If parents wore glasses, a good chance to see their child sick. Every year is the "narrows", ie short-sighted people are more and more because the glasses are a fashion accessory. People with normal vision to acquire elegant look. In addition, any person spoil the view, sitting for hours in front of the computer or TV. And then the inevitable question, what is better - glasses or contact lenses. Comparatively speaking, have some indisputable advantages of the latter. First, the lenses do not fog up, and not to fight. Second, provide a properly fitted contact lenses, better image quality than the glasses. Reserves the vision without distortion, can not provide even the best lenses. And thirdly, where the glasses and then I remember (ie in sport and active recreation, especially in certain occupations), the lenses "behave" very quickly. Different countries use 2 to 10% of the population. But before you buy a valuable pair of lenses, be sure to visit a specialist eye hospital and undergo a thorough investigation of the visual system. Note that the selection of lenses ophthalmologist consultation is mandatory. Do not buy a lens. Only to the reviews on the internet They can not do without a special solution for the disinfection and storage of lenses, which are attached to the forceps and container. Now for the disadvantages. Like any other technology, contact correction has its contraindications, so please make sure you can use it. Illiterate elected lenses create the conditions for the occurrence of keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea. The cause of these problems can become a foreign object comes between the eye and the lens. Can also bring a microscopic speck of dust a lot of problems. There are also the so-called syndrome of "dry eye". Called it a long lenses or wearing incorrect character. Leads to a strong intolerance of contact lenses, red eyes, a feeling of sand, rubble eye, the presence of fog. Accompanied no inflammation, corneal damage, allergic reaction to the solutions. Therefore, if you have already begun to use the lens, be sure to read carefully the properties: the slightest violation of the rules of use may lead to disastrous consequences. You must also know that the long-term continuous. (Approx. 2 days) lens wear a violation of the microflora in the cornea and then to serious diseases Incidentally, contact lenses a serious eye infection Acanthamoeba keratitis, the cause to the cornea and blindness wear. For such a disappointing outcome of the American doctors. Progression of the disease is associated with wearing lenses of 63%. Ophthalmologists also believe that the reduction of disinfectant in municipal water supply, the number of microbes that increase an eye infection form. Now, however, there are special lenses that can be worn up to 30 days, and a day for the care of lenses changes daily: they should not be washed and disinfected. Even a one-day contact lenses can not afford some of the problems, such as the forced stay in gassy, smoky or dusty places. And the thing is that the lens quickly absorb any odors and gases - is what provokes irritation of the cornea. Well, the last warning about lenses - not hope that they "cure" radical vision. Contact lenses - it's just the looks, but not visible from the outside.
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