When it was the Swiss Medical Association, in early 2008, published the results of research, University Hospital (Basel, Switzerland) with 255 participants. The study found that the accuracy of a new non-invasive method for determining the rhesus, the work was carried out 15 years 99.6% after MediSwiss.Ru is why this method of determining fetal Rh factor British National Blood Service was introduced (British National Blood Service) as a standard of medical facilities. Because of the risk of abortion,% now 0.5 to 1, many women refuse invasive procedure. According to current estimates, the additional 45 embryos per 100 000 patients undergoing amniocentesis (amniotic fluid) or horionbiopsii (study of cells that form the placenta), the decision on abortion. To develop this reason, various research groups around the world secure and reliable methods for the diagnosis of fetal aneuploidy and other serious anomalies, and the mother - such as pre-eclampsia and rhesus incompatibility. For this is the main receiving fetal tissue from the mother's blood or by the accumulation of cells or cell-free fetal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The most famous example is the prenatal determination of fetal Rh status. Approximately 15% of Caucasian women during pregnancy risk of severe fetal anemia, often exposed - because of Rh incompatibility. In an earlier series of non-invasive determination of the rhesus not demonstrated that the specificity of the new method, which has been in operation for more than 15 years, were to reach 100% of the brand. Prenatal determination of fetal rhesus on the blood of the mother is obtained not only a process for the use of non-invasive fetal DNA, which can be used in large quantities. In addition, automation helps to keep the costs for separate analysis at a lower level than the one-off costs of immunoglobulin prophylaxis for pregnant women with Rh D.
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