Saturday, February 2, 2013

Stable types of cancer respond to treatment

Maybe we can find the action method for the treatment of cancer. A new anti-cancer agent may overcome resistance to diseases, drugs, scientists say. Types of tumors that can open for the initial treatment of chemotherapy to develop resistance to the drug in the future, which have become an incurable cancer progression. In the new study, scientists have found that cancer cells can develop resistance to the effects of chemotherapy. According to scientists, the reason lies in a protein called P-glycoprotein (P-glycoprotein). Accordingly found in the analysis of the data to produce the cancer cells, the resistance to the development of medicaments P-glycoprotein, the anticancer agent from the cell shows before it works on it. Thus, this protein may be the formation of individual resistance against the action of the chemotherapy involved. According to the study, P-glycoprotein is not "press" in a position to a newly discovered anti-cancer drug STX140. Thus, the substance of a new candidate for chemotherapy, experts say. STX140 works by stimulating the natural process of self-destruction of cells and has the ability to cancer cells that secrete destroy the P-glycoprotein. According to Dr Simon Newman, head of research, despite the fact that the analysis of a new anti-cancer agent in the early stages, the results of the study showed that STX140 in the future play an important role in the treatment of severe forms cancer. Possible thanks to a new method of treatment, is cancer that were previously treated as not treatable. As previously reported, as scientists have a genetic mechanism that allows found to resistant forms of breast and ovarian cancer in people with the defective gene BRCA2 treatment.

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