The problem of human nutrition care is greater, the thicker the inhabitants of the planet. The obesity epidemic, which makes the world, scientists are looking for new ways to combat obesity. In search of solutions many interesting discoveries have been made. Made one of them, by doctors from Shropshire, throws some light on why almost everyone at one time were slim and energetic. It turns out that in the Middle Ages, the food much healthier than it is now, and this. Despite the fact that the former inhabitants of the earth were unable to have a low fat dairy products, butter, no cholesterol, sugar substitutes and other products of industrialization Surely calorie intake of the average person was much higher than today. But at the same nutrients digested differently and spent a lot more energy. To keep the secret of the medieval diet toned figures - this vegetable dish is low in fat and contains almost no alcohol beer. Compared with what we consume now - Processed foods high in starch - the old diet for a stomach like a drug. A role in the metabolism of the Middle Ages played a 12-hour day, remained profitable with the balance between energy intake and expenditure of calories. Director of the study, Dr Roger Henderson of Shropshire University, believes that the power in the manner of X - XIII century. offers not only a slender figure, but also a high degree of immunity. Proof of this is the resistance to transfer those people in the past without drugs and vaccines plague and pestilence. According to researchers, a diet modeled after the Middle Ages, even more useful than the famous Mediterranean, the Catholic monks as a means to prolong life and to maintain the health of the elderly preached. This diet should include menu-alcoholic red wine, while useful for digestion beer. According to historians, in medieval times daily diet simple farmer "pulled" 3.5 to 4000 calories and consisted of two slices of bread, a piece of meat or fish with a weight of 200 g, such as dirt or legumes that with about 1.2 liters beer are washed. Fruits, grains, olive oil and wine, the wealthy and the poor people had been living from hand to mouth. With 12-hour physical work by such a diet was brilliant - all pounds. Experts believe that the fundamental difference between the diet of modern man from his medieval predecessors in the number of monosaccharides is. Previously, when simple carbohydrates present in the diet very little, because now rolls, cakes, candies and other sweets that we consume their enormous doses.
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