Do not eat people with symptoms of chronic insomnia, narcolepsy and daytime sleepiness and have the habit of over-eating, and these symptoms become a clinical nature, finally, say Dutch researchers. According to scientists, that many patients with sleep nutrition and irresistible attraction to overeating. They examined the diet and sleep in 180 people. It turned out that the difficulty in falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night and daytime sleepiness directly to the rapid increase in body weight from how a person feels a constant uncontrollable appetite. However, experts say, overeating - obviously not a direct cause of obesity in sleep, because they believe that the process involves metabolic changes. Moreover, forcing disturbances of nerve function people lose not only a sense of vitality, but also destabilize the regime of their food. As we reported earlier that the display of television programming at night and use of the Internet leads to a lack of sleep and sleep disorders.
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