortality. Scientists have this number by the increase in air pollution compared in view of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. According to statistics, during the eight years of the study of pneumonia 386,374 people died. In addition, mortality residential significantly dependent. In the big cities, the highest mortality rates from pneumonia in 35 large cities, was the death rate of pneumonia more than 14,718 cases of the national average. Even in these areas, the growth of cancer and cardiovascular disease was seen. According to scientists, the environment is an important risk factor for several diseases. According to estimates by the British experts, the London smog in 1952 killed about 4,000 people. Often the cause of illness and death specialists look at factors such as smoking. While it is the environment may be an important risk factor.
Trans fats increase the risk of breast cancer
Elevated levels of trans fatty acids in the blood is associated with a significantly increased risk for breast cancer. This is the result of French scientists in the data analysis of long-term study reached more than 25,000 women. Trans fats are produced unnatural isomers of fatty acids in the production of vegetable oils and margarine. These compounds, known also found as partially hydrogenated oils in many fast-food meals, ready meals and other dishes or processed foods. It is known that trans fats increase the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, but their role in the development of cancer, until recently, remained unexplored. To fill this gap, refer to the French doctors performed on these large-scale statistical study in France in 1995-98. Available scientific data were 25,000 participants who have passed and blood samples. In a few years that provide detailed information about eating habits, bad habits and taking medications Diagnosed with breast cancer at follow-up in 363 women. Comparing blood samples from diseased and healthy other participants, the researchers found a strong link between cancer risk and the amount of trans fatty acids in the blood at baseline. In the group with the highest levels of fatty acids increase the risk of breast cancer in half.
Scientists have launched a new cloning
With the new method, the scientists mice from skin cells from adults and found that the technology is much more efficient as a way to Dolly create, and it has fewer side effects because it is better suited for use in relation to man. Scientists have cloned mice. They took skin cells from adult tissue and injected into embryos at an early stage of development, the. Through in-vitro fertilization According to Dr. Robert Lanza, cloning is not part of our lives, but it is a new technology with which we "produce" almost to the children. If we apply this to humans, it is a very significant and will create a lot of problems and contradictions. The scientist believes that this method have the same concerns that cloning poses for reproductive purposes. But thanks to this breakthrough, now have an effective method by which any person, young or old, healthy or completely sterile, heterosexual or homosexual, can pass on their genes to the child by skin cells.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Global climate change impact on increasing the safety of human health
A growing body of scientific evidence for global climate change. Last year was a critical point in the debate over climate change on our planet. The impact of changes already being felt, and humanity is at stake, they say. The World Health Organization has chosen the theme of the annual Health Day climate change to the attention of the world to draw on the impact of irreversible change on human health. The WHO has identified five important factors to human health from climate change - challenges in agriculture, the number of potential deaths and injuries, lack or excess of water, heat waves, temperature drop. The conference on the occasion of World Health Day stressed the need to conduct a detailed analysis of information on global climate change. To investigate its effect on the human factors and check to neutralize effective protective measures, the negative effects.
With stem cells, the scientists plan to osteoarthritis
Scientists hope to use stem cells for treatment of injuries sustained as a result of osteoarthritis disease, reports the BBC. Researchers have identified a type of stem cells, the new cartilage cells as chondrocytes. In theory it is possible to achieve the required number of chondrocyte cells to a therapeutic effect in patients with osteoarthritis create, scientists say. Osteoarthritis - a chronic degenerative disease of the joints due to degradation of articular cartilage, followed by changes in the subchondral bone and the development of marginal osteophytes, which is the loss of the cartilage and the simultaneous involvement of other components of the joint (synovium, bands). At its worst, the disease can cause a tear of the cartilage. This leads to considerable pain and deformation of joints bones, experts say. According to scientists, the treatment is in the fact that the doctors take healthy young cartilage cells and implanted into the affected area to be. Unfortunately, you can only turn on a limited number of stem cells. Immature stem cells can be transformed into any tissue of the human body. Experts have high hopes that this method will help people with osteoarthritis.
Cherry protects the cardiovascular system
The experiment found that rats treated regularly eat red cherries, had not only lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, but also lower body fat in the abdominal area, the scientists said. Scientists conducted an experiment in rats. They fed one group of animal foods high in fat and at the same time was a cherry dessert. It was found that the rats that received cherries, not to win as much weight as the rats do not eat cherries. Furthermore, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of the first group was lower than that of the second. The results of this study were presented at the Conference on Experimental Biology presented in 2008 in San Diego, California, by a group of the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, University of Michigan (Experimental Biology 2008 meeting in San Diego, CA). According to scientists, it is too early to say that a diet that includes cherries to the same results in humans have. However, the researchers are already ready to go further studies to determine using the reaction of the human body to cherries. Note, however, it that if a person wants to go through the same course diets that have passed their rats during the experiment, he should eat at least 1 kg of cherries daily. And it is likely that not only the waist will leave more and more clearly, but with excess fat cardiovascular problems, improve your mood.
Alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of the most common types of breast cancer, scientists say. Scientists conducted a study of more than 184 thousand tests women. It has been found that alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer in middle-aged women, said Dr. Jasmine Lew from the Institute of Cancer. Scientists have found that women who consumed one or two drinks per day or 32% more prone to the formation of the hormone - sensitive tumor cells. Three or more drinks per day increases the risk of cancer by 51%. Have about 70% of women diagnosed with breast cancer tumors with positive estrogen and progesterone receptors, the scientists. According to scientists, the results make it possible to believe that. The use of alcohol and estrogen metabolism significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer Experts believe that it is too early to specific recommendations is over, but doctors advise women to consult on the level of potential risk.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
In South Korea, the fourth bird flu outbreak
A fact confirmed by a new outbreak of bird flu in South Korea. This is the fourth outbreak in the South-East, the government reported the country. After, said the country's Ministry of Agriculture that tests had to about 380 km. north-west of Seoul, found that one of the birds infected poultry for human lethal H5N1 virus. The South Korean government is taking all measures to stop the spread of the deadly virus. Already destroyed 470,000 chickens at 20 farms within a radius of 3 km. from poultry farms, where an outbreak of the virus was discovered.
Malicious Food, Beverages
Lean meat in the "red" meat less fat than chicken, especially fattened. Even in 100 grams of chicken fed with corn, contains 129 calories and 4.8 grams of fat compared with 135 calories and only 4.5 grams of fat in a piece of lean meat of the same weight sirloin. In addition, beef contains three times more iron and lift the tone almost four times more zinc, needed for immunity. But what about the saturated fat clogs arteries? - You ask. Fed chicken, corn, not much better. Nobody called bite every day in the ham or bacon, but "red" lean meat eaten several times be a good addition to your diet per week can. Ice, of course, if you watch TV every night away with the entire basin ice, perhaps brings the benefit of their health. But no need to be excluded from the diet ice, try to keep in shape. Ice is slowly digested. In other words, it is in the stomach slowly and gradually saturates the blood sugar processed, but because unlike other desserts such as sorbet or puddings and cakes with whipped cream, you can eat a little more and you do not want. Normal ice ball with a weight of 75 grams contains only 114 calories and 6 grams of fat and is successful conclusion lunch for those who follow the figure, as a piece of cheesecake, the 511 calories and 43 grams of fat contains frightening. White bread in order to improve your fiber intake, many of us go out of white bread whole wheat bread, thought it a better choice.
Anesthetic help erase painful memories
Small doses of the gas is used in traditional anesthesia may protect against the formation of painful memories, U.S. researchers reported. Scientists have discovered that the gas in a position to sevoflurane and blocking painful memories is blunt. The study was published in the magazine New Scientist. The results showed that the gas affects the signals between the main regions of the brain. Experts hope that the results will help the patient, the memories that they get on the rare occasions when I solve awake during the operation. These terrible memories long can continue to be patient. At that time, both the strong painkillers are often used for the introduction of a unconscious patient, in fact, they have a much more complex effect on the body, according to specialists. Scientists conducted a study of volunteers. They divided the participants into two groups. A group of people affected anesthetic gas, but on the other - a placebo. Experts, the patients showed a number of photographs, some of which was of ordinary nature, such as a cup of coffee, and the other a little bloody and result was shown in horror. A week later, volunteers were asked to recall what shown in the photographs. Affected patients from placebo remember about 29% of the emotional images and 12% of normal. But could those who worked on the anesthetic gas, recall about 5% of the emotional images and 10% of the remainder.
One in five women in childbirth suffers postpartum depression
According to the study, one in five women suffer from postpartum depression, according to Reuters. According to scientists, the risk of postnatal depression gets a certain type of women. Most of them are women with low educational levels. From 2004 to 2005 in 17 countries, a survey of women who have just one child. The questionnaire included two questions related to the postnatal period. Such as:? 1) You often feel hopeless and depressed mood if you have a child 2) If the child is born, we often enjoy it any things? Women who "always" or "often" answered one of the questions, there were signs of postpartum depression, the scientists believe. In all countries, a trend that often suffered postpartum depression seen young mothers with low education and health. Scientists have identified other possible factors of postpartum depression - tobacco during pregnancy is exercise before and during pregnancy, fights with a partner, trauma during pregnancy, and financial problems. Experts say if you to try to avoid these risks, the risk of postpartum depression is much lower.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Moscow warned of a possible increase in ticks
With the arrival of warm weather in forest areas can be activated Moscow mites. Risk of tick bites in the forests will continue until late fall, said the prefecture western district of the capital, in the. More than just recreation areas city, according to ITAR-TASS To date, according to experts, has ticks carrying the virus encephalitis have been noticed in the city. But the citizens and guests of the capital, intending to relax in nature, recommended "for a list of dangerous from this point of view places online Rospotrebnadzor and vaccinated," said Officer Prefecture. Prick help protect against tick-borne encephalitis. At the same time, to date there is no vaccine against Lyme disease - other dangerous diseases transmitted by ticks, said the source agency. The disease begins with redness at the site of the defeat of two to 30 days after the bite. If it is detected early, Lyme disease can be successfully treated with antibiotics, said the officials. "After the district recorded 30 cases of tick-borne Lyme disease - infection is usually in the Moscow region occur, but in the capital, there are places that carry the risk of infection - Filevsky Park, Sparrow Hills, village Rublev area in the stadium" Medic "- said in the prefecture.
Lzhevrach received nine years for the treatment of cancer with vitamins
Kostroma Regional Court upheld and confirmed the judgment of the local healer Rita Bedoshvili for two years has been the treatment of cancer. Without a license for the provision of health services and medical education On it informs RIA Novosti with reference to the prosecution of the Kostroma region. According to investigators, during the years 2005-2006 Bedoshvili professionals treating patients with cancer and other serious diseases posing, known in Russia as a neurosurgeon. Crook selling customers products for pain, which allegedly imported from Germany. In the review, showed that the drugs were the usual vitamins. For their services Bedoshvili took in patients from 20 to 500 rubles. One patient died shortly after the injection, he underwent lzhevrachom itself. First, the police, the other side of the cheater caught: she was active in rielterstvom gullible citizens sold nonexistent apartments and land. After imprisonment Bedoshvili found and confiscated money, jewelry, and passports were issued in different names. Court found Rita Bedoshvili guilty of fraud and sentenced to nine years in prison to be served in a penal colony. In addition, the court granted to convert all civil action for victims, the damage of the activities that amounted to 2.7 million rubles.
Smoking for intimacy takes the birthday boy
Scientists have found that in the last ten years, more girls are born than boys. Danish and Japanese sexologists suggest that the reason is smoking. According to them, after smoking intimacy drastically reduced imagine the possibility of parents, one son. Scientists conducted an experiment, a survey of nearly 12 thousand parents of newborn children. Then divided them into three groups. The first group includes completely Non smoking mothers and fathers. The second - from smoking 20 cigarettes a day. And the third - those who smoked more than 20 cigarettes daily. Particular attention was paid to the habit of smoking before or after intercourse. The analysis of the responses, researchers have found that smoking affects sperm. After they do the cells that are the Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of boys more vulnerable to changes in the body caused by smoking. Sperm with X chromosomes do not have as high sensitivity. So it turns out that men who want to have a male heir, you should reduce the dose of nicotine before and after intercourse or not to smoke. Specialists also proved that mothers. Before and during pregnancy, smoking, the baby boy one third less likely than non-smoking women Given the parameters of the health and age of the mother, it seems that, when the smoke is the father, is the chance to have a boy almost halved. Furthermore, the gender of a child affect and passive smoking.
The intellectual development of a child, the organization of work and career development in the future
The mental development of the child's emotional state and stability influence the choice of career and professional development in adulthood, scientists say. British researchers conducted a study in which participated the 8000th It was found that depression and anxiety can affect the activity and its position in the future. Most people with the presence of such symptoms got a job with a lower status. According to the scientists, poor mental health in childhood affects the education. Turn influence the choice in the future In addition, anxiety and depression negatively affect the confidence and the desire to achieve something. According to scientists, parents need to take care of their children's emotional and mental state, as these factors have a major impact on their future work and career.
Osteoporosis - not just a women's issue
There is a widespread belief that the most important risk factors for osteoporosis are gender and age. It turned out, however, that not only women with low estrogen levels, but men with low testosterone levels are at risk for this disease. The disease is. By a decrease in bone density, which often accompanies to fractures and injuries from falls Very good results were obtained with the use of the treatment of male testosterone replacement therapy. However, a prolonged use of testosterone in prostate cancer associated, and elevated levels of red blood cells, while not all the side effects of this treatment is sufficiently explored. Today in the United States diagnosed with osteoporosis, two million women and three million more are at risk, so that the clinical trials of testosterone replacement therapy are urgently needed. They are held in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas, USA (Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA). The researchers concluded that the dose-weekly administration of testosterone to men over 60 years with hormone levels of low to highly complex shows a positive effect. These studies are an important step in understanding the development process of the treatment of osteoporosis.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Eyelash extensions can lead to loss of vision
U.S. researchers have discovered that eyelashes can lead to vision loss. According to experts, contain a large number of products for eyelashes bimatoprost a substance which is often used to lower the intraocular pressure. Bimatoprosta unreasonable application can affect not only vision, but also lead to their complete loss. With eyelash products with bimatoprost in people with normal vision, additional side effects: swelling of the retina, swelling or inflammation of the eye. Scientists recommend that if you have any medical conditions, and in the eyes of the above symptoms after eyelashes, contact a doctor immediately.
A drug that protects against radiation
U.S. scientists have developed drug that can protect against the harmful effects of radiation. The scientists hope that this drug will make radiotherapy safer for people with cancer, as well as be in the position to help in the event of a nuclear catastrophe. The drug as CBLB502 and so far only tested on animals known to substances that help include healthy cells that survive in the event of adverse effects of radiation. The researchers plan to test the results obtained in clinical trials. The study appears in the journal Science. Radiation kills living cells and promotes apoptosis (genetically directed process of cell self-destruction). In the course of radiotherapy, situated together with tumor cells by normal cells in the vicinity to be killed. For this reason, the physician should be recognized as precisely as possible to the tumor. Scientists conducted a study on mice and monkeys. Animals with the drug for 45 minutes and 24 hours before impact treated survived a lethal dose of radiation or lived longer than animals that are not administered the drug, the scientists. The results of animal studies have shown that the drug can protect healthy cells in the bone marrow CBLB502 and digestive system against the effects of radiation, and the scientists, the drug does not protect tumor cells remaining sensitive to the treatment.
Yoga helps to get up confidently
After a nine-week program of yoga in older women has improved motor coordination and on average, they stretched an inch in height, U.S. researchers reported. Scientists conducted a study of 24 women aged 65 years and older. Women practicing yoga for half an hour twice a week, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercise. After completing the program could happen more and more women standing on one leg. They also felt more confident in the ability to compensate for the movement when walking and standing in one place, researchers said. According to scientists, women managed with yoga to balance the weight of the patella and to distribute it evenly over the bottom of your feet as they walked or standing. The researchers found that it is important and to avoid the performance and flexibility for older people fall, and disequilibrium movements. The scientists are planning further research to study the effectiveness of the program Iyengar, hoping to eliminate the imbalance of movement in the elderly.
Perhaps found the secret training of sexual orientation
Scientists have found that a quarter of mothers who have more than one child is gay, is the activity of X chromosome differently. It would follow that sexual orientation has a genetic basis. After one of the organizers of the study Boklandta Sven (Sven Bocklandt) University of California, sex chromosomes affect gay men. The link between genetics and sexual orientation for ten years, is the subject of heated debate among scientists. In the new study Boklandt and colleagues studied the phenomenon of suppression of the X chromosome, or "sex chromosome inactivation." The study included 97 mothers of gay sons and 103 mothers with a traditional orientation. Scientists have found that mothers with blocked more than one gay son, X chromosomes in almost all cells. According to scientists, this phenomenon has been observed in families with genetic disorders parents. The expert believes that while women have two X chromosomes, one is enough. Therefore one of the chromosomes is permanently suppressed the activity on the other. Boklandt recognized that the findings of these results can not be done, but the specialist believes that he and his colleagues are closer to understanding the origin of sexual orientation.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
British experts have called for a moratorium on dangerous for children painting
British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has today on Europe than on the use of synthetic food dyes can cause, the use of which hyperactive children. Food colors E110, E122, E102, E124, E104 and E129 come under suspicion as a result of research conducted by the staff of the University of Southampton in 2004. According to researchers, had children. Beverages with a high content of these substances, which are consumed by their peers impulsive and uncontrolled behavior, and trouble concentrating The study, which lasted six weeks, took 300 children aged three, eight and nine years old. "The data available, we have that these pigments shall not be used in products," - said the head of the FSA, Dame Deirdre Hutton. She added that a comprehensive ban on the use of these dyes to sanction the UK authorities to EU supervisors. Previously FSAprizyvaet manufacturers voluntarily refuse unsafe ingredients since 2009. Already mentioned, the European agency for food safety inspection to determine harmful dyes very low, but because these substances have no nutritional value, eliminating its use does not affect the quality of food. Currently, food additives E110, E122, E102, E124, E104 and E129 approved for use in Russia and the EU.
Why do we have to close our eyes when kissing?
Until now, many scientists about why people close their eyes when kissing debate. Singapore scientist professor at the National Institute of Education, shared his thoughts on the subject. According to one version of him kissing a person experiences great emotional stress, and to reduce it, he closes his eyes (although it is believed that, closed his eyes and concentrated on kissing her tender feelings, without distracted by extraneous stimuli ). Another version of the scientist is a human visual perception of their partner: the person fades as close loved one, and some parts of his face on the contrary, very sharp. Often causes a visual perception such discomfort, and in this case, the closed lids can be used as natural screen. Explanations are not very romantic to think like us, but probably true, says Professor Yau Che Ming.
In Ukraine, 155 thousand people die annually due to environmental factors
In Ukraine have prevented each year, up to 155 thousand deaths, affect environmental factors. This is 19% of the total deaths in the country. According to the head of the WHO Pokanevych Igor, Ukraine is one of the top five countries in Europe by the number of illnesses and deaths related to environmental factors. In order to improve the ecological situation in the country and reduce the speed is very high today, a great role to play not only the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Pokanevych believes it is necessary to doctors and the public about the risks associated with environmental factors and the risks associated with climate change information. These factors include and fever, and occasional cold snaps and infectious diseases. Need methods such as providing clean safe water to develop, provides a place where people could spend their time when it is very hot, or vice versa, could just buy an oil heater with a sharp drop in temperature. Compliance with these requirements is to save the lives of many people, the expert said.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
In the years of independence, Ukraine has made 30 million abortions
Ukrainian public organization issued a statement that in the years of independence of Ukraine has 30 million abortions performed. At the same amazing figure, official statistics abortion in Ukraine in 1990 shows was 1 million 19 thousand abortions in 1992 to 902,000 abortions, and abortions in 1995 to 740,000 in 2000 to 434,000, in 2001 - 370 thousand in 2002 to 346 one thousand in 2003 - 316 thousand in 2004 - 289 thousand in 2005 - 264 thousand in 2006 - 230 thousand abortions. For comparison, in Poland for the same year, only 82 thousand 329 abortions were performed that 365-fold less than in Ukraine. Today in Ukraine every day more than 700 abortions. Abortion - the killing of a living organism. Despite this, in the Ukraine, you can have an abortion even on day 154 have pregnancy. According to experts, the situation is very worrying, as in the years of independence of 52 million Ukrainians only 46 million euros. Experts are alarmed and say that on the edge of a demographic disaster Ukraine.
Scientists have found a gene that affects the body's resistance against asthma
Researchers Anabaptist community identified a new gene associated with asthma and suggest that it may be used in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma, according to Reuters. Changes in gene CHI3L1 can both look and protection against asthma, scientists say. The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The team studied the Anabaptist community of people leading the agrarian lifestyle. They live separately and marry within their community, they can be easily tracked clear genetic relationship of the disease. Thus, under the Community, there is a large percentage of patients with asthma. Scientists have discovered a gene CHI3L1, which is with susceptibility to asthma. Experts have noted that a portion of the gene is increased (YKL-40) susceptibility to asthma, and the other - may protect against asthma. Scientists believe that this is one of the most important discoveries in the treatment of asthma, and hope that by studying the relationship of the disease gene in detail, very different approach to the problem of the treatment and prevention of asthma.
Egg increases the risk of early death in men
Men who eat seven or more eggs a week are at increased risk of death at an early age, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists are trying to find out how safe. The use of eggs An unexpected finding was that the use of eggs affect life expectancy. In the study, the experts found that men who suffer from diabetes, significantly increases the risk of death by regular consumption to 7 eggs per week for 20 years. According to Dr. Luke's Juice, is the use of people without diabetes, up to 6 eggs per week, not dangerous to the health and life expectancy. In turn, the use of more than 7 eggs, the risk of early death is increased by 23%, experts say. According to scientists, the possible cause of such an effect on the body, such as. High cholesterol in eggs, which clogs arteries and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases Experts advise middle-aged men to regulate the number of eggs consumed in the diet.
American surgeons simultaneously transplanted kidneys six
Clinic staff at Johns Hopkins performed a surgery to six simultaneous kidney transplants. A number of transplants made possible by the advent of voluntary donors willing to donate a kidney to any needy. Members of five of the six transplant candidates were willing to give him a kidney, but could not do so due to tissue incompatibility. Simultaneously their body to go to other patients. With the sixth kidney doctors could make an exchange in which all patients have similar transplants. All surgery was decided to take place in one day, because it was impossible, the possibility that some of the potential donor may suddenly give up his intention to exclude. 12 operations that require the participation of more than 100 physicians from various specialties were operating in six on Saturday 5th April. There were no complications during the operation has not occurred, and now doctors assess the status of all donors and recipients as "excellent". According to American physicians, today six simultaneous kidney transplants - the large-scale operation of this kind in the world. Earlier in the same hospital five simultaneous kidney transplants were performed. The possibility of such operations by American doctors came from the comprehensive national system of data on donor organs and tissues.
Reduced activity of the thyroid gland leads to obesity
Also decrease the activity of the thyroid gland does not go beyond the norm contributes to the accumulation of excess weight in middle age. The thyroid gland is located in the neck. Your hormones control the body's metabolism. Reduced activity in the thyroid gland leads to disease hypothyroidism, fatigue, sensitivity to cold, dry skin and weight gain. Until now it was not known whether the malfunction of the thyroid gland keep within the normal range, lead to obesity. In the new study, the researchers investigated the relationship between the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and body mass in 2407 in middle age. TSH is produced in the brain and stimulates the thyroid gland. High levels of TSH in the blood shows a relatively low thyroid activity. According to the study, with a relatively high weighted people were (normal) levels of TSH, with more than the lower TSH levels. Experts warn that it is too early to talk about the treatment of obesity with thyroid hormones. Metabolism - a very complex process, it is controlled by the endocrine glands and nervous system. Can affect the thyroid body weight, and the body weight can influence the thyroid. Even after the new study, the increase in metabolic rate in childhood obesity in the future.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Mark-up on drugs in Ukraine is 480%
In Ukraine, the drugs at a premium, which is at an average of 480%, reported at the Ukrainian Institute of Public Health, sold. According to the Institute of Public Health, the new data from the study of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market were obtained. It turned out that the prices for some drugs in Ukraine exceeds the cost of the 9-fold, despite the fact that the average global margin of 2-2.5 times allowed. This is due to the sale of drugs that were not in the Ukraine as well as from the list of 18 thousand drugs around 4500 do not have adequate testing were registered, but admitted. Sale, at the Institute of Public Health It also shows that tripled in the past six years, the use of drugs among Ukrainians. According to the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, one in eight residents is not satisfied with their health and make sick. Experts report that in the past 10 years, Ukraine has lost 4 million people, but most of all fears is the high mortality among men. In addition to the lives of Ukrainians occupy the second lowest in Europe, just ahead of Russia.
Intensive growth leads to obesity
Intensive growth in childhood influences risk for obesity later in life, according to scientists from the University of Glasgow. The researchers argue that the rapid growth in childhood leads to an increase in metabolic rate in adult life by more than 20% compared to those with moderate growth at this age. For the first time scientists are able, the relationship between the rate of growth during childhood and adolescence, and metabolic rate in the future have to recognize. According to Professor Neil Metcalfe, improved eating habits during adolescence leads to changes at the level of metabolism, which accelerates the growth, and in the future, when a person stops growing, manifested in the form of weight gain. According to scientists from the study of the relationship most clearly accelerated metabolism, high rates of growth and later obesity. Experts point out that the emergence of a variety of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in adulthood are closely related to the early years of our lives.
In India, a girl was born with two faces
In the village in northern India, the girl was born with two faces. The locals worship the child, believing that it is the reincarnation of Goddess Durga. The child has a rare physical anomaly, on the head, there are two pairs of lips, eyes and two noses. Girls aroused great interest among the residents of the neighboring districts. Masses of people to the house where the family lives with two personalities girls singing, prayers, sacrifices and asking the child to come blessing. Goddess Durga ("hard") in Hindu mythology -. One of the dreaded incarnation or Parvati Devi, the wife of Shiva, who served the warrior goddess, protector of the gods and the demons of the world order Desyatirukoy goddess usually depicted sitting on a lion or tiger, with weapons and attributes of various gods. The worship of the Goddess Durga in India are very popular. She was born on Monday and is sent home. According to the doctors, and the child and the mother are doing well. But the family of an unusual girl hopes that the Government of India to promote financial aid in the treatment of the child.
The risk of cardiovascular disease may develop while still in the womb
In women with pre-eclampsia during pregnancy increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in children, scientists say. Pre-eclampsia - a common complication of pregnancy, which can lead to problems with the placenta and reduce the amount of oxygen that gets fruit. Experts believe that this will affect the delay of growth and development of problems with the cardiovascular, metabolic and endocrine systems. A team of scientists from the University of Cambridge studied the changes of the fruit with a limited supply of oxygen and sufficient in pregnant animals. It turned out that the lack of oxygen leads to changes in the vital body systems. These changes may also affect the risk of cardiovascular disease in the future, experts say. Reduce the amount of oxygen according to scientists entering the uterus, can impact on fetal development and cause early onset of cardiovascular disease.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Russia will sell in kidney cancer vaccine
The first cancer vaccine, developed by the American company Antigenics will be sold in Russia. The Ministry of Health and Social Development Ministry has granted a certificate of registration for the use of the drug in patients with renal cancer Onkofag, according to a company press release. It is assumed that the drug appeared on the Russian market in the second half of 2008. Producers also hope that the end of the year Onkofag registered in other European countries. At the same time, the vaccine has not been approved in the country of manufacture - U.S. because Antigenics failed to complete the last stage of testing the drug in patients with renal cancer. Oncophage drug, a single vaccine for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma - the most common form of kidney cancer. The base of the vaccine is an extract of the own tumor removed during surgery. Production of the drug is available in the company's factory in Massachusetts. The structure consists of individual vaccine antigens, which can be anti-tumor immune response induced in an individual patient. In other words, the introduction of the vaccine starts the immune system of the patient to the tumor cells bearing antigens to attack. The advantage of the method is the individual setting, a point impact on the cancer cells and the least side effects, say producers. In Russia, the third phase of clinical trials in the summer of 2007. The study involved a total of 604 patients, including 172 residents of the Russian Federation.
People who speak two languages, often suffer from Alzheimer's disease
People who are bilingual life, dementia comes in 4 years later than those who use only one language, Canadian scientists say. The researchers suggest that the use of two languages increases blood flow to the brain and improves communication between nerve cells, which protects the brain from aging. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease gradually destroys memory and intelligence. Not have suschetsvuet effective treatments for the disease. A team led by Ellen Bialystok (University of Toronto, Canada) surveyed 184 elderly patients with dementia performed. 91 people spoke the same language, 93 patients - in two languages. In bilingual dementia began on an average of 75.5, while patients who speak the same language - to 71.4 years. The difference remained even after taking into account cultural differences, immigration, education, occupation and gender. The authors emphasize that bilingualism delays the appearance of dementia, but not prevented. The scientists plan to research further positive effects of bilingualism. As we reported, the risk of Alzheimer's disease stress and depression.
Sold in Ukraine, through contaminated meat from the EU
Held imported a record-large cargo smuggled out of the European Union. This charge - almost half thousand tons of contaminated meat, UNIAN reports. SBU opened a criminal case on the fact of hiding codes and the name of the goods transported in 32-car cooling. After the investigation has shown that the product is a danger to the health of consumers. According to the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Ruslan Bizhko meat was registered to a company in one of the central regions of Ukraine sent. Planned to implement a network of business organizations in the domestic market of Ukraine.
Tanning beds can cause skin cancer
Increase, most people, a solarium, the risk of skin cancer, scientists say. Experts suggest that people start to increase a solarium before the age of 35, the risk of melanoma by 75%. The study, which was attended by four thousand people, the researchers found that 82% of sunbed users are at risk. There is a misconception that tanning in a solarium is safe for health. As the intensity of a small amount of UV rays in tanning beds can 15 times more powerful than the sun at noon. If the skin is repeatedly exposed to UV, it is the DNA in cells, damaging the cause cancer and skin aging, experts say. According to scientists, everyone is free to choose which way to turn brown, but it is important to know that a get tan in the solarium, uncertain. Scientists advise to abuse the process.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Lack of sleep and regular TV to help obese children
Lack of sleep and regular television leads to the development of obesity in children, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 915 babies. It was found that when the children are sleeping less than 12 hours and watch TV more than two hours a day, they have a 16% increased risk of obesity. The risk for those who are awake and watching less TV, was 1%. The study had a group of scientists from the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard. Data for the study were taken repeatedly in children up to three years. And mothers regularly, reported how many hours a child sleeps and spends watching TV. In addition, experts have found that television is often installed in the children's rooms, and very close to the child's bed - (for example be used to mount the TV Kromax) on the curb or on the bed closest to the wall on special holders . This accessibility TV helps to ensure that the child often looks it, often instead of sleeping. Scientists have suggested that lack of sleep can increase the risk of obesity, as it stimulates the hormones that influence the increase in appetite. At the same time, while watching television has a great influence on the child fast food advertising, which leads to an imbalance of power. Perhaps the results for children older than 3 years. Lack of sleep can be more dangerous than previously thought, says Elsie Taveras. According to scientists, the problem of excess weight is more urgent by the day.
Oncologists are advised to eat eggs
After studying the effects of the consumption of eggs among the three thousand women doctors have found that a large number of choline by 24% in preventing the formation of tumors in the breast area effectively. On average, a large amount of choline by the number 455 milligrams or more was determined. Choline is important for normal cell function, including the function of the brain and nerves, a good memory, a healthy heart and metabolism of mineral compositions in all bodies, regardless of your age or gender, say doctors. Choline is especially important for pregnant and nursing mothers, as it is the embryo and prevents birth defects. One egg contains 125.5 mg of choline, or roughly a quarter of the recommended daily allowance, so that eggs an excellent source of vitamin, experts say. Choline is exclusively in the yolk. Other sources of choline - liver, wheat and cauliflower. Oncologists advise women to prevent breast cancer every day, eat 2-3 eggs.
Depression increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease
Found two studies that individuals who are prone to frequent depression, increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Dutch researchers found that Alzheimer's disease 2.5 times more likely. In people who are prone to depression And four times increased risk of Alzheimer's disease in people prone to depression at the age of 60 years. Study of Dutch and American scientists were published in Neurology and Archives of General Psychiatry. Scientists conducted a study of 900 members of the Catholic clergy for 13 years. During this time, 190 people were Alzheimer's. It was found that people who are prone to depression are at risk of Alzheimer's. According to experts, the results of studies show that depression is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, and not an early sign of underlying pathology. Depressive symptoms can be associated with changes in the brain which lead to the nerve cells, which in turn can lead to the pathology associated with Alzheimer's disease in combination, according to Dr. Robert Wilson.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Two Spaniards died of "mad cow disease"
Two residents of Spain died from infection with "mad cow disease" (spongiform encephalopathy, a variant of the disease Kroytsfeldta-Jakob disease). According to the TV channel ABC, both deaths are registered in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon. The Department of Health has today confirmed that. Two men aged 41 and 50 years The first of them died in about three months, and the second died on 7 February. Cause of death for men was found at autopsy. According to doctors contracted both victims of incurable diseases to 8-10 years. By eating meat from sick animals Due to the extremely long incubation period of "mad cow" disease, the doctors do not rule out that the emergence of new patients. From 1999 to 2005 in Spain, more than 700 cases of "mad cow" disease in animals was found. But in the last two years, new outbreaks of the infection was not observed. The first and only case of human death from encephalitis Kroytsfeldta sponge-Jakob disease in Spain in 2005. Then the victim is a serious infection was 26-year-old Madrid.
Increasingly, children prescribed antipsychotics
British children are increasingly prescribed psychotropic drugs (neuroleptics), scientists say. Antipsychotics are used to treat a number of diseases, the treatment of hyperactivity and ending with autism. The study was published in the current issue of Pediatrics. According to researchers safety of antipsychotic long period has not been established. Experts believe that in adulthood drugs can not have the effect that is expected of them. Some of the drugs were tested shortly. The results showed that the drugs are effective for children with autism and behavioral disorders. But according to experts, these drugs can safely be taken only for children up to 15 years. According to Professor Ian Wong, there is no doubt that drugs can be effective, but the problem is that. The unknown consequences of long-term use, in particular their impact on the young, developing brain Experts advise parents not to stop treatment if it is effective, but know exactly periodic medical examination, of any changes in your health.
Recorded the first case of transmission of avian influenza virus from person to person
Pakistan has confirmed the first case of transmission of avian influenza from person to person, according to the BBC. Tests, which have from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that have died as a result of bird flu. Several family members in northwest Pakistan at the end of last year WHO reported that measures were taken to prevent the spread of the H5N1 virus in the region. In the northwest and in the south of Pakistan was an epidemic of bird flu last year. Thousands of birds were burned to prevent the spread of the virus. The claim that the bird flu is spread from person to person comes after it tested samples taken from dead people from the same family in the city of Peshawar in Pakistan. First infection occurred from poultry, then infected the family members to each other with a virus. This is achieved by genetic testing, the WHO representative in Egypt and the USA met confirmed.
The number of dengue fever cases in Brazil has exceeded 55 thousand people
In the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro continues dengue epidemic. In the past ten days, the number of cases rose from 30 to 55 thousand people. According to local authorities, the victims of dangerous tropical disease at least 67 residents of the state, have diagnoses, another 58 victims have not yet been confirmed. All deceased - children under the age of 13. The sharp increase in the incidence of dengue fever in Rio de Janeiro since the beginning of the year observed. Another outbreak differs spread rapidly, and an unusually high incidence of a particularly hazardous types of hemorrhagic fever. Fight at the beginning of last week's tropical viral disease Brazilian army units and firefighters were recruited. Medical and military insecticide treated ponds and pools, in the mature larvae infection peddler - tropical mosquito Aedes aegypti. Local doctors still can not wait to deal with the influx of patients patseintov in hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, 8-28 hours. Every minute in the state recorded 1.4 new cases. Seasonal outbreaks of dengue registered in South America almost every year, but in recent years has significantly increased the scale. In the past year, according to the U.S. Center for Infectious Disease Control, the disease struck more than 900 000 inhabitants of the continent.
Soon will be available test to diagnose the symptoms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease at an early stage
U.S. company hopes to make the first delivery to identify the market testing for signs of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in the early stages, the BBC reports. On the creation of this test has several groups of scientists. Presumably, in the European countries, it will be on sale this summer. Until today can diagnose Alzheimer's and Parkinson only if there are signs of the disease. British scientists hope that this test detects and control the disease in a very early stage. Scientists plan to test in Greece before you test it on the U.S. market at the end of the year. According to scientists, the test will be if the test is successful, at the beginning of next year on sale in the UK and in other countries. This is an important step in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, which will allow for better control of the disease, experts say.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
In Russia, the first implanted ear infection electronic
For the first time in Russia had an operation to transplant to the middle ear in the Department of Ear, Ear, Nose and Speech, St. Petersburg. The implanted system allows you to people, damage to the middle ear, the need to wear a hearing aid have to save, according to scientists. The implant is sutured under the skin of the temple. Using a magnet attached to the temple speech processor, and comes to the inner ear cavity. According to doctors, the unit belongs, at least 90%. Experts hope that in the near future an ENT doctor who attended to patients with hearing problems can also be a way to appoint deal with hearing loss. And is used to implant and not uncomfortable to wear. If not perform the implanted system to inconvenience for many people who have difficulty hearing, it will be possible to solve the problem and not feel uncomfortable about wearing a hearing aid, the. Often the moral shock to many
How dangerous lack of awareness for the treatment of breast cancer in women?
Scientists claim that only half of patients with early-stage cancer is based, a clear understanding of the risks and all the positive aspects of therapy for the removal of breast tumors and concurrent radiotherapy are diagnosed. Lumpectomy (removal of the prostate area), as an alternative to mastectomy - breast amputation, save a woman's breasts. In most cases, this process is to result in the further treatment (radiation) in order to avoid complications. However, experts say that not all women know about all of the positive and negative aspects of this method of treatment. Analysis results have confirmed a lack of awareness of women about treatments for breast cancer have been published in the journal Health Services Research. Scientists conducted a study in 1132, which was attended by women from Detroit and Los Angeles, which went through surgery to remove a breast tumor stage cancer without metastases. All women interviewed about how they informed of cancer therapy. The results showed that 48% of women were not aware of the statistics, which reflects the level of operational efficiency mastectomy in terms of the combined treatment in the form of lumpectomy and radiation therapy appointment. The study was conducted at the University of Michigan. Leads according to Dr. Sarah Hawley (Sarah Hawley), the lack of awareness among women about the consequences of surgery for breast cancer to the fact that more and more cases of adverse reactions to the consequences of the treatment of patients, as well as the choice of a wrong treatment.
Large doses of green tea may lead to liver and kidney diseases
Green tea is a useful beverage, has many therapeutic effects. However, as the authors of the new study, he refers to the moderate consumption of tea - about ten small cups a day or two of the ordinary. In a more intensive use in the body increases the amount of polyphenols that cause adverse changes in the liver. The authors provide examples of polyphenols overdose cause death in rodents and dogs. They also apply to the use of human dietary supplements, based on green tea, referring to when. Symptoms of poisoning polyphenols If you cancel, the supplements and the symptoms disappeared.
The cholera epidemic swept ten provinces of Vietnam
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has warned deter residents of the country of the need for increased vigilance in large outbreak of acute watery diarrhea and cholera. According to recent reports, the cholera epidemic has reached ten provinces of Vietnam, and the capital of the Republic - Hanoi, reports AP. In recent weeks, hundreds of people have been hospitalized with severe diarrhea (diarrhea) to the hospital. Received laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of "cholera" more than 85 people (including 44 inhabitants of Hanoi), said in a statement published on the government website. The first cases of cholera were reported in Vietnam in early March. The epidemic spread rapidly, new province. Decision of the Ministry of Health, patients with diarrhea are treated free of charge in hospitals. Most of the patients of the National Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases. After the hospital, the hospital does not have enough available beds and patients with diarrhea in the hallways. Some of them suffer from severe renal failure complicating the course of the disease. Deaths have been recorded. Cholera is transmitted through contaminated feces of patients with food and water. The Ministry of Health of the country tends to be the last epidemic of poor quality to blame for food and unsanitary food preparation in the streets. Could break out in the summer season due to the increase in the number of weddings with crowded festivals epidemic with renewed force, representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Fear.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Is good to drink water in large amounts?
Mentioned in a study, it turned out that the consumption of large amounts of water in a positive effect on the health of the body, but scientists believe that we do not abuse them regularly. So far, scientists have argued that the water helps to flush toxins from the body, eat less and improves skin tone and helps reduce headaches. But U.S. scientists have further study. No evidence found that a large amount of water is advantageous, which is mentioned earlier conducted There is virtually no difference, people drink the recommended 1.8 liters of water per day or not, the scientists said. The researchers said it is a pity that it can not dispel. All the myths about the use of water in large amounts, which will be published online But experts agree that has not demonstrated negative drunk in large quantities of water on the human body.
The Ukrainian Center performed the first heart surgery
Kiev Heart Center - one of the most modern hospitals in Europe, opened late last year. But it is not only to treat and advise Kiev applies to people from other regions and countries of operation paid, UNIAN reported. Boris Todurov cardiologist who conducted the first known heart operations in Ukraine, kardioshuntirovanie instead. Doctors and journalists followed the first operation of the press center, where it was aired. Offers in the queue for the operation, diagnosis and treatment of the heart center, for 300 patients. In general surgery, cardiologists must annually 50,000 Ukrainians. After B. Todurova still make all existing centers about 12,000 operations per year,. Something more than a fifth of what is needed Therefore, even if such centers 5-6 are built, this will be enough to operate on all comers in the Ukraine.
Alcohol impairs memory function and brain development in adolescents
Ingestion of large quantities of alcoholic beverages adolescents leads to impaired short-term memory in the future, scientists say. A group of researchers conducted a study to compare the tests for memory 26 in a large amount of alcoholic beverages adolescents and 34 non-drinking adolescents is used. At a conference on the psychology of the British experts said that the use of alcohol in adolescence prevents the development of mental abilities. The study included students aged 17-19 years, a period when. Brain still evolving Scientists have found that young people who abused alcohol recall, a third less information. Also, according to experts, alcohol can impair mental abilities, because the brain is still developing at this age. According to experts, so. The use of alcohol in adolescence serious damage to memory and mental capacity in the future Experts advise parents to pay attention to this problem, and if possible try to prevent it.
The risk of lung cancer in smokers dependent genes
Scientists have genetic variations that could contribute to an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers and ex-smokers. Three research teams have published their research in the journals Nature and Nature Genetics. Each team identified a genetic variation in two regions of chromosome 15, which are often found in people, but also the risk for those who smoked or smoke, experts say. Approximately 15% of the total number of current and former smokers in the presence of two copies of the genetic changes that are inherited, one from each parent, increases the risk of lung cancer by 70-80%. If there is only one copy inherited genetic changes that increase the risk of lung cancer by 28%. Lung cancer caused by tobacco dependence is 80% of lung cancers. Smokers have an average risk of lung cancer is 10%, compared with 1% in people who have never smoked. Scientists believe that they hope is a very important step has identified people with an increased risk for lung cancer, and that this will help. The occurrence of diseases
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Four patients transplanted malignant tumor along with the bodies of
Out organ transplant donor cancer patients to the development of cancer in four patients reported Fox News. At the moment, two of the victims were killed, and two others are intensive courses of chemotherapy. An organ donor, 15-year-old Alex Kule (Alex Koehle) died last year in Sag Harbor (New York). Doctors found the cause of death of bacterial meningitis, but during the second autopsy performed one month after the death of the boy T-cell lymphoma was found. Immediately after the death of Alex, his parents agreed to donate his organs for patients in need of transplants. Preserved tissue tumor cells multiplying and the immune system of patients with suppressed immunosuppressant to prevent rejection - which resulted in the development of related malignancy. 52-year-old man and 36-year-old woman received respectively, liver and pancreas teenager died of cancer shortly after transplantation. Two patients who received kidney surgery, to remove a malignant tumor of the institutions concerned, and is currently intensive chemotherapy. In investigating the circumstances of the tragic incident, the Department of Health of New York concluded that doctors blame for what happened there. Clinic that performs transplants on its own initiative, the requirements for monitoring the safety of donated organs and tissues are tightened.
Soy may help to strengthen the nervous system
Soy is the quality of light yellow. For protein content (30%), it is better than all other types of beans. In soy significant amount of potassium and phosphorus, carotene, vitamin B and D. The special soybean oil, the amount of it by 17%. It contains an amount of lecithin, and unsaturated fatty acids, a positive force in atherosclerosis. Carbohydrates are digested better than other soy. Soy receive valuable food. Thanks to its high fat content, it is for the manufacture of soybean oil, used directly in the food or for the production of margarine. Preparation such as soy milk and tofu, which are added to different foods, so their nutritional value. Tofu is used in clinical nutrition for nervous exhaustion and anemia. Added refined soy flour in baked goods to raise them in protein and amino acid composition of enrichment. This improves the appearance of bread, its porosity.
SMS and e-mails can lead to psychological disorders
Frequent posting messages on a cell phone and e-mail over the Internet can be an early symptom of a mental disorder, said Dr. Jerald Block of the American Journal of Psychiatry. The professor pointed out several reasons for which a mental illness in people who can see hanging on the electronic text: a strong sense of isolation and impatience, there is no access to a computer or a mobile phone, a high demand for their regular use, the passion for the accumulation of information (although most of it is not needed) and instant recovery of data in case of loss (or the development of depression with loss of data), and the constant desire to improve the electronic equipment, to do their hobby. Dr. Block believes that IM creates emotional problems and harm the social, educational and labor rights field. Example, this leads to accidents on the wheel, which are caused by the drivers, as they are often distracted by cell phone or computer in your car. Psychiatrist examined this dependency in South Korea, where the SMS mania gets really ambitious features. According to the professor, who used modern means of communication at the moment particularly well in the Asian countries. He pointed out that South Korea already documented cases of heart attack caused by the sudden death of a character in a computer game. Dr. Block explains that the function of the electronic communication is a group of obsessive-impulsive disorders and chronic stages, involves the loss of a sense of space and time, increased fatigue, neglect of household, educational or work-related activities, which stresses the , social isolation and anger developed depression.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Coffee reduces the risk of dementia
Drinking coffee reduces risk of dementia, say by blocking the effects of cholesterol, scientists. Previously, scientists have shown that coffee consumption reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. According to British researchers, this is one of the best qualities of the coffee. Because caffeine - available drug, which is used to stabilize to the function of the protective barrier. This is very important because thanks to these characteristics can be used in the treatment of neurological disorders, experts say. Protective layer brain barrier is a filter that protects the central nervous system of potentially harmful chemicals. In an earlier study found that cholesterol weaken in a position to effect the barrier. This makes the brain vulnerable and contributes to the emergence of a brain disorder. Scientists from the University of Dakota as the effects of single daily cup of coffee on the brain of rabbits. As a result, after 12 weeks of rabbit-brain barrier, which kept coffee and fed a diet rich high cholesterol, significantly weaker than in rabbits that received a cup of coffee per day and eat the same way. Scientists plan to conduct a study of the people, and I hope that the coffee has the same property in the protective barrier of the human brain and serve as prevention of disorders of the brain.
Chechnya threatens TB epidemic
TB incidence in Chechnya twice the all-Russian, and at current growth rates, the country faces an epidemic of this disease. On this, as reported by RIA Novosti, said today the Minister for Health Chechnya Shaheed Akhmadov. After Akhmadov now registered in hospitals more than 20,000 residents of Chechnya, and half of them have the disease is active. Tubinfitsirovannosti index among children in Chechnya reached 65-70 percent. Thus, according to the minister, could the actual number of TB cases may be much higher, as 90% of cases the disease is detected in treated patients to the doctor. Following Akhmadov increase in the incidence of tuberculosis in Chechnya in the past 15 years and is associated with factors such as fighting, destroyed the economy and infrastructure of the Republic, the lack of funding for health care, poor environmental and sanitary-epidemiological situation. The minister stressed that the CR TB doctors now four times less than in Russia. After Akhmadov soon Chechen government plans to increase the content of TB doctors 2.5-fold increase. Starting next month, these specialists will get 18 to 20,000 rubles. In addition to the end, the country will begin construction of the TB hospital 600 beds, as well as tuberculosis sanatorium in the mountain village sneakers.
Scientists think boxing is not harmful
According to scientists, parents should not be afraid to send their children to the school of boxing. This is not as a dangerous step, as previously thought. Many fear parents that sport. Has a negative effect on the brain because of the inevitable blows to the head, which is available in ring However, the brain is well protected, experts say. Statement is ambiguous. As it is believed that she was the cause of the box of Parkinson's disease with the famous boxer Muhammad Ali, 40 years old. At the same time, it is impossible to draw definitive conclusions about the time to have serious research in this area, experts say. Scientists conducted a study using functional magnetic resonance imaging technology to the slightest changes in the brains of people who have only begun to recognize boxes. For comparison, the study involved a control group was composed of people who are not engaged in any kind of sport. Changes that are directed to the attention of the researchers, the most common symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The analysis was performed at the Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg University) conducted in Germany. The study was published in the journal American Journal of Neuroradiology. Micro Changes in the brain in 42 novice boxers were found, compared to 37 people in the control group. However, these changes are very insignificant compared to the brains of people who are not active in boxing.
Seat belts save a child's life for pregnant women in the event of an accident
A pregnant woman who is wearing a seat belt greatly reduces the risk that her baby die or be seriously injured in an emergency vehicle, according to scientists. Scientists at the University of Michigan found that most of the babies would not die in the womb at the time of the accident, when the women were wearing at the time of the accident. A previous study showed that the seatbelt is harmful to pregnant women, but scientists believe that there is no need to wear seat just right. According to Mark Perlman, many pregnant women not to wear in public transport, and this is a big problem today, like the seat belt fully protect the child. The researchers examined 57 cases in which women have been pregnant at least 20 weeks. Twelve of unborn children were killed in the accident. Women who use seat belts. The risk of infant death in a crash by 84% compared to those for no seatbelts specialists Even scientists have no evidence that the airbags can find harm the baby in the womb. Experts advise pregnant women not to forget to use seat belts, because it save the life of a child in an emergency.
In China, the measles epidemic!
Chinese authorities have reported an outbreak of measles in the beginning of this year. The country has already counted 5,506 cases of infection by the disease. The epidemic is spreading in the eastern part of the country. Among the majority of the children - aged 1 year and adolescents over 15 years. Government appealed to the population for the adoption of measures to prevent the spread of measles. On 1 April, local authorities have created contingency plans for disease control activities where the epidemic has allocated special funds mobilized experts and physicians, is the vaccination of children. As doctors warn of a possible Maritime measles epidemic. Doctors suspect that the disease comes from China. So far, only three residents of Primorye, in conversation with Chinese tourists to get sick from this disease are children, and five more are awaiting the outcome of the analysis. All patients complain of skin rashes, headaches and fever. Say in the middle of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, all patients seeking medical help in time, so that. The danger to their lives and no serious complications
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Birth at home, if it's safe?
Women, the choice to give birth at home, the child is exposed to a serious risk say researchers. Scientists have studied this problem for over a decade, and a study published in the journal BJOG. Mortality birth at home is relatively small, but if the child needs medical attention and must be transported to the hospital - the risk increases by an average of eight times the women give birth in hospitals. Less than 2% of women currently give the choice to birth at home. Scientists have studied all cases of home births in England and Wales in the period 1994-2003. The mortality rate of women giving birth at home was lower than that of women in labor in the hospital. According to scientists, this is not surprising since the birth at home agree, in general, women with a low risk of complications. If there are complications and the child needs to hospital, the risk of death increases to be transported several times. According to scientists, women can choose how and where they give birth, but it should also be of what the consequences could be expected of it informs. It is not always possible, with all the complications faced woman predict in labor. Therefore the choice of a home birth, they should know that grow in case of complications, the risk of death of her child by an average of eight times compared to females at birth in maternity wards and hospitals.
Scientists have discovered a new method for the diagnosis of brain tumors
New method of image reproduction by British scientists, with high accuracy developed to monitor the dynamics of blood flow in the brain. Some of the changes have on the risk of malignant brain tumors, scientists say. Predict, according to scientists this discovery will help in the future doctors and diagnose glioma technology with functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). According to experts, is a survey of people in the detection of malignant brain tumors usually at an early age. At the same time tends glioma occur immediately what. To the complexity of its early diagnosis Using functional magnetic resonance imaging technology, scientists have shown that an increase in cerebral blood flow, the development of a malignant brain tumor indicates. Recognition of these changes is only possible if the device MRI - technology currently used in clinical practice.