Friday, February 1, 2013

Ginkgo biloba improves memory

Ginkgo biloba improves memory in older people, the researchers reported. In addition, the researchers found a high risk for a stroke or micro-stroke in people who use ginkgo. The reasons are unclear and need to be confirmed in other studies. Ginkgo biloba - one of the most commonly used additives. As a result, some studies, scientists have found that improving the herb in the memory, as a result of others who help themselves affect mental function of people with dementia. Scientists conducted a three-year study of 118 people over 85 years, the. No problems with memory Half of them had to take a dietary supplement Ginkgo biloba, and the other half of the participants - placebo. The results showed that the difference in the incidence of dementia and memory impairment in those Ginkgo did not was significant, compared with those who took a placebo. However, when the researchers considered how closely people followed the instructions to take pills, they found that those who took ginkgo regularly reduces the risk of memory problems by 68% compared to those taking placebo. According to the scientists to elucidate the facts are interesting because ginkgo biloba is widely used and is an inexpensive supplement. More research is needed, how useful and welcome ginkgo with certainty.

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