The experts pointed to the golden ring with the ring finger necessarily removed to wear in defiance of the jealous husband it all the time, and to whom such a metal will have a positive impact. Scientists argue that. The effect of wearing jewelry in general and wedding rings in particular on human health And the fact that the jewelry is biased really is not controversial lead to a long time. Some time ago, experts say that the gold wedding band is harmful to wear all the time, and it is only for men. The fact is that in the course of time to oxidize the precious metal, and to provide products of the chemical reaction begins. But these products have an impact on male sex gland and may even lead to disturbances in the sexual sphere, the newspaper "Trud". Normal operation of the glands could though only a fraction of a milligram of gold oxide, regardless of the sample. It is interesting that do not affect the health of women gold negative. Scientists explain that the hormonal and reproductive system of the female body better protected against external influences and base metal because it does not hurt. However, experts say that men do not need to panic. Before you begin the process of oxidation, must take many years, this is the first and second, even if the effect is negative, it can be neutralized when it wash hands frequently and clean the jewelry. But there is another mechanism of the effect on the health of the wedding ring. It is known that in the fingers of a high concentration of nerve endings. Of course, wearing a ring, we are physically working on the transmission of nerve impulses and somehow affect their state. The plan is dangerous to wear a tight ring. In general, wearing tight, what. Complaints ring on the index finger to low back pain and sciatica May threaten unsuccessful decoration of the middle finger of human atherosclerosis and hypertension, and may overload the little finger leads to pathology of the duodenum. Because if your fingers while family life better, it is necessary to stretch the dressing, and of course, do not forget to. Out of the ring on the night According to scientists, has gold that takes do engagement rings, a certain strengthening effect on the body is activated, the social processes. Gold jewelry experts recommend wearing when the feeling of decadence. In addition, gold,. Because of its tonic effect, very suitable ladies women and people with heart disease at the age It is also useful to treat high blood pressure, so it lowers blood pressure, but do not want them to wear silver. Wrist over 400 hotspots, kidneys, liver and heart related. In practice, doctors sometimes cases. Where enough to remove wedding ring from her finger, a person permanently separated with headaches and insomnia But the ring, put on some toes to work continuously on the acupressure points. There are examples where infertile women farewell to the ring, finally getting pregnant.
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