Friday, September 20, 2013

Big girls at birth have a higher risk of breast cancer

Girls are born with weight and height above average, an increased risk of breast cancer in the future, British scientists reported. Experts analyzed 32 studies involving more than 600 thousand women. They found that the size of the child at birth is important. Doctors from the London School of Medicine believe this to explain the 5% of breast cancers. The study was published in the journal PLoS. According to scientists, there is a link between cancer and the environment that surrounds the baby before birth. Newborn, whose weight, 0.5 kg on average exceeded seven percent is exposed to the risk of breast cancer. However, for pregnant women reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. You need to keep a healthy weight, eat right and balanced, and to limit the consumption of alcohol and give bad habits like smoking, said Dr Sarah Cant - a specialist in the field of breast cancer. According to her the reason could be that the child in a large number of more estrogen and other hormones in the womb, which is ultimately exposed to an increased risk.

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