Children under 5, the two native languages, stutter more than their peers who speak the same language, said UK scientists. Scientists compared the language development of 317 children who were seen in speech therapy at the age of 8 to 10 years on the stuttering. 22% of these children - fluent in two languages, which may be as native to them. 61% in two languages (bilingual) children suffered from stuttering, while in the group nezaikayuschihsya children were only 26%. Second mother tongue was German. Were seen in children with speech disorders, three quarters of them have at home speak only in English, and only about a quarter of both used in everyday language. It is noteworthy that the bilingual children's language disorders relative took longer, on average - up to 12 years, while the children who has primarily a language, not seen language disorders with an average age of five years. According to scientists, in some cases, the acquisition of a second language before the age of 5 years is to be delayed, especially if the child. Predisposition of some sort on the language disorders
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