Microwave ovens are a major threat to the safety of young children, the researchers say. Hot food or liquids from the microwave is the fourth leading cause of burns in children under five in the United States. These data were obtained from the study of reports from the Chicago Center for burns. Dr. Gina Lowell Medical Center in Chicago, said that parents should educate children to pay more attention so that the microwave - a potential hazard, such as a furnace. Gina Lowell and colleagues urge manufacturer of microwaves, to enable a mechanism to extract the contents would establish after rewarming. For if a child climbed into the oven before it burned. This problem is relevant, such as microwave ovens in almost every family and children at risk, the researchers reported.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Of lung disease in China, 83 million people could die
About 80 million people in China in the next 25 years die of lung disease, according to U.S. scientists. The staff at the Harvard School of Public Health (The Harvard School of Public Health) examined data for the last 5 years and predicted the situation in mortality from lung diseases in the next quarter century. The issue of smoking in China is becoming more acute as the number of smokers is growing daily. Also cause lung disease are especially cooking and heating homes with coal and firewood. Scientists estimate that in 30 years China will die an early death of some 83 million people because of lung disease. It is known that respiratory diseases are the leading cause of premature mortality in the country today. But this time, the researchers warn that the death toll will continue to rise at an alarming rate. It is emphasized that the majority of early deaths are preventable. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, now in China smokes about half of the male population, and there are concerns that increase greatly the number of smokers among women.
Air pollution causes appendicitis
Scientists believe that increase air pollution increases the risk of inflammation of the plant, reports the BBC. If the inflammation of the appendix must be surgically removed to avoid the risk of breaking, as it can lead to peritonitis and make the patient's life in danger. Scientists from the University of Calgary (Canada) noted that hospitalization of patients with appendicitis attack occurred mainly in the severe air pollution. According to experts, increasing the pollution increases the risk of inflammation of the appendix. The exact value of this body had not yet clear exactly. Experts believe that the appendix. The good bacteria that collect in fighting infections Inflammation of the appendix, on average, 7% of the affected people in the UK alone. Common in men aged 10 to 30 years. Less often occurs in people, the foods to consume are rich in fiber, and prefer to separate foods. Appendix can rupture to cause serious consequences and even death, the researchers reported. Cause inflammation of the appendix doctors while unable to find out. Scientists have been cases of appendicitis in more than 45 thousand adults who studied from 1999 to 2006 in the hospital. It turned out that most moviegoers were in the days of high air pollution. This relationship has surprised experts. Perhaps, if the improvement of air quality, the number of cases is significantly reduced, the scientists believe.
Seized in the Kemerovo region more than 300 kilograms of Chinese milk powder
Large stack of Chinese dry milk sold under the name "Golden Milk" grabbed one of the trading companies Mariinsky staff Rospotrebnadzor Kemerovo region. A total of 336 kilograms of potentially hazardous material, seized the ITAR-TASS news agency. The decision to implement the food chest, made in China due to the Chinese children poisoned milk powder contained toxic melamine suspend said regional administrations Alexander Minakov. According to him, the CPS now retires from the market food products made in China that contain milk powder, including baby food. Previously tested more than a hundred companies, Minakov said. Head of trading companies in the region of the need to inform these products from the market, he added. Recall, melamine - a dangerous substance that causes kidney and bladder. Unscrupulous employers added melamine in milk powder to mimic the high protein content. As a result of the use of infant formula with melamine in China, more than 53 thousand children.
Parents with depression are more likely children are born creative
Parents who are prone to depression, greater are the chances of having a child with creativity than those who do not suffer from this problem. Scientists at Stanford University (USA) studied the relation between the inclination to creativity and mood disorders. For this purpose, they offered the children pass a special test on creativity: to answer the child had, whether we like it or not different forms experts compared the results of tests and found that children (not very creative people are quite simple and symmetrical figures.) whose parents were prone to depression, were more creative. Professor of psychiatry and co-author of the study, Terence Ketter, that interest in the link between depression and talent when he noticed that people tend to despite the disease, are very bright and motivated employees lead an interesting life. According to experts, is a possible explanation that the creative activity of depressed individuals from the negative emotions that pushed you to be born, causing him to seek a solution to the problem. Dissatisfaction, in this case - the "mother" of the imagination, experts say. As it is, however, transmitted to children, scientists still can not explain exactly. Can the role of education and family traditions (creative and non-creative, respectively) and more genes play. Also, as previously reported, to do the creative people with the music, there is a higher quality of thinking.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Unknown disease in South Africa, the lives of four people killed
Four people have died of an unknown disease in South Africa, Johannesburg. Manifestations of the disease was similar to the common cold. Representatives of the local health ministry said that. Reasons for panic The first victim of a mysterious infection was a woman from Zambia, arrived in Morningside Johannesburg hospital for treatment. A little later fell ill and died Zambian paramedic who accompanied the woman. At the weekend the number of victims, the nurse and the cleaner came from the same clinics that had contact with infected. All infected observed symptoms of the common cold. Blood tests for various infections, including hemorrhagic fever were negative. Treatment, help with the most common infections in the area, was not effective. Representatives of the South African Ministry of Health announced on the radio that. Despite the highly contagious disease, it is most likely only through direct contact with body fluids of a patient, so that transferred no reason to panic
Exotic pets are dangerous to the health of children
Maintenance of the house of monkeys, reptiles, rodents and other exotic animals unsafe for children and people with weakened immune systems, experts say. While pediatricians are aware of the dangers associated with pets, they are only five percent of regularly teach and warn parents and children, Dr. Larry Pickering of Emory University said in Atlanta (USA). Most exotic animals are a threat to the health of young children, researchers said in a report in the October issue of the journal "Problems of Pediatrics." Most reptiles, for example, are carriers of salmonella, scientists say. Experts believe that the parents live on the dangers of exotic animals in a home with young children, as must also be aware of the dangers of visiting public places like the zoo, children under 5 and people with immune system problems. At the slightest indication of a health problem, experts recommend in order to relocate the animal, it temporarily or permanently, for example, the care in institutions or at home in the country, if you have the opportunity to buy find the suburban real estate market and a home for the Christmas season. The spectrum of possible problems with permanent resident animals in a home can range from allergies to the spread of infectious diseases, experts say. Each year more and more exotic animals act as pets, but you need the threats they remind researchers stressed.
The musician a higher quality of thinking
The professional musicians performed better, both hemispheres of the brain, and divergent thinking in comparison with ordinary people, scientists have found. Diver Genten thinking (from Latin Divergere -. Divergence) -. A method of creative thinking, which is to find a number of possible solutions to the same problem Evaluators found a study that musicians think differently than other people. Scientists have learned how creative people look at the problems best solved by innovative thinking. In the experiment, 20 students who are studying at the Academy of Music and 20 are not visiting in connection with music. The candidates did with a new use for household, and they were asked to do a written test on lexical association. Musicians more successfully coped with the tasks than children in the control group. Experts have found that creative people in unusual situations with solutions both hemispheres. Scientists explain this by the fact that the musicians include both hands while playing the instrument. The musicians have to combine the individual musical lines of two hands in a single musical entity. Therefore, it is easier to integrate into a whole information from both hemispheres. Those who know how to play a musical instrument, both parts of the brain were active. Scientists believe that the musicians are not only more used everyday objects, it turns out, they have a qualitatively different way of thinking.
A vaccine against breast cancer may
According to scientists from the University of Oxford, a vaccine against breast cancer is possible, according to the British newspaper The Telegraph. So far, scientists have proven that childbirth and breastfeeding prevents breast cancer. This time, scientists undertook a thorough investigation and clarification of the simulation of the hormones associated with childbirth and lactation in order to eradicate the disease. The researchers noted that in recent years thanks to new drugs and new methods of early decline in the number of deaths from breast cancer. However, the number of patients who develop the disease, and who are forced to endure surgery and chemotherapy, she has gained. Currently, few scientists are working on a vaccine against breast cancer. This work is very poorly funded, although anyone who makes any discoveries in this area, generally receive the Nobel Prize. In any case, the prevention of all types of cancer is a promising direction in the work of the British scientist.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Passion suppressed immunity in men
Love inspires, but it is not in vain in comparison with the disease. Scientists from Novosibirsk proved that weaken his passion for the beautiful lady to the immune system in men. Scientists conducted an experiment, in rodents, the smells, the female's immune system weakens the adult male mice found, but makes them more resistant to injury, they are in a battle for the perfect woman. During the experiment, male mice four set in the cell and for the time set on the cell-chip of females. Glucocorticoids - On the scent of women men meet the synthesis of sex hormones, particularly testosterone and elevated stress hormones. However, androgens and glucocorticoids suppress the immune system, and there were experts. Four rodent men not to live well in the same cage, and the smell makes them aggressive. However, males ask after exposure to the smell of women, for example, suffered the consequences of the battles easier than control mice. Despite a weakened immune system According to scientists, this is due to the combined effect of testosterone. It acts as a pain reliever, as well as stimulating blood increase, including the number of immune cells. Both effects to offset the negative impact of wounds and bleeding. The smell of women decreases humoral immunity, but also improves the ability to endure injuries that received the stronger sex too many times again in the presence of the fair sex, well-known experts.
Anxiety and false fears to a wrong choice of contraception lead
Many women do not use the best form of contraception because of false fears, say Scottish scientists. The scientists conducted a survey of 55 women and found that most of the respondents refuse to long-acting hormonal contraception for fear of being overweight. The study was published in Family Planning magazine. In return, the spiral is not because of the need to protect the medical procedure and the associated discomfort. Many opt for tablets because of the simple method of using said Professor Anna Glasier, who studies sexual health issues. Many problems arise in the head of a woman in the choice of contraception. Many people think that long-term contraceptives affect the weight, and the use of instruments such as the coil must also intervention of a doctor, which is not very convenient. According to researchers, the Ministry of Health in Scotland is to actively promote long-acting contraceptives, as they are more reliable and have fewer side effects. Poor awareness on this issue leads to the wrong choice of many women, experts say.
New swimsuit warns against excessive UV radiation
In Canada, a new swimsuit, which warns excessive UV light. Novelty is a normal bikini with beads made of a special plastic, color decorated changes depending on the intensity of the ultraviolet radiation (UV). In low and medium radiation beads have a white or light pink color. When the intensity of the UV radiation than normal, they are dark purple and warned that it is about time to stop tanning. According to the company, "Sole Power", producing 'smart' swimwear, people have started recently, a lot more attention to pay harmful effects of the environment and in particular UV radiation, but even so, the demand for swimwear has exceeded all expectations . The price of a swimsuit "SmartSwim UV Intensity Bikini" is about $ 100.
Bread and beer to help you lose weight
The problem of human nutrition care is greater, the thicker the inhabitants of the planet. The obesity epidemic, which makes the world, scientists are looking for new ways to combat obesity. In search of solutions many interesting discoveries have been made. Made one of them, by doctors from Shropshire, throws some light on why almost everyone at one time were slim and energetic. It turns out that in the Middle Ages, the food much healthier than it is now, and this. Despite the fact that the former inhabitants of the earth were unable to have a low fat dairy products, butter, no cholesterol, sugar substitutes and other products of industrialization Surely calorie intake of the average person was much higher than today. But at the same nutrients digested differently and spent a lot more energy. To keep the secret of the medieval diet toned figures - this vegetable dish is low in fat and contains almost no alcohol beer. Compared with what we consume now - Processed foods high in starch - the old diet for a stomach like a drug. A role in the metabolism of the Middle Ages played a 12-hour day, remained profitable with the balance between energy intake and expenditure of calories. Director of the study, Dr Roger Henderson of Shropshire University, believes that the power in the manner of X - XIII century. offers not only a slender figure, but also a high degree of immunity.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Created olfactory sensor, works as the human nose
Scientists are one step closer to the creation of a sensor that mimics the human nose job, reports the BBC. U.S. researchers say they have overcome one of the biggest hurdles - mass production of proteins called On average, the 100 million people of these receptors, researchers reported at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology "odorant receptors.". The scientists hope that, by the sensor by "sniffing" some cancers, the distinctive flavors have to be created. In the area of improved odor sensors employ many scientists around the world. These devices have a wide range of applications in industry and medicine. But in a time when many people are using artificial sensors, U.S. scientists have created a device that creates the biological characteristics of the human nose repeatedly. The human nose recognizes various combinations of molecules, which are then interpreted by the brain. He has over 300 varieties of olfactory receptors in the membranes surrounding the cells. Attempts to create artificial receptors in the required amount previously failed, as their structure can be easily damaged if you learned from some of their surroundings. However, scientists from Massachusetts could create an environment that protected the receptors in their work. The test results showed that the protein produced to keep the ability to bind to molecules that need to be recognized.
Headaches and obesity - are linked
Scientists have found a link between obesity and headaches in children and adolescents. After helping them to lose weight headache. U.S. pediatricians conducted a study in which 913 patients participated, specializing in headache treatment centers for children. Experts have collected and analyzed data from patients first visit and after 6 months. It was found that there. A clear connection between body weight and headaches For those children who are overweight at the first visit to the center, was the change in their body mass index with a change in the frequency and intensity of headaches. Right now, scientists have not able to find a cause-effect relationship between headaches and obesity. They suggest that there are some. Where both of physiological processes However, scientists are confident about the clinical significance of the research. They suggest that physicians should routinely assess the weight and body mass index of their patients, and if necessary - to be prepared to provide relevant information on weight control, is the first time.
Paternal age effect on the health of the child
The issue of security of reproductive older men become critical. Scientists argue that is not the age of the seeds fell, but the quality deteriorated. Scientists of Urology Columbia University studied data on male biological clock. There are recent research findings. Decrease with age, the number of sperm in the male sperm, which showed directly to male infertility But U.S. scientists have refuted these findings, showing that they are based on false regional composition of the groups of men. In addition, experts have noted that, despite the invariance of the quantitative sperm with age significantly worse quality. In addition to the long-known relationship between paternal age and the risk of Down syndrome, the researchers tracked the increased risk of schizophrenia and other disorders in children born to older fathers. According to researchers, with age in men with sperm collect damages the genetic material of varying severity, which in turn lead to a miscarriage either, or the birth of unhealthy children. Given the current trend throughout the late fatherhood (but like motherhood), these data are a significant threat to the health of society and should be known to the general public.
Sit flat - bad!
Parents often scold their children, that they are sitting in the wrong position. However, Canadian researchers found that sitting with a straight back can harm the health. Scientists from the University of Alberta Hospital in Canada conducted a study in which participants were 22 healthy adults who had no past problems with his back. The participants must sit in different positions: prevention with a straight back, slightly bent, leaning back in his chair. Specialists complaints and state of the participants have recorded in all these positions. It was found that sitting with your back straight, when the angle between the thighs and the body 90 degrees - can cause pain. The most dangerous situation for the rear seat had a removable front. According to experts, the reclining position with a deviation of the housing parts to 135 degrees. Smallest stress and strain of the spine, as it is close to a fully relaxed state when you just relax on the back This information is particularly useful for students and people who are on duty to spend much time sitting. If you learn to sit with the least strain on the spine, it is possible to reduce the feeling of fatigue at the end of the day, experts say.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Frequent sick leave due to mental disorder doubles the risk of early death
People who are dying often ill due to mental illness, two times greater risk of cancer than the rest of the staff, according to British scientists. Scientists conducted a study that examined the sick employees in 6500. Those employees, sick leave, which is more than three years for the entire period of work, the risk of early death increased by 66%. The study was carried out by 1985 to 2004. Unexpected discovery can contribute risk, scientists say. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. The highest risk of early death was to those employees who reported absent from work due to cardiovascular diseases. The risk of early death in people more than four times higher than other workers who rarely went on sick leave, the researchers reported. Experts believe that people get with common mental health problems rarely go to the doctor for professional help. Perhaps this is the reason that cancer can be detected at an advanced stage. They pressed less concerned about their health, researchers say. Data from this study will help to define a group of workers at risk. It is these patients the timely medical care, experts hope.
Scientists have found a new way to fight obesity
Scientists have found a new way to fight obesity. But it proved to safely remain, experts say. Researchers believe that the wrong food can cause a malfunction of the body, what more to increased appetite yet. Experts conducted an experiment on mice that blocked the proteins released during the inflammatory response. As a result it is possible to obtain normal weight mice. Once these proteins have been activated, the mouse began to gain weight. Specialists brought mice with genetic alterations that have been blocked by the type of production of these proteins. As a result, the mice did not gain weight, even when eating a lot more informed experts. However, the British expert warned that perhaps this method is not effective for weight loss because it can interfere with the immune system. Is well known in recent years more on the management of human metabolism and appetite, but it was still some unknowns, scientists say. Despite promising results in animal models, but one of the methods is not a breakthrough in the fight against obesity. Therefore some additional testing this method for dealing with obesity, said the expert.
Loving and attentive father helps kids career
Caution father in the early years of a child's life improves the prospects of his career after growing up. Scientists at Newcastle University conducted a study found, in which people devote more time to his sons than daughters. The researchers warn that a simple cohabitation of the parents is not enough for a child's development. To get a good result, should the father actively involved in the child's life. The researchers studied the way of life of more than 11,000 British men and women born in 1958. They found their mothers, as fathers often spend time with the children, including the books he read, and organized trips to the countryside, only spoken or played. Researchers' conclusions in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour published lies in the fact that children with fathers who spend lots of time have a higher IQ, and make it more successful careers than those who were given as children little attention of his father. "What surprised me in the results, so it is quite certain numbers speak to the success of children receiving enough attention as a child's father - said Dr Daniel Nettle, head of the research team. - It's interesting that 30 years later These people differ so much more concise and easier life in her career, to move the social ladder. This suggests that the child benefits from the involvement of the other parent in his life, and he's skills and abilities, which in stay for the rest of his life affected. "
Post-traumatic stress disorder in children leads to mental health problems
Children under two years of experience post-traumatic stress is as strong as adults, British researchers came. Scientists conducted a study that examined the state of the 114 young children who had accidents. Experts have found that one in ten children experience anxiety for a long time after the accident. Often due to the inability of the child because of their age, to talk about their experiences, the effects of trauma are treated with rare and often can not be seen. However, this can cause severe psychological consequences in the future. Although the child and not fully aware of what happened in the time of the injury, but feels the stress response in full, despite their age, say psychologists. Small children often have nightmares after the trauma and experience fears of various kinds. But the big advantage is that children are very resilient and perception with the right approach, they quickly forget about their worries. But it will require parental care and professional medical care. Experts recommend that you check the pre-school children, whether they have suffered severe mental shock, as in very young children, it is difficult, the problem of identifying highlighted by psychologists.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
In Britain cigarette packs images show the effects of smoking
In the United Kingdom 1 October 2008 will start on cigarette packs to print images with the effects of smoking. Warnings about the dangers of smoking in the UK replaced the images of the lungs and throat, and rotting teeth. These images are the first October this year appear, and next year will be mandatory. Since October 2010, all tobacco products will show these images. In the UK, which currently smokes about one sixth of the country's population. In recent years the government has taken a series of measures to reduce the number of smokers, but without much success. In 2003, the written warnings on cigarette packs while increasing the minimum age for buying tobacco from 16 to 18 years. Throughout the country, smoking in public places. However, the number of smokers is still a threat to the health of the nation. Place tough new warning images are developed to the harsh reality of the effects of smoking to stress. Doctors hope that this measure will help people to give up bad habits unaesthetic and maintain their health.
Nanoparticles are dangerous to health
U.S. researchers found that nanoparticles in food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and protective creams can penetrate the skin, affecting the organs and tissues. Nanoparticles thinner 5000th the width of a hair, but the risk is that. the destructive effect on cells and molecules of the body Scientists conducted an experiment in which they found that these particles accumulate around the roots of the hair, in small folds of skin, penetrate further through the bloodstream to the liver, lymph nodes, nerves and other tissues and organs of the body was. Lately nanoparticles are frequently used in the production of consumer goods. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, such particles can easily penetrate the skin, say dermatologists. When in contact with sunlight weakens intercellular contacts so that penetrating the nanoparticles. So they in the body, but unfortunately this is not the only way to meet, as these substances in sunscreens, which are double the probability of penetration found, biologists said. Standards need to be reviewed and the feasibility of using such particles as they can accumulate in the body nanoparticles cause serious internal disease.
India banned smoking in public places
India came into force and binding on the law banning smoking in public places. Indian Health Minister - Anbumani Ramadoss said that the way the government is striving to reduce the number of smokers and to protect others from the harmful effects of tobacco, according to BBC. Government of India has reported that the country has over 120 million tobacco users. The ban on smoking in public places will be closely monitored by law enforcement agencies. The penalty for violations will be 200 rupees (€ 4.50). Every year in India from smoking kills 900 thousand people. By the year 2010 is expected to increase in the incidence of death due to the influence of tobacco to one million people per year. Hundreds of thousands of non-smokers die because of the harmful effects of tobacco annually. A law banning smoking in public places came into force in 2004, but it took four years to realize it has begun. The first day of the ban came in issue in India, so it is difficult to assess the situation, said the minister. The Government suggests that, given a number of challenges for the implementation of the ban, of which exceeded its powers by law enforcement authorities can, but in any case, the introduction of austerity measures to reduce the amount of the smoking population in the country, according to the government .
The brain is capable of change, alternative sources of energy during exercise
During intense exercise, the brain switches to the alternative energy source, ie, researchers instead of glucose, it starts to burn lactic acid that is produced in the muscles during exercise, gathered Danish and Dutch. Glucose is a universal source of energy in the body, which is the main consumer of the brain. Therefore brain glucose deprivation leads to loss of consciousness. The researchers conducted an experiment that measured the levels of various substances in the blood of participants during intense exercise. It was found that the blood from the brain much less lactic acid are used as in it comprises. In addition, the study showed that the brain does not accumulate lactic acid and use it as an alternative energy source. And movement leads to a significant consumption of glucose by muscles, the level in the blood falls. That is why, perhaps, there is a shift of the brain on the consumption of lactic acid. So we have to get the make-up of the brain during intense exercise, the brain has to work all the time, say experts.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Muscles of the female body worse again
Scientists have discovered that women recover more time than men need women muscles worse again. In uncomplicated fractures, is a treatment that immobilize (still) broken bones. After prolonged immobilization, muscles lose their strength and the need for a time to restore to man the base level of muscle tone. The aim of a recent study at Ohio University, USA, was to determine how these vary in terms of gender. The study included 10 subjects (5 men and 5 women aged 19-29 years). Wrist non-dominant hand was attached to the bus. After 4 weeks the bus. Muscular strength of each participant was tested prior to the study, weekly during immobilization after removal of the tire and the week of immobilization. As a result of studies, the researchers found that men. Muscle to its original value after a week after removal of the tire In women, the levels of recovery were much lower - one week after the removal of the tire, muscle strength was 30% lower than before the experiment. Scientists have confirmed that their sample size for the study is quite modest, and requires further deeper research in this area. However, they believe that their comparison with previous academic work in this area shows that women need special, intensive and lengthy rehabilitation after periods of prolonged immobilization or supine position.
Scientists have successfully transplanted a frozen pig's liver
The successful thawing and transplantation of pig liver allowed one step closer to the technology of liver transplantation in humans become, say Israeli researchers. Israeli scientists have used the method to preserve the slow freezing, which would damage the body without it. Experts suggest that may be the creation of a bank of frozen organs for transplantation may be an option. The results of the Israeli scientists published in the magazine New Scientist. British experts, further work is needed to prove the validity of this method. Also may not be suitable refrigerated bodies for the last 24 hours. Scientists are searching for ways to freeze organs without damaging them looking. The main problem in the frozen body is that in this case, the crystals which damage the body. Specialists used the slower freezing method, heat sink by 0.3 degrees Celsius per minute. This reduces the formation of crystals during freezing and it took about 1.5 hours. Experts carried out an experiment in the frozen pork liver and other animal transplanted after thawing. The liver was transplanted together with underlying liver. Two hours later, put a pig to sleep a transplanted liver, after which the liver is examined for signs of life. The researchers found that the transplanted liver recovers some signs of blood flow, and it produces a fluid, such as bile, indicating that. The recovery of some of their functions
Sleep and Charge function - the energy source
The energetic state of a person is dependent on diet and physical activity, a person wears. Morning exercise - the best way to start the motor in the body. But do not forget to have the required amount of sleep, otherwise it can not be charged, according to the American physiologist Brad Tsurgot. Scientists have found that charging stimulating hormone reduces muscle fatigue, burn and store fat increases the level of amino acids necessary to maintain during the day for my courage. Morning exercise strengthens the ability to concentrate and reduce the likelihood that you breathe out for a day or more, said one of the researchers, who runs a lab at Georgetown University. However, a consultant for research data management seemed so convincing that he decided to try it for yourself. He began to climb out of bed an hour earlier to run it in the morning, not at lunchtime. As a consequence, ran a couple of weeks, he was so exhausted that when after eating did not drink a cup of coffee, about two in the afternoon clock to nod off at my desk began. So what happened? Why the effect is the opposite? The reason lies in the fact that men are not to blame fatigue is a morning jog, and asked him to sleep less. According to the researchers, the sleep is no less important factor in the supply of human energy, and this should not be neglected.
Alcohol is harmful even in small amounts during pregnancy
The consumption of alcohol in women during the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk for a child with birth defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate (cleft lip and cleft palate), U.S. researchers reported. Some evidence that alcohol consumption increases the risk of a pregnant woman, a child with this disease are well known. But these data are difficult to organize, as they have already taken a variety of drinks at different doses. Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Durham, North Carolina (USA), a special study of this dependence. Experts examined the questionnaire 377 mothers of children with disabilities seam lip 176 - with nonunion of the sky and 763 - healthy children. Mother answered the question about the use of alcohol during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Found that women who ate more than 5 servings of alcohol at least once in three months, doubled the risk of diseases cleft palate or lip of the unborn child. In the use of such an amount of alcohol of three or more times to increase the risk of three. In summary, the researchers found that the risk of alcohol consumption, even in minute quantities pregnant woman carries a high risk of birth defects of the baby. They are strong for pregnant women to no alcohol at the time, and especially in the first 3 months, when all the organs of the fetus are formed recommended.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Long-term therapy is more effective
Long-term psychotherapy is most effective in the treatment of complex mental disorders, according to German scientists. Experts analyzed 23 medical studies that involved more than a thousand patients with complex mental disorders. It was found that a long-term therapy was more effective as a short term such diseases. Scientists have found that the effects of long-term psychotherapy was much better. In 4% of patients who take it, as the other 96%, used the short-term treatment To this day, especially with short-term treatment. The study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association. However, long-term psychoanalysis as a method of treatment is controversial, yet little evidence that this treatment is effective, experts say. Plans to conduct further research in this area, the researchers reported.
CPS has banned the import of Chinese milk products
Gennady Onishchenko, head of Rospotrebnadzor on Tuesday banned the import of Chinese products in Russia, with milk, reports RIA Novosti. The prohibition is contained connected with a risk of poisoning in Chinese milk products with melamine. Onishchenko said that some such drastic measures due to the lack of information was taken from the Chinese side. Russia received "sketchy and system data" on the content of melamine in Chinese products' confidence erodes in the country [China], "and" more and more evidence that, as expected, we are dealing with a criminal situation, " Onishchenko said. Total ban on imports covered more than a thousand products, including sweets, biscuits, yogurt, and milk powder. In addition, all existing sanitary-epidemiological certificates suspended for food, could the production of milk from China which are used. According to Onishchenko, the ban will seriously affect the state of the market, but no less justified. "In this case we are dealing with the deliberate introduction of known toxic substances in food," - he said. Head of Rospotrebnadzor well accepted method to determine melamine in food. "This is probably the first" crime "the real test of public health used to be," - said in this context Onishchenko. He also noted that, although was not a case of melamine poisoning in Russia not fixed. Melamine - an organic compound used in the manufacture of coatings, plastics and dyes.
Genetic changes affect the ability to read
Genetic changes may explain why some people have no problems at school, but not very good at reading, the researchers reported. Discovery suggests responsible for a gene that is probably for the occurrence of dyslexia among the participants, said Dr. Silvia Paracchini that the study was conducted, from the Trust Center for Human Genetics in Oxford. Dyslexia - a violation of a child's development is manifested, to read in the election defeat and his ability to write. The genetic changes that scientists have found, were not only important in the development of dyslexia, but in general, the ability to read, said Dr. Paracchini. The researchers studied the gene KIAA0319 that. In the development of the brain that is involved for thinking processes The study included more than 6 thousand children aged 10 years, who underwent special tests. As a result, 15% of children who are carriers of the mutated gene have a problem with reading, have some of the kids were not even able to read. According to experts, may be some factors that influenced to read the child's development and ability, but firm conclusions to be drawn, it is necessary to read a new study to be only on the influence of the gene KIAA0319 on a child's ability concentrated perform , scientists say.
Anti-social behavior has a biological basis
Low levels of the stress hormone (cortisol) with antisocial behavior in boys was associated during adolescence, experts say. Cortisol levels normally increase during stressful situations, to help people cope with stress, emotional reactions rules. But scientists from the University of Cambridge have found that this is not in stressful situations, teenage boys happened to anti-social behavior. Biologists suspect that may be anti-social behavior is a form of mental illness with a chemical imbalance in the brain are associated. With an increase in cortisol person behaves careful - it helps regulate emotions, especially their character and strong dynamics. According to Dr Graeme Fairchild, if you find the exact cause of what is in the heart of the lack of a normal response to stress, it will be possible to use new methods of treatment of severe behavior disorders. A team of scientists from Cambridge University students participated in the study with a positive response and those who. Frequently contrary to public policy Create a situation for the participants to relax and tensions. All participants have a fence from saliva before and after each experiment. The results showed that young people whose behavior is normal, increased cortisol levels, and the boys with severe behavioral problems - were low. Experts believe that the anti-social behavior can have on a larger scale with the biological properties of the organism and methods of influence in the fight against them to choose another.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of cancer drugs
Use of vitamin C, the effectiveness of a broad range of cancer drugs, according to researchers. Scientists conducted an experiment in which that the effect of cancer drugs 30 to 70% less killing cancer cells when the cells with vitamin C. Since vitamin C is treated an important antioxidant dietary disclosed, it often cancer patients around the body in support of chemotherapy. American experts have a test on mice, which means that the drugs act against cancer showed much weaker when mice are performed contributed vitamin C. So this vitamin the body of a weak response to the chemotherapy, the expert said. The efficiency is 30% was used to 70% depending on the formulation, reduced. The experimental results showed that animals that received vitamin C, tumors than in those who did not receive vitamin and grew only used drugs for the treatment of cancer. Through the acquisition of experts, the reason of the fact that cancer drugs free radicals that react with other molecules in the cancer cell, which produce her death lie. Perhaps vitamin C, free radicals and supports cancer cells despite chemotherapy recommend experts.
Iraqi doctors allowed his to bear arms
Iraqi Government stated that the doctors would have allowed to carry weapons for self-defense. This is one of the measures that doctors keep in the country to be unsafe for them. Also plans a significant increase in the income of physicians and the construction of houses for them to initiate close to the hospital, the. Already built cabins and block-container from the real manufacturer Iraqi doctors are constantly attacked and kidnapped by criminals and militias. In the five years since the introduction of U.S. troops in Iraq, extremists have become the victims of hundreds of doctors. This led to the fact that about 80% of doctors have done their jobs leave, most of them left the country. Currently, due to the crisis in health care, most of the inhabitants. Lack access to even basic health care To overcome this situation, in June doctors gathered for a conference in Baghdad, after which they appealed to the government to take protective measures. Such a measure would be entitled to bear arms. In the efficiency and timeliness of these innovations are sure not all doctors. So said Sabih Ahmed (Ahmed Sabeeh), a doctor from the town of Tal Afar, first, that the decision was made too late, as many of his colleagues were concerned, and secondly, it does not solve the problem. According to him, he never used the weapon, it can not and is not to wear it.
Smoking is with a random alcohol abuse
Occasional smokers who want to enjoy a cigarette at the next party, are more prone to alcohol abuse than Non smoking, according to U.S. experts. According to American scientists, smokers drink more and more often than non-smokers. It turns out that the occasional smoker, that is, those who smoke occasionally, but not regularly, is 15 times more likely to drink than those who do not smoke abuse. It's been touched for a long time on the relationship between smoking and alcohol consumption. But for the first time attention to the phenomenon of irregular or "casual" smokers. In most cases, this property is the youth is associated with smoking and alcohol consumption. In this case, smoking "under glass" alcohol used in much larger quantities than in nonsmokers. Scientists report that a group of casual smokers is growing rapidly among young people 18 to 25 years and about 25% of all adult smokers in the United States. These results surprised even the researchers, they suggested that the relationship between smoking and alcohol consumption in random smokers may be stronger, but not so much expected. Although smokers more susceptible to various diseases with alcohol, is the problem of those who smoke rarely serious enough, because the rapid growth of the group.
Two sumo wrestlers died of herpes virus
A viral disease with sports such as rugby and wrestling is connected has caused unrest after two deaths in Japan, reports BBC. The so-called "herpes fighter" for the athletes of the damaged skin administered. The study was published in the Journal of General Virology. Experts examined 39 sumo wrestlers infected with the disease. The diagnosis of herpes participants from 1989 to 1994. Sumo wrestlers train and live together with all areas of the so-called "stable", which is a breeding ground for the virus. Two of the infected fighters died. Experts suggest that the problem lies in the herpes virus, but recognize that they play an important role, and other factors. This point is not clear. Previously associated with a herpes virus strain BgOl, but scientists have found another new strain BgKl that was common in the blood of the victims. The herpes virus can be a long time in the nerve cells, which can have no symptoms and signs of the disease can be delayed, scientists say. The results showed that the herpes virus having a strain BgKl severe consequences of the disease, and propagation. Because the virus has caused the death of two fighters, experts plan to conduct additional studies to investigate this issue.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Business e-mails often contain fraud
In a business e-mail, people often deceive, say psychologists from Lehigh University, Rutgers University and DePaul University (USA). According to experts, people do not feel almost guilty about cheating in business correspondence. The temptation to lie consciously, is to write business correspondence with the lack of observation of non-verbal behavior and reactions of the other person. For the same reason, the recipient of the e-mail is often interpreted incorrectly the content of the letters, noted scientists. People are often deceived into working mail correspondence - even more than in the traditional paper letters and contracts. In e-mails can often deception (average 50%) as written in his hand. In addition, the researchers found that the more familiar the staff of the various companies, the more they will lie to each other. Sending e-mail over the Internet In a professional sense, this type of communication, the feeling of trust and cooperation reduces contributes to a negative result. E-mail has been in business correspondence since 1994, but so far remain the organizational norms regarding their use is uncertain. According to experts, it is socially acceptable way of virtual communication, but not at work.
Male sex prolongs life
Sex at least once a week may prolong the lives of men and 80 years, say Taiwanese researchers. Scientists conducted a study that man showed enough at least once a week to sexual intercourse with a 50% increase in the chance of life involved more than 80 years. Regular exercise like a 50% lower risk of death from stroke, and 40% of diabetes and 30% of heart attack. Therefore, the health of men is after the 40th Age strongly depends on the regularity of sex. Comparative analysis of the life and death of older men found that those who were left alone, much sooner than their more fortunate brothers die. If a man was left without a wife or a mistress at the age of 65, then the probability of death is before the 80th Birthday is increased by 70%. According to experts, the reason for that testosterone - the hormone levels that affect the whole body of the people as a whole. The lower performance of this hormone in the male body, (this study showed 800 men aged 50 to 91 years), the higher the probability of death from diseases of the above. Unfortunately for women, sex has a different effect, scientists said. Is performed according to a study by German experts, regular sex is not the best way affects life expectancy of women. It causes hormonal changes rather unfavorable, while the men's sex regularly good. According to statistics, unmarried women. Never living with a partner, it was a good mental health, in contrast to men, bachelors, who felt better when next to them was a woman
In connection with the "melamine scandal" in China arrested 22 people
The police in the northern province of Hebei arrested 22 people for making and selling melamine suspected milk producers and dairy products. Because of the contamination of this toxic substance in infant formula powder in China suffered about 53 thousand children, three babies died after Xinhua. Among the detainees - 19 leaders of pastures, breeding farms and milk purchasing stations. 13 of them in investigating cases of mass poisoning Chinese children were arrested dairy company Sanlu. During raids on pastures, farms and milk collection centers in the capital city of Hebei Province Shijiazhuang police seized more than 220 kg of melamine. The investigation revealed that melamine was produced in underground factories and then to farms and milk purchasing stations expands. According to police, said one of the prisoners that included the production of "protein powder" with melamine since late last year. Another suspect confessed to milk that adding melamine to simulate the high protein content. He resorted to this trick to his products meet the requirements of Sanlu. The use of infant formula with the addition of melamine led to the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder of tens of thousands of infants in China. Currently, there are also the five victims in Hong Kong a, - in Macau and four - in Taiwan. They all used the Chinese-made dairy products. Currently, the import of milk products from China in more than a dozen countries in Asia and Africa as well as in the 27 EU countries is prohibited.
Chocolate rescue of heart disease
Consumption of chocolate in moderation reduces cardiovascular disease, according to Italian researchers. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 20 thousand people. It was found that moderate consumption of high-quality chocolate can protect against heart attack. The ideal daily intake of 6-7 grams of chocolate to prevent a protective effect against inflammation and secondary cardiovascular disease, experts say. Experts have found that the blood of people who eat chocolate in moderation, found reduced levels of C-reactive protein. This means that inflammatory processes in the body, significantly attenuated. Chronic inflammatory process involves the risk of cardiovascular disease - from heart attack to stroke, doctors believe, and call for the periodic inspection of C-reactive protein in the blood. Project leader Giovanni de Gaetano said that this is to prevent the first steps to not only heart but also cancer. She thinks that might have to revise the content of the famous "Mediterranean diet" and to delete from the list of chocolates harmful to human health.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Depression after a heart attack can lead to repetitions
People who suffer from cardiovascular disease, the need for prevention of depression, as it lead a second heart attack, U.S. researchers reported. According to experts, people who once had a heart attack are more depressed, leading to repeated attacks. Scientists claim that depression is three times more common in people after a heart attack. The study appears in the journal Circulation. Because to date there is no specific cure for depression in patients with cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to consider the possibility of their creation, they say. Of the mental state of a person depends on his physical condition, especially if they had suffered a heart attack. Perhaps the state of the patient, the depression leads his last attack weathered, experts say. Need more attention to the health of patients. Having a heart attack, and not only to the physical Such patients should be assessed regularly on psychological state, to help in time and prevent recurrent attacks. Scientists suggest checking the methods of treatment and may get a combination therapy for such patients.
Died during the testing of new drugs on the 27-year-old
In the UK as a result of an overdose of study medication dead 27-year-old man. As a result of the pathological examination revealed that the 27-year-old patient at University College London Hospital, died of a drug overdose, which he had received at the hospital. Representatives of the hospital explains that. The reason for the incident one error in the computer program that the test is designed Cancer of the testicles - 27-year-old Harry Foster was treated to an extensive advanced disease. According to the doctors, his treatment was active, and you could see the improvement, but he soon died of poisoning by drugs. Another cancer patient, who also suffered a drug overdose at the time of the test survived. During chemotherapy commonly used poisons or toxins that are more damaging tumor cells than normal cells. In many tumor localization chemotherapy - this is the only possible treatment, but the side effects are sometimes forced the patients suffer almost more than the tumor itself Unfortunately, at the moment, scientists are still looking for other types of cancer treatment. Doctors say that revised procedures and inspection issued drugs and all kinds of changes to improve the safety of patients in connection with the incident.
Big girls at birth have a higher risk of breast cancer
Girls are born with weight and height above average, an increased risk of breast cancer in the future, British scientists reported. Experts analyzed 32 studies involving more than 600 thousand women. They found that the size of the child at birth is important. Doctors from the London School of Medicine believe this to explain the 5% of breast cancers. The study was published in the journal PLoS. According to scientists, there is a link between cancer and the environment that surrounds the baby before birth. Newborn, whose weight, 0.5 kg on average exceeded seven percent is exposed to the risk of breast cancer. However, for pregnant women reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. You need to keep a healthy weight, eat right and balanced, and to limit the consumption of alcohol and give bad habits like smoking, said Dr Sarah Cant - a specialist in the field of breast cancer. According to her the reason could be that the child in a large number of more estrogen and other hormones in the womb, which is ultimately exposed to an increased risk.
Brazilian students cure for obesity oysters
Starting this week, the menu of school canteens in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil will include oysters. It is assumed that these nutritious and low-calorie product helps stop the growth of childhood obesity in the country, according to ITAR-TASS. In the initial phase of the experiment will be attended by 800 public school students in the state of Santa Catarina. Oysters are the children are served for breakfast. If 85% of students approved a new dish, the oysters will include a menu of all schools in the country. Santa Catarina is the most important place for oyster farming in Brazil - It produces about 85% of the shellfish. If oysters are mandatory food in the schools, the state government will have to buy every month around 800 kilograms seafood delicacies.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
German asked to recognize tobacco addiction disease
This step is the legal and financial requirements for the provision of medical care for people who would like to get rid of nicotine addiction. This is a report by experts agreed for the home government of the Federal Republic of Germany. According to ITAR-TASS, while in Germany, said tobacco addiction habit by lifestyle. It is assumed that you get rid of it, or at will, or with the support of self-help groups. Cashier mandatory health insurance refused to services for their customers to pay overcome tobacco dependence. This setup prevents the successful anti-smoking, the report's author. Recall plans to the European Parliament in 2025 prohibiting the sale of tobacco in the EU. After one of the leader of the largest group in the European Parliament - the center-right European People's Party, a member of Ireland Avril Doyle, a ban on the manufacture and sale of tobacco and tobacco products in 2025 is realistic.
Aspirin reduces the risk of atherosclerosis
Aspirin helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis in mice, the researchers reported at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Gained widespread use of aspirin in a position to reduce pain symptoms, lower the temperature, inflammation and blood clotting. With cell cultures, the researchers found the mechanism of action: The results showed that the active ester by-product of salicylic acid enhances the activity of two proteins: paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1). According to doctors, these two proteins - useful components of a complex HDL or "good" cholesterol that protects blood vessels from damage helps. ApoA1 removes the "bad cholesterol" in the blood stream, while PON1 -. An antioxidant that blocked the toxic lipid peroxides The researchers also documented that increased AHR called PON1 activity with an increased activity of the receptor associated - substituted aryl hydrocarbon receptor, which effectively cope with atherosclerosis. Doctors emphasize that the beneficial properties of aspirin may occur at low doses. Atherosclerosis - a form of sclerosis of the arteries, through the development of connective tissue in the vessel wall, the compression and dysfunction leads followed. Atherosclerosis is one of the highest in the world among all diseases. It has been studied recently and all is not known. According to the literature, in the old days, the disease, experts say.
Polyunsaturated n-6 fatty acids increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal
Heterocyclic amino acids, which are found in meat and fish during the heat treatment is not expected to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women after menopause lead, as already argued in another study, Swedish researchers report. In turn, low consumption of cooked meat and fish, combined with a high n-6 fatty acids that are found in most types of vegetable oil, may increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal increase, said Dr. Emily Sonestedt of Lund University . Scientists conducted a study that monitored 11,699 women over the age of 50 years, about 10 years old. During this period, 430 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in the study population. It has been found that women who consume large amounts of heterocyclic amino acids, there was no occurrence of breast cancer often than others. Turn participants who prefer fatty foods with a high content of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, have been reported cases of breast cancer often. Experts have not yet learned the exact mechanism of this relationship, but the trend of increasing breast cancer risk with the use of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, there is a clear, scientists say.
Statins slow the aging process of arteries
The drugs to take the heart patients to lower cholesterol may slow the aging process of the blood vessels, the researchers said. People with cardiovascular disease, there is an artery, which wear out more rapidly with age than the other vessels in the body. Scientists at the University of Cambridge reported that statins can delay the aging process of the arteries. The study was published in the journal Circulation Research. Specialists explain what happens to the blood vessels while taking statins. For them to leave the cells in the body divide a limited number of times, and in patients with heart disease, the process of cell division is greatly accelerated from about 7 to 13 times higher than normal division. As a result, the cells are depleted, leading to DNA damage and disturbances in the cells. One of the main tasks of these cells to protect arterial fatty plaques that block the blood vessels and may eventually lead to a heart attack. Earlier studies have shown that increasing the levels of proteins probably statins NBS-1, which are involved in the repair of DNA cells. This means that slow the way these drugs the aging of the arteries. According to scientists, this is a great discovery, because, due to a drug not only lower cholesterol, but also slows the aging process of certain blood vessels.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Discovered a gene for a sudden drowsiness
Occurs according to the researchers, this disease in one. Of 2500 in the U.S. and Europe, but four times more frequent in Japanese This is why scientists the DNA of 222 people in the land of the rising sun have narcolepsy subject studied, and 389, have not had it. It turned out that 45% of patients with narcolepsy have met the same gene while. In healthy people he meets only 30% of cases This is an intermediate step gene located between the gene for the dream, and the gene that regulates the sleep cycle. Checking the availability of this gene in 424 Koreans, 785 Europeans and 184 African-Americans, experts found that the Koreans suffer from narcolepsy, as it was found a stable relationship between the disease and the presence of this gene, while no association with Europeans and African Americans . Explain the cause of this phenomenon, the researchers can not yet. Note that narcolepsy - a disease that is mainly exposed to people from 10 to 30 years. Narcolepsy is characterized by a sudden drowsiness and sleep, regardless of the will of man several times accompanied during the day. Moreover, narcolepsy is accompanied by sudden muscle weakness when experiencing strong emotions and realistic hallucinations.
Incidence of inherited diseases in children can be avoided
Avoid having a baby with genetic disorders - perhaps informed experts in IVF. Russian specialists have developed a technique that can help you avoid that a child develops with genetic diseases. Experts say the technology is a genetic analysis of embryos created by in vitro fertilization (IVF). During the test to determine which of the embryos from IVF, contain "genetically healthy", and the damaged genes. Moreover, when previously in the laboratory of this type can only be determined a hereditary disease, but now a new method makes it possible to determine the number of illnesses. While such a laboratory, where define several genetic diseases in Russia alone. In the countryside there are several labs that can identify one or two genetic disorders. According to experts, currently many women want to have a baby have too late when they realize themselves in their careers and become independent. Women over 36 years are at risk, because if the 20-year-old woman the chance to be a child with Down syndrome - 1 in 1528, then 40-year-old woman's risk 1 in 112th In addition, the 20-year-old woman's risk of miscarriage about 10% in women 35-39 years - 18%, in the age group of 46 - 50%.
Attempted suicide mothers during pregnancy helps to study the effect of drugs on children
There are cases in which pregnant women commit suicide and take massive doses of drugs to try. Based on the investigation of these cases, the experts hope to obtain unique data on the effects of various substances on the unborn child. During pregnancy, a woman is very difficult to treat, because in this position, most drugs are not allowed to receive. But not all drugs have a negative impact on the fetus, scientists say. Many drugs are forbidden during pregnancy, because no one knows how to use can affect the baby, because the test in the experiments - is at odds with modern ethics and law. Producers out of the situation by testing drugs on pregnant animals, but the data from these studies do not guarantee that. The little man safely use this medication A group of Hungarian scientists have suggested that more information born by studying data from children of mothers who took large doses of different drugs that can be achieved to commit suicide. The researchers examined data on the presence of congenital malformations in children 229 women took to the high doses of sedatives, but survived and gave birth to living children. The study found a large percentage of defects and irregularities in the behavior of these children. Out but the researchers admit that their data not be attributed solely to the effect of the drug, since many other factors (lifestyle of mothers, such as smoking and alcohol use, her mental and physical health, often very young age) may also produce similar results have.
Mobile phone may lead to infertility
Talking on a mobile phone with a Bluetooth headset, the men safe. Experts believe, that it can cause male infertility. U.S. researchers conducted a study that showed that radiation from mobile phones, working in a call, made a negative effect on sperm quality. The fact that many men use wireless headsets and keep mobile phones in pockets or belt can cause male infertility. The study included 32 men, took the seed samples and divided it into two parts. A portion was set at 1:00 on the distance of 2.5 cm from a mobile telephone in the hands-free mode. After that, the scientists compared sperm samples. It was found that the sperm cells were exposed to cell phone radiation, a large amount of free radicals, which include a decrease in sperm quality. The differences in DNA damage between the two parts of the samples was observed. That way researchers demonstrated a negative effect mobile phone radiation on sperm quality of up to 2.5 cm in the testes of other studies, the researchers plan to conduct similar experiments at different distances, determine a safe distance from the phone sex organs. Experts believe that these studies should be brought to the attention of people. To prevent the deterioration of semen quality, the scientists recommend that men who have no risk factors, use, antioxidant vitamins C and E.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
In California, smoking marijuana during the festival
Authorities in California, Santa Cruz has a few hours to suspend the ban on smoking marijuana. In this way, took the request of people who use marijuana for medical reasons. Reason for the appeal to the authorities was the festival of the Alliance men and women on medical marijuana, which will be held on Saturday 27 September in San Lorenzo Park Temporary lifting of the ban only affects those marijuana prescription for medical reasons. In addition, smoking his medicine can only specially designated tents. The use of marijuana for medical reasons is permitted in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Maine, Nevada, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Vermont, Richmond and New Mexico, but the smoke only in their own home. Alliance of men and women for medical marijuana (WAMM) - legalize an organization that was founded in 1993, and put into place the use of marijuana to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illness.
The desire not to lose more exciting than the victory itself
Some sites carry out the sale of goods by auction, and a lot of site visitors to the shopping obsessed in this way. Scientists conducted a study to find out why people are trying seduce by this form of purchase. She scanned the brains of several people involved in the auction. It was found that the brain's response was stronger in participants when they might lose trades, as they win. The study was published in the journal Science. The study involved 17 participants who participated in the auction or raffle. And that, and the other was to do with money, but the auction had to get to beat the other party what you want, and. The lottery not to the party, but only on random luck As a result, Professor Nigel Nicholson came to the conclusion that the desire not to lose much more pronounced. Humans than the joy of winning Psychologists agree that the competitive system. An environment in which a person is willing to pay a lot of money, as it in fact creates a lot The participants will get more emotion in the announcement, not the final purchase of goods. This trend explains how decisions are made in the stock market, and that drives many of the participants in the purchase and sale of securities, the expert said. So, today it has become a daily service as website development, could eventually encourage people to do this or that action. For example, directly on the company's sales, including by way of auction.
A mirror can relieve paralysis
Help with a mirror, can recover in order to create the illusion of a stroke paralyzed people, Japanese researchers reported. Kazu Amimoto the University of Tokyo showed that optical illusion affects the brain more in the recovery of motor function of the limb than the standard treatment. The results were presented at an international conference in Vienna. According to scientists, the mental aspect plays a much larger role than previously thought, and it needs more focus. Situation where the paralyzed part of the body, one of the common consequences of stroke and one of the biggest challenges in terms of functional recovery. Conventional therapy aims to restore the mobility and movement by the concentration directly on the paralyzed part of the body using the motion and stimulation. Scientists have used a new approach to solving this problem by providing a specially adapted mirror ranked so that the movement of the body nonparalysed man saw the illusion that the part that moves is paralyzed. This optical illusion had a much greater effect and stimulate the brain, which in turn improves the motor function of the paralyzed part of the body, said Dr. Amimoto. Experts examined 14 people with stroke, in which they were paralyzed legs. They measured the bending angle and the speed of movement of the limbs to conventional therapy, and after the creation of an optical illusion. As a result, the experts have found that increased after conventional treatment of the body bending angle of 0.9 degrees, the acceleration motion changes were observed, and a new way of accelerating therapy by 12%, experts say.
Influenza vaccine administered to the lungs efficiently than injections
The vaccine directly into the lungs more effectively in the fight against influenza as conventional injection, say Australian experts. People around the world need a vaccine if an influenza pandemic. For this reason, scientists are as confused reduce the dose. They conducted an experiment with sheep injected with the vaccine directly into the lungs. It turned out that the vaccination in the lungs has the best effect in small doses than the standard dose of the injection. Scientists have three different doses of the vaccine in the three groups of sheep lung with a bronchoscope, or tube is introduced. Fourth group of sheep vaccine was introduced in the usual way, by injection. Can was standard, surpassing entered directly into the lungs in about 1000. Experts have found that antibodies which are formed in the lungs were block able to interact the ability of the virus to receptors in order to infect cells. Protection is more effective than injections, and thus with less vaccine, said one of the researchers who led the study. According to experts, it is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of this method in humans. If the results are the same positive, it is necessary to provide a method with which to develop the vaccine without difficulty into the lungs.
Monday, September 16, 2013
American surgeons surgery to treat obesity through the vagina
The center of the future of surgery at the University of California at San Diego, the first operation to be carried out in order to remove part of the stomach through the vagina to treat obesity. The essence of this treatment is that 80% of the stomach surgically removed. The patient then feels saturated with small amounts of food and therefore consume fewer calories and lose weight. This process is called a sleeve gastrectomy or vertical gastroplasty. Traditionally, it is performed laparoscopically through five centimeter incision in the abdomen. Performing innovative operation, made California surgeon only two cuts millimeter: a one - in the navel - in the abdominal cavity probe was penetrated with a camera, while the other - just below the sternum - the tool forces the liver to rid the operating room . Then endoscopically through a small incision in the posterior vaginal fornix in the stomach imposed standard staples removed and a part of it. Removed tissue was extracted through the same hole in the vagina. The operation lasted 75 minutes, was greatly reduced after the operation. The patient, a 29-year-old Maria Soto (Maria Soto) of Escondido, has agreed to the new technology, has been complicated since laparoscopic removal of her gall bladder a few years ago by two post-operative hernias. This operation was the latest development in the "Operation natural holes" (Natural Orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery, NOTES).
Fish reduces the risk of eczema in children
When you enter into the child's diet to make his nine months of the fish, it is possible to reduce the risk of eczema on her in the future, according to the Swedish experts. The introduction of fish in the diet reduces the risk of a child's skin condition that is said by 25% in comparison to the children who do not eat fish, a pediatrician from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. According to scientists, there was no difference in the number and type of fish. The main criterion is introduced as early in the child's diet fish, experts believe. In the study, researchers observed the long-term health of the 17 thousand babies. Researchers have found genes that play an important role in the development of eczema. Breastfeeding and pets are allowed in this case played irrelevant. Turn influences the use of fish only to reduce the risk of eczema. The specialists were not able to identify the mechanism of action and are therefore planning further research in this direction.
Hide the baby's head can lead to sudden death
Random protective baby blanket with head and blanket carries a high risk of sudden death, according to scientists. British researchers conducted a study that examined the results of 10 scientific studies on the association of sudden death and concealment of the child's head. It was found that among the 1,234 cases of sudden death, 25% of children were found covered his head with a blanket or a person. Found protected while 3.822 live births in the same age group, only 3% of children with their parents head. Parents often do not notice that the child had fled, like throw in a dream baby and often could rotate, but the risk of sudden death after the statistics were high. Experts believe that can be the most effective way to reduce the risk of sudden death by protecting the head and face of the child in his sleep have special sleeping bags. Such security measures are observed in order to minimize the likelihood of parents of SIDS. Scientists regret firmly made a public information campaign to prevent SIDS parents, learned counsel that the baby should sleep on their backs, but do not pay, it seems to monitor the attention to the need for the open side of the child.
Physical activity improves mental ability
The more you exercise your, the better your mental performance. The conclusion of Dr. Kristine Yaffe of the University of California at San Francisco. A team of scientists led by Dr. Kristine Yaffe led examined the effects of doses of exercise on women. The study lasted eight years and was attended by six thousand women. The participants were questioned thoroughly about all physical activities during the day. The basis of how often they are washed, are purified as plagued many stairs for a week, how many neighborhoods on foot. As a result, several groups and sub-groups according to the intensity of the exercise. Mental capacity of selected women were "measured" approved by the trial in the U.S. to determine the cognitive abilities. Tests were at the beginning and end of the study, therefore performed eight years later. It was found that the groups with increased physical activity test results were better than 40%. This proportional relationship was in all groups, even small increases in physical activity, better testing results, experts say.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Boys love Gossip Girls at least
Boys tend to spread rumors and gossip as much as the girls, according to sociologists. It was assumed that social aggression in the form of deliberate rumors and gossip feature is only the female sex. But scientists at the University of Arizona decided to deny the rumors. The researchers analyzed 148 studies involving 74 thousand children and young people. These studies have considered signs of physical and psychological aggression in school. It was found that both forms of pressure on their peers and younger children more often in boys. Psychologists say the manifestation of physical aggression in boys and young men had. On antisocial behavior and poor relationships with other students These children tend to suffer from a lack manifestations of mutual help and support from others, experts say. Boyish social aggression, including the dissemination of rumors and speculation, to avoid the "enemy" of the general circle of friends or make it a pariah, and the taunts and insults associated with depression and low self-esteem. According to experts, the nature of the origin of social aggression among girls and boys are different, but it is inherent in the male sex, not less. According to U.S. experts, girly gossip are often based on real personal dislike of a particular girls and boys gossip, to assert themselves and to become a leader among peers.
Swimming in the pool - the risk of asthma in children
Swim in the outdoor swimming pools with chlorinated water increases the risk of asthma in children, according to Belgian researchers. Scientists conducted a study, which surveyed 847 parents of school children aged 15 years or how much they spend much time in the outdoor pools, and if there is allergy-related respiratory tract. It was found that 50%. Higher risk of asthma in children who had swum regularly at the pool Chlorine contained in the water, affects the respiratory tract of children. Scientists who conducted the other study, believe that indoor pools harmful, since the pairs of chlorine will not evaporate, and the children they breathe. However, Belgian experts have found that children spend in the outdoor pools much more time, and in turn more swallow chlorinated water. The more time a child spends in chlorinated water, the higher the risk of asthma, said Alfred Bernard - one of the leaders of the study. Specialists have found that if you go swimming once a week at the outdoor pool for a decade, has quintupled the risk of asthma compared to children who have not been used as water treatment. That young children are most at risk because they tend to swallow water while swimming, experts say.
Antidepressants lead to DNA damage in the sperm
Combat drugs that take men to depression, can lead to infertility, experts say. Scientists conducted a study that after taking antidepressants men for four weeks, the level of sperm DNA damage was found much higher. The study was published in the magazine New Scientist. According to experts, the effect of antidepressants is not necessarily lead to infertility, but it causes some concern. The study included 35 men, observed. While taking the drug Experts examined under a microscope sperm participants. It was found that the difference in sperm motility was not particularly, but after a test for DNA fragmentation, experts have noticed changes. It was found that after four weeks, the participants antidepressants have increased DNA damage in sperm of about 13.8% to 30.3%. Scientists about whether it affected enough of the remaining 70% for the full year conception. Previous studies have shown that couples do, artificial insemination, less likely that more embryos and embryos are weaker and not likely to be successfully introduced into the uterus, if future fathers high sperm DNA damage, scientists said.
Melamine found in popular Chinese sweets
Substance has been melamine in infant formula in powder form, which has found thousands of affected children, also found in Mahjong candy, made in China, according to the Hong Kong authorities. Banned chemicals in the milk candy White Rabbit sreamy sandy beach that are produced in Shanghai for the last 65 years and found good for several generations of Chinese art. It is known that in 1972 the then Premier Wu Yi Zhou Enlai this "brand" Chinese delicacy U.S. President Richard Nixon, who flew treated to a visit. At the time of this brand candies are available in more than 40 countries. In connection with a scandal in China about melamine in dairy products, these products will slowly disappear from the shelves. During the last year, the Philippine government to import four types of candy in China, including the "White Rabbit", which states that they should identify the toxic formaldehyde. As we already reported, such as melamine found in Nestle milk powder.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Australian surgeons saved the life of a two year old girl with the inside of a ping-pong table
Australian surgeons used a ping-pong in the complicated year by liver transplant girl. It is possible to successfully complete the intervention and save the life of a child. Biliary atresia - Arget Mackenzie (Mackenzie Argaet) from Canberra was born with a rare (in one case from 10 to 12,000 births) malformation. In this state, the bile ducts of the liver is not connected to the duodenum and ends blindly to stagnation of bile and as a result of liver failure what. As a consequence, the girl had a liver transplant. If the surgeon Albert Shan (Albert Shun) of the Children's Hospital in Vestmide fragment of an adult liver donor was placed in the stomach girl found that the transplant long and pinched to large blood vessels. Then the surgeon, previously heard on the application abroad balls ping-pong ball on operations, decided to use them in transplantation medicine. He fenced the new ball from the vessels of the liver girls, the restoration of normal blood flow. According Shana acquire the ball finally with liver tissue, removal is not necessary. The recovery period after surgery was uneventful as far as Mackenzie fully recovered. Inspired by the success Shang and his colleagues have successfully used the inside of a ping-pong table in several operations.
Chickpeas and soybeans can improve blood flow
Experts advise people to have suffered a stroke, eat soybeans and chickpeas, as these products can improve circulation. Scientists in Hong Kong conducted a study in which participants were asked for twelve weeks, supplements containing isoflavones are naturally found in beans, soybeans and chickpeas. The experiment showed that the blood flow in the experimental participants improved. According to experts, the use of foods containing isoflavones may be beneficial to all people, but especially to benefit people who have suffered a stroke to bring. Scientists recommend to maintain the flow of blood in such a simple manner, can perform prevention of stroke, not only the treatment of the consequences.
Failure to gain weight for men in the future leads to osteoporosis
Subject to men who had a low birth weight in middle age, osteoporosis and fractures in old age, Norwegian researchers reported. Numerous studies have shown that obesity and weight gain leads to an increased risk for many chronic diseases. But the scientists were surprised when the results of a recent study showed that the lack of weight can have negative consequences. Scientists are invited to participate in the study in 1476 men who were studied in the period from 1972 to 1975. In 2000-2001, the participants re-examined, including for osteoporosis. The results showed that almost a third of the participants who were lean and quickly lost weight in 1970, in 2000, suffered from osteoporosis. Again, among the participants who had more weight, no one confronted with the problem of osteoporosis. Despite the obvious benefits of the large bones of the body weight, the researchers recommend for a stable healthy weight. This study once again showed that extremes in any way harmful to the health, if not the heart of the spine.
Sudden smoking cessation leads to a disruption of some of the functions of the brain
Scientists argue that experiencing the sudden loss of cigarettes in the brain serious changes. According to a new study of the complexity of smoking cessation is that certain areas of the brain during withdrawal from nicotine are overloaded. From the words of experts, this is manifested in the irresistible urge to smoke. At this time it is very difficult to concentrate, many suffer irritability, anxiety, short term memory loss, or selective attention. During the Quit Smoking literally destroyed the functioning of the brain, which reduces a person's ability to think and act, the scientists said. For people who work in connection with the increased attention have, and the error can lead to big problems, experts recommend specific products, nicotine, which weaken or remove the symptoms include the abolition of smoking. In the market, there are similar products from different companies and in different forms: pills, patches, gums. Studies show excellent performance of these drugs in the correct dosage for they want to quit smoking.
Mortality from breast cancer is higher among low-income women than among the rich
Breast cancer is more likely to die than women with limited financial income, the rich patients, the British scientists. The study included women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in England and Wales from 1986 to 1999. Experts have found that the survival rate of these patients is increasing overall. But one year survival rate after diagnosis was lower in women with low economic income than wealthy patients. Such differences are very interested professionals. Scientists have found that this difference is even more marked in five years. Study of more than 380 thousand women found that after five years of survival among affluent women 6% higher. The study was published in the British Journal of Cancer. According to experts, there are several possible reasons for this trend. Perhaps poor patients from the full treatment and radiotherapy prevented is also the reason the fact that poor women are screened less often, and for this reason the diagnosis is often not made in the early stages of the disease. Scientists believe that there will be other reasons. Need to all possible factors influencing the incidence difference between the rich and the poor, in order to achieve an effective treatment, and maybe to see new benefits, experts say.
Friday, September 13, 2013
British cancer patient died because of an error in the computer
27-year-old patient at the University College Hospital in London, who took part in a clinical trial with a new cancer treatment, died of a drug overdose. Because of a computer error husband gets a double dose of chemotherapy for seven procedures, reports the Sunday Times. Briton Gary Foster (Gary Foster) suffered testicular cancer. Since June 2007, he participated in a clinical study with a new method of chemotherapy called TE23, including the use of a combination of five drugs instead of three. Coordination and funding of studies involved the British Medical Research Council. In mid-September 2007, Foster attended University College Hospital in London for chemotherapy, she developed a dry cough. After some time, his condition worsened, and the patient died. The investigation revealed that. Foster's death from lung damage that was caused by an overdose of chemotherapy drug bleomycin Later it turned out that an overdose of the drug suffered another hospital patient whose life was saved. The investigation revealed that Foster received a double dose of bleomycin in seven chemotherapy. Execute the procedure nurses continued treatment under the plan, marked in the computer and ignoring the symptoms of an overdose of medication to the patient. Errors in the computer, which cost the lives of Foster, was found in the Council on Health Research for a few days before his death.
Inhalers reduce life expectancy
Inhalers are used to severe lung disease, may increase the risk of death by cardiovascular disease, experts say. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 15 thousand people. Results of studies have shown that drugs that are in the inhaler to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and death from cardiovascular disease by an average of 58%. The study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Experts say more research is needed to determine the exact extent of the risk. Scientists have the results of 17 studies that show that included the administration of medicines in inhalers, the risk of heart attack by 53% and the risk of death rises from cardiovascular disease increases to 80% when the drug for taken more than 30 days will be investigated. Scientists are not in a hurry to deny a recommendation on the use of inhalers, but persistently advised constantly observed with their primary care physician. Because if the data are confirmed, we will see that every 40th Inhaler users from cardiovascular disease die. Inhaler improves quality of life suffers from diseases of the lungs, but it can reduce their life, so that the risk can be calculated exactly, the scientists said.
Lost his leg due to the fault of the doctors patient received two million rubles
A resident of Novosibirsk, who had a leg amputated due to improper treatment received two million rubles moral harm. This decision was made by the District Court of Novosibirsk Kalinin, according to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". In July 2004, Oksana Kondrashkina got in Novosibirsk city hospital number one with a dislocated knee after a car accident. After skeletal traction on the leg was put in plaster. After applying a plaster began Kondrashkina severe pain, but the doctors do not pay attention to their grievances. A few days later, the patient developed gangrene due to thrombosis of the popliteal artery. Doctors had to amputate his leg. Medical City Hospital № 1 argued that complications occurred by chance, but two independent study in Tomsk and Omsk, done came to a different conclusion. After graduating thrombosis was triggered by the imposition of the occupation, and the patient lost her leg due to a number of medical errors. After the trial lawyers city hospital confirmed that the right treatment is considered spent, and we intend to appeal the court's decision Kalinin.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Basil slows the aging process
Scientists have the healing properties of holy basil is growing in India confirmed. Basil has a very useful feature of the human body and slows the aging process, experts say. First Indian pharmacists had a formal investigation, which examines the properties of basil. The results showed that the extract of a certain type of basil, known as holy basil (Ocinum Sanctum), protects against the occurrence of free radicals - chemicals that can cause cancer in various organs, as well as your genes and neurons. According to experts, the holy basil that grows in India and some other parts of Asia for many years in Ayurvedic medicine as a means to recover and regenerate used. The results were presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference in Manchester. The authors believe that proved that they believed the ancient physicians. Food holy basil in food by the various courts that he give a nice spicy flavor, experts recommend.
Italian scientists have discovered a gene, melanoma
Carrier according to one of the variants of the gene that increases the receptor for vitamin D, the risk of developing melanoma. This is the conclusion on the results of the Italian scientist scoping study. Earlier studies have shown that vitamin D, which is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight, can play an important role in protecting the body against cancer. This is due to its involvement in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis (programmed cell death). The effects of vitamin D on the human body is arranged on the basis of receptors in the skin. Scientists from the University of Padua suggested that the structure of the receptors for vitamin D influence the activity of the vitamin in the body. Study leader Simone Mosley (Simone Mocellin) and her colleagues at the University of Padua, analyzed the results of six studies involving 4500 patients, half of whom were suffering from melanoma. All participants were carriers of one of the five variants of the gene encoding the receptor for vitamin D. It was found that the carriers of the BsmI gene variant, in which the receptor binds the least amount of vitamin D, the risk of melanoma increased by 30% . Researchers have suggested that this gene variant can Identify each tenth case of melanoma, the. As one of the malignant human tumors The study was published in the journal Cancer.
Enteric bacteria, the occurrence of the first type of diabetes
Intestinal bacteria against the first type of diabetes, when the immune system fails, reported American biologists from Yale and the University of Texas does protect. Scientists have the first type of diabetes that the body's own immune system attacks the pancreatic cells, which control the disruption of insulin synthesis. If left untreated, it leads to death, experts say. As you know, the main treatment of diabetes inject insulin metabolism. But U.S. scientists have a new trial on other ways to carried out to find protect against diabetes. For the experiment, scientists have derived mice with a genetic predisposition to the development of diabetes, in which the disease could occur after the breeding season. Specialists noticed that if the animals under normal conditions. Grew, the disease is relatively rare, and when the conditions were sterile with a lack of bacteria that normally occurs in the gut, then diabetes frequently According to scientists, intestinal bacteria can influence the immune system of the body and protect it from failures. This finding confirms the previously suggested that the lack of beneficial bacteria and viruses in the body increases the risk of diseases associated with impaired immune systems, said the expert.
Scientists have developed a protective agent against HIV infection infant feeding
American scientists from the University of Cambridge have to prevent a simple protective device for nipple nursing mothers, the transmission of HIV to the child develops during feeding, reports the BBC. One of the developers of the chemical engineer Stephen Gerrard helped a safety device which is capable of disinfecting the milk in the diet. This unit has a cleaning agent by biochemists used to denature proteins in the analysis. The apparatus was a layer of cotton wool in a chemical which soaked the virus inactivated. This treatment destroys the virus without heat treatment. This development was presented at an international meeting on recent developments in the United States. Other scientists have a device that is the nipple and breast-feeding mother put forward as disinfected milk heats, but experts believe that it will take more time and many mothers create inconvenience in use. Therefore, the protection in the form of cotton wool soaked in a special way, is non-toxic and not too much time, which makes it even easier, experts say.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The smell of depends on what emotions you experience in a dream
If you smell flowers in the bedroom, you will dream pleasant dreams, believe German scientists. Experts conducted an experiment in two stages, with the participation of 15 women. During a session, the participants rose sleeping tablets, after which they said they were dreaming sweet dreams. Then specialists the same experiment, which the sleep rotten eggs. As a result, participants from sleep complaining that they had nightmares, experts said. According to scientists, the impact of smells a big impact on the human body, but not all aspects of their influence. But have found that the brain reacts odors during sleep and provides a variety of emotional responses, depending on whether a pleasant smell. Experts plan to use the data in the fight against nightmares. Another study showed that affect the noise and vibration, the intensity of the emotion experienced in dreams. Such is the quality of sleep affect the surrounding smells and sounds, so it is difficult to create an environment conducive to sleep on their own, experts say. Thus create a bouquet that you place in the bedroom, so they conducive to a pleasant aroma to your dreams are, it is worthwhile to consider many nuances. Since some floral scents can not be combined and are working on a site in the opposite direction from its original purpose. In order to create a bouquet with the right fragrance is best for the pro shop, where the addition is performed and delivery, contact the obviously very convenient for any person.
What is more dangerous foods cold food
Back in the 60's of last century Russian doctors have found that depending on the residence time of food in the stomach on its temperature. If the food is hot, it is digested in two to three hours, then going full division of large protein molecules into amino acids. Cold food leaves the stomach many times faster than normal, and will not be digested. Undigested proteins fall into the small intestine, where the absorption of food, it is not absorbed. Moreover, in a place where they should work bacteria responsible for breaking down carbohydrates only begin to multiply, the bacteria that are "live" on the meat and other animal proteins. As a result of the development of dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, emerging diseases, such as obesity. Of course, nothing bad will happen if people occasionally treat you. Itself hash, jelly or ice However, consistent performance can be based on the fast food, where bread and cakes washed down with very cold drinks, lead to tragic consequences.
Lounging at work is bad for mental health
Underutilization is so dangerous for the human psyche, such as excessive stress at work, according to Swiss researchers. Go according to experts, the opportunity to work for 2-3 hours during the day, and the rest of their personal affairs - to sit on the Internet, chat with friends - an attractive prospect is only the beginning. Then it gets boring and turns into a nightmare, say experts from Zurich. Lack of interest in the work and the need to perform any work leads to boredom, lack of demand and the unrealized says consultant businesses Peterswerder. He is a leader of the study, the results have shown - only 30% of the working population in the German speaking countries feel excessively loaded. Corresponding to the remaining 70%, a lot of people who do just about anything at work, he said. Bored workers begin chat almost pointless tired after which to get home, but little, experts say. This deception caused attempt to justify its uselessness and lack of demand, detrimental to mental health, scientists say.
SMS messages are more dangerous for drivers than alcohol and drugs
Driver to write the text messages, while driving on the road creating more dangerous situations than drivers who are alcohol or drug intoxication by British scientists. Performed experts from research laboratory accidents, a study and found that the reaction of the driver, the busy writing are text messages, slows by 35%, while the attention of the drunk drivers getting worse by only 12%, and under the influence of marijuana - by 21%. Moreover, distracted drivers through calls and messages, often miss a turn, wag on the road and keep your distance -. This figure is almost three times higher than for drivers who use marijuana Every driver knows that alcohol and drugs are not allowed behind the wheel, and the person does not neglect these rules. Now the main task is the drivers who talk on the phone or write sms like to convey, it is an extremely dangerous activity while driving motor vehicles, the scientists said.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Melamine found in Nestle milk powder
Sell to the major supermarket chains in Hong Kong refused dry mixes Swiss baby food giant Nestle. As a result of the investigation is a dangerous material melamine was discovered, reports the Associated Press. According to representatives of the supermarket chains, these measures were in accordance with the Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily published material that melamine in powdered milk Swiss companies were found. These products are held in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang. Nestle office in Hong Kong not comment on the report. The consumption of low quality milk powder to date in China suffered about 13,000 children. Three babies have died, thousands more remain in hospital. Most children diagnosed with kidney disease. Experts have found that the cause is contained in the melamine milk powder substance which leads to the formation of kidney stones.
Electronic Cigarettes - a dangerous pleasure
The World Health Organization (WHO). Of the dangers of using electronic cigarettes because there was no proof that they are safe and that they will help to get rid of the habit, according to Reuters warned These cigarettes are produced in China and sold primarily through the Internet in countries like Brazil, Britain, Canada and Israel, despite the lack of a permit, the WHO says. Normal e-cigarette consists of a metal pipe in the body that contains replaceable cartridge with liquid nicotine. This allows you to smoke a cigarette, without disturbing others, as he did not smoke. This allows smokers to ignore the ban on smoking in public places, according to representatives of the WHO. However, new smoking cigarette smoke, nicotine particles in the lung, and various toxic compounds that have not been tested breathe, said Douglas Bettcher, who served as chairman of the WHO. There is no scientific evidence that e-cigarettes on websites of various cities (such as electronic cigarettes Nizhny Novgorod) sold are safe for human health, experts say. Necessary to conduct clinical studies and toxicity tests, and only then allow the sale of electronic cigarettes, experts say.