Saturday, September 14, 2013

Australian surgeons saved the life of a two year old girl with the inside of a ping-pong table

Australian surgeons used a ping-pong in the complicated year by liver transplant girl. It is possible to successfully complete the intervention and save the life of a child. Biliary atresia - Arget Mackenzie (Mackenzie Argaet) from Canberra was born with a rare (in one case from 10 to 12,000 births) malformation. In this state, the bile ducts of the liver is not connected to the duodenum and ends blindly to stagnation of bile and as a result of liver failure what. As a consequence, the girl had a liver transplant. If the surgeon Albert Shan (Albert Shun) of the Children's Hospital in Vestmide fragment of an adult liver donor was placed in the stomach girl found that the transplant long and pinched to large blood vessels. Then the surgeon, previously heard on the application abroad balls ping-pong ball on operations, decided to use them in transplantation medicine. He fenced the new ball from the vessels of the liver girls, the restoration of normal blood flow. According Shana acquire the ball finally with liver tissue, removal is not necessary. The recovery period after surgery was uneventful as far as Mackenzie fully recovered. Inspired by the success Shang and his colleagues have successfully used the inside of a ping-pong table in several operations.

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