Black tea is high blood pressure in people with unstable pressure. Due to the increased attention of the scientific community on the positive properties of the flavonoids - substances found in many fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains and beverages - Experts at the University of East Anglia and King's College London, rated the 133 studies for these products. About the health benefits of flavonoids is known since 1930, but the limited data do not allow doctors to give specific advice about their use. A comprehensive analysis of British doctors confirmed the cardioprotective effect of certain foods rich in flavonoids and their sub-types -. Anthocyanins and flavanones British experts have found that the flavonoids in cocoa and chocolate lowers to improve blood pressure and vascular blood flow, but does not reduce the amount of lipoprotein -. "Bad cholesterol" by drinking black tea, which is also significant concentrations of flavonoids, the pressure on the contrary increased and decreased cholesterol. It was found that chocolate and cocoa can prevent cardiovascular risks, and black tea reduces the potential benefits of flavonoids and even high blood pressure in people with unstable pressure cause.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
German pastries filled with sweets drugs
German police closed the candy store in Berlin, sale of hallucinogenic mushrooms with chocolate and candy with cannabis. 23-year-old store owner was arrested on suspicion of possession and sale of drugs. The business has been in the trendy Prenzlauer Berg in East Berlin, famous nightlife. A search for him was found 120 bars of chocolate with magic mushrooms, lots of candy to cannabis. In addition, the police seized 70 packages with a variety of drugs, about 20 hand rolled with marijuana, a number of pills and some jars of honey with drugs. As part of the store was also arrested one of the visitors, while drunk, tried to buy a police package hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Dementia can be identified in advance by a blood
High concentrations of certain substances in the blood makes it possible to predict the occurrence of dementia in older people, scientists say. The study included 1,125 persons aged 70 years and older. Experts analyzed the participants blood. Observation was 4.5 years, during which time the Alzheimer's disease (dementia) was diagnosed in 104 persons. Of blood tests, researchers found that the highest risk of Alzheimer's disease in patients with high blood levels of clog A-beta 42, the main component of the plaques, the blood vessels and impede blood flow to the brain was observed. According to researchers at Columbia University (USA), participants with elevated levels of A-beta 42 in the first study, the risk of dementia was 4.5 years higher than three times than that of the participants with low this substance. Before the study, some patients were already early signs of Alzheimer's disease. The content of the substance of these participants had increased dramatically. Based thereon, the researchers concluded that this diagnostic method may be applied in the future to the initial stages of Alzheimer's disease, to determine with high accuracy.
Acyclovir is able to block HIV replication
The antiviral drug acyclovir, which has been used for many years to treat herpes is struggling and can be turned into an effective way to fight AIDS. Such a surprising conclusion of researchers from the U.S., Canada, the UK and Belgium reached. The researchers conducted an experiment in which it is the herpes virus play an important role. It turned out that the molecular structure of acyclovir so that makes him block reproduction immunodeficiency virus changes. The opening of a truly revolutionary, experts say. Research has led the native of the USSR, now - Head of the intercellular interactions National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Leonid Margolis, United States, who spoke about the opening in an exclusive interview.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Women often have nightmares
Scientists argue that women often have nightmares and dreams are more emotional than men, reports the BBC. The study included 170 subjects, they recorded dreamed. As a result, they nightmares, reported 19% of men vs. 30% of women. Dr. Jennifer Parker of the University of the West of England said it. No difference in the total number of dreams are dreamed by women and men Another study showed that women are more restless sleep than men. One of the factors that affect the temperature was of the body during the menstrual cycle. Women are generally restless sleep and frequent problems during sleep that. Currently in her troubled life Experts were surprised that even dreams are gender differences.
Errors in the actions can be predicted for 30 seconds before shutting off
An error in the actions of one person can be predicted for 30 seconds before it is made, say Norwegian researchers. Scientists conducted an experiment in which it was possible to show that the work of uninteresting man is stupid, and often such degradation threatens employees passport and immigration checks at airports. Perform monotonous tasks of the brain starts in the autopilot, which means that the cause difficulties even simple tasks, and errors are more means to work. But maybe find a way to avoid it, as the researchers argue that the error can be predicted within 30 seconds, until they are committed. To determine this, the researchers analyzed the brain activity using a special scanner. As a result, they were able to predict the errors in half a minute before it's completed. At this point, the brain begins to work economically, less work to accomplish the same task. This increases the activity in other areas of the brain that is activated normally in the idle state. The results of this research are to develop a special system of scientists early warning pilots. For this pilot head the unit is connected, are pictures of the brain signals and warnings for 30 seconds before you think to start the wrong course. Upon receipt of such a signal, the person is focused on the task, and alert. Maybe in 15 years, scientists say such scanners equipped mobile phones and even they will not only pilots and staff passport control, but also as drivers.
Cleaning the house - an effective means of stress
We found a very simple and effective remedy for stress and depression, said researchers from the Medical College, University of London. According to experts, intensive weekly cleaning in the house for 20 minutes a positive impact on mental health. It was also found that the physical activity that is not connected to the work on the house. Also beneficial not only for the physical but also mental health Scientists conducted a study that suffering that people who exercise at least once a week, from a mental disorder, probably by 33% less than those who do not exercise at all found. The same people who are actively engaged in the housework at least once a week, suffer from mental disorders, the less by 20% than those who do not have any homework. The study authors noted that the cleaning of the house or cleaning facades should be conducted in a vigorous pace that people felt the load, and for at least 20 minutes. This burden, according to scientists, significantly reduces inflammation, improves the regulation of glucose and strengthens the cardiovascular system. But three of these biological factors contribute to depression, said the expert.
Highlights the specific parts of the body can act as painkillers
Scientists have the nerve fibers that are responsible for pleasure when they stroke, reports the BBC to find. Scientists think the nerves. For the joy that we get when we pat or hug The study was presented at the British Association Science Festival. Professor Francis McGlone, a leading neuroscientist at Unilever R & D, said that very little about how we are known to enjoy the contact. Why mother stroked his children, reassuring them that adds to the pleasure of the massage. Scientists conducted an experiment in which participants had used for a mechanism for the use of a brush stroke different areas of the skin with optimal speed. Strokes by the forearm, before legs, face done. Pats genital area not considered in this study. Then the participants will be questioned in detail about feelings. Users electrodes also recorded the signals from the nerve endings to the brain implanted. It turned out that a nice gesture activates a set of nerves as C fibers, sends signals to the brain what. In a secreted hormone responsible for pleasant feelings These same fibers also responsible for the sensation of pain. According to experts, the results of the basis for a new treatment of chronic pain, such as C-fiber stimulation can lead to the replacement of some other sensations. As a result it will be possible to replace the pain pleasurable sensations.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Found a protein that protects cardiac tissue damage after a heart attack
American scientists have identified a protein that is able to reduce the extent of damage from a heart attack and find its use in heart surgery, reports the BBC. Scientists conducted an experiment with rats, which means that those animals in which the level of the enzyme ALDH2 was high, found more resistant to damage of the heart muscle due to lack of oxygen. The increase of the enzyme reduces the amount of dead heart tissue in rodents by 60%, the researchers reported. Although this enzyme has long been known, but the new features have been recently discovered. It was known that ALDH2 enzyme in the cleavage of alcohol in the body. The researchers found that it also reduces damage to the heart tissue. Increasing the number of molecules, the repair of damaged tissue During a heart attack, a blood clot blocked stimulates blood flow to the heart, and the lack of oxygen can result in the growth of toxins in the tissues and death. After nurse Judy O'Sullivan of the British Heart Foundation, found a new way to reduce the damage to the heart tissue due to the action of free radicals during a heart attack, but still need more research, including in public, in front of this process as a medical treatment can be used in medical practice.
Walking into battle with myopia
Austrian scientists have proved that fresh air and exercise to reduce the risk of myopia, also called myopia. Scientists conducted a study, the strong evidence that the key point is to find out in the fresh air. It can be a picnic or even a normal sports games on the road. Both the first and second protect children's eyes from the development of myopia. During the last decade myopia is becoming more common. Among people with higher education myopia found in about 80% of cases. The pathology of the work, the constant need for human vision, you zoom in to focus the eyes, such as reading. Time spent in the fresh air does not affect the occurrence of myopia in children who turn 12 years of age in children is on the roads carrying more than 2.8 hours per day, the incidence of myopia significantly lower than their peers the street carrying a lot less time. In this case, the children who walk less than 1.6 hours per day and spend more than 3.1 hours at work with stress and necessary part of the focus of the risk of myopia was three times higher. Experts advise to encourage parents to walk in the street and their children's physical activity in the prevention of the spread of diseases, such as nearsightedness.
11-month-old girl helped cause of maternal emergency care
11-month-old Briton Boyle Amelia (Amelia Boyle) answered the phone, broke her mother Elizabeth Boyle (Elizabeth Boyle) at his home in Essex. The caller of the child grandmother Linda Wright (Linda Wright) heard the girl clearly said several times, the word "mother". Knowing that her daughter seizures with loss of consciousness are, as Wright, the emergency services, and immediately went to the Boyle team medic. When they arrived, 20-year-old woman was regaining consciousness and was very surprised by the visit. They are even more surprised to find who contributed to "fast". To increase help for Joey Hale (Joy Hale) from East of England Ambulance Service, cases of children, parents are not uncommon. However, 11-month-old Amelia seriously seeks to become youngest such helpers.
In patients with a high risk of hepatitis C increase in blood sugar level
Scientists claim that about two thirds of patients with chronic hepatitis C may be an increased level of sugar in the blood, according to Reuters. Among patients with chronic hepatitis C to underestimate the problem of blood glucose levels, which is often raised, said Dr. Ming-Lung Yu from Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan. The study was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. The researchers compared the prevalence and characteristics of glucose suffer anomalies of 522 people with chronic hepatitis C, and 447 people are infected with hepatitis C. It was found that in patients with hepatitis C, significantly higher risk of the rise in blood sugar levels in those Comparison who do not suffer from this disease. According to experts, this is a very disturbing discovery, because high levels of glucose can lead to diabetes. To prevent this, patients with chronic hepatitis C, you should begin to regularly the level of glucose in the blood at the time of treatment or make the necessary prevention methods, experts say.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
American Family sued for faulty sterilization man
The American couple has sued the doctor and the hospital after his wife became pregnant sterilization, in spite of her husband. Spouse Hill (Hill) from Arkansas sued the doctor Michael McGee (Michael F. McGehee) and other members of the Mercy Medical Center, met her husband, Brady Hill (Brady Hill), sterilization through vasectomy. Some time after the operation, his wife Mindy Hill (Mindy Hill) was pregnant, which naturally led to accusations of adultery. Family life is in danger. Motivated by experienced stress at Mindy miscarriage. Paternity testing has shown that the probability of 99.999%, she became pregnant by her husband, Brady, indicating incorrectly performed sterilization. The couple filed a medical staff of negligence and defamation accused and demanded financial compensation, the amount was not specified. Vasectomy - includes a surgical procedure for male sterilization, ligation of the vas deferens. After that, the sperm from the testicles are not covered in semen.
Tablets created to replace the sports
Scientists have developed a pill that your body is created with electricity that make on the couch watching TV or taking any more fun for your business. The secret is that experts from the U.S. Howard Hughes Medical Institute have created a pill, similar in some respects like his actions the morning exercises and sports. According to scientists tablets contain two active substances, the ability to burn the excess fat in the cells. Thus, they repeated the process in the body, if it occurs in sports or other intense exercise involved. The main advantage of the experts believe that "program" the new preventive agent the ability to at the genetic level, the muscle tissue, allowing them to work in terms of energy consumption, "efficient" and the slow was "tired."
Gaze causes the brain to process information better
A closer look makes the visual system works better, resulting in more efficient processing of information by the brain to inspect objects, said Finnish neurologists. Experts a study that found the importance of eye contact in human communication and the brain at the moment. It was also found that the view "eye to eye" feature concerns the neural mechanisms to regulate the norms of behavior, experts say. Scientists from the University of Tampere measured brain activity by electroencephalography. Close supervision by a person, the participants of the experiment, the left hemisphere of the frontal lobe, which affects the function of the language are selected, and on the basis of mental processes. For the first time scientists have by physiological measurements affects brain systems that are involved in the regulation of fundamental human rights motivational reactions shown look. The project results will shed light on emotional reactions related to the perception of faces and show how to develop these reactions. According to doctors, the data allow to understand why patients avoid a diagnosis of autism or other types of mental disorders often direct view.
Chronic kidney disease increases the risk of death
People with chronic kidney disease have a higher risk of death and complications during hospitalization, the researchers said. Many reasons can lead to chronic kidney disease. Among them - anemia, which increases the risk of various complications. Also, patients with kidney disease more susceptible to the side effects of drugs, experts say. The study appears in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. To assess the risk of patients with chronic kidney disease, researchers have studied at the University of Maryland hospitalizations in 2004 and 2005 in the same hospital. Of 250 thousand with chronic kidney disease at the hospital 29 were captured. Experts have taken into account factors such as weight, sex, bad habits, and other diseases. As a result, the experts concluded that in people with chronic kidney disease, 19% higher risk of various medical complications. As for complications after surgery, they were five times more likely. In patients with chronic kidney disease than those who had no such problems During a hospital stay in patients with chronic kidney disease have a higher risk of dying from diseases that are not considered dangerous. According to experts, it is necessary to take measures for prevention of complications in these patients, it requires a special approach to the care and treatment for kidney disease suffer.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Some bacteria are deadly for newborns
Some cases may be associated with sudden death in neonates with bacterial infections, the researchers reported. Scientists have been cases in which children studied had died for no apparent reason. Often these babies are doctors found dangerous bacteria. Some experts believe that the toxins can be secreted by these bacteria, a chemical reaction that eventually lead to the sudden death of a child. Every year in the UK is done only about 250 cases of sudden death in infants, the doctors can not find an explanation. The researchers examined 130 cases in which babies have died while sleeping. It was found that 32 of them as a result of infection, 33 died -. In non-infectious causes such as road accidents, and the remainder for other reasons Many of the children who died from the infection, the death was caused by staphylococci. These bacteria are found in large numbers in the clean room. Scientists believe that a different approach is needed to eliminate this ubiquitous bacteria Staphylococcus and E. coli, creating their own colony, even in places that are well treated, and where regular cleaning. The toxins of the bacteria are extremely dangerous for infants, the expert said.
Italian came out of a coma for wedding
Doctors brought incurable disease of an Italian medical coma popular wedding dresses agency held a wedding ceremony with their patients long-term partner. The woman was in the minds of a few minutes, but managed to say "yes" in the ceremony, reported AFP. 50-year-old woman named Giovanna (her last name not disclosed) suffers from an incurable form of hepatitis. Doctors found the woman's hopeless. In June, they proposed the introduction of a dying which medications to alleviate their suffering. Giovanna agreed with the proposal, but requested that some time later, she was taken out of the coma and was given the opportunity to marry her long-term partner. Marry immediately, it was impossible because of bureaucratic obstacles. The civil ceremony, held in the infirmary, accompanied alongside doctors and a representative of the community of two witnesses, and the adult son of the intending spouses. A woman who came long after the end of drug delivery could sense, yes, to answer to the traditional question of the registration officers, the marriage, and was then immediately fell into a coma. According to estimates by doctors come the death of the patient in the next few weeks.
Watermelon - a dietary source of nitrate
Useful properties of the watermelon there. An additional tool in the treatment of liver, kidney, heart and vascular diseases of the intestine It is known that watermelon eliminate waste and toxins. But lean a huge berry with caution. The choice of the biggest fruit, you run the risk of poisoning, as it can be packed with nitrates. Symptoms of acute poisoning appear about an hour after eating watermelon. Include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. To avoid poisoning, try not to eat too much. 2-3 pieces of watermelon cause any unpleasant consequences. Keep cut watermelon in the refrigerator. However, nitrates are not good another function - accumulate in the body. Chronic toxicity is manifested by weakness, prone to infection, and irritability.
Depression and bowel diseases connected
Very often there are depressive disorders in people with bowel disease, Canadian researchers reported. According to experts, contains the so-called colitis inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's disease and colitis. Both diseases are often accompanied by extra-intestinal manifestations. The researchers compared the incidence of anxiety and other types of mental disorders in 351 patients with reliably diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease and 779 patients from the general population in Canada, the U.S. and New Zealand. The results showed that patients with IBD were significantly higher incidence of panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. Speaking about the main subject of the study, Dr. Bernstein concludes from the University of Manitoba (Canada), that according to some estimates, about one in three patients with a depressive or causes anxiety disorder, worsening of IBD in an exacerbation of the accompanying mental disorder. Be examined communication mechanisms between these states on.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Regularly brushing your teeth, and your heart will be healthy
Regular teeth cleaning significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, say New Zealand researchers. A team of scientists from the University of Otago in New Zealand conducted a study, which means that a chronic infection of the mouth may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, in particular, such as atherosclerosis found - the narrowing and blockage of arteries by atherosclerotic plaques, can cause heart attacks and strokes. After one of the scientists who developed a large number of theories about the relationship between dental infections and cardiovascular diseases. One of them is the fact that proteins produced by bacteria cause atherosclerosis and contribute to its development, said the expert. Because stress proteins are widespread, the human immune system can not always distinguish between proteins of the organism against bacterial. Therefore, the immune system begins to attack the body's own proteins, as a result - the white blood cells accumulate in the tissues of the arteries, thus atherosclerosis. Thus, when the immune system reacts to an infection in the mouth, it also attacks the body's own proteins and causing disease of the arteries. According to the authors, this finding could significantly alter the prevention of heart disease. Experts argue that the oral hygiene and the control of gum disease is very important to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, earlier told American scientists from Carolina Medical Center that daily brushing causes the penetration of the blood of a large number of bacteria that can cause serious heart disease - infective endocarditis.
Cold shower helps to quickly restore lost power
Cold shower helps athletes to recover quickly from serious competition, say Australian researchers. The scientists studied 12 cyclists. At the five-day program of events Each day of competition athletes use one of the following water treatment: immersion in water at 15 degrees Celsius for 14 minutes immersed in water at 38 degrees for 14 minutes, alternating hot and cold water for 14 minutes or 14 minutes break. The study was published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine. Experts have found that the hot water recovery of strength athlete acts in the same way as a regular holiday. The researchers compared the effect of water with different temperatures - cool, warm and consistent rotation. All three types of water treatments are becoming more popular among athletes. The result was that the check-in was smaller time for the cyclists who took treatment in cold water or cold showers. In contrast, those who took a warm shower, or just relax, sports scores deteriorated. These scholars favor the use of contrast agents, water treatment or treatment with cold water immediately after the race.
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, which is held by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO). The purpose of these days - to draw attention to a million lives annually interrupted by suicide. To date, suicide becomes a problem of world health. On our planet, as a result of suicide kills more people than wars and violent death combined. Half of the deaths due to unnatural causes in the whole world falls to commit suicide. According to WHO, the total number of deaths by suicide each year, about 800 thousand people. Age, more than half of suicides - 15 to 44 years. According to preliminary forecasts up to 2020, the number of suicide may increase in the half. The main cause of teenage suicide is unrequited love. Parents often do not notice the traumatized child, or simply not be serious problem. Then the young, overly dramatize the situation and the search for understanding, venture a desperate step. Many of them want the attention and hope to get on error, setting up "indicative suicide." However, such efforts can be fatal and lead to death. In every life there are moments when the mind inevitably have thought about suicide. Cold, confusion, apathy and indifference of the other - can all entice perform a fatal error.
Found three genes responsible for the occurrence of brain tumors in children
Scientists have identified three genes that are responsible for the emergence of various forms of brain tumors in children, the researchers reported. Statistics survival rate in children with the disease is 50%. The scientists hope that their discovery to create new, more effective drugs with fewer side effects contribute. The study was published in the journal Cancer. According to Professor Richard Grundy from the University of Nottingham, the understanding of the biological causes of brain tumors in children is very important to create a more effective drugs that work on the "wrong" genes in cancer cells, but does not destroy healthy cells as in the use of chemotherapy. Experts examined the activity of genes in 74 samples of ependymoma. Ependymoma - most benign neuroectodermal tumor of the ependymal lining of the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord. The scientists found that the gene SI00A4 closely associated with the occurrence of tumors in very young children. The second gene, the researchers found SI00A6, a tumor marker in a certain part of the brain, the third - CHI3L1 cancers was found with a high degree of cell death. All three genes were located in a portion of chromosome 1, which was previously associated with poorer survival for ependymoma. Professor Grundy that the results provide a more detailed understanding of the nature of the tumors of the brain and contribute to the development of the most effective methods to combat it.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Exhaust lead to heart disease
Traffic-related air pollution increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and worsens during the rehabilitation after a heart attack, experts say. Hit small particles released into the air during combustion leads to changes in the heart and increases the risk of heart attacks. The study involved 48 people who had been recently admitted to the hospital with a heart attack, and with signs of coronary ST segment depression. All patients made an electrocardiogram. The study lasted for about ten months. Experts from Harvard University examined the participants and analyzed the data. It turned out that the changes of air pollution, is associated with negative impact on the cardiovascular system. According to researchers gas polluted air was especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular disease and following a heart attack. Scientists recommend that you do. Avoid air pollution for people with a predisposition to cardiovascular disease
Tea eliminate smelly bacteria
In laboratory studies, led by Dr. Christine Wu of the College of Dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, it was found that three types of "stinking" bacteria in our mouths, no longer under the influence of the polyphenols in tea . developing Polyphenols have properties which block the growth of bacteria. Of course, tea does not eliminate the need to brush your teeth. But when scientists say bacteria. On the back of the tongue and in the gingival pockets, live deep between teeth and gums This does not reach even the most "advanced" toothbrush. Laboratory investigations continue. Dr. Christine Wu gathering volunteers for their experiments. He will have to prove that the effects of tea on human oral bacteria as effectively as in the laboratory. But without waiting for the final conclusion we can say that. Healing and restorative properties of tea and added eliminate another very important characteristic odor in the mouth
Away after returning from the Olympics float a malignant tumor
American swimmer Eric Shanto (Eric Shanteau) surgery to remove a malignant tumor of the testis. Knowledge about your diagnosis, Shanto not refused to participate in the Olympic Games in Beijing and delay treatment until the end of the competition. Was diagnosed with cancer in early June Shanto. Doctors warned athletes of urgent surgery. However visited Shanti qualification testing and has become the U.S. national team, beating the previous world record swim in the 200 meter breaststroke. After a series of surveys of the doctors came to the conclusion that the tumor grows slowly and allows the operation to move to the end of the Olympics. In this Shanto vowed to return to the United States at the first signs of a worsening of his condition. During the Olympics, Shanto continue taking medication and regular check-ups - detected no signs of tumor spread with reasonable certainty. The athlete was out of control in the semi-competitive. Surgery to remove the cancer testis held Tuesday at Emory University Hospital. The doctors of the results of the operation will be announced on Friday. With early detection of testicular cancer responds well to treatment and have suffered the disease, patients have a greater chance of recovery.
A religious state suicide rates among
The more religious a country is, the lower the suicide cases it has happened. This is the result of experts after analyzing the statistics of 67 states reached. Scientists found the situation in 67 countries, that the least religious countries were Estonia, and the highest number of suicides reported were assessed in Belarus. Experts say the religious country Kuwait has been recognized - every year it comes to 1.95 suicides per 100 thousand people - a record low. In second place Mauritania - it takes 8.15 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. In third place at the level of religiosity were the Philippines, but the suicide rate is much lower than that of Mauritania - 2.10 per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the ranking of religiosity U.S. ranks 25th. Thus the religion of the Mexicans, but in Mexico to 100 thousand people committed suicide four in the U.S. - 11.05. As for Ukraine, in this country is 25.15 suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. For the countries of the former Soviet Union, these numbers are as follows: Georgia - 2.25 suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants, Moldova - 17.25 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Uzbekistan - 5.55 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Armenia - 1.85 100 thousand inhabitants, Tajikistan - 2.60 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Kyrgyzstan - 9.00 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Kazakhstan - 29.95 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Belarus - 36.80 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Latvia - 25.70, Ukraine - 25.15, Russia - 36.15, Estonia - 21.40 per 100 thousand inhabitants. According to experts. The suicide rate by other factors, such as quality of life and economic situation of the country is affected, which in turn religion plays an important role in people's minds, and for many is a deterrent
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Out monotonous physical labor to mental decline
Heavy physical work done regularly affect mental decline in the future, the scientists said. According to experts, not any physical work leads to lower intelligence. You need to distinguish between different types of physical work. Monotonous grind to a lesser extent stimulates the mental capacity than a job that requires innovative approaches to solving problems. Recent studies show that the work offers us not only wages, but also affects the brain, especially the relationship can be traced to old age. According to experts, in spiritual work is not completely prevent Alzheimer's disease (defined as dementia), but will be able to suspend its development.
The stress of violence increases the risk of asthma
Children who have a physical or sexual abuse, the risk of asthma is twice as high, according to Puerto Rican scientists. According to the head of research by Dr. Juan C. Celedon of Harvard Medical School in Boston, this information is of significant value for the mutual dependence of two reasons: On the one hand, the importance of screening for the presence of asthma in children - victims of physical and sexual abuse, on the other hand - so far unknown fact shows such abuse in children with asthma. Scientists conducted a study surveying 1,213 children to the violence at home or in another setting. They found that 40% of children were diagnosed with asthma. For one year prior to the study 14% of these children had experienced an act of violence, 7% have themselves been victims of violence of all kinds, and 6% had physical violence or sexual assaults are suffered, the researchers reported. According to experts, it is not the mechanism of the relationship between asthma and stressful life events. Researchers continue to work on the investigation of the mechanisms underlying this relationship. Also according to a recent study, reduces sweating the risk of asthma.
Lack of sleep is the cause of the crashes
Lack of sleep in women over 70 years, the probability of falls, which are the leading cause of death in older people, the researchers reported. Scientists have the study, which was attended by about 3,000 women age 70. The women have been for many years. Factors such as weight, age and the use of sleeping pills. The results showed that women who slept less than 5 hours per day, it happened for about two drops in one year. According to the study, the risk of falls in women less than 7 hours of sleep, up to 40%. According to experts, although the study only women, most of all involved, these results can be attributed to men. Inadequate amount of sleep has a negative effect on the body as a whole. For this reason, you need to consider the importance of sleep and do not need to neglect, the scientists suggest.
Nurse received two years' probation for a child tied to a bed
City Hospital nurse children Orekhovo-binds to bed, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment with a probation period of two years. Conclusive evidence of their guilt was. On a cell phone, the mother of one of the patients from taking on NTV The shots filmed in March 2007 in the house of infectious diseases department № 7 shows that the two-year Artem Shinkarenko diapers hand and neck chained to an iron bed. 12th May charges against the nurses were sent to court. Revealed during the preliminary and judicial investigation, the 25-year-old nurse Natalie Hearn tied the baby to bed, did not want to burden Care Monitoring boy, abandoned by their parents, said the Attorney General. Hearn has categorically denied any wrongdoing. Appeal with the Court the evidence. Nataliya Hearn was convicted under Part 2 of Article 127 of the Criminal Code (the deprivation of liberty is not related to his abduction, in relation to a minor). As to mitigate the sentence, the court found the deed for the first time, it was also considered that children abandoned by their parents for a long time in a hospital for infectious diseases have been unnecessary, that is not, for medical reasons, the campus was missing teachers. Once a judgment condemning declined to comment. Under the law, a 10-day period, may appeal the judgment Hearn in the Moscow Regional Court.
Friday, August 23, 2013
B12 prevents memory loss in the elderly
Vitamin that is found in meat, fish and milk, may prevent memory loss in old age, scientists say. Researchers from Oxford University, in a study that found people with low vitamin B12 six times higher risk of problems in the brain. The results are published in the current issue of the journal Neurology. The study included 107 healthy subjects aged 61 to 87 years. Behind them were observed for five years long. On average, two out of five participants had a low level of the vitamin in the blood. Experts believe that the level of vitamin B12 depends on the diet. In addition, the earlier a deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9), which were exacerbated by disturbances in the brain. As a result of the five-year study found that vitamin B12 impaired mental abilities, protects the memory and slows down the appearance of dementia. Experts recommend to fill the elderly regularly vitamin B12 and folic acid to their foods used (meat, fish, milk). Of course, this does not solve the problem completely, but it will help to combat age-related changes in the brain without drugs.
To force HIV to marry
It is assumed that it is possible by this measure to reduce the spread of HIV infection in the country, reports the BBC. All HIV-positive people in the state have the right to appropriate counseling office with a request to give him a buddy. Helped, especially in the last few weeks, "dating service" for HIV-positive people to build relationships has 70 pairs, officials report. Nigerian Bauchi state follows Sharia law, which does not support the use of condoms. Moreover, it is allowed polygamy, contributes to the spread of the AIDS virus. After the state government to promote marriage among HIV-positive is connected to slow the spread of HIV and mitigate the psychological trauma associated with their isolation. Meanwhile, representatives of UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS) have expressed concern about the recent development in Nigeria. They noted that a buddy can be infected by different strains of the virus, the interaction of which aggravate the disease and lead to a more aggressive strains. That is why such people should use condoms, spokesman Warren Naamara UNAIDS. He also noted that HIV-positive spouse is recommended to have children - because they can quickly become orphaned, orphans. According to statistics, about 3% of the population of Nigeria - 2.4 million people - are infected with HIV.
Russia may restrict the sale of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks
The State Duma adopted a draft federal law "On the limits of retail sale and consumption (drinking) tonic soft drinks", by the Legislature of the Krasnodar region, reports "Interfax". If the law and retail consumption of these drinks in cultural organizations (with the exception of those organizations located in or catering) will be banned, fitness and sports facilities, cultural events with the participation of adolescents and young adults. Definition of places of trade in these drinks will be done by local authorities. Ski in such areas could be particularly relevant. The proposed new law to see authors, is that the tonic beverages (in the vernacular - "energy") and alcoholic beverages especially smaller citizens, consumed as indicated in the notes to the bill "may due to lack of suitable life experience not soft drinks advertising in the media, the outdoor street advertising, and numerous public campaigns perceive. "According to the authors of the bill, caffeine, synthetic and natural biologically active substances from medicinal plants approved or extracts from, the health of children, young people and people with chronic diseases. Using the same "energy", the alcohol, "affects the type of alcohol, reducing its severity, the lack of assessment of the status of their own can lead to help reduce drinking and loss of control and the reuse of alcohol."
The rapid growth and high blood pressure associated
Scientists have found a correlation in the rapid growth of the child in the first months of the birth of the field and the increased risk of high blood pressure in adulthood. Scientists from the University of Bristol, analyzed data at birth for the period 1972 to 1974 and followed the possible influence of these factors on health in adulthood. Measurement of weight and height were measured 14 times from birth until the age of 5 years. The blood pressure was also measured when the subscriber is 20 years old. The results showed that rapid weight gain to high blood pressure in adulthood contributes. At the same time had a value of the rapid growth of the child in the first months of life, affects the increase in diastolic pressure. It is not yet clear how the perinatal factors and the rapid growth of the child after birth affect high blood pressure in adults, but it is clear that such an effect exists.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Healthy ears need cleaning swabs
From a medical point of view do not necessarily healthy ears are cleaned of sulfur, said an expert from the University of Texas Medical. The American Academy of Otolaryngology-diseases which has through the analysis of the available scientific data, published a new guide, comprehensive clinical guidelines for ENT specialists. Many believe his ears as often as possible and should be deep cleaned, the scientists said. However, from a medical perspective, the situation is slightly different. Since the ear canal regularly collects some sulfur, and he wants to clean up, it makes sense that sulfur-white - this is not dirt, it is not necessary to clean thoroughly, said the expert. That is, it protects the ear against damage and inflammation. To remove it, you need to clean your ears with soap and water. According to the doctor, is in healthy ears usually self-cleaning auditory pathways - to carry this movement jaw, next to the ear canal. Therefore only need the ear without penetrating deeper clean. This means that you should not clean cotton swab - for earwax contains useful components, including the ears and prevent infection. At the conference, said that the use of cotton swabs to excessive production of earwax in the future, which in turn causes the need for medical procedures.
Scientists have created a universal flu vaccine
British scientists have created a new kind of flu vaccine. A vaccine protects the body against all types of flu ever, scientists say. Scientists at Oxford University working on a vaccine that will not vaccinate people every year, and do it only once. Experts hope that they are able, were to create such a vaccine against pandemic flu. Now the vaccine is in the testing phase and physicians will hope that within five years, widely used. According to Sarah Gilbert, who led the study, if the test is successful, the vaccine could be an important tool in the fight against avian flu. According to statistics, in the United Kingdom, 750 thousand reported deaths from the flu. A universal vaccine for influenza will change radically and the development of the tribes, said Sara Gilbert.
What emotions are gaining weight
Anger, fear, sadness, depression, dissatisfaction, anxiety and even joy - all this can be the reason for the attack to be on the fridge. Ate chocolate drowned negative emotions, anxiety passes, but inevitably leads to problems with the figure. Habit of "seizing" emotions can develop into persistent dependence and you will sit on food, even if you are in a good mood. And that is a recipe for obesity. After a busy day cake replaces these people a dose of alcohol. The fact that increased sucrose levels of the hormone serotonin, which is for pleasure and good mood reduced, depression, anxiety, etc. "Sladkogolikam" psychologist and psychotherapist Olga Tessar recommends first regular exercise because in addition to burning calories, also produce serotonin . But do not forget about the emotional sphere. Refer to a therapist to find out what kind of emotions that cause you to eat to be desired, it is likely that their offer is very limited. If you have already won overweight, consult with an endocrinologist or dietitian. Diets that promise weight loss miracles, provoke negative emotions can and as a result a set of weights.
Depression in people with diabetes increases the risk of mortality
People who suffer from diabetes of the second type, and at the same time vulnerable to severe depression, an increased risk of death, U.S. researchers reported. Experts conducted a study in which 4154 patients were enrolled, after which they were followed for a period of three years. Patients regularly questionnaires filled indicated their health status. On cases related to diabetes and depression The researchers also found information from public sources related. The results are published in the current issue of the journal Diabetes Care. As part of the observed group for 3 years 275 (8.3%) of 3303 patients died with diabetes who do not have depression, of 354 with mild depression - 48 (13.6%) of 497 with severe depression - 11 (59, 9%). Thus, the mortality rate of patients affected with depression, more than 1.5 times. Higher than the mortality in the control group Experts say the study of the mental state and treatment of depression is very important for people with diabetes. Depression can be completely cured in diabetics, scientists say. The authors found that people with depression do not follow the diet, they are often violated mode. One of the causes of increased mortality, probably distort graphics medicines recommend experts.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Physical activity reduces the risk of cancer
In adults who are regularly active lifestyle or do physical activity, the risk of cancer is much lower, according to Japanese scientists. Experts conducted the study, which was attended by 80 thousand Japanese adults. The study lasted for 10 years. In their work, the scientists drew attention to certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and various cancers of the stomach. Found that the most effective in terms of protection against cancers of the exercise effect on people with normal weight problems was. According to experts, weight control through exercise partial protection against cancer. The results showed that, on average, is active men, the risk of cancer was 13% lower compared to non-active% and women at 16. Relationship continued even when the researchers considered factors such as the weight of the participants, bad habits, daily calorie intake. Physical activity was defined in this study, not only in the form of cargo and training in the gym, but as a daily walk, work and exercise at home, the scientists said. The study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Also, as previously reported, even promotes records for a running exercise the brain.
Sweat reduces the risk of asthma
Plenty of sweat and saliva reduces the risk of asthma, according to researchers from the University of Michigan (USA). Scientists conducted a study that people who secrete less sweat, tears and saliva, more likely to cause problems with breathing, are found. Experts suggest that the output of the fluid can then accumulate in the airways, which believe in the development of asthma, but that is too early to draw definitive conclusions for practical recommendations. The study included 56 subjects with signs of illness. The participants were given medications that make the secretion of saliva and sweat stimulates and other drugs narrows the airways in people, what symptoms of asthma. The results showed that, if the patient had a good response to the drug, narrowing of the airways, it was a drug that promotes the flow of saliva and sweat, the reaction is low, and vice versa. Even without the use of drugs, scientists see the difference between patients. Who'd have a faint sweat and saliva, were more likely to develop asthma. According to scientists, is the reason, accumulation of fluid in the airways. Although at the time the results of this study are preliminary and require further investigation, the expert said.
Nose drops stained American skin in silver
American got silver color due to prolonged use of nose drops with colloidal silver. This condition is called "argyria." 66-year-old Rosemary Jacobs (Rosemary Jacobs) began with nose drops for allergies at the age of 11 years treated on the advice of a doctor friend. A few years later, she noticed that her skin was a silver-gray. Biopsy revealed that her skin has particles of colloidal silver. After the appearance on the market of medical services dermabrasion ("resurfacing"), Rosemary was a cycle process, but even then, kept her skin silver hue. It has a case argyria Karasona American Paul (Paul Karason). His skin turned blue after taking colloidal silver orally dermatitis.
Prion infection can overcome the species barrier
American scientists have discovered that prions, a species leads to the formation of prions in other species, what. To the emergence of a fundamentally new infectious proteins And for this effect is simple contact with a prion prion protein in another test tube. In their experiment, the researchers from the University of Texas mixed normal prion protein hamsters with infectious protein mice. Can infect, this led to the formation of new prion hamsters. It was the same when mixed with normal mouse proteins infectious hamster. And the symptoms can vary from the symptoms of prion infection, "traditional" for this species is indicative of the reception of the new types of prions. According to the conductor Claudio Soto (Claudio Soto), this means that there is the possibility of a variety of different infections, prions can be very dangerous. Prion - an infectious agent, which is a modification of the abnormal nerve cell membrane protein called PrP (prion protein), which catalyzes the conversion of normal PrP molecules in their own way. Normal protein called PrPC, as amended (prion) - PrPSc. As a result of degeneration of the brain tissue by the formation of many small cavities, which damaged the medulla of patients such as a sponge. Manifested disease slowly progressive disorder of memory and cognitive functions (dementia), which eventually leads to death.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Dependent on the generosity of the hormone oxytocin in the blood
American scientists have found the reason why the people hungry, or vice versa, are generous. The whole secret lies in the plane of the hormone oxytocin, experts say. They found effects of oxytocin on the psycho-emotional men and women. It causes more favorable location to other people think can. The words of a particular person Hormones involved immediately after birth in the formation of the relationship between mother and child. Scientists have found that the type of altruism is not based on moral principles, culture and the process of formation and hormone levels. That is the level of the hormone oxytocin is responsible for the impulses of generosity, the desire to help another person and selfless action. The team of scientists conducted an experiment in which half the participants were given a hormonal drug, and the rest - a placebo. Then offered to all study participants to donate a sum of unknown needy. The result was very surprising, because the participants held a dose of oxytocin, were ready to give 80% more than the rest of the volunteers. Inheritance "hormone generosity" failed, but can be passed from person to person, such as an infection. We get signals from surrounding special trust because of which our brain immediately raises the level of oxytocin. A similar effect is thinking of the social advertising posters, pictures, of which affect the emotions of the viewer, for example, a photo of the child to cry produces. Director of the study, Professor, University of California, believes Claremont Paul Zak that raising oxytocin in the body leads almost immediately to an increase in generosity.
Ayurvedic medicines can contain toxic materials and heavy metals
Admission Ayurvedic medicines ordered over the Internet may not be secure. Specialists from Boston University found that 20% of drugs sold online contain heavy metals and toxic substances. Scientists conducted a study, which means that it found 80 cases of poisoning associated with the use of Ayurvedic medicines in the period since 1987. The study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers found with the search websites sell 25 Ayurvedic medicines. They identified 673 product and ordered the 230th After receiving 193 of the 230 researchers sent their food shopping in New England for analysis. The results showed that 20.7% of Ayurvedic medicines contain mercury and arsenic. The drugs manufactured in the United States included, 21.7% of the drugs metals. Of products found by Indians metals in 19.5%. Product containing metal. As a medicament for the daily consumption of the metal was sufficient to be toxic to one or more of the accepted standards There are two main types of Ayurvedic medicines: only with the content of grasses and rasa shastra with metals (such as mercury, iron, zinc), minerals (such as mica) or gems (like pearls) is mixed. Indian experts believe that these drugs are safe and have a therapeutic effect when properly applied and implemented.
Observation series of exercises developing brain
Psychologists at the University of Chicago found that not only powers itself to the development of the brain, and even monitor the implementation of these exercises is a positive effect. The researchers conducted a study in which the brain activity of hockey players, their fans and those interested in the sport not compared. It was found that. When talking about hockey in hockey players and their fans greatly increased activity in the area of the brain that is responsible for the planning and control of physical actions People who are not interested in sports, this phenomenon has not been fixed. According to psychologists, the human brain is capable of learning the commands that you need to give your body, even in cases where the owner does not act independently. Experts believe that this discovery will make changes to the methods of preparation people associated with physical activity.
Alcohol, even in the third knee increases the risk of alcohol dependence
With relatives in the third knees suffer from alcoholism, increases the risk of alcohol dependence, scientists say. Most of the genetic predisposition to alcoholism research conducted previously focused attention to alcoholic parents tend to his father, but recent data show that not only the closest family members may contribute to the development of alcohol dependence. In the study, researchers Cycled 408 students (293 girls and 115 boys) from American University. With the new method, the female relatives to the third degree, resulted in a large group of students who studied for about 29 percent of the overall increased risk for alcohol abuse, the researchers reported. Staff Research Center for the study of addiction to alcohol Kapoun Crystal Brown University, said that there are other factors contributing to the development of alcoholism, such as a common housing, social circle, the age at which a person first starts, alcohol drinking and smoking. Experts believe that all of these risk factors are actually related. Since alcoholism among relatives, usually smoking and drinking causes at an early age, as relatives, certainly in the areas of communication and their behavior is a model for the child or adolescent. All this in turn contributes to the development of alcoholism and problems in children in this age manifest.
Monday, August 19, 2013
In Moscow, the shop was on repackaging expired medicines
The village Obolensk Moscow suburbs showed underground workshop, dedicated spare packets of drugs that have expired, according to Interfax. The subway system was discovered in one of the businesses in the village. It carried the illegal activities of repackaging expired medicines on the packaging with a new expiration date, told police the Moscow region. If the view of the premises 4700 packets of ascorbic acid with the expiration date of the 2006 and 2000 packages were found unfit with surgical thread and 225 kg of dipyrone Chinese production in barrels. In addition, the boxes are produced with labels printing machines found the pressure of various companies, banks and government agencies, said the law enforcement agencies. Currently deals with the subject of a criminal case. According to independent experts form forgery 10-15% of the total pharmaceutical market in Russia and has annual sales of counterfeit drugs - 200-300 million.
Smoking - the leading cause of cancer
Smoking causes 2.4 million cases of cancer in the United States from 1999 to 2004, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention United States. Specialists say that almost half of the cases of various lung diseases, asthma, cancer of the larynx, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder and leukemia caused by smoking tobacco. Scientists conducted a study in which they analyzed the reported cases of cancer. Specialists examined data 92% of the American population. The results showed that in those countries where the prevalence of smoking was higher cancer rate fixed higher than in states with a lower percentage of smokers. These results again demonstrated the adverse effects of nicotine on health, said Dr. Sherri Stewart. According to Dr. Matthew McKenna Smoking is the leading cause of various diseases and premature death in the U.S., as well as the main cause of cancer. Each year, tobacco lives of 438 thousand people in America alone claimed that this number also includes 38 thousand passive smokers. The number of deaths as a result of nicotine addiction than deaths from car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, drug and alcohol addiction, experts say. Also, as we previously reported, according to a new study, smoking is much more dangerous for women than for men.
Chinese elephant cured of heroin addiction
Experts of the Centre succeeded protection of wild animals in the Chinese province of Hainan, to save the elephants from drug addiction. The symptoms of the "breaking" alleviate veterinarians used methadone, Xinhua reported. Elephant was given the nickname of Big Brother (Big Brother) caught smuggling on the border with China and Myanmar in 2005. In order to better control the animal was fed bananas with the addition of heroin. A few months later, the smugglers were arrested and released on an elephant at the Wild Animal Park in Kunming. However, observations of the animals showed that the elephant is suffering from withdrawal symptoms -. "Breaking" heroin for three years, the elephant was treated for drug addiction. The symptoms of the "breaking" of animals injected relieve methadone doses up to five times higher than the "man." Gradually reduced the number of injections of methadone, and their complete withdrawal. Currently animal completely rid addiction addiction and wildlife park in Kunming is back.
Risk of prostate cancer depends on male growth
The higher the growth in men, the greater is the likelihood that he of prostate cancer development. This is the result of the British researchers at the University of Bristol. The researchers analyzed 58 published studies that involved a total of more than nine thousand people - prostate cancer patients and healthy people. The study was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. It was found that with increasing growth males for every 10 centimeters risk of prostate cancer increases by 6%. With such men, whose growth was 30.5 inches higher than most stunted participants, the risk of prostate cancer increased by 19%, the researchers reported. After leader Louise Zukkolo study the relationship can be the impact of factors that affect both the growth and development of cancer. In particular, insulin-like growth factor-1 stimulates cell growth and at the same time can be a role in the onset and development of prostate play, and the skilled person. Zukkolo stressed that the incidence of prostate cancer in men growth is much smaller role than in the other known factors. Much more important are the known risk factors such as age, race and family history, she added.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Jogging help recover from stroke
Jogging to improve the state of the brain and the physical condition of people with stroke and undergo a rehabilitation program, according to scientists. The main problem for people after a stroke is that they do not know how to walk, according to professor of clinical neurology and neurorehabilitation at the University of Zurich is. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 70 people with stroke. Including 34 participants in the study were assigned to exercise for rehabilitation, and the other 36 participants - electric treadmill three times a week. As a result of 6 months a significant improvement in brain function and overall health in 51% of the group whose members employed on a treadmill, and only 11% of the conventional rehabilitation program. The study was published in the journal Stroke. According to experts, the participants involved on the treadmill, walking speed and significantly improved physical fitness in comparison with the second group. This is especially important because sedentary patients with stroke, the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes leads. Training on a treadmill help cerebral blood flow in stroke patients to improve even after a course of conventional rehabilitation program.
Red fish in conserving the
According to scientists, the use of fatty fish at least once a week significantly reduces the risk of eye diseases in old age and prevent macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss and blindness due to premature aging. Scientists conducted a study that examined the association between the consumption of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vision. Experts from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine concluded that the use of this product once per week reduced by 50% the risk of vision loss after the age of 60. According to experts, the useful properties for vision only had red fish - frequent consumption of white fish, 300 milligrams per day or more, on the contrary, increased to 70% risk of damage to the retina. Weekly consumption of oily fish such as salmon or mackerel, provides the body with approximately 500 milligrams of the main components of omega-3-acid DHA and EPA. British doctors are not recommended for the prevention of eye diseases choose medical supplements of Omega-3 fatty acids and give preference to its natural source.
Smoking is dangerous for women than for men
Women who smoke risk having a heart attack is the same age as men. However, the smoking of the fair sex, the risk that occurs much later, Norwegian researchers reported. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 1784 people admitted to hospital with a first myocardial infarction. The results showed that the average age of the participants who do not smoke, was 72 years, and among those who smoke - 64 years. In women, this difference was much higher - 81 and 66 years. After control of risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, the researchers found that the difference in the onset of myocardial infarction between smokers and nonsmokers 6 years for men and 14 - women. Experts believe that the reason for this difference in the estrogen effect of smoking on the risk of myocardial infarction with the level of female hormones. These hormones are known to have a positive effect on the lipid composition of the blood, postmenopausal women and thus protect against atherosclerosis - coronary heart disease and its complications. According to study leader Morten Gryunndtviga, smoking may contribute to early onset of menopause in women who are prone to this.
Recover better workplace
British doctors found a very interesting way to deal with this problem using the method of fire fighting - when ill, are not at home and return to work faster. Experts have published sensational results of his research. Employees to take leave to deal with a bad back should be returned to service as quickly as possible, they said. After going to work as quickly as possible, the employee must "feel their worth" and "self-esteem" that is beneficial to his health. Sure, stress plays a big role in a person's life, but the curvature of the spine and disease - also a major problem of over a million people each year face. And not only the patients themselves but also their families. The work can be the cause of disease, but also can become a cure for her. "To some degree, this can worsen the symptoms of the disease, but we have evidence that the early start to work, of course, if the right support can be by the employer, an effective part of rehabilitation," - the researchers said aloud Statistics. More than 400,000 people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Diseases of the back almost a third of all complaints that patients turn to doctors, and lead to a loss of 9.5 million working days per year. Most practitioners and managers believe that employees do not have to go to work, although it does not recover 100%.
Even a couple of glasses of wine during pregnancy can be fatal
If you drink a few glasses of wine in a short period in early pregnancy, it can cause malformations of the fetus, said Georgian scientists. Experts have found that alcohol syndrome affects one in every 1,000 newborns. The primary symptoms of the syndrome are the defects of the skull, such as the "palate", "lips" incomplete disclosure of eyes and a short nose. Researchers have tried to find out how much alcohol can be and at what stage of pregnancy can cause these problems. Scientists observed the nerve cells of fetal mice were responsible for the development of the facial skeleton, and the effects of various doses of alcohol. According to the study, increasing the dose of alcohol equivalent to a couple glasses of wine drunk over a short period in the early weeks of pregnancy. The risk of death of these cells, which interferes with the normal development of the fetus We all know that after drinking alcohol noticeable dizziness that passes without a trace after a while. But not everyone knows that when you wear a new life for your unborn child, the few pleasant minutes of light intoxication can lead to permanent changes that will stay with them for life. Experts recommend that all sexually active and pregnant women should not drink alcohol, even red wine. This will help them to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, the scientists said.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Coffee with a cigarette - the largest impact on the cardiovascular system
Caffeine and nicotine are equally hinder the work of the heart and blood vessels. Greek scientists decided to investigate the effect on the body, at the same time these two substances. It was found that the combination of caffeine and nicotine increases the damage to the heart and the blood vessels not twice but many times stronger. Exercise routine smoking much more complicated than the one who does not suffer from this bad habit. Nicotine causes a spasm of the small vessels, including those supplying the heart muscle. In return, caffeine has a similar effect, but otherwise still increases the viscosity of the blood and reduce the elasticity of the blood vessels. The researchers conducted a study in which it was observed 6 months for smoking coffee lovers. It was found that the effect of these two contaminants not only on, but is improved by repeatedly made. That is, they are mutually reinforcing action. Experts believe that if you treat yourself to a cup of coffee and a cigarette want, do not forget to consult a cardiologist, in time to correct the pathological changes in the heart. But better to just get rid of bad habits, according to doctors.
Under Ukrainian students, only 23 percent of normal
According to the Ukrainian medical students of different ages, only 23% of children in the group are healthy, UNIAN reports attributed. Experts reported that 29% of students have functional disorders, and 47% have a chronic disease. From the words of Doctor of Medicine, Professor Victor Nedilko Ukrainian students often chronic processes in the nasopharynx - chronic tonsillitis and adenoids, a deviated septum, and digestive diseases, poor posture and spinal deformity, abnormalities in the nervous and endocrine system to see pathology. The first place among the diseases are diseases of the teeth, nose and throat, reaching 60% and 80%. According to experts, these diseases negatively affect the entire body of the child, since the constant poisoning frequently causes diseases of other organs and systems, especially the cardiovascular system. Doctors advise students keep to the correct mode of the day, take vitamins and eat properly to withstand the workload. Also, experts recommend less television and playing computer, and often go out in the fresh air.
Scientists have found a gene that affects the stability of family relationships
Swiss scientists could find the correlation between the quality of family life and the number of men to RS3 334 gene variants in his genome, reports the BBC. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 552 heterosexual couples. Biologists have found that men who have both chromosomes. No choice gene RS3 334, more happy in the family Married men who had been present in the genome of one or two copies of the gene variant is less stable and more likely to change life partner. In addition, a survey of women found that women were more satisfied with the relationship, if men do not have the gene variant RS3 334. According to experts the gene encodes for a human RS3 a vasopressin receptor, which is present in the brains of most mammals. Previously found an association between the hormone and the monogamous voles. Scientists admit that, even though the relationship between genes and the relationship is, but weak, so do not talk "genetic predisposition to the family fortune." Moreover, in the future, the researchers conducted a study on the loyalty of the men gene surveys RS3 base.
Energy is becoming a problem in school children
Energy drinks students drink more frequently problem, experts say. Nurses warned in British schools that energy drinks can hyperactivity in children, as well as chest pain, and headache. Unfortunately, energy is increasingly used students, doctors said. The manufacturers of these products to meet that energy drinks are not recommended for use by children. This article was published in the journal Nursing Standard. Energy drinks contain caffeine, which has an encouraging effect on the body, but with a high consumption of these drinks may feel anxiety, headaches and high blood pressure. Experts reported that students who drink cans to 6.8 drinks per day. It happens that these drinks to children parents buy, but most of the shopkeepers sell them, regardless of the age of the customer. According to experts, to more strictly control the sale of energy drinks, which have become very modern and familiar to the students, as it does to get to adversely affect the health of children and their ability.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Regular exercise improves memory
Regular exercise can help older people improve memory performance and delay the process of dementia, according to Australian researchers. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 170 people at the age of 50 years. Participants had some memory problems, but none of them had dementia. A group of participants to do physical exercises as a 50-minute walk three times a week, and another group refrain from physical activity. As a result, after six months, the participants in the study tests that have shown their ability to learn. Those participants that regular exercise, performance memory and concentration were carried out, were significantly higher. Scientists have made the first study that examined the relationship between exercise and age-related changes in memory. Positive results will be held after 6 months of exercise for at least 12 months, even though the study participants make walking stopped, scientists reported. According to experts in the world with dementia live about 37 million people, so the results of this work is very important because we now know that such a simple way of exercise could slow down the process of a terrible disease.
Genes tell the place of birth of the person
The researchers, led by John Novembra in a scientific experiment examined genetic data from more than three thousand Europeans, and tried to contact the birth of these people. As a result, scientists have evidence that it has been found that despite the low genetic differentiation among Europeans, there is still a strong correlation between genetic differences and geographic distance. The study authors noted that the new method of DNA analysis will now determine where the birth of a person. Up to several hundred kilometers
Increased appetite may indicate fertility problems
Violation of appetite can indicate reproductive effects in the body, according to the staff of the California Institute of Biological Research. According to scientists for appetite and weight is the same gene that regulates fertility. This gene is used as a TORC. He played an important role in the neural regulation of metabolism. It is from the work of this gene influences the amount of food we consume, as well as our ability to reproduce. Experts conducted an experiment on mice in which scientists have several rodents that lacked the gene derived TORC first It was found that at the age of eight weeks, the animals are quickly began gaining weight, and all mice were not independent of sex to be able to multiply. Scientists believe the problem is that in the absence of the gene TORC1 hunger is in almost all the time, leading obesity. A body is not a signal of willingness to breed what. To impaired fertility
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Mechanism found in the seasonal mood swings
Canadian researchers have alterations in the activity of the neurotransmitter serotonin metabolism, found depending on the season, which can account for seasonal variations in mood and seasonal affective disorder. Serotonin - a chemical messenger that signals between the nerve cells (neurons) in the brain transmits systems responsible for the formation of the atmosphere, food and sexual behavior of energy and sleep. His role in the seasonal mood swings have long suspected. A study at the University of Toronto conducted has demonstrated a possible mechanism for this interaction. As any neurotransmitter serotonin is released in the synaptic cleft neuron signal and acts on the receptors of the neuron which receives the signal. One of the most important regulators of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, a protein carrier, exciting the excess back into the transmission neuron. Accordingly, the higher the activity of the carrier, the lower the effect of serotonin. By blocking the protein of modern antidepressants. Canadian researchers investigated the activity of the serotonin transporter in 88 healthy subjects (mean age 33 years) at different times of the year, using positron emission tomography. It appeared that this activity significantly higher in people interviewed in the fall and winter, was in the short days. Moreover, when comparing the results of the investigation with meteorological data showed that the activity of the serotonin transporter days was highest with a minimum of a sundial.
U.S. scientists have created artificial bone
Scientists at the Georgia Institute could artificial bone that can grow along with other body tissues, such as tendons and muscles to create, according to the BBC. According to experts, the artificial bone will revolutionize the field of traumatology. Bones, scientists have genetically engineered. Creation process was the fact that the polymeric material is combined with artificial skin cells. The bones have been created in the laboratory. In the near future, the new technology will be tested on animals. For scientific activities new Institute for Regenerative Medicine has received $ 250 million in the next 5 years by the U.S. government. Participate in the project and want to grow private research laboratories, three universities and a number of private investors to commercialize the technology, new organs. Scientists have found that in the past three years, many universities have to actively regenerate skin tissue around the world of animals and humans, but in all cases, the process goes to the so-called extracellular matrix. The new Institute tissue will grow out of nowhere only to the genetic material.
Paternal age influences the risk of bipolar disorder in children
The older the person, the higher the risk is, descendants. With bipolar disorder, according to Swedish researchers According to experts, the risk in the offspring of bipolar disorder begins when the future father of 29. The highest risk is in men over 55 years. Earlier paternal age is also associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia and autism in children. The study was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. Bipolar disorder (formerly - manic-depressive illness) - a mental disorder manifested affective states - manic (gipermaniakalnymi) and depression, and mixed states in which the patient has symptoms of depression and mania at the same time (eg, depression with tight, fear or euphoria associated with the inhibition - so-called unproductive mania) or rapid change in symptoms (hypo) mania and (sub) depression. Experts believe that the reason may be the aging of the seed. In the process of secretion of sperm DNA copies that older people are increasingly vulnerable to error. The study included 13,428 patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Into account such factors as the age of the father, the mother, number of siblings and a family history of mental illness. As a result, the experts see a clear correlation between paternal age and bipolar disorder. Children whose fathers were men 55 years and older, the risk of the disease was 1.37 times higher than that of children whose fathers were 20 to 24 years.
Regular stress lead to weight gain
Millions of poor children in the U.S. are overweight at the age of 10 years. This happens due to stress, which carry their mother in search of shelter and food, according to U.S. scientists. Experts from the University of Illinois, in a study that found the feeling of stress triggers hunger. For this reason, people of low economic income, are constantly under stress. Due to financial problems, and more likely to eat junk food in general, which leads to a metabolic disorder In such a difficult economic situation, the children eat more in response to stress-related problems in the family. The results show that. The need for social protection for families with low economic level, such as food stamps, education finance, health insurance Obesity in the U.S. and many other countries is very serious, the government allocated huge funds for the fight against this common problem. It may be worth more, to change the approach to solving the problem and invest in the correction of the causes that circumvent obesity, and not the consequences, say scientists.
Mother's education affects the child's education math skills
British scientists have been trying to understand what factors determine the success of students in mathematics. It is known that a visit kindergartens improves the child of the new material. But the results of the study showed that a greater role played by maternal student and the conditions under which he studied at home. A research team from College London observed with the development of mathematical abilities in school children aged 4 to 10 years. Scientists have figured out how much time children spend with their parents, whether the parents read books, learn a song that they play in the development of games that use the figures and objects in various forms. Factors such as maternal age, income and occupation of parents. The results showed that the study conditions at home, the efficiency of pre-school education in the early grades are important. The greatest impact has maternal education, there is no doubt, if the conditions in the school are also important, said the expert.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Found in tobacco, the strongest radioactive element
In tobacco found the strongest radioactive element - polonium-210, said the American scientists from Stanford University. Experts argue that the tobacco companies knew about the content of radioactive elements in tobacco and tobacco smoke, but intends to conceal that fact. The major tobacco manufacturers discovered that polonium part of her tobacco and tobacco smoke for more than 40 years, and tried unsuccessfully to withdraw this radioactive element of their products, the researchers reported. They also report that the tobacco companies deliberately hide use this information in order to avoid a greater awareness among the people about the radiation contained in cigarettes. Experts believe that the desire to hide the data, so large that to gloss over the tobacco companies continue this problem, even if it was found that the concentration of radioactive elements in cigarette smoke two or three times the original estimates. The results are published in the Swiss edition Temps. According to the World Health Organization, the diseases associated with smoking, take the life of one person every six seconds, killing an average of 5.4 million people per year. As for Ukraine, it is smoked in second place in the world in the number of smokers per capita more than 2,500 cigarettes per year, or 7 per day.
British woman, carrying a child in the packaging
British doctors were able to save the baby develops during pregnancy outside the womb of the mother. An ectopic pregnancy is detected in the 38-year resident of Plitmuta Jane Jones while another ultrasound. For ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus. In this case the wall of the embryo is implanted omentum - is contained in the abdominal folds peritoneum fat, blood vessels and nerves. From the first months of pregnancy Jane complained of abdominal pain, and therefore had regular ultrasound. During one of these doctors found next to the fruit of an empty uterus. After consultation with the parents decided to doctors to bring a pregnancy at a later time to a child to increase chances of survival. Each movement of the babies could damage the amniotic sac and the internal organs, cause profuse internal bleeding and peritonitis: This was associated with an increased risk of a woman's life. The decision to remove the child, was made after a week and a half, when Jane was admitted to hospital with complaints of pain on exertion. The operation, in mid-May in the hospital plitmutskoy Derriford Hospital performed, participated in a total of 36 specialists: surgeons, obstetricians, anesthesiologists and neonatologists. When implementing a complex and dangerous operation Doctors were able to avoid serious complications. The baby - a boy, weighed at birth just over a kilogram, kept in an incubator for several months, but now his condition is not serious.
Step - a source of health
Using the stairs instead of the elevator at work and at home can prolong your life, according to Swiss researchers. Scientists conducted a study that the use of the stairs instead of the elevator for about three months, dramatically improving the health found. The study included 69 employees of the University who were sedentary. The participants had 12 weeks to use the stairs. The results showed that such a fee significantly improved health and reduced risk of death from any cause by 15%. According to scientists, the spans and stairs at work and home is an important source of health. It is very easy and requires time and cost recovery method, experts say. However, the need for a more comprehensive study to confirm the results, experts say.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Scientists propose a more efficient method to get rid of "bags" under the eyes
"Bags" under the eyes - one of the most common age-related problems. American scientists decided to look at the causes. The most important method for dealing with the "bags" under the eyes - it's plastic surgery (blefaroplatika) area under the lower eyelid. Experts once believed that with age slack orbital septum, which holds the fatty tissue in the orbit and the fracture formed under the lower eyelid. For this reason, experts use the method in plastic surgery, which is based on the strengthening of the walls. But scientists from the University of California in Los Angeles denied this position. The study involved 40 people aged 12 to 80 years who have studied the eye sockets, using magnetic resonance imaging. The results showed that the "bag" - the excess grease, which is outside the orbit. The fact is that in the orbit gradually with age increases the amount of fat, and if its amount is more than it contain the eye socket, the fat "out" under the lower eyelid, independent of the density of the orbital septum. Investigator Sean Darcy (Sean Darcy), based on the results of this study recommends conducting additional blepharoplasty partially remove intraorbital fat, and then strengthened orbital septum. Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery in the U.S., measured by the number of operations per year is - 241 000th
Fatty acids contribute to the development of colon cancer
High-fat diet increases the risk of cancer, according to U.S. scientists. According to a new study, people who consume large amounts of fatty acids, higher the risk of colon cancer, said Dr. Lisa C. Vinikoor the University of North Carolina. The study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Many products, such as cakes, cookies and other packaged foods contain large amounts of fatty acids. These products will significantly increase the level of cholesterol that. Finally cardiovascular disease To the list of messages that the fats increase risk of colon cancer. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 622 people from 2001 to 2002. The participants were asked about their diet, physical activity and other problems prompted within 12 weeks from the start of the test. They found that people in the diet containing a large amount of fatty acids, increasing the risk of colon cancer by 86%. According to experts, should pay attention to the level of fatty acids in the package to pay, because the consequences can be dramatic.
The French invented a new method of destroying cancer cells
French Professor Alexander Carpentier with a group of neurosurgeons have developed a new way to kill cancer cells in the human brain. According to the professor, first used in intracranial surgery laser technology enabling. The need for the preparation of the skull During the operation, the entire information about the condition of the patient is provided in real time, brain cells by magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurgeon certifies that during the operation need only a local anesthetic. The patient remains in the heads and 14 hours after surgery can leave the hospital. The essence of the method is that after trehmillimetrovoe hole in the affected area of the brain through the catheter by means of fiber-optic cables to the laser beam. If the tumor is located, it is treated with the laser, so that the temperature of the cells did not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. The test of the new method was with the participation of 15 patients who developed brain metastases after a long illness with breast cancer or lung disease instead. Chemotherapy, radiosurgery, and other methods have led to a visible improvement, and the patient had to live no more than three months. Able for use in the operation of the laser method Carpentier, completely destroy the cancer cells in the six cases, the patient allowed to live another year. In addition, five cases of metastases did not appear in a few months after surgery. French scientists have created a revolution in the treatment of cancer.
Cosmetics leads to impairment reproductive function
Scientists say if use to women during pregnancy and perfume creams, there is a risk that the birth of the boy to be unsuccessful in the future, reports the BBC. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh said that the period between the eighth and twelfth week of pregnancy critical in shaping the future of reproductive functions. The effects of this period of the chemical elements found in cosmetics can have a negative effect on the secretion of semen in the boy later in life, scientists believe. But Professor Richard Sharpe said it. Not enough evidence to draw any firm conclusions Experts conducted an experiment on rats that block the action of androgens - male sex hormones with chemicals. The results showed that when the blocked hormones, the animals have problems with the reproduction. Some of the chemicals that can block the hormones that are widely used in cosmetics, textiles and plastics, experts say. Even after Professor Sharpe, these chemicals on the risk of developing other health problems in the future, such as testicular cancer cause. Expert advises pregnant women to avoid the use of various perfumed cosmetic products, not to endanger the health of the unborn child.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Cambodians have learned to treat acne creams for condoms
Residents of Cambodia have become unexpected use of condoms supplied to international aid agencies in the fight against HIV / AIDS found: the fat rubber products are widely used for the treatment of acne. According to local press reports, using the most popular among the residents of Number One lubricant condoms distributed by the international organization Population Services International among sex workers and homosexuals. Because of the rumors about their medicinal properties these condoms are popular products in the local black market. Khmer Kampuchea Thmey newspaper (Kampuchea Thmey) is the story of several men and women who helped unconventional treatment. The authors recommend publication condom manufacturers to conduct research on the causes of the unexpected effects of their cosmetic products to be determined.
In Kyrgyzstan, the five individuals with suspected anthrax hospital
Five people in Kyrgyzstan are suspected of having anthrax hospital. This is in reference to the press service of the Interior Ministry said AMI-TASS. All villagers are admitted Botho Moinok Uznenskogo district of Osh oblast hospital. According to preliminary data, the infection came from the consumption of beef cows that were slaughtered the villagers a few days ago. Since the beginning of this summer in Kyrgyzstan, several large outbreaks of anthrax. Been in suspected serious infections in different parts of the country admitted for about three dozen people are hospitalized, most of them have since confirmed the diagnosis. In all cases the source of infection is slaughtered meat was forced from sick animals.
Ukrainian school uniform can skin disease
Often manufacturers of uniforms consciously give false data on the composition of tissue-label products, UNIAN reports. Ukrainian manufacturer of school uniform is no exception. The controls Ukrmetrteststandart found that on tags is not information about the substance true. For example, in suits for boys noted that the material: Wool - 50% and 50% synthetic fibers, and jackets for girls, six - 15% viscose - 65% and synthetic fibers - 20%. In fact it turned out that the product is made of 100% synthetic. According to doctors, a school uniform cause skin diseases in children, such as the high content of synthetic substances negative effects on the health and performance of the brain of the child.
Alcoholism leads to impaired reproductive function in women
Alcoholism leads to undesirable changes in the reproductive function of women, and have had no influence on the ability to offspring in men, Australian researchers reported. Scientists conducted a large-scale study of the relationship of alcohol and reproduction. Data sample of Australian twins born two groups between 1893-1964 years. (3634 male and 1880 female twins, twins) and 1964-1971. (3381 female twins and twins in 2748 men). Scientists have found that the two groups of women dependent on alcohol, gave birth to her first child. At an older age For men, such a relationship was not found. According to Mary Waldron, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine, is the first study in which the effects of alcohol on fertility was seen in the context of early childbearing. Previously, Waldron notes, scientists have focused on children and adolescents or adults, but rarely - in both groups. According to experts, in general, the effects of alcohol on the reproductive look far. The consequences of such a relationship would be: menstrual disorders, sexual disorders, complications during pregnancy. The researchers do not recommend a man who loves to drink, to manipulate the data in this study. Because the difference in the effect on fertility is likely due to the fact that when using the same amount of alcohol concentration in the blood is higher in women than men.
The mystery of the first words of infants showed
Experts claim that. All matter in the sound structure of words Psychologist, an experiment with 22 children aged 2-3 days, which set a record for the words with repeated syllables like mubaba and foam, and the inclusion of words in which syllables have not been told several times. At the same time, while the scientists recorded brain activity of babies. It turned out that. With the repetition of words in children, an increase in activity in the left frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex While other word almost no reaction was seen. Therefore, the psychologist suggested that the names of the parents and close relatives in different languages by repeating syllables, not by random, but it is because the children are best suited to repetitive sounds. As you know, the left frontal lobe in right-handers is the responsibility for these human qualities such as attention, abstract thinking, the ability for self-control and self-criticism. A temporal process auditory information, grasp the conversion sounds in words. To close the scientists, children can be seen with the ability and learn their native language regularly born.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Scientists are developing a new method for diagnosis of cancer
At the University of Oklahoma, a new method for early detection of cancer. The essence of it is that a tumor is detected by a laser beam, said Washington ProFile. Scientists say this method is that the formation of tumors in the lung and the human breast, a slight modification of the chemical composition of exhaled air - changes are a consequence of the metabolism of cancer cells. This observation was used to train the dogs literally sniffed patient and determines whether, and they have cancer. Implemented in 2006 in the U.S. have shown that dogs nose is the correct diagnosis in 88-97% of cases. Now replace the dog is a special sensor that would detect the breath of certain molecules that are associated with cancer. It uses a low-power laser. The developers of the new method indicated that this technology looks very promising, though only preliminary tests carried out. But it is expected that the industrial manufacture of these sensors can be adjusted in 10 years.
Physical activity protects against breast cancer
Young girls and women who exercise regularly between the ages of 12 to 35 years, much lower risk of breast cancer in the period before menopause, scientists say. Experts a study that found that women with an active lifestyle, a 23% lower risk of breast cancer in the time before menopause. The study involved 65 thousand women. Especially high physical activity at ages 12-22 years, most low risk of breast cancer are encouraged. A quarter of all cases of breast cancer diagnosed in women before menopause. Numerous studies have shown that physical activity is a risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, but few studies that examined the effect of exercise on the risk of breast cancer before menopause, reduced with mixed results. As an experiment, 65 thousand women completed detailed annual questionnaires about their physical activity. 12 years For their analysis, data analyzed on a number of parameters in women aged 24 to 42 years. After six years of study, 550 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. The researchers found that the incidence of breast cancer in the prescribed age 194 cases per 100,000 women who were less active, is active against 136 cases in more. Level of physical activity, which was described by most active women equivalent to 3.25 hours jogging or walking 13 hours per week.
Sleep quality with age is getting worse. Is this normal?
Men and women 80-90 years slept less and quality of sleep are lower than those of young people, then feel tired and sleepy the next day, the researchers reported. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 5407 people. The aim of the study was to investigate whether insomnia effects of aging, or are there other factors that affect the quality. The study appears in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The researchers found that the average amount of sleep decreased in women aged 40 to 80 years and older from 386 minutes to 361 minutes. In men, the figures were 361 minutes and 326 minutes. Older people often awake at night, the researchers reported. The results showed that there are significant differences between sleep men and women. Older men were less deep sleep, and women filled with more difficulties than men. According to experts, the problem of sleep disorders in old age are taken very seriously and try correction procedures, such as behavioral therapy, biofeedback, stress and regulation of melatonin. Lack of sleep can cause a variety of diseases, experts say.
Antipsychotics increase the risk of stroke
The people that antipsychotics are at an increased risk of stroke, say British scientists. A previous study showed that certain drugs increase the risk of stroke. But according to this study, the experts concluded that all antipsychotics come increase the risk of stroke. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. The study included 6700 patients. All participants were over 80 years old. Experts reviewed the records of the participants and found that antipsychotics, the risk of stroke by 40% and in patients with Alzheimer's disease risk is increased on all three. Experts believe that people who antipsychotics, should be examined more frequently, the brain, as well as a prescription for these drugs should be very careful because of the state of mental health, pressure and other patient factors. Patients with dementia, scientists do not recommend antipsychotics in general. Antipsychotic drugs commonly prescribed for patients with mental disorders such as schizophrenia and severe depression. Also, sometimes these drugs are used in cases of severe aggression in humans.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Error nurse saved the life of an old British
Nurse filling the medical record 63-year-old Philip Burr (Philip Burr) from Carmarthen, South Wales delivered faulty mark in one of the paragraphs. This eventually led to the discovery that he conducted and timely treatment of prostate cancer. When filling out documents Burr past medical examinations, the nurse in "Do you have any problems with my prostate?" Mistakenly took the positive response, although the man was negative. As a result, led the older Briton additional tests he revealed prostate cancer. Such a survey will be carried out as a rule only when the patient discomfort. Because the tumor is detected in an early stage, surgical treatment has been successful and Burr fully recovered. Currently, he has organized a support group calls for the diagnosis of prostate cancer for all men over age 50.
Vitamin D is good for the heart
As we know vitamin D is very useful and beneficial to the density of the inert tissue and strengthen the immune system. But U.S. scientists have found that the vitamin is produced in the skin by sunlight, preserved normal cardiac function. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that vitamin D inhibits the growth of cells in the heart muscle and therefore does not allow to grow the heart, and thus prevents the development of severe disease. Study this effect several experts came to the conclusion that this vitamin to some degree "heart tranquilizer" is stored directly from the heart of a number of dangerous heart disease. During the experiment on rats in the laboratory of the experts found that stabilize the addition of vitamin D in food animals, the heart rate and blood pressure in animals, where these vital signs were increased excessively. Since the main source of vitamin D in the body is the sunlight, experts often recommend sunbathing. But getting to the beach, remember that the rules of stay in the sun was not sure aborted. Sunburns are still one of the most dangerous factors in oncology.
Scientists have found a substance in the brain that regulates appetite and weight
Scientists, the people with rare genetic abnormalities, have a substance in the brain that can affect appetite and the incidence of obesity are identified, according to Reuters. Previous animal studies have shown that the chemical BDNF helps regulate appetite and weight. The first such study was carried out on humans. The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Significance of the discovery is that it opens a whole new way to fight obesity, according to scientists. When people are a number of substances that Y. for appetite and weight gain, for example, hormones, leptin and neuropeptide Well, to their list, you can BDNF, which allow a better understanding of the problem associated with appetite and weight. Scientists suspect that about 300 genes are involved in the regulation of appetite and weight. The study included 33 patients with a tumor Williams. Wilms' tumor - a malignant tumor of the renal parenchyma in childhood. The tumor develops from metanefrosa degenerate cells and epithelial cells and stromal cells from embryonic in different proportions. According to experts, a person has two copies of the gene that controlled substance BDNF. Scientists have found that the majority of patients (19 persons). Williams tumor lacks a copy of the gene, and for this reason, it had a low BDNF in the blood. Each of the 19 participants were suffering from obesity and excessive appetite at the age of 10 Experts claim that the substance of BDNF has a great influence on the formation of appetite and weight.