Underutilization is so dangerous for the human psyche, such as excessive stress at work, according to Swiss researchers. Go according to experts, the opportunity to work for 2-3 hours during the day, and the rest of their personal affairs - to sit on the Internet, chat with friends - an attractive prospect is only the beginning. Then it gets boring and turns into a nightmare, say experts from Zurich. Lack of interest in the work and the need to perform any work leads to boredom, lack of demand and the unrealized says consultant businesses Peterswerder. He is a leader of the study, the results have shown - only 30% of the working population in the German speaking countries feel excessively loaded. Corresponding to the remaining 70%, a lot of people who do just about anything at work, he said. Bored workers begin chat almost pointless tired after which to get home, but little, experts say. This deception caused attempt to justify its uselessness and lack of demand, detrimental to mental health, scientists say.
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