Monday, September 16, 2013

American surgeons surgery to treat obesity through the vagina

The center of the future of surgery at the University of California at San Diego, the first operation to be carried out in order to remove part of the stomach through the vagina to treat obesity. The essence of this treatment is that 80% of the stomach surgically removed. The patient then feels saturated with small amounts of food and therefore consume fewer calories and lose weight. This process is called a sleeve gastrectomy or vertical gastroplasty. Traditionally, it is performed laparoscopically through five centimeter incision in the abdomen. Performing innovative operation, made California surgeon only two cuts millimeter: a one - in the navel - in the abdominal cavity probe was penetrated with a camera, while the other - just below the sternum - the tool forces the liver to rid the operating room . Then endoscopically through a small incision in the posterior vaginal fornix in the stomach imposed standard staples removed and a part of it. Removed tissue was extracted through the same hole in the vagina. The operation lasted 75 minutes, was greatly reduced after the operation. The patient, a 29-year-old Maria Soto (Maria Soto) of Escondido, has agreed to the new technology, has been complicated since laparoscopic removal of her gall bladder a few years ago by two post-operative hernias. This operation was the latest development in the "Operation natural holes" (Natural Orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery, NOTES). Previously developed techniques to remove the appendix through the mouth and gall bladder, appendix and kidney through the vagina.

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