Excessive exposure to light affects the charge of the production of cancer cells hormones. Women living in areas with intense lighting at night, often develop cancer than women towns ill-lit, say Israeli researchers. Scientists have always known that excessive lighting has a negative effect on the rats. But recent polls flight attendants, nurses and other specialties of women who work at night, everyone amazed. These women suffer from breast cancer by 60% more than women who work during the day. Were considering such factors influence the occurrence of cancer, such as diet and metabolism added. For scientists still unknown fact as related cancer cells and lighting at night. Experts suggest that the fall in melatonin -. A hormone that prevents the development of cancer Most melatonin is released at night. Lots of light inhibits its formation. So if the mice injected into the brightly lit lab hormone to normalize the level of cancer cells. Abraham Haim, a professor at the University of Haifa calls to stop using energy saving bulbs because these bulbs slow melatonin production to a greater extent than usual. In his view, it is unknown what impact on our night lighting in 20 years, since the lights -. It is bright and beautiful, but not always safe
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